


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s of the same samples obtained with a U-tube viscometer.
2 d fluid shear stress applied in a cone-plate viscometer.
3 to pathological shear stress in a cone-plate viscometer.
4 ell-defined shear conditions in a cone-plate viscometer.
5 he effects of nonlinear flow in a cone-plate viscometer.
6 ticle forces and attachment times within the viscometer.
7 plied to cells via a modified cone and plate viscometer.
8 ls of fluid shear stress in a cone-and-plate viscometer.
9 ter, and shear stress using a cone-and-plate viscometer.
10  were consistent with those measured using a viscometer and density meter.
11 man neutrophils were sheared in a cone-plate viscometer and the kinetics of aggregate formation was m
12 y, which is composed of a light scatterer, a viscometer, and a refractive-index detector.
13 d transfectants were sheared in a cone-plate viscometer, and formation of heterotypic aggregates was
14 ed to increasing shear rates in a cone-plate viscometer, and levels of intact and cleaved GPVI were e
15 nal variations in adhesion efficiency in the viscometer, and that the overall efficiency is dependent
16 , purified VWF was subjected to shear in the viscometer, and VWF morphology was assessed using light
17 osity data collected previously using a CTOF viscometer, as well as with literature values obtained w
18 egation was evaluated using a cone-and-plate viscometer at a shear rate of 3000 s(-1).
19  was compared with a vacuum-driven capillary viscometer at high shear rates (>500 s(-1)), at which th
20 ells (E3-ICAM) in suspension in a cone-plate viscometer at shear rates typical of venular blood flow
21 w-chamber-based platelet adhesion assays and viscometer-based shear-induced platelet aggregation and
22                                          The viscometer can be used for Newtonian fluids and, by accu
23                                The capillary viscometer can generate a wide range of shear rates duri
24 imple droplet-based, water-in-oil continuous viscometer capable of measuring viscosity changes in 10
25 ameters; these components make the nanoliter viscometer completely self-calibrating, robust, and easy
26 we report measurements with a time-of-flight viscometer down to [Formula: see text] and up to [Formul
27    To address this challenge, a microfluidic viscometer driven by surface tension was developed to re
28                                          The viscometer employs a flow-focusing geometry and generate
29 ress (0.1-4.0 dyn/cm(2)) in a cone-and-plate viscometer for 1-120 min showed a significant reduction
30 ess (0.1-2.75 dyn/cm(2)) in a cone-and-plate viscometer for 1-120 min was shown to increase, rather t
31 rotube device or sheared in a cone-and-plate viscometer in a dilute suspension.
32 bility to readily integrate the microfluidic viscometer in other instrument platforms or modular micr
33       The analysis predicts that flow in the viscometer is a function of two parameters, the Reynolds
34              Such self-calibrating nanoliter viscometers may have widespread applications in chemical
35 literature values obtained with falling-body viscometers of the Bridgman design.
36 shear stress using a modified cone and plate viscometer, or cyclic elongational stretch using a compl
37 mechanotransduction measurements made in the viscometer over the range of conditions applied in typic
38                                          The viscometer presented requires only a basic T junction an
39    The construction and operation of a novel viscometer/rheometer are described.
40                        By using a cone-plate viscometer shear assay and dual-color flow cytometry, we
41      Here we report a microfluidic capillary viscometer that forms droplets from aqueous samples in a
42 eloped a microfabricated nanoliter capillary viscometer that quickly, easily, and inexpensively measu
43 drome were tested on the nanoliter capillary viscometer to an accuracy of 3%.
44 a self-calibrating microfabricated capillary viscometer to analyze non-Newtonian power law fluids.
45 nd then we apply this microfluidic diffusion viscometer to measure the viscosity of protein solutions
46 or, refractometer, and differential pressure viscometer) to characterize and compare the molecular pr
47            Several different microfabricated viscometers were tested using solutions with viscosities
48                                   Cone-plate viscometers were used to apply controlled shear rates fr
49                                       In the viscometer, whole blood was subjected to shear rates of
50 nsions that integrates an on-line cone-plate viscometer with a flow cytometer.
51 1) have been obtained on the microfabricated viscometer with the current geometry and channel dimensi
52 ne vesicles were sheared in a cone-and-plate viscometer, with the 42-kD protein band labeled by AAGTP
53             Such a microfabricated capillary viscometer would have possible applications in quality c

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