


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  inhibit RGC axon regeneration in the lizard visual pathway.
2 d lesion to either the right or left ventral visual pathway.
3  on the stimulus size and location along the visual pathway.
4  the first structural change in the diabetic visual pathway.
5 rocessed predominantly by the intact ventral visual pathway.
6 ing neurons in earlier stages of the central visual pathway.
7  the Mn(2+) solutions for MEMRI on the mouse visual pathway.
8 V4 is a midtier cortical area in the ventral visual pathway.
9 us at the most anterior border of the dorsal visual pathway.
10 uronal resources than light stimuli in early visual pathway.
11 step of image segmentation along the ventral visual pathway.
12  to activate distinct regions in the ventral visual pathway.
13 reby establish a "red-green, color-opponent" visual pathway.
14 ination and neuroaxonal loss over the entire visual pathway.
15 featural representation in V4 in the ventral visual pathway.
16 ecting and localizing dysfunction within the visual pathway.
17 ance maneuver that establishes the binocular visual pathway.
18 t" is a target of the ascending thalamofugal visual pathway.
19 nections between the somatic sensory and the visual pathway.
20 for growth cone navigation in the developing visual pathway.
21 p-down dysfunction at least within the early visual pathway.
22  re-afferent inputs from later stages of the visual pathway.
23 variant contour representation higher in the visual pathway.
24  reflecting dysfunction of the magnocellular visual pathway.
25 ion transmission at the first synapse on the visual pathway.
26  cortex, a region contributing to the dorsal visual pathway.
27 anges molecularly as it journeys through the visual pathway.
28 se to early light activation of a developing visual pathway.
29 ithin the cortex or at earlier stages of the visual pathway.
30 table to dysfunction of the primary afferent visual pathway.
31 which are major elements in signaling of the visual pathway.
32 uced changes in contrast gain earlier in the visual pathway.
33 d in cortical area V1 but not earlier in the visual pathway.
34 ical face-selective responses in the ventral visual pathway.
35 f object category information in the ventral visual pathway.
36 in immunoreactivity of retinal fibers in the visual pathway.
37 n is extracted early in the lower vertebrate visual pathway.
38 two-dimensional form processing early in the visual pathway.
39 n, and we illustrate them with data from the visual pathway.
40 alized feedback onto thalamic neurons in the visual pathway.
41 omplex features toward earlier stages in the visual pathway.
42 n the anatomical connectivity of the primary visual pathway.
43 ting acuity is lower than that of the normal visual pathway.
44 r understanding ensemble coding in the early visual pathway.
45 ctionally distinct sectors along the ventral visual pathway.
46 iotemporal filtering by neurons in the early visual pathway.
47 imate brain processes objects in the ventral visual pathway.
48  visual signals in the primate magnocellular visual pathway.
49 low of visual information along the cortical visual pathway.
50 ances spatial representations in the ventral visual pathway.
51 correlations that are unique to the afferent visual pathway.
52 elopment of a behaviorally relevant parallel visual pathway.
53 fferent object categories across the ventral visual pathway.
54 ons, and that increase in strength along the visual pathway.
55 een the medial temporal lobe and the ventral visual pathway.
56 used by a neuronal nonlinearity in the early visual pathway.
57 ctional abnormalities throughout the primary visual pathway.
58 rocessing into two substreams of the ventral visual pathway.
59 rizing spatial encoding throughout the human visual pathways.
60 , function, and development of mouse central visual pathways.
61 pathology, suggesting involvement of central visual pathways.
62 o assess the magnitude of myelination in the visual pathways.
63 ted LCA2 patients have intact and responsive visual pathways.
64  centers exploit signals carried by parallel visual pathways.
65 over decades may have altered Patient G.Y.'s visual pathways.
66 d by GABAergic center-surround antagonism in visual pathways.
67 to preserved function in nongeniculocortical visual pathways.
68 zed neural systems in the ventral and dorsal visual pathways.
69 accordance with our current understanding of visual pathways.
70  structures within dorsal and ventral stream visual pathways.
71 ributes to the proper formation of binocular visual pathways.
72  language and perception through the brain's visual pathways.
73 eated a three-dimensional model of the mouse visual pathways.
74 e eye include both the afferent and efferent visual pathways.
75  higher-order neuropils in the olfactory and visual pathways.
76  retina, optic nerve and chiasm, and central visual pathways.
77 e and how this selectivity arises within the visual pathways.
78 le developmental reorganization in the human visual pathways.
