


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                   The notochord is the first visibly abnormal structure in mutant embryos, and disint
2                     Colonies of lasR mutants visibly accumulated the iridescent intercellular signal
3 ted above the DNA melting temperature, while visibly accumulating at the interparticle contacts below
4 kea1kea2 and a single mutation that does not visibly affect chloroplast structure, kea3, impaired the
5 n analyses show that loss of hibris does not visibly affect embryonic CNS or somatic muscle developme
6                           Sham flaps did not visibly affect lymphatic function nor did they cause any
7 ome sequencing of DNA from paired samples of visibly affected and normal tissue from 3 persons with t
8  lining of the normal articular cavity, most visibly along the cartilage surface.
9 Unexpectedly, cholesterol depletion does not visibly alter the distribution of a crosslinked or uncro
10 upstream region of frtA, but binding was not visibly altered by fructose, further supporting the hypo
11 ate-supplemented media formulations were not visibly altered by the treatment.
12 bution of actin-based podosome formation are visibly altered in BMDCs lacking SLP-76 following integr
13 r showed that common cancer pathways are not visibly altered in FL-HCC but identified two novel struc
14 nzyme complexes with substrate or TS are not visibly altered on protonation of His241, a most unusual
15 nal diameter and synaptic morphology are not visibly altered.
16  compared with 1.7%, 0.6%, and 1.3% for legs visibly and functionally normal.
17           Fat-constrained PET reconstruction visibly and quantitatively increased resolution and cont
18 s that dictates kinetochore formation and is visibly apparent as heterochromatin that bridges sister
19  uptake of (99m)Tc-liposomal doxorubicin was visibly apparent in the ablated tumors.
20 ies (BBs) are microtubule scaffolds that are visibly asymmetrical because they have attached auxiliar
21 all stages of HIV-1 infection but occur most visibly at times of prolonged viral antigen suppression
22                                  Analysis of visibly ataxic Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mice rev
23                             This network was visibly attenuated in subjects with glaucoma.
24          With magnetic targeting, cells were visibly attracted toward the magnet and accumulated arou
25 loody diarrhea (OR, 18.6 [CI, 7.4 to 48.6]), visibly bloody stool specimens (OR, 8.1 [CI, 3.6 to 18.3
26  O157:H7 was more likely to be isolated from visibly bloody stool specimens than from specimens witho
27 was the pathogen most commonly isolated from visibly bloody stool specimens that yielded a bacterial
28              The final gel properties varied visibly but not systematically.
29 ve 3'-phosphodiesterase enzymes are detected visibly by the loss of radioactivity at a position corre
30 pse at end expiration; and type III, alveoli visibly change size during tidal ventilation and complet
31 ar size during ventilation; type II, alveoli visibly change size during ventilation but do not totall
32              RACE describes all alveoli that visibly change volume with ventilation, regardless of wh
33 hotosynthesis to invade new environments and visibly changed the face of the Earth.
34 a photoswitchable DNA-based dimeric dye that visibly changes fluorescence from green to blue upon UV
35 tions (MFCs) were determined by subculturing visibly clear wells from the MIC microtiter plates.
36                                  Nucleodyes, visibly colored chromophoric nucleoside analogues, are r
37 antly disrupted, and myofibril alignment was visibly compromised.
38 ly dynamic and accessible even when they are visibly condensed.
39 l, 6.0 to 41), injury with a device that was visibly contaminated with the source patient's blood (od
40 n content, and we demonstrate that CpepSfGFP visibly declines upon diabetes progression in live lepR(
41       Replicating mitotic chromosomes became visibly decondensed, and, after DNA replication was comp
42                                 Growth cones visibly deform substrates with a compliance commensurate
43 aete worm, Alvinella pompejana, is host to a visibly dense fleece of episymbionts on its dorsal surfa
44 rogeny, allowing transgene inheritance to be visibly detected.
45 nally derived genome, the PSR chromosome was visibly devoid of the H3K27me1 and H4K20me1 marks.
46                          fon1 flowers become visibly different from wild-type flowers at stage 6, whe
47  33 independently isolated mutants that were visibly different from wild-type were identified.
48  striatal target, the cerebellum, results in visibly diminished innervation.
49 (6)-derived mouse embryonic fibroblasts have visibly disorganized membranes, unprocessed internal ves
50 eria present during clot formation produce a visibly disorganized microstructure that increases clot
51 uginosa only where the basement membrane was visibly disrupted by scratch injury, suggesting that the
52 ver, the absence of blocking events that are visibly distinct from closing events in K(+) channels ma
53 sister chromatids appear as two adjacent but visibly distinct rods.
54 d that apparent doubleness can be deceiving: Visibly distinct sister chromatids often cannot be separ
55 s for the ENU-mutagenized proximal Chr 5 and visibly distinguishable from nonhomozygous littermates,
56 thal concentration in which spirochetes were visibly distressed by the antibody but not lysed.
