


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ne early death due to a perforated abdominal viscus.
2 0%) responded to stimulation of at least one viscus.
3 l exploration without evidence of perforated viscus.
4 is (77.4%), followed by perforated abdominal viscus (11.5%), ileostomy closure (6.5%), trauma (2.7%),
5 r designed to simulate the lumen of a hollow viscus and were exposed to a rapid change in CO2 from 0%
6 cal and pathological roles of Pirt in hollow viscus are largely unknown.
7 mporary replacement of full-thickness hollow viscus defects, even in the face of heavy bacterial cont
8 w the current literature on pediatric hollow viscus injuries and emergency department disposition aft
9 had no CT scan findings suspicious of hollow viscus injury were selected for clinical observation and
10 nce of CT scan findings suggestive of hollow viscus injury, the patients were observed with serial cl
11 neurons responded to stimulation of a single viscus, the other five responded to two viscera.
12 to perforated appendicitis, other perforated viscus, traumatic injuries more than 4 hours old, or int

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