79 ensitivity changes are controlled within the visual pathways.
80  probably mediated by changes in the central visual pathways.
81 nd frontal attentional influences on ventral visual pathways.
82  spite of the other known differences in the visual pathways.
83  forces may significantly affect the eye and visual pathways.
84 r example, relies on both mechanosensory and visual pathways.
85 olysynaptic tracers of chicken and zebrafish visual pathways.
86 range signal propagation timing in the human visual pathways.
87 odulatory circuitry between the auditory and visual pathways.
88 ices employing electrical stimulation of the visual pathways.
89     KEY POINTS: How parallel are the primate visual pathways?
90 has only been examined in the dorsal "where" visual pathway [6-10].
91 ve models represent, at a given stage of the visual pathway, a compact description of visual computat
92 hically organized regions within the ventral visual pathway: a posterior curvature-biased patch (PCP)
93 drives adaptations of the human primary cone visual pathway according to time of day.
94  to emphasize magnocellular or parvocellular visual pathway activity.
95 ty and rate of neural coding along the early visual pathways adapt to changes in contrast of the reti
96       Destruction of neurosensory retina and visual pathways after accidental Closantel use is relate
97 e improved the imaging of the vestibular and visual pathways, allowing better visualization of the en
98  the integrity of the pregeniculate afferent visual pathway and allows assessment of sympathetic and
99 ers showed divergent connectivity within the visual pathway and between visual association areas and
100 th impaired functioning of the magnocellular visual pathway and further suggest that these sensory pr
101  thickness is related to the axonal anterior visual pathway and is considered a marker of overall whi
102 ween the sensory deficit in the demyelinated visual pathway and morphological changes revealed by MRI
103 e to regenerate axons the full length of the visual pathway and on into the lateral geniculate nucleu
104  misrouting are developmental defects of the visual pathway and only co-occur in connection with albi
105 AM 1 in the synaptic organization of the rod visual pathway and provide evidence for novel roles of s
106  the earliest feedback loop in the mammalian visual pathway and regulate the flow of information from
107                    Here we examine the mouse visual pathway and reveal the existence of orientation s
108 ingle "standard model" for each stage of the visual pathway and testing the predictive power of these
109  are the provenance of the magnocellular (M) visual pathway and that midget RGCs give rise to the par
110 ory information at the interface between the visual pathway and the limbic system, by which increasin
111 pecific retinopathy, deficits in the primary visual pathway and the secondary ventral and dorsal path
112  combined within or before IT in the ventral visual pathway and then passed onto PRH, where they were
113 sed functional connectivity within the early visual pathway and throughout higher-order associational
114 sociated with a response within the cortical visual pathway and with an evoked conscious percept.
115 between the M and P retino-geniculo-cortical visual pathways and "dorsal" visual areas were investiga
116 n of contour and surface processing in early visual pathways and a hierarchy of brightness informatio
117 ill systematically evaluate each part of the visual pathways and discuss how individual drugs may aff
118 CNS targets serving cortical and subcortical visual pathways and the entrainment of circadian rhythms
119 Cs) are the first lateral elements along the visual pathway, and are thought to contribute to recepti
120 d and congenital patients with damage to the visual pathway, and how they differ.
121 d in relay thalamic neurons outside the main visual pathway, and preserved by the cortex.
122  is found throughout the stages of the early visual pathway, and that the contrast-invariant spatial
123 n density MRI sequences of the post-chiasmal visual pathway, and that the parvocellular pathway was m
124 ents and carnivores, its emergence along the visual pathway, and thus its underlying neuronal circuit
125 f changes in properties coded in the ventral visual pathway, and thus suggest a key involvement of do
126          However, regions within the ventral visual pathway are neither interchangeable nor equipoten
127                                     Parallel visual pathways are initiated at the first retinal synap
128 y carried in the separate ON- and OFF-center visual pathways are necessary for the development of ori
129 ose efficacy outcomes to assess the anterior visual pathway as a model of wider disease.
130 arge-scale reorganization of activity in the visual pathway as a result of learning, with the RC beco
131 obal changes in activation across the entire visual pathway, as revealed with whole-brain fMRI.
132 neurons located in different stations of the visual pathway, as well as the neural bases of visual pe
133 orded intracellularly in vivo throughout the visual pathway, assessing the LGMD's activity and that o
134 f direct electrical stimulation of the major visual pathways at or near their native spatial and temp
135                                 The anterior visual pathway (AVP) conducts visual information from th
136 ree-legged circuit that we call the anterior visual pathway (AVP).
