


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , are stable in aqueous solution with strong visible absorption.
2 m peroxidase-mediated oxidation based on its visible absorption.
3 to explore other metal clusters with broader visible absorption.
4 gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and UV-visible absorption.
5 no-naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid fluorescence, visible absorption, activity, and differential scanning
6 l and spectroscopic techniques, including UV-visible absorption and 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopies, ha
7 ers can be produced at 20 degrees C and have visible absorption and CD spectra identical to the dimer
8                                              Visible absorption and CD spectra suggest the cobalt exi
9                                           UV-visible absorption and CD, resonance Raman, EPR, ENDOR,
10                Enzyme kinetics coupled to UV/visible absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (
11 center in azurin has been investigated by UV-visible absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance s
12 a characteristic bathochromic shift of their visible absorption and emission bands by ca. 200 nm comp
13 ay absorption spectroscopy, together with UV-visible absorption and emission spectroscopy, indicates
14 , cyclic voltammetry, 1H and 19F NMR, and UV visible absorption and emission spectroscopy.
15 e electrochemical scan cycles as shown by UV-visible absorption and energy dispersive X-ray spectrosc
16                              Stopped-flow UV-visible absorption and freeze-quench Mossbauer experimen
17  dialysate and retentate were analyzed by UV-visible absorption and high-resolution Orbitrap mass spe
18 fraction, cyclic voltammetry and NMR, and UV-visible absorption and low-temperature luminescence spec
19 litting parameters, respectively) and the UV-visible absorption and magnetic CD spectra are dominated
20                                           UV-visible absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD)
21                                      The UV--visible absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spect
22 d II) or Compound ES] is characterized by UV-visible absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spect
23                                              Visible absorption and multipeaked fluorescence excitati
24 smission Electron Microscopy (TEM), FTIR, UV-Visible absorption and Photoluminiscence (PL) techniques
25                                           UV-visible absorption and powder X-ray diffraction measurem
26                                          The visible absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopic pro
27 d a [Fe(4)S(4)](2+,+) cluster as shown by UV-visible absorption and resonance Raman studies of the ox
28 atic polycyclic compounds resulted in strong visible absorption and sharp fluorescence with efficient
29            Characterization with ultraviolet visible absorption and ultraviolet resonance Raman spect
30 -reduced samples using the combination of UV-visible absorption and variable-temperature magnetic cir
31 -modified forms, using the combination of UV-visible absorption and variable-temperature magnetic cir
32                                           UV/visible absorption and VTMCD studies facilitate resoluti
33 itration in proteins was detected by UV/Vis (visible) absorption and Western blot analysis.
34 03 mm/s, DeltaE(Q) = 0.58 +/- 0.03 mm/s), UV-visible absorption, and circular dichroism studies of th
35 g high-performance liquid chromatography, UV-visible absorption, and electron spin resonance spectros
36 ctron microscopy (HRTEM), zeta potential, UV-visible absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
37 R, resonance Raman, Fourier transform IR, UV-visible absorption, and variable-temperature variable-fi
38 nsitions and accompanying blue-shifts of the visible absorptions, as the ligand pi-systems are extend
39 21G azurin resulted in a species with strong visible absorptions at 350 and 452 nm and a relatively l
40  and we show this species to have a distinct visible absorption band and a transition moment that we
41             For one of the anionic guests, a visible absorption band appears upon host-guest formatio
42 ads to a decrease in the magnitude of the UV-visible absorption band at approximately 400 nm that we
43                                 However, the visible absorption band does not match that of the monom
44 eaction is observed upon excitation into the visible absorption band of ethidium, higher-energy irrad
45 y toward p-nitrophenyl phosphate, exhibits a visible absorption band with lambda(max) at 570 nm.
46 7% of the observed spectral evolution in the visible absorption bands and 4% in the MORD.
47  and others lead to a model in which the two visible absorption bands correspond to GFP in two ground
48                              The observed UV-visible absorption bands for the Fe(3+)-nitrile intermed
49 ts bathochromic shifts in both the Soret and visible absorption bands in the presence of Cc and an ab
50 e effect of nonplanar deformations on the UV-visible absorption bands is then probed experimentally w
51 contrast, time-resolved perturbations of the visible absorption bands of L29F and V68L deoxyMb genera
52 iew that the large red shifts seen in the UV-visible absorption bands of peripherally crowded nonplan
53 d or Co 3d --> corrin pi* transitions and by visible absorption bands similar to the corrin pi-->pi*
54 n the cytochrome Soret (gamma) and Q (alpha) visible absorption bands, respectively.
