コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 iding a suitable target for the treatment of visceral pain.
2 lamus and the DC play major roles in chronic visceral pain.
3 onal hyperexcitability in a model of chronic visceral pain.
4 , and may be a potential target for treating visceral pain.
5 odels of acute pain, postoperative pain, and visceral pain.
6 or mediator of acute, acute inflammatory, or visceral pain.
7 tinal motility and modulation of somatic and visceral pain.
8 mechanisms by which the ECS links stress and visceral pain.
9 able probiotics have the potential to modify visceral pain.
10 ut motility, and increases the perception of visceral pain.
11 eptive effects in assays of inflammatory and visceral pain.
12 revented chronic stress-induced increases in visceral pain.
13 the involvement of TLR4 in the modulation of visceral pain.
14 (including opioid-induced constipation), and visceral pain.
15 hysiologic response, and brain processing of visceral pain.
16 reducing amygdala engagement during expected visceral pain.
17 ly to contribute to the emergence of chronic visceral pain.
18 of negative affect on central processing of visceral pain.
19 era may be insufficient in targeting chronic visceral pain.
20 sumatriptan was investigated in 2 models of visceral pain.
21 bs of the functional responses associated to visceral pain.
22 ify the receptor involved in facilitation of visceral pain.
23 redict efficacy of medications developed for visceral pain.
24 e sensation and pattern of referral of their visceral pain.
25 stions closely related to clinically treated visceral pain.
26 d interpretation of brain-imaging studies of visceral pain.
27 g butyrate enemas to induce non-inflammatory visceral pain, acute morphine administration produced do
28 ception, motility, and central processing of visceral pain; although further research is required in
30 fferents during mesenteric ischaemia induces visceral pain and evokes excitatory cardiovascular respo
31 le of neurokinin (NK) B and NK3 receptors in visceral pain and gastrointestinal disorders has not bee
34 y motor cortex) for the treatment of chronic visceral pain and new parameters of stimulation, such as
36 fferents during mesenteric ischaemia induces visceral pain and reflexly excites the cardiovascular sy
38 a mouse p-phenylquinone (PPQ) model of acute visceral pain, and a rat spinal nerve ligation (SNL) mod
40 to NTS2, may be potentially useful to treat visceral pain, and psychosis without concomitant side ef
41 hase included areas commonly associated with visceral pain (anterior cingulate cortex, insula, and pr
44 1 antagonist SB-366791 markedly reduced both visceral pain behavior and referred somatic hyperalgesia
47 te to our understanding of the processing of visceral pain, but also have clinical implications for t
48 mote gastrointestinal motility and attenuate visceral pain, but concerns about adverse reactions have
50 tate of "latent sensitization" to subsequent visceral pain characterized by extended duration of hype
51 nt of strategies that may improve therapy of visceral pain conditions using already available medicat
56 n of the MCC and related areas involved with visceral pain encoding are associated with poor clinical
63 fer in the central nervous system, underlies visceral pain hypersensitivity and non-cardiac chest pai
68 associated with the onset or exacerbation of visceral pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
69 sed by sensory neurons, mediates somatic and visceral pain in response to direct activation or noxiou
70 rategies are considered for the treatment of visceral pain in such conditions as renal colic, interst
71 c mechanisms regulate chronic stress-induced visceral pain in the peripheral nervous systems of rats.
72 gic mechanosensory transduction can initiate visceral pain in urinary bladder, ureter, gut and uterus
73 determine if ACC neuron activation enhances visceral pain in viscerally hypersensitive rats and to i
85 esses either inflammatory or noninflammatory visceral pain, most likely through peripheral 5HT1(B)/(D
86 overlap of gastroduodenal symptoms, such as visceral pain or hypersensitivity, is often observed in
88 en made towards improving the translation of visceral pain, particularly with regard to the activatio
89 ng evidence in support of the existence of a visceral pain pathway that ascends in the dorsal column
90 ative behavioural models evoking somatic and visceral pain pathways, we identify the requirement for
91 enal and rectal barostat studies to evaluate visceral pain perception measured with a visual analog s
94 s suggest sex differences in somatic but not visceral pain perception, motility, and central processi
99 c noxious heat pain, but is not required for visceral pain processing, and advocate that pharmacologi
100 ng aetiology, physiology and pharmacology of visceral pain proves the clinical importance of this pai
101 have shown a significant tonic modulation of visceral pain, raising the question of whether endogenou
102 of these models addresses specific types of visceral pain, related to the urogenital tract (n=3), to
103 displayed spontaneous, morphine-reversible, visceral pain-related behaviors such as hunching and voc
104 tage pancreatic cancer displayed significant visceral pain-related behaviors, whereas systemic admini
105 ficantly, OEA administration in mice induced visceral pain-related behaviours that were inhibited by
108 f/f/p) mutant mice showed normal thermal and visceral pain responses but were less sensitive to mecha
110 C) neurons has a critical role in modulating visceral pain responses in viscerally hypersensitive (VH
111 C plays a critical role in the modulation of visceral pain responses in viscerally hypersensitive rat
112 LR4 specific antagonist, TAK-242, attenuated visceral pain sensation in animals with functional TLR4
113 d histone acetylation of genes that regulate visceral pain sensation in the peripheral nervous system
117 ce or correct microbial dysbiosis may impact visceral pain.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Commercially availa
118 siology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a visceral pain syndrome occurring more commonly in women.
119 volved in sensory and cognitive appraisal of visceral pain; the right prefrontal cortex seems to be i
120 hosocial impairment, high life stress, a low visceral pain threshold, and activation of the midcingul
121 heral NMDA receptors are important in normal visceral pain transmission, and may provide a novel mech
126 la (RVM), a site of descending modulation of visceral pain, was determined by (1) testing the effects
127 ht be used to promote motility and alleviate visceral pain, while restricting systemic bioavailabilit
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