137 tive of dysfunction within the magnocellular visual pathway beginning in early sensory cortex or even
138 s and suggest that decorrelation of parallel visual pathways begins as early as the second synapse of
139 essing, spatiotemporal coupling in the early visual pathway builds on the information dynamics of the
140 he lateral geniculate nucleus in the primary visual pathway, but deal with higher-order visual and vi
141  rodents not only allowed tracing of primary visual pathways, but also enhanced the hippocampus and m
142 een the damage in the anterior and posterior visual pathway by voxel-based morphometry (VBM), multipl
143 that the neural signals from the dorsomedial visual pathway can be a good substrate to feed neural pr
144 ow show in a wild-type mouse strain that the visual pathway can be surgically "rewired" so as to indu
145 ifferent sources of dynamic input from early visual pathways can affect tuning in cortical cells.
146 ex, a critical brain region along the dorsal visual pathway, can produce a neurological disorder call
147               The ventral, object-processing visual pathway carries precise spatial information, tran
148 object manipulation specificity in the human visual pathways, characterizing the information availabl
149                Despite the immaturity of the visual pathway, clearly demonstrated by the PR-VEP laten
150 uperior colliculus and as myelination in the visual pathway commences.
151 ctive "blindsight") depends on a subcortical visual pathway comprising the superior colliculus, poste
152 inocularity is specific to the parvocellular visual pathway, consistent with recent evidence implicat
153                   Conduction velocity in the visual pathways correlated closely with dynamic visual f
154                            Understanding the visual pathways crucial for residual vision may direct f
155 cal coherence tomography to measure anterior visual pathway damage (peripapillary retinal nerve fiber
156 gnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for posterior visual pathway damage (volumetry and spectroscopy of vis
157 isease, visual field loss from retrochiasmal visual pathway damage, and ptosis and ocular dysmotility
158 lted after form deprivation, suggesting that visual pathways dependent on nyctalopin and/or abnormall
159 f neural activity in the early stages of the visual pathway depends not only on the characteristics o
160 r of recent advances in our understanding of visual pathway disorders.
161  congenital hypopituitarism and post-retinal visual pathway dysfunction in affected individuals demon
162 been addressed, correlating axonal loss with visual pathway dysfunction.
163 de a much more accurate view of the parallel visual pathways emanating from the retina than do previo
164 ventional wisdom holds that the auditory and visual pathways employ different reference frames, with
165 g evidence suggests that the primate ventral visual pathway encodes increasingly complex stimulus fea
166 ch eye is fused at a very early stage in the visual pathway, even when the fixation disparity is grea
167 tion is considered a function of the ventral visual pathway, evidence suggests that the dorsal pathwa
168 progressive multiple sclerosis involving the visual pathways (expanded disability status score 5.5-6.
169 l role in the establishment of the binocular visual pathways: first, in specification of the VT retin
170 th, demonstrating that the maturation of the visual pathway follows a preprogrammed developmental cou
171 ce Ungerleider and Mishkin proposed separate visual pathways for processing object shape and location
172 ntional effects gain strength up through the visual pathway from area V1 through V2 to V4 and beyond.
173  We compare our data with simulations of the visual pathway from photon catch rates to cortical blood
174                                          The visual pathway from the retina to the optic tectum in fi
175     Birds are almost always said to have two visual pathways from the retina to the telencephalon: th
176  shape stereotypic wiring patterns along the visual pathway, from within the retina to the brain.
177  this study was to evaluate primary afferent visual pathway function by objectively testing contrast
178 involvement of the ventral 'form' (temporal) visual pathway has not been considered critical for norm
179                Regions comprising the dorsal visual pathway have not been considered relevant for obj
180  with damage to the neuro-ophthalmic sensory visual pathways have different patterns of visual loss t
181 ws that repulsive signaling between parallel visual pathways helps organize their connections into la
182 stimulation at different locations along the visual pathway (ie, cortical, optic nerve, epiretinal, s
183 nts supports the involvement of the anterior visual pathway in ALS.
184 e aim of the present work was to analyze the visual pathway in an early stage of experimental diabete
185 ow through the retinothalamic synapse in the visual pathway in brain slices, with cortical and inhibi
186                                  The ventral visual pathway in humans and non-human primates is known
187  and acquired lesions of the retrogeniculate visual pathway in humans.
188 with subclinical axonal loss in the anterior visual pathway in MS, and support the use of OCT and low
189  visual dysfunction at several levels of the visual pathway in Parkinson's disease.
