


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ation of kinematics (e.g., when prisms alter visual feedback).
2  be reduced following training with accurate visual feedback.
3 ovements of a cursor on a monitor to provide visual feedback.
4 be minimised significantly more than without visual feedback.
5 ion mechanisms are in play after a period of visual feedback.
6 nternally by the motor system independent of visual feedback.
7 viding intelligent docking of components and visual feedback.
8 tory and at that stage was not influenced by visual feedback.
9 ch reaching can be adapted to distortions in visual feedback.
10 muth before, during, and after training with visual feedback.
11  and experimentally manipulated antennae and visual feedback.
12 lations caused by the delay and high gain of visual feedback.
13  force control and are modified by aging and visual feedback.
14 d against the Teflon surface while receiving visual feedback.
15 ive correlations observed in the presence of visual feedback.
16 pidly adapt their motor output to changes in visual feedback.
17 e onset of the saccade and in the absence of visual feedback.
18  intermittent exotropia is not influenced by visual feedback.
19 coupling motor output from both inertial and visual feedback.
20 cursor or robotic limb under the guidance of visual feedback.
21  changes in RT with changes in amplitude and visual feedback.
22 were dissociated by shifting the location of visual feedback.
23  response to instruction and availability of visual feedback?
24 locate an odor source in the absence of rich visual feedback [5].
25 est this hypothesis by manipulating external visual feedback, a putative sensory error signal, in a m
26                               Hand grip with visual feedback activated a network of cortical and subc
27  fully compensate for the lack of continuous visual feedback and (b) this non-visual information was
28  in force control related to manipulation of visual feedback and aging.
29                                          The visual feedback and interactivity make the proposed tool
30  among speech stimuli, provides auditory and visual feedback, and incorporates progressive training t
31 target and on the information content of the visual feedback, and that these factors affect the two s
32 justments to ongoing motor behavior based on visual feedback are altered.
33  axis) of visual feedback versus rotation of visual feedback around the movement origin.
34 decreased (improved) following training with visual feedback, but the reliability of the visual feedb
35 eaching movements are dissociated from their visual feedback by rotating the visual field.
36                          Here we ask whether visual feedback can be used to improve the accuracy of f
37 duced a greater variety of words using audio-visual feedback compared with audio-only feedback and sp
38                                              Visual feedback compared with no VisF improved depth com
39 e variability of force with magnification of visual feedback compared with young adults (P = 0.05).
40          However, the addition of continuous visual feedback (condition 2) substantially reduced lear
41  minutes to hours, electronically controlled visual feedback consistent with a leaky or unstable inte
42                         Because there was no visual feedback, corrective saccades could only be drive
43 ction error detected by proprioception and a visual-feedback-dependent process that monitors learning
44 re matched; an adaptation session, where the visual feedback deviated from the actual movement direct
45 ng movements to a 30 degrees rotation of the visual feedback display.
46 ars to be an ASD-specific bias against using visual feedback during motor learning.
47 hile sPOS is a visuomotor area that receives visual feedback during reaching.
48 smatch between intention, proprioception and visual feedback engendered cognitive conflict.
49 ions 3 and 4) a mirror was used that altered visual feedback (factor two) by replacing their left han
50    This article reviews the potential use of visual feedback, focusing on mirror visual feedback, int
51         Most current BMI implementations use visual feedback for closed-loop control; however, it has
52 ity 100 ms after target onset (i.e. prior to visual feedback) for both hand and eye (V100) progressiv
53 al-directed reaching movements are guided by visual feedback from both target and hand.
54                                   One is the visual feedback from the hand as it approaches the targe
55 n of studies 1 and 3 (which both manipulated visual feedback from the left hand) confirmed that a ven
56 sual target stimulus, even in the absence of visual feedback from the movement.
57 representations for reaching with or without visual feedback from the moving hand, using functional m
58 entical experimental set-up but manipulating visual feedback from the right hand (instead of the left
59                                     Removing visual feedback generally reduced the mean slow-phase ve
60                                       Normal visual feedback gradually retuned persistent firing of i
61                                       Normal visual feedback gradually retunes the integrator back to
62                          The introduction of visual feedback had an immediate effect on the subsequen
63 r, and to what extent, MNs can code own hand visual feedback (HVF) during object grasping.
64 llowed by feedback: fluid reward if correct, visual feedback if incorrect.
65 active generation and passive observation of visual feedback in 18 OCD patients and 18 healthy contro
66 endent and must be learned based on explicit visual feedback in novel environments.
67                                   Removal of visual feedback increased normalized power from 0-0.33 H
68 was asked to change H-reflex size, immediate visual feedback indicated whether a size criterion had b
69 edictive mechanism that continuously samples visual feedback information and stores it such that it c
70 come the relatively long delay in processing visual feedback information when pursuing a moving visua
71 cerebellar circuits involved in transforming visual feedback into precise motor adjustments in ASD.
