


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ly involved in decision-making and selective visual attention.
2 a form of competitive selection required for visual attention.
3 ap for control of saccadic eye movements and visual attention.
4 ual stimuli under distributed versus focused visual attention.
5 tion and has been a focus of many studies on visual attention.
6 nificant role individual differences play in visual attention.
7 ed audiovisual attention relative to focused visual attention.
8 d context dependence of socially transmitted visual attention.
9 ints on the functional brain organization of visual attention.
10 entifying the neural mechanisms of selective visual attention.
11 ributed audiovisual attention versus focused visual attention.
12 on that is modulated by perceptual input and visual attention.
13 ature processing interfaces with its role in visual attention.
14  and disrupt the goal-directed allocation of visual attention.
15 ive connectivity of cerebellar crus I during visual attention.
16 efrontal cortex in the bottom-up guidance of visual attention.
17 es, and that the choice process is guided by visual attention.
18 on times, and reduced latencies to disengage visual attention.
19 man subjects as a marker for the strength of visual attention.
20 t saccades and by the visual system to guide visual attention.
21 gly contradictory findings on the effects of visual attention.
22 selection for saccades and the generation of visual attention.
23 key (macaca mulatta) is affected by top-down visual attention.
24 yers outperform non-players on some tests of visual attention.
25 d explain the link between microsaccades and visual attention.
26 ty limitations predicted by most theories of visual attention.
27 ed focus on efficient coding in the field of visual attention.
28 y a key role in controlling the spotlight of visual attention.
29 id not support a high-level understanding of visual attention.
30  other information, a process referred to as visual attention.
31 ortex, and FEF modulates IPS, in relation to visual attention.
32 w details about neuronal interactions during visual attention.
33 graphic variables, miles driven, vision, and visual attention.
34 y deafness causes enhancements in peripheral visual attention.
35 connection between cholinergic signaling and visual attention.
36 increased demands on the limited capacity of visual attention.
37  impairments reflect temporal constraints on visual attention.
38 ns and superior choice accuracy in a test of visual attention.
39  participates in the reward-based control of visual attention.
40 be related to hemispheric specialization for visual attention.
41 ness for unattended events: the dark side of visual attention.
42 rospective cancers did not attract prolonged visual attention.
43 es but does depend on cognitive factors like visual attention.
44 for analyzing the functional neuroanatomy of visual attention.
45 ups, or surfaces, which serve as targets for visual attention.
46  basis for the effects of spatially directed visual attention.
47 Hebbian learning, binaural localization, and visual attention.
48 howing an auditory-phasic alerting effect in visual attention.
49 specialized for the control of feature-based visual attention.
50 ed at the stimulation site, was amplified by visual attention.
51 teractions between cortical loci controlling visual attention.
52 thalamus in the interplay between memory and visual attention.
53  intriguing link between spatial hearing and visual attention.
54 ions, with higher ASSRs during auditory than visual attention.
55 er movement, in analogy to current models of visual attention.
56 e dissociable impairments on a reaction time visual attention (5-choice) task.
57                                              Visual attention affects both perception and neuronal re
58 ere we report the ipsilateral enhancement of visual attention after repetitive transcranial magnetic
59                                              Visual attention allows an observer to select certain vi
60          Here we present evidence that human visual attention also includes a high-level category-spe
61 f emotional perception and how it relates to visual attention and awareness is likely to require furt
62 nds as far as contributing to the control of visual attention and awareness.
63  implications of this view for understanding visual attention and eye movement control.
64 ith all visual areas, has been implicated in visual attention and in control of eye movements.
65 the specific prefrontal circuits controlling visual attention and its neural correlates within the pr
66 cantly associated with poorer performance in visual attention and learning/concentration.
67 cortex is crucial for the analysis of space, visual attention and movement.
68                                We argue that visual attention and number word knowledge influence eac
69  conscious face perception in particular and visual attention and perceptual awareness in general.
70 udies have explored the neural correlates of visual attention and selection, few have examined the re
71  part in the neuronal changes resulting from visual attention and stimulus salience.
72  could not be explained by global changes in visual attention and were specific to value and reward p
73 rtical dorsal attention network responses to visual attention and working memory tasks.
74 with deterioration in cognitive performance (visual attention and working memory).