190               To assess the integrity of the visual pathway in the studied infants, we also measured
191         Here, we report on components of the visual pathway in these two species.
192 ndings support a dynamic view of the ventral visual pathway in which the cortical representation of a
193 ual arrestins function in both olfactory and visual pathways in Dipteran insects; these genes may pro
194 europrotection trials for which the anterior visual pathways in patients with MS and optic neuritis m
195  which form one of the major high-resolution visual pathways in primates.
196  present study, we demonstrate that parallel visual pathways in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
197                         The idea of a second visual pathway, in which visual signals travel from brai
198 buted pattern of response across the ventral visual pathway, including in regions that do not "prefer
199 f tissue damage in the anterior or posterior visual pathway, including neuroaxonal loss (as measured
200 ticity can be seen at multiple stages in the visual pathway, including primary visual cortex.
201 o significant changes in the organization of visual pathways, including severe retrograde degeneratio
202 he effects of normal aging of the retina and visual pathways independently from optical factors, decr
203 romes mirror the segregation of hierarchical visual pathways into streams and suggest a novel theoret
204 ram and visual evoked potential tests showed visual pathway involvement.
205 degenerative disorder that may have anterior visual pathway involvement.
206 e hypothesis of dysfunction within low-level visual pathways involving thalamocortical radiations.
207                                          The visual pathway is a key model to study mechanisms of dam
208  in which the integrity of the right ventral visual pathway is also necessary even for the perception
209                            The magnocellular visual pathway is believed to receive input from long (L
210     These findings indicate that the ventral visual pathway is not homogeneous, but contains some reg
211  eyes fail to develop, and, as a result, the visual pathway is not stimulated by either light or reti
212 as zebra finches and pigeons, the tectofugal visual pathway is the most prominent route from the reti
213                            The contralateral visual pathway is tuned to higher spatial frequencies th
214 ong-range signal propagation along the human visual pathways is not completely known or validated.
215 or parietal cortex (PPC), part of the dorsal visual pathway, is best known for its role in encoding s
216 control mechanism, but at which stage of the visual pathway it emerges has remained unclear.
217 nal ganglion cells following retrogeniculate visual pathway lesions in primate studies.
218                                              Visual pathway low-grade astrocytomas of childhood are t
219                                 The anterior visual pathways may also be damaged in a retrograde, tra
220  extrastriate visual areas further along the visual pathways may set important limits on visual funct
221 nt correlated with a decrease in retinal and visual pathway metabolic activity, retinal nerve fiber l
222                                              Visual pathway MRI lesion load was evaluated independent
223 gh object representations within the ventral visual pathway must be sufficiently rich and complex to
224 rast, at the first synapse of the vertebrate visual pathway, not only is the calcium-dependent releas
225  to MT and show that convergence of parallel visual pathways occurs in the dorsal stream.
226                               In the central visual pathway of binocular animals, the property of dir
227  the substantial axonal loss in the anterior visual pathway of these patients.
228                                          The visual pathway of this fish reflects the divided visual
229 o exist to control their propagation through visual pathways of the brain is unknown.
230 n the ability to activate the major parallel visual pathways of the human visual system.
231 lishment of parallel processing in the major visual pathways of the primate retina.
232 on of the functions of the two main cortical visual pathways or 'streams'.
233                                   ON and OFF visual pathways originate in the retina at the synapse b
234 monstrate that each of the major subcortical visual pathways participates in attentional selection, a
235 vely greater importance of the collothalamic visual pathways, pretectal-cerebellar pathways and speci
236 complex multi-stage architecture of cortical visual pathways provides the neural basis for efficient
237                                     Once the visual pathway reaches striate cortex, it fans out to a
238 sing pictures induce increased activation of visual pathways relative to emotionally neutral images.
239                       The dorsal and ventral visual pathways represent both visual and conceptual obj
240                          Differences between visual pathways representing darks and lights have been
241            High-level regions of the ventral visual pathway respond more to intact objects compared t
242 , neurons in the upper stages of the ventral visual pathway respond to complex images such as faces a
243 ollowing damage to the human post-geniculate visual pathway retrograde trans-synaptic degeneration of
244 rns of correlated neural activity within the visual pathway, such as a Mexican hat-shaped pattern of
245 rmediate stages of processing in the ventral visual pathway, such as area V4.