55 t a qualitative picture of the origin of the visible absorption based on molecular orbital perturbati
56 he switched state as indicated by an intense visible absorption (ca. 530 nm) and near-infrared (ca. 1
57         In this work, resonance Raman and UV-visible absorption/CD spectroscopies and MS were used to
58 uestions, in vitro spectroscopic studies (UV-visible absorption/CD, resonance Raman and Mossbauer) ha
59 6-N2 dihedral angle could be consistent with visible absorption changes and the chemical shift differ
60 re quantitated by simultaneous monitoring of visible absorption changes in the protein film.
61            We compared femtosecond transient visible absorption changes of normal, white-light (WL)-g
62 ist at C5 could satisfy the observed NMR and visible absorption changes.
63 was quantitated by simultaneously monitoring visible absorption changes.
64 sfolding of the opsins as observed by the UV/visible absorption characteristics and by separation of
65 catechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) with UV/visible absorption, circular dichroism (CD), magnetic CD
66                                              Visible absorption, circular dichroism, and electron par
67                                              Visible absorption, circular dichroism, and fluorescent
68 d forms have been characterized using the UV-visible absorption, circular dichroism, and variable-tem
69                            In this study, UV-visible absorption, circular dichroism, resonance Raman
70 -anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid binding, visible absorption, copper content, and oxidase activity
71 ing a five points regression graph of the UV-visible absorption data collected at the wavelength of m
72 iquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet-visible absorption detection and tandem mass spectrometr
73 chromatograms generated with conventional UV-visible absorption detectors.
74           We show that the shift of the main visible absorption edge does not constrain the point of
75                                           UV-visible absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance, and
76                                 Combining UV-visible absorption, EPR, and enzyme activity measurement
77 esults, in combination with complementary UV-visible absorption, EPR, and resonance Raman spectroscop
78                            Analyses using UV-visible absorption, far-UV circular dichroism, and EPR s
79       The metal ion content coupled with the visible absorption feature is compatible with the presen
80 transition of the solvent and the absence of visible absorption features associated with the Mn(II)2
81 and subunit size, amino-acid composition, UV-visible absorption, heme content, pH optimum, inhibitor
82 esonance, mass spectrometry, and ultraviolet-visible absorption identify the enhancer as lumichrome,
83 ow these results may relate to the origin of visible absorption in (Ga(1-x)Zn(x))(N(1-x)O(x)) and its
84            This product was characterized by visible absorption, infrared absorption, and mass and NM
85        We also find that the strength of the visible absorption is comparable to that of direct band
86                                          The visible absorption is determined to be dependent on mixi
87                     In this work, we present visible absorption, light-scattering, and resonance Rama
88 he self-assembly of these molecules using UV/visible absorption, luminescence, and circular dichroism
89                                       The UV-visible absorption, magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) an
90 mparison with that of wild-type nNOS with UV-visible absorption, magnetic circular dichroism, and ele
91 BPR, respectively), on the basis of both the visible absorption maxima (530 versus 490 nm) and photoc
92  varying degrees of blue-shift in the flavin visible absorption maxima while visible CD spectra of th
93 rameters obtained from the wavelengths of UV/Visible absorption maxima with solute H-bond parameters
94 S oxygenase domain thus prepared exhibits UV-visible absorption (maxima at 419 and 553 nm, shoulder a
95  a slow light inactivation and a red-shifted visible absorption maximum as compared with the more ext
96                       Transient infrared and visible absorption measurements along with density funct
97 ich are in excellent agreement with previous visible absorption measurements, showing the molecular m
98 found for the mutant D76N, in agreement with visible absorption measurements.
99 scaffold protein has been demonstrated by UV-visible absorption, Mossbauer, and resonance Raman spect
100 tical and spectroscopic methods including UV-visible absorption, Mossbauer, EPR, and HYSCORE spectros
101 ereof were shown to effectively modulate the visible absorption of anthocyanins from strawberry (Frag
102 ipates in proton transfers and regulates the visible absorption of bacteriorhodopsin and its photoint
103                                           UV-visible absorption of f-HupS has bands approximately 340
104               Under these circumstances, the visible absorption of K is expected to be more red-shift
105                                   EPR and UV-visible absorption of purified recombinant human ferroch
106  by direct observation of the characteristic visible absorption of the oxidized and inhibited states.
107 imately 1 micros) excited-state lifetime and visible absorption of the sensor simplifies measurements
108 tride (InN) nanocrystals that exhibit both a visible absorption onset ( approximately 1.8 eV) and a s
109 DNA precipitated is accurately determined by visible absorption or fluorescence spectroscopic analyse
110 in reduction was measured either directly by visible absorption or indirectly by coupling ferredoxin
111 ted at 85 degreesC for 2 h, as judged by its visible absorption properties.
112 rge-transfer interactions also determine the visible absorption properties.