75 r colliculus are involved in the guidance of visual attention, and describe the priority map model, w
76 ucidate relationships between eye movements, visual attention, and insight, all of which are employed
77 g contrast adaptation, surround suppression, visual attention, and multisensory integration.
78 vity was primarily associated with selective visual attention, and not oculomotor preparation.
79 he functioning of neural networks subserving visual attention, and that these changes are related to
80 ously, TRN activity is modified by shifts of visual attention, and these attentional changes could in
81 relate with psychophysical performance, with visual attention, and with subjective perceptual experie
82 The results show that specific components of visual attention are affected by APOE genotype and that
83                  Neuronal signals related to visual attention are found in widespread brain regions,
84                                    Shifts in visual attention are known to covertly enhance processin
85 on mechanisms--collectively termed selective visual attention--are guided by intrinsic, bottom-up and
86 ced changes in catecholamine transmission in visual attention areas (eg, occipital and superior parie
87 ation in areas traditionally associated with visual attention, arousal, and motor activation.
88 on of human white matter pathways subserving visual attention, as assessed by diffusion magnetic reso
89 on between bumping while walking and divided visual attention, as measured by the useful field of vie
90              It is now well established that visual attention, as measured with standard spatial atte
91 ociated with worse executive functioning and visual attention at 12 months.
92 ations, for example, auditory enhancement of visual attention (AV) and visual enhancement of auditory
93 so suggest a separate and additional bias of visual attention away from the affected hand.
94 us is suspected to have an important role in visual attention, based on its widespread connectivity w
95 re unveiled, and a representative successful visual attention behavior for each stage of the operatio
96 s gaze response will lead to the transfer of visual attention between crowd members, but it is not su
97 que was compared with training that requires visual attention but not exploration.
98 h-sensitive S cones interfere with shifts of visual attention but not with shifts of gaze (saccades).
99 ubjects performed a task requiring shifts of visual attention (but not of gaze) from one location to
100 ditory attention, showing a reduction during visual attention, but no change during auditory attentio
101 arly deafness does not enhance all facets of visual attention, but rather its effects are quite speci
102 cortex are associated with eye movements and visual attention, but their specific contributions are p
103 t, while cholinergic enhancement facilitates visual attention by increasing activity in extrastriate
104  (ACh) and noradrenaline (NA) in arousal and visual attention by simultaneously measuring ACh and NA
105 using a hierarchical approach to determining visual attention, by making an immediate decision based
106                                              Visual attention can affect both neural activity and beh
107 d LTD-like plasticity suggest that voluntary visual attention can exert an important influence on the
108 ration of low-level perceptual responses and visual attention can explain microsaccade rate and direc
109                                              Visual attention can improve behavioral performance by a
110                Here, we investigated whether visual attention can modulate neural responses to other
111                                    Selective visual attention can strongly influence perceptual proce
112 er a wide range of conditions, including how visual attention changes the gains of neurons in visual
113 mpromise, and reduced phase synchrony during visual attention compared with healthy children.
114 hypothesis that the mechanisms implicated in visual attention continue to modulate occipital cortex i
115 V1), and cuneus; neural phase synchrony to a visual attention cue during visual-motor task; and react
116 ic potential that durably improves resistant visual attention deficits after brain injury.
117 selectivity accounts for previously reported visual attention deficits in schizophrenia.
118                           This modulation of visual attention dependent on whether pedestrians are in
119                                    Selective visual attention describes the tendency of visual proces
120                                              Visual attention dramatically improves the perception of
121 determine whether the neuronal correlates of visual attention during neutral cueing are similarly int
122 r search behaviors and methods of allocating visual attention during polyp identification.
123 tectable, because they do not draw prolonged visual attention during visual search for breast cancers
124                      Contrasting theories of visual attention emphasize selection by spatial location
125                                              Visual attention enables an observer to select specific
126                                              Visual attention enables observers to select behaviorall
127                                    Selective visual attention enables organisms to enhance the repres
128                                              Visual attention enhances the responses of visual neuron
129 g/memory, auditory attention/working memory, visual attention/executive function, and speeded languag
130 d spatial behavior, including the control of visual attention, eye movements, and reaching.