57 omains at the LE-LC phase transition are not visibly disturbing the phase transition but disrupting t
58      Assemblages closest to vent sources are visibly dominated by a new species of anomuran crab, Kiw
59 of enzymatic transformations, which generate visibly emissive isofunctional cofactors based on an iso
60 escent, and hence, generated by using either visibly emitting ions (such as Eu(III), Tb(III) and Sm(I
61 reased approximately sixfold, accompanied by visibly enhanced current noise.
62 for over 100 years, especially as it becomes visibly extreme during drought.
63 ntify landed BACs for which the FISH signals visibly flanked the centromere.
64   Once an area closed to fishing was free of visibly floating oil and all sensory and chemical result
65 r groups, the weaker acceptor groups exhibit visibly fluorescent intramolecular charge transfer (ICT)
66                                              Visibly fluorescent proteins (FPs) from jellyfish and co
67 Tb(3+)/DPA complex to form, giving rise to a visibly fluorescent solution.
68 ateral peptide-peptide interactions and were visibly fluorescent under UV light.
69                Echocardiographic analysis of visibly healthy wild-type RhoA transgenic mice revealed
70       We find that specimens of GroEL-GS are visibly heterogeneous, due to incomplete loading of GroE
71 pe, the sample after solvent evaporation was visibly heterogeneous, which resulted in shot-to-shot va
72 d target images of developing brains yielded visibly high-quality results.
73 tantly, no anchoring of reentrant rotors was visibly identifiable in arrhythmia movies.
74  inclusion of parathymic lymph nodes and, in visibly ill animals, to the infiltration of the thymus b
75                       The new energy ranking visibly improves the agreement between theory and experi
76 asingly being explored as therapeutics, most visibly in cancer immunotherapy.
77            The flower of Hibiscus trionum is visibly iridescent, and the iridescence can be captured
78          In higher mammals this structure is visibly laminated, such that input from the two eyes rem
79 from the squid Euprymna scolopes that is not visibly luminescent in culture.
80 ave developed a universal reporter system to visibly mark chromosomes for genetic screens in the mous
81                               Engineering of visibly marked inversions and deficiencies is an importa
82 tandard electrophysiological methods and was visibly marked using iontophoresis of pontamine sky blue
83                                  We used the visibly marked, recessive, lethal inversion Rump White (
84 le (-1) to less stable (4) and eventually to visibly mobile (999) was observed after three measuremen
85                The method yields DNA that is visibly more intact than that purified from a standard a
86 usion that his or her voice emerges from the visibly moving mouth of the puppet [1].
87 rease in absorbance at 228 nm over time were visibly nonlinear, requiring a logarithmic approximation
88                      Soybean plants were not visibly nutrient- or water-stressed.
89 hus, the term "collapse" in RACE refers to a visibly obvious collapse of the alveolus during expirati
90 e VP softening because VS softening does not visibly occur within the transition.
91  that the arrow of time is painted much more visibly on another self-standing phenomenon: the occurre
92 tter mean diffusivity, however, was apparent visibly on the quantitative attenuation coefficient maps
93 , paxillin was the first component to appear visibly organized in protrusive regions of the cell.
94 general phenomenon, whereby reef corals turn visibly pale because of the loss of their symbiotic dino
95 p2c with antisense oligonucleotides does not visibly perturb development.
96 mbined with lipid A and CpG and that it also visibly precipitated CpG.
97  males proven to be fertile, and none became visibly pregnant or produced offspring.
98                             Sucrose solution visibly preserved the protoplast viability and slightly
99 on, from every breath that we take, to every visibly purposeful action that we perform.
100 n system produced a positive result that was visibly recognizable with amounts as low as 1000 molecul
101 atectomy are usually drawn in the absence of visibly recurrent disease.
102               In addition, K562 cells become visibly red after Sp1 knockdown.
103 observed in normal rat heart mitochondria is visibly reduced in diabetic samples, where OGT is misloc
104 atives of DNR with lowered pKa values showed visibly reduced lysosomal sequestration in two separate
105                                sIgA Abs also visibly reduced toxin binding to the luminal surfaces of
106 ves, starch hyperaccumulation is greatest in visibly senescing regions but also observed in green tis
107 ied in 21.7% of the cohort with 12.8% having visibly severe insults.
108 e other hand, neither Notch1 nor cyclin E is visibly stabilized in the BM of Fbw7-deficient mice.
109  teeth, where they can present clinically as visibly stained brown/green teeth.
110 elogenin, enamelin, and enamelysin result in visibly, structurally, or mechanically defective enamel.
111 ich enables these balancer chromosomes to be visibly tracked in mouse stocks.
112         Here we experimentally demonstrate a visibly transparent thermal blackbody, based on a silica
113 volumes corresponding to mixed micelles were visibly turbid, irrespective of the eluant used.
114 l myeloid progenitor cells FUS, although not visibly ubiquitinated, undergoes proteasome-dependent de
115 d physical health, although lung fibrosis is visibly unaltered.
116                Visual examination shows that visibly unperturbed vesicles are often found adjacent to
117           Sulfite propofol emulsion began to visibly yellow at about 6-7 hrs.

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