246 ons in metabolism of neurons in the parallel visual pathways supplied by the Palpha and Pbeta ganglio
247 ry and inhibitory inputs from the ON and OFF visual pathways suppress responses to small objects and
248 viously thought to be permanent, yet several visual pathways survive V1 damage, mediating residual, o
249 r link between objects and actions through a visual pathway than through a linguistic pathway.
250 rties of extrastriate regions in the ventral visual pathway that are involved in the representation a
251 s suggest a functioning geniculoextrastriate visual pathway that bypasses V1 and can process orientat
252 hanism at a critical presynaptic site in the visual pathway that controls the transmission of scotopi
253 e synchronous firing of neurons in the early visual pathway that could serve as the substrate for est
254      In mammals, the first neurons along the visual pathway that encode binocular disparities are fou
255  cells (BCs) are the first neurons along the visual pathway that exhibit CSARF organization.
256 omponent underpinning the development of the visual pathway that requires a functional role for SLC38
257 l (IT) cortex, the last stage of the ventral visual pathway that supports visual recognition.
258                                          The visual pathways that project to the SC have been reporte
259 motion, shedding light on the development of visual pathways that use the same cell types for diverge
260  ubiquitous property of neurons in the early visual pathway, the functional consequences in the natur
261 lobal shape persists even though the ventral visual pathway, the primary recognition pathway, is inta
262 f local analysis within the retina and early visual pathways, the human visual system creates a struc
263 gulation of neural input to other targets of visual pathways, the present study examined whether chan
264 otential importance of a morphemically based visual pathway to meaning in this process.
265 ions may operate at successive stages of the visual pathway to organize maps.
266 (V1) are the first cells along the mammalian visual pathway to receive input from both eyes.
267 istence and function of a direct subcortical visual pathway to the amygdala.
268 ides a wealth of information used by central visual pathways to construct coherent representations of
269                                              Visual pathways to the amygdala, a brain structure criti
270                 We use models of these early visual pathways to transform natural images into statist
271 atrophy (30%) (5 optic neuritis, 11 anterior visual pathway tumors, 2 papilledema, 3 other) (P < .000
272 mas are rare, but they rapidly become lethal visual pathway tumors.
273 sing sensitivity to food cues in the ventral visual pathway under conditions of energy deprivation.
274 sing a head-centered reference frame and the visual pathway using an eye-centered reference frame.
275 ne the imaging anatomy of the vestibular and visual pathways, using computed tomography and magnetic
276 ex (V1) neurons, yet its emergence along the visual pathway varies across species.
277 s bipolar cell types, representing different visual pathways, vary in their response to the photorece
278 olor-processing regions in the human ventral visual pathway (VVP) has long been known from patient an
279 n their cone visual pathway, whereas the rod visual pathway was unaffected.
280 sentation of visual space in high resolution visual pathways was explored by simultaneously measuring
281                  Here, focusing on the early visual pathway, we argue that the use of natural stimuli
282 egions remained segregated further along the visual pathways, we made injections of retrograde tracer
283                            However, in early visual pathways, well known temporal differences are pre
284 tural measures, in the anterior or posterior visual pathways, were associated with visual outcome.
285 d higher gamma connectivity along the dorsal visual pathways when the rubber hand was embodied.
286  to direction-selective neurons early in the visual pathways, where small receptive fields permit onl
287 e represent an information bottleneck in the visual pathway-where the fewest number of neurons convey
288  Vsx1 mutant mice have defects in their cone visual pathway, whereas the rod visual pathway was unaff
289 hat V1 is highly plastic after injury to the visual pathways, whereas others have called this conclus
290 n depends on shape processing in the ventral visual pathway, which in monkeys culminates in inferotem
291 C) is the latest stage of the ventral "what" visual pathway, which is thought to code the identity of
292 btle changes to (specific components of) the visual pathway, which may help evaluate the severity and
293 e of a retina-derived homeoprotein along the visual pathway, which nurtures subclasses of cortical in
294 ticipants with RPE65 mutations showed intact visual pathways, which became responsive and strengthene
295 indings suggest a dysfunction of lower-level visual pathways, which was more prominent for magnocellu
296 ivileged site that is styled to maintain the visual pathway while at the same time provide defense ag
297 rmation from the retina is carried along the visual pathway with accuracy and spatial conservation as
298 ominated by input from the magnocellular (M) visual pathway, with little or no parvocellular (P) cont
299 aturation of conduction time in the afferent visual pathways, with the development of adult levels of
300                    The afferent and efferent visual pathways within the central nervous system are fr

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