


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 05 mutations do not impair M dimerization or viruslike filament formation per se but rather the abili
2 ern of M protein ubiquitination and impaired viruslike particle (VLP) production.
3 tigational, intranasally delivered norovirus viruslike particle (VLP) vaccine (with chitosan and mono
4 available for the assembly of a hypothetical viruslike particle and the connectivity between these in
5 e 3 doses of a bivalent HPV-16/18 L1 protein viruslike particle AS04 candidate vaccine (n = 1088) or
6 phosphate and nucleic acid are essential for viruslike particle assembly.
7  protein expression, proteolytic processing, viruslike particle formation, and reverse transcription,
8                                              Viruslike particle human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines w
9                                  The 115-kDa viruslike particle protein, previously shown to react wi
10                 The investigational 9-valent viruslike particle vaccine against human papillomavirus
11 attenuated or chimeric virus, and protein or viruslike particle vaccines.
12 uppresses Ty1 transposition by destabilizing viruslike particle-associated proteins.
13 this domain directed these proteins into the viruslike particle.
14 structural proteins assembled into enveloped viruslike particles (40 to 60 nm in diameter) in large c
15 enes that encode proteins capable of forming viruslike particles (VLP) with reverse transcriptase.
16 retrotransposon Ty3 results in production of viruslike particles (VLPs) and retrotransposition.
17  macropinocytotic uptake of filamentous EBOV viruslike particles (VLPs) expressing the EBOV glycoprot
18                                              Viruslike particles (VLPs) from cells expressing a Ty3 e
19                                              Viruslike particles (VLPs) produced from the L1 protein
20 e present study, an enzyme immunoassay using viruslike particles (VLPs) was used to test 254 zoo work
21                     In this study, influenza viruslike particles (VLPs) were engineered to express th
22           Among the 8 rNORs tested, 6 formed viruslike particles (VLPs) when the capsid proteins were
23 African 2014 isolate embedded in filamentous viruslike particles (VLPs).
24 vo into capsidlike structures referred to as viruslike particles (VLPs).
25 of the various combinations to assemble into viruslike particles (VLPs).
26 ncated Gag molecules to assemble and release viruslike particles and their capacity to copackage into
27              Biophysical characterization of viruslike particles by CsCl and sucrose gradient centrif
28             We have shown that rotavirus 2/6 viruslike particles composed of proteins VP2 and VP6 (2/
29                                              Viruslike particles confirm the difference between mouse
30 ts on capsid conformation, ATPgammaS-treated viruslike particles failed to saturate host antiviral re
31 g3 and Gag3-Pol3 precursor polyproteins into viruslike particles in association with perinuclear P-bo
32            These perinuclear clusters of Ty3 viruslike particles localized to sites of clustered nucl
33 VA16 particles and also of empty recombinant viruslike particles of CVA16 produced in insect cells, a
34                                          The viruslike particles of strain HS206 did not bind substan
35  by intranasally administered nonreplicating viruslike particles or inactivated virus or by orally ad
36 n-defective mutant of FHV can be restored by viruslike particles that lack the genome but undergo mat
37 e and present at high density-on filamentous viruslike particles that recapitulate the surface struct
38      Gag-Env pseudovirions are noninfectious viruslike particles that recreate the native envelope gl
39                                          Ty3 viruslike particles were found to be associated with sig
40 f human serum to block the interaction of NV viruslike particles with H type 1 and H type 3 glycans.
41 t required for the assembly of noninfectious viruslike particles, and the viral RNA is dispensable in
42 o primary macrophages and dendritic cells in viruslike particles, Vpx can enhance the efficiency of a
43 he AGM genome that can encode noninfectious, viruslike particles.
44 retreatment of the cells with Vpx-containing viruslike particles.
45 n mediated incorporation of NP into released viruslike particles.
46 yme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using viruslike particles.
47 uced accumulation of full-length cDNA in the viruslike particles.
48 d sufficient for the assembly and release of viruslike particles.
49 mutants and can be chased into extracellular viruslike particles.
50 mount of the 55-kDa reverse transcriptase in viruslike particles.

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