131          To determine the role of vision and visual attention factors in automobile crash involvement
132  we trained monkeys to covertly deploy their visual attention from a central fixation point to one of
133 ich participants were required to move their visual attention from face or nonface central fixation s
134 g toddlers had more difficulties disengaging visual attention from faces than toddlers with ASD.
135   The pulvinar is an important structure for visual attention function.
136                   Traditionally, research on visual attention has been focused on the processes invol
137                                              Visual attention has many effects on neural responses, p
138                      For this reason, infant visual attention has the potential to be a sensitive mea
139                                   Effects of visual attention have been observed in both microsaccade
140  Retinotopic borders, motion processing, and visual attention have been the topics of several fMRI st
141                     Although most studies of visual attention have examined the effects of shifting a
142                    Many studies of bottom-up visual attention have focused on identifying which featu
143                        Recent experiments on visual attention have shown that this modulation can hav
144 rther elucidate the role of SC in endogenous visual attention, high-resolution fMRI was used to demon
145                                    Models of visual attention hold that top-down signals from frontal
146                                              Visual attention improves perception for an attended loc
147                                     Top-down visual attention improves perception of selected stimuli
148 results for the first time quantify atypical visual attention in ASD across multiple levels and categ
149    Here, we investigate neural correlates of visual attention in behaving honeybees (Apis mellifera).
150 re we propose neural signatures of selective visual attention in epidural recordings as a fast, relia
151 hat, to understand goal-directed behavior or visual attention in flies, it may be most informative to
152 ts establish changes in different aspects of visual attention in habitual video-game players as compa
153 roach and eye-tracking methodology to assess visual attention in human and macaque infants to faces n
154 us reports of occipital alpha reduction with visual attention in human EEG.
155 ts that the neuronal activity that underlies visual attention in humans is similar to that found in o
156                                   Studies of visual attention in monkeys typically measure neuronal a
157  is crucial for intermediate form vision and visual attention in nonhuman primates.
158 ally affects task-associated response during visual attention in patients and healthy controls.
159 developmental tests and specialized tests of visual attention in pilot trials of prenatal iodine supp
160 served significant and predictable biases in visual attention in response to both forms of stimulatio
161  of specific disruption in neural systems of visual attention in schizophrenia.
162 ical measurements to study the deployment of visual attention in the brains of humans and nonhuman pr
163 gion for the endogenous control of selective visual attention in the human brain.
164 ue perception, intermediate form vision, and visual attention in the upper contralateral visual field
165 ously manipulated to control for the role of visual attention in the valuation computation.
166  are discussed within the scope of models of visual attention in which the pulvinar facilitates commu
167 l search paradigm, which is known to require visual attention, in this study the efficacy of the tech
168 g constructs including selective and divided visual attention, inhibitory control, flexibility, impul
169                                    Selective visual attention involves dynamic interplay between atte
170                    Thus, without V4 and TEO, visual attention is 'captured' by strong stimuli, regard
171                    The spatial topography of visual attention is a distinguishing and critical featur
172                 These data suggest that poor visual attention is a significant risk factor for bumpin
173 re, we ask if this cross-modal plasticity of visual attention is accompanied by an increase in the nu
174            Recent work has demonstrated that visual attention is allocated to stimulus features that
175                                              Visual attention is attracted by salient stimuli that 'p
176 g the preparation of saccadic eye movements, visual attention is confined to the target of intended f
177                                              Visual attention is controlled by activity in posterior
178                                              Visual attention is generally important for resolving co
179                                              Visual attention is guided to stimuli either on the basi
180                         Here we test whether visual attention is necessary to produce rivalry.
181                                              Visual attention is often understood as a modulatory fie
182                    The development of infant visual attention is sensitive to thyroid hormone during
183    In the present study, we investigated how visual attention is shifted during such cuing paradigms
184                                              Visual attention is the mechanism the nervous system use
185                                              Visual attention is well-suited to constrain cortical mo
186 formation for online control was achieved by visual attention, its limited capacity [7] would substan
187           One of the puzzling aspects in the visual attention literature is the discrepancy between e
188      There is evidence from the object-based visual attention literature that the FVF may not process
189 educed resolution of spatial and/or temporal visual attention may underlie perceptual deficits relate
190                                              Visual attention mechanisms are known to select informat
191 al proposals that cholinergic enhancement of visual attention might operate via gamma oscillations in
192 imes) but decreased activation in the normal visual attention network (dorsal parietal, bilateral pre
193 rates that sPCS and iPCS fall within a broad visual-attention network, while tgPCS and cIFS fall with
194 pattern in two additional experiments: (i) a visual attention "oddball" task and (ii) a task-free res
195 nce interval 1.30 to 5.63) and impairment in visual attention (odds ratio 2.74; 95% confidence interv
196  visual reorientation behavior and amount of visual attention on individual ROIs in each scenario wer
197 er-surround selection mechanism that focuses visual attention on sensory stimuli also selectively mai
198 ty to motion inputs (e.g., through increased visual attention) or direct scaling of motor outputs (i.