113  The two [4Fe-4S]2+ clusters have similar UV-visible absorption, resonance Raman, and Mossbauer prope
114 een investigated using the combination of UV-visible absorption, resonance Raman, and Mossbauer spect
115                                     Using UV-visible absorption, resonance Raman, and stopped-flow sp
116         This combination of strong broadband visible absorption, sharp near-infrared emission, and lo
117                         The elution profile, visible absorption spectra and mass spectra were compare
118                                        Their visible absorption spectra are dominated by intense pi -
119                           The differences in visible absorption spectra between the most common grape
120 ctroelectrochemical measurements afforded UV-visible absorption spectra for both the radical cations
121                      Kinetic analysis and UV-visible absorption spectra indicate that the ability of
122                                           UV-visible absorption spectra indicated that the catalase i
123 ces, core volumes, (57)Fe isomer shifts, and visible absorption spectra make evident the high degree
124                                       The UV-visible absorption spectra obtained from freshly purifie
125                       The static ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of holo-EAL and ternary compl
126  room temperature was determined from the UV/visible absorption spectra of several pH indicators.
127                                          The visible absorption spectra of such strains indicate a hi
128 ation that is clearly evident in the EPR and visible absorption spectra of the protein and suggests t
129 ured electrochemical redox potentials and UV-visible absorption spectra reveal little or no ground-st
130                       Resonance Raman and UV-visible absorption spectra show that nickel(II) microper
131                                   EPR and UV-visible absorption spectra show that protonation of the
132                                  Indeed, the visible absorption spectra show the photoinduced reducti
133  Mn(III)SOD from Thermus thermophilus and by visible absorption spectra showing that azide binding to
134                   These both had ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra similar to milk xanthine oxid
135 d Schiff base, and the pH-independence of UV-visible absorption spectra suggests that the protonated
136                        The change in the UV--visible absorption spectra upon modification indicated t
137 to contain [2Fe-2S] clusters of which the UV-visible absorption spectra were identical to that of the
138  homolog purified as a homodimer, and the UV-visible absorption spectra were nearly identical to that
139                                           UV-visible absorption spectra were obtained for the oxidize
140 PP, however, TCPP aggregates below pH 1 have visible absorption spectra which depend on the counterio
141  rhodopsin by the following criteria: (i) UV-visible absorption spectra, (ii) the formation of metarh
142 ncreased rhombicity evident from its EPR and visible absorption spectra, and an increase in distance
143                     The molecular masses, UV-visible absorption spectra, and cofactor contents of the
144 thalene-reacted ISPNAP gave almost identical visible absorption spectra.
145 e site and resulted in significantly shifted visible absorption spectra.
146                                              Visible-absorption spectra of purified recombinant TcAPx
147                        Partition binding and visible absorption spectral measurements on the gel were
148                              The ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrometry (UV-vis), transmission e
149 n both crystal and solution using EPR and UV-visible absorption spectrometry as a function of tempera
150 scopy, electron impact mass spectroscopy, UV visible absorption spectrometry, GC and high pressure li
151 nce liquid chromatography (HPLC)-ultraviolet/visible absorption spectrophotometry (UV/Vis)-mass spect
152                 Browning was monitored by UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry and UHPLC-DAD.
153 voltammetry, atomic force microscopy, and UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry.
154 oteins also makes it possible to observe its visible absorption spectroscopic features more clearly.
155 r confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and visible absorption spectroscopic studies.
156                 Femtosecond transient IR and visible absorption spectroscopies have been employed to
157 onal theory, nuclear magnetic resonance, and visible absorption spectroscopies provide valuable insig
158           From X-ray absorption, EPR, and UV/visible absorption spectroscopies, we have shown that al
159 etic parameters with the aid of (1)H NMR and visible absorption spectroscopies.
160 EM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-vis).
161                                           UV-visible absorption spectroscopy also revealed the presen
162 d from purified NirS and characterized by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and finally identified b
163 ted with pH-dependent resonance Raman and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and molecular mechanics
164  the acrylic double bond, as indicated by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and resonance Raman spec
165                                           UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and transmission electro
166 inic acid in n-dodecane have been studied by visible absorption spectroscopy and X-ray absorption fin
167 by 1H and 19F NMR for 4 and by 1H NMR and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy for 3.