72 l use of visual feedback, focusing on mirror visual feedback, introduced over 15 years ago, for the t
73 le therapies can be devised--of which mirror visual feedback is an example--to restore function.
74 cessary for this antiphasic oscillation when visual feedback is available, indicating that there are
75        Previous work has suggested that when visual feedback is perturbed such that straight hand mot
76               The need for action-contingent visual feedback is well-established in the developmental
77      The participants were examined on three visual-feedback navigation conditions: none (eyes closed
78 n controls (U = 16, P < 0.001) to ignore the visual feedback of a motionless hand and claim that they
79 feedback was available, it was impaired when visual feedback of either target location or hand positi
80                                          The visual feedback of finger position was limited to one or
81 ng at the RT, were performed with or without visual feedback of hand position.
82                                   Continuous visual feedback of handle rotation position was provided
83                            Subjects received visual feedback of lever force levels and were instructe
84 without anosognosia were provided with false visual feedback of movement in their left paralysed arm
85       The first, at 2-3 Hz, was dependent on visual feedback of target and finger tracking positions.
86 orimotor PMBS is modulated by the history of visual feedback of task-relevant errors, and negatively
87                                    Guided by visual feedback of the lever force levels, subjects held
88 tion of the presaccadic scene and the actual visual feedback of the postsaccadic visual scene in the
89 hetic, and feedback rate indicates how often visual feedback of the prosthetic is provided to the sub
90 ment," in which they did not receive instant visual feedback of the target moving closer when tugging
91        In this study, subjects had real-time visual feedback of their brain-controlled trajectories.
92 subjects execute reaching movements with the visual feedback of their reaching finger displaced farth
93                                The effect of visual feedback on the nature of the MLN waveform was ex
94           On the navigation assessments with visual feedback, only LPD patients deviated right of cen
95  of internal models (e.g., when prisms alter visual feedback or a force field alters limb dynamics),
96 e balance despite distorted somatosensory or visual feedback or vestibular feedback distorted by a pe
97   Apart from its clinical importance, mirror visual feedback paves the way for a paradigm shift in th
98 plasticity demonstrate that, in this system, visual feedback plays a vital role in gradually tuning t
99 y demonstrate that, in this system, external visual feedback plays a vital role in gradually tuning t
100 natural viewing conditions with blur-related visual feedback present, if a possible link between this
101         However, doctors heavily rely on the visual feedback provided by the endoscope camera, which
102 e variability of force with magnification of visual feedback (R(2) = 0.80).
103 iour of birds may actually rely on immediate visual feedback rather than mental simulation or plannin
104 ion content of visual feedback, with precise visual feedback resulting in postures that minimized mov
105 ion--trials in which subjects received false visual feedback showing perfect directional performance,
106 d in the motor cortex when macaques received visual feedback signaling a movement perturbation.
107 NS with a surreptitious amplification of the visual feedback signaling the force level.
108 jects were exposed to two different types of visual feedback; some saw the entire simulated linkage a
109  visual feedback, but the reliability of the visual feedback stimulus did not change the effects of t
110                                         With visual feedback sway size could be minimised significant
111 h an easily accessible interface and instant visual feedback, TeachEnG will help promote active learn
112  uses a 'guess and check' heuristic in which visual feedback that is obtained after an eye movement t
113                                        Using visual feedback, the subjects controlled their respirati
114 Y and eight healthy controls reached without visual feedback to a target that either remained station
115 utes a rapid control process on the basis of visual feedback to aIPS.
116 d an active balance simulation task by using visual feedback to control anterior-posterior center of
117 ctively) while mice used dynamic auditory or visual feedback to search for a hidden target within an
118 e to wedge prisms depends on the form of the visual feedback used to represent hand and target positi
119 -right reversal over a mid-sagittal axis) of visual feedback versus rotation of visual feedback aroun
120                In contrast, magnification of visual feedback (visual angles of 0.5 degrees and 1.5 de
121 degrees ; and an after-effect session, where visual feedback was again matched to hand motion.
122 While the apraxics' accuracy was normal when visual feedback was available, it was impaired when visu
123 l mapping between actual hand motion and its visual feedback was introduced.
124                                              Visual feedback was manipulated by changing the visual a
125 tive joystick via a servo motor and accurate visual feedback was provided on an oscilloscope.
126 dicted behavior in multiple situations where visual feedback was used to change acquisition of new wa
127 action time (RT) when response amplitude and visual feedback were cued prior to the response; and (ii
128 onditions: (i) speech entrainment with audio-visual feedback where they attempted to mimic a speaker
129 racranial procedures and provided continuous visual feedback, which can be helpful in all stages of n
130 y represent movement direction regardless of visual feedback, while fMRI patterns in visual system ar
131 lso depended upon the information content of visual feedback, with precise visual feedback resulting
132 ipulated images interactively with real-time visual feedback, with use of both internal and surface f

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