199 ylcholine (ACh) is necessary exclusively for visual attention, or if it also contributes to attention
200  could not be explained by motion artifacts, visual attention, or signal quality differences.
201 s little change in intelligence quotient and visual attention over the study period, and children's e
202 hanisms that support our ability to modulate visual attention over time, we recorded event-related po
203 03), and trends toward greater impairment on visual attention (P = 0.06) and working memory (P = 0.09
204                                          Our visual attention paradigm allowed us to investigate how
205                                     Although visual attention paradigms have been reported to activat
206 contrasts and parallels between auditory and visual attention pathways and mechanisms, the interplay
207                        Influential models of visual attention posit a distinction between top-down co
208                          Models of selective visual attention posit that these increases in activity
209                                    Models of visual attention postulate the existence of a bottom-up
210                                    Models of visual attention postulate the existence of a saliency m
211 optic radiations and neural synchrony during visual attention predict reaction time.
212 eriments, the computational requirements for visual attention processing are often not clearly presen
213 howing that affective sounds could influence visual attention provide evidence that we make use of af
214                                              Visual attention provides a means of selecting among the
215 rontal regions during auditory compared with visual attention, putatively reflecting suppression of v
216  a pattern of errors that suggested impaired visual attention rather than a deficiency in perseverati
217 ment of the thalamocortical network, and (2) visual attention reduces the magnitude of alpha oscillat
218 associated with reward automatically capture visual attention regardless of intention.
219 used to determine whether different kinds of visual attention rely on a common neural substrate.
220             In current conceptualizations of visual attention, selection takes place through integrat
221                                              Visual attention selects behaviorally relevant informati
222                                              Visual attention selects task-relevant information from
223            Individual differences in newborn visual attention significantly associated with individua
224 cerns show atypicality in the development of visual attention skills from the first year of life.
225 thalamic structures strongly associated with visual attention, specifically the mediodorsal nucleus a
226 re observed in the absence of any changes to visual attention, speed of response, or general motivati
227             Analysis of passersby shows that visual attention spreads unevenly in space and that the
228  aims of this study were to (1) describe the visual attention strategies employed by surgeons that ar
229 m to examine if there are common patterns of visual attention strategies employed by surgeons which a
230       There are discernable and quantifiable visual attention strategies used by surgeons during lapa
231 dent activity had several characteristics of visual attention, suggesting that attentional mechanisms
232 ed two bilateral regions that are biased for visual attention, superior precentral sulcus (sPCS) and
233 -motor reaction time (Simple Reaction Time), visual attention (Symbol Digit Substitution), and learni
234 ions associated with the vertebrate 'active' visual attention system.
235                                Computational visual attention systems have been constructed in order
236                  A subgroup also completed a visual attention task (n = 35; phase 2b) and a brain MRI
237 gic agonist (physostigmine) during a spatial visual attention task in humans.
238 d 23 healthy comparison subjects performed a visual attention task in the presence or absence of dist
239  or 3.0 mg/kg iv), were tested on a 3-choice visual attention task with an olfactory distractor prese
240 other cohort of DAT KD mice was trained on a visual attention task, and no deficits were observed, co
241 ale, and Cech reported that when tested on a visual attention task, the behavior of juvenile chimpanz
242 nd healthy controls while executing a simple visual attention task, we discovered that CBP patients,
243 tention task and to dim checkerboards in the visual attention task.
244 ed in patients, compared with the P300, in a visual attention task.
245 cortex (mPFC) of rats performing a sustained visual attention task.
246 g H2 (15)O PET whilst they were performing a visual attention task.