168 ymes with magnetic circular dichroism and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy in order to determine th
169 ) nanocrystal formation was studied using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy integrated with an autom
170                                           UV-visible absorption spectroscopy of both human and murine
171 e photoproduct dynamics by using ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy on the 10(-7)-10(-1) s t
172                                           UV/visible absorption spectroscopy showed that the pKa is >
173  extraction followed by HPLC analysis and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy support the above model
174                        In this report, using visible absorption spectroscopy we show that the electro
175 e exclusion chromatography, (1)H NMR, and UV/visible absorption spectroscopy with cobalt(II) as a spe
176 ingle-crystal x-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, and scanning electron m
177                           With the aid of UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectrosco
178           This compound was characterized by visible absorption spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy,
179 orm IR difference spectroscopy combined with visible absorption spectroscopy, isotope labeling, and e
180 yl)porphyrins have been investigated with UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, resonance Raman spectro
181            Characterization with ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, solid-state nuclear mag
182  The nanocrystals are characterized using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, transmission electron m
183 fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, zeta potential analysis
184 mine, and tyramine was carried out, using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy.
185 rystal lattice is confirmed by time-resolved visible absorption spectroscopy.
186 xidase has been investigated by Raman and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy.
187 etal binding site and probed by EXAFS and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy.
188  of the modified HBC were investigated by UV/visible absorption spectroscopy.
189 nant human CBS by static and stopped-flow UV-visible absorption spectroscopy.
190 as A2E levels were quantified by HPLC and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy.
191 cale at 295 K by using transient ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy.
192 gives rise to a shoulder at 391 nm in the UV/visible absorption spectrum and indicates that the hydro
193  of SRFA in the dialysate had a different UV-visible absorption spectrum and was enriched in low mole
194 litatively similar perturbations of the MTOX visible absorption spectrum are observed for complexes f
195                             Co-TrzN showed a visible absorption spectrum characteristic of other memb
196                  This double mutant had a UV-visible absorption spectrum consistent with a protonated
197  environmental sensitivity of quercetin's UV-visible absorption spectrum gave information about querc
198                                          The visible absorption spectrum in solution is characteristi
199                The peak of the excited-state visible absorption spectrum is shifted to ca. 490 nm, an
200 ATATGGCCATATAT)] have been examined by using visible absorption spectrum methods.
201 n of the DHOase secondary structure, but the visible absorption spectrum of a Co(2+)-substituted DHOa
202 The PAS instrument is used to measure the UV-visible absorption spectrum of ambient aerosol demonstra
203                              The ultraviolet/visible absorption spectrum of E.NAD+ from denaturation-
204                                          The visible absorption spectrum of FeIIMb-CN has a split alp
205                          In addition, the UV-visible absorption spectrum of H77Y Fe(II) CooA without
206       We also report that the maximum of the visible absorption spectrum of human MnSOD (epsilon480 =
207                                       the UV-visible absorption spectrum of L-Arg-bound ferric full l
208 h a positively charged Arg did not shift the visible absorption spectrum of PR.
209 llamine (SNAP), indicate a rapid loss of the visible absorption spectrum of the [2Fe-2S] cluster.
210                                          The visible absorption spectrum of the cobalt(II) complex is
211 ed by a bathochromically shifted band in the visible absorption spectrum of the DASA.
212      This yields a significant change in the visible absorption spectrum of the film, with a decrease
213 alently attached to the polypeptide, and the visible absorption spectrum of the mutant protein is ide
214                        The dependence of the visible absorption spectrum of the oxy-ferrous complex o
215                                          The visible absorption spectrum of this intermediate closely
216                                          The visible absorption spectrum of W161F MnSOD in the inhibi
217  mol of S (2-) per ApbC monomer and had a UV-visible absorption spectrum similar to known [4Fe-4S] cl
218 n of the C9-linked perylene wire) exhibits a visible absorption spectrum that is the sum of the spect
219 rified N-terminal domain has an identical UV/visible absorption spectrum to the wild-type protein and
220                       Q143N MnSOD lacked the visible absorption spectrum typical of wild-type Mn(III)
221                                       The UV-visible absorption spectrum was characteristic of iron-s
222  chromatography (HPTLC) and a characteristic visible absorption spectrum with a peak near 450 nm.
223 ectrum of the chromophores was compared with visible absorption spectrum, and both were deconvoluted.
224 concentrations is in agreement with CPO-II's visible absorption spectrum, which shows no change over
225 ibit intense metal-to-ligand charge-transfer visible absorptions that are red-shifted and more intens
226 buted to the broad, high oscillator strength visible absorption, the ordered molecular packing, and a
227   Further, we investigate the nature of this visible absorption using electron attachment/detachment
228  were investigated using a combination of UV-visible absorption, variable temperature magnetic circul
229 results, taken together with the previous UV-visible absorption, variable temperature magnetic circul
230 ty of methods including electrochemistry, UV-visible absorption, variable temperature photoluminescen
231 e been investigated by the combination of UV/visible absorption, variable-temperature magnetic circul
232                                              Visible absorption, visible circular dichroism, and elec
233                                       The UV-visible absorption, X- and Q-band EPR, and Cu EXAFS spec

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