247 group counterparts exhibited fewer errors in visual attention/task switching at age 9 years (effect s
248 elligence, attention, attention dysfunction, visual attention/task switching, working memory, and aca
249 y paraprofessionals exhibited improvement in visual attention/task switching.
250 with abnormalities in neural response during visual attention tasks in the presence of cross-modal no
251 rrent thermal stimulation (left forearm) and visual attention tasks of titrated difficulty in 20 heal
252   We observed that visual working memory and visual attention tasks robustly recruit cerebellar lobul
253          Each participant performed a set of visual attention tasks with increasing attentional load
254  seronegative [SN] controls) during a set of visual attention tasks with increasing levels of attenti
255  unsupplemented Ts65Dn mice on a series of 5 visual attention tasks, and in fact, on some tasks did n
256  schizophrenia subjects' poor performance on visual attention tasks, therefore, is unknown.
257 tally were administered a series of 3-choice visual attention tasks, with the most pronounced deficit
258 ietal and occipital brain regions during the visual-attention tasks (all with P < or = 0.001, correct
259 ion-matched control subjects during a set of visual-attention tasks with graded levels of difficulty.
260 rightward shift in the spatial allocation of visual attention, temporarily mimicking spatial deficits
261                                              Visual attention, the mechanism by which observers selec
262 mplicated in the neural processes underlying visual attention, the nature of its contribution is not
263 onal oscillations clearly appear integral to visual attention, the role of lower-frequency oscillatio
264      This review will examine two aspects of visual attention: the changes in neural responses within
265 (FEF) are known to represent the position of visual attention, their respective contributions to its
266 ases in affiliative behaviors--lip smacking, visual attention to a caregiver, and time in close proxi
267                   As a result, deployment of visual attention to a specific spatial location is deter
268 correlate of the ability to precisely direct visual attention to locations other than the center of g
269 that frontal lobe damage leads to diminished visual attention to novel events through its disruption
270     This finding indicates an enhancement of visual attention to peripheral visual space in deaf indi
271 ng relevant visual signals but by allocating visual attention to such stimuli.
272 entromedial prefrontal cortex damage impairs visual attention to the eye regions of faces, particular
273 control in response to food cues and greater visual attention to the food cues.
274 he parent's look, extended their duration of visual attention to the object.
275                                    Directing visual attention toward a particular feature or location
276                           Covertly directing visual attention toward a spatial location in the absenc
277 with amygdala and fusiform gyrus to modulate visual attention toward motivationally relevant cues.
278                         Bundesen's theory of visual attention (TVA) offers a quantitative analysis of
279 ance was analyzed according to the theory of visual attention (TVA), which provides a computational f
280  parietal cortices to bottom-up and top-down visual attention using electrophysiological measures in
281      Previously, we measured fluctuations in visual attention using the responses of populations of s
282 gnitive load: verbal working memory (WM) and visual attention (VA) tasks.
283 ntagious behaviors, including propagation of visual attention, violence, opinions, and emotional stat
284 rmation, including visuo-spatial perception, visual attention, visuo-motor transformations and other
285 apture by stimuli that match WM content [7], visual attention was biased toward (task-irrelevant) sti
286                                              Visual attention was evaluated with the Useful Field of
287 ion of the interplay between WM contents and visual attention was mediated by a neuroanatomical netwo
288 allele of the APOE gene showed deficits when visual attention was spatially directed by cues in tasks
289 identify the neural mechanisms necessary for visual attention, we made restricted lesions, affecting
290 ent-related brain potential (ERP) markers of visual attention, we show that when two targets appear i
291 otential for acetylcholine to play a role in visual attention, we studied nicotinic acetylcholine rec
292                     The temporal dynamics of visual attention were measured using rapid serial visual
293                        Visual field loss and visual attention were not associated.
294 alyzed by Bundesen's computational theory of visual attention, were related to brain metabolism, meas
295   Healthy subjects tend to exhibit a bias of visual attention whereby left hemifield stimuli are proc
296                                              Visual attention, which improves perception of attended
297 arent paradox can be resolved by considering visual attention, which is known to enhance basic visual
298 visual cortex during periods of high and low visual attention while participants attended to either t
299 her the use of a sensitive measure of infant visual attention will increase the reliability of such s
300          We suggest the assessment of infant visual attention, with follow-up examination of childhoo

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