


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 stimulus onset at a post-perceptual stage of visual processing.
2 rguing in favor of a more integrated view of visual processing.
3 s themselves but to the whole of retinal and visual processing.
4 al cortex, reflecting top-down modulation of visual processing.
5 een two cortical visual areas in mice during visual processing.
6 o reflex light responses and/or higher order visual processing.
7 ggest a different role for VLPFC in unimodal visual processing.
8 n intricate laminar structure that underlies visual processing.
9 ptors regulate phototransduction cascade for visual processing.
10  advances our understanding of their role in visual processing.
11 on cells, the retinal code, underlies higher visual processing.
12 , which are likely to have distinct roles in visual processing.
13 ages, showing that words rapidly guide early visual processing.
14 rgument as it relates to some key aspects of visual processing.
15 ention, putatively reflecting suppression of visual processing.
16  no correlations with behavioral measures of visual processing.
17 ve influence of a second stimulus on ongoing visual processing.
18 involved in both image- and nonimage-forming visual processing.
19 ual image into objects is a crucial stage of visual processing.
20 agnitude, precision, and invariance of early visual processing.
21 is involvement is independent from low-level visual processing.
22 d neurons could be involved in olfactory and visual processing.
23 known about the role of feedback pathways in visual processing.
24 hich are simple reflexes that require little visual processing.
25 oded and transformed in successive stages of visual processing.
26 y operates at hierarchically early stages of visual processing.
27 hysiological and phenomenological indices of visual processing.
28 importance of cholinergic activity in normal visual processing.
29 al mechanisms by which salient sounds affect visual processing.
30 acial identity or objects, or in lower-level visual processing.
31 n important aspect of retinal physiology and visual processing.
32 logical information in visual words in early visual processing.
33 ity and object recognition, as well as basic visual processing.
34 tation modulated the signal-to-noise gain of visual processing.
35 d in the LGN of mouse, an emerging model for visual processing.
36 l cortex regulate gain control and tuning of visual processing.
37 he role of prestimulus rhythmic activity for visual processing.
38 ther preattentive or postselective levels of visual processing.
39 rder visual cortices is an essential step in visual processing.
40  maps develop and what function they play in visual processing.
41 ital areas involved in memory, attention and visual processing.
42 iant representations at subsequent levels of visual processing.
43 e predictions of standard models of cortical visual processing.
44  state of an animal can dynamically modulate visual processing.
45 ional power and feature selectivity of early visual processing.
46 ons are thought to play an important role in visual processing.
47  can regulate the earliest steps of cortical visual processing.
48 er plexiform layer (OPL), initiating retinal visual processing.
49 sights into the mechanistic underpinnings of visual processing.
50 ll-established dorsal and ventral streams of visual processing.
51 ta on the basic neural mechanisms underlying visual processing.
52 x and photo-oxidative stress associated with visual processing.
53 d locally at the earliest stages of cortical visual processing.
54 cessing regions in the brain responsible for visual processing.
55 cal structures participating in higher order visual processing.
56 t STC was activated regardless of demands on visual processing.
57 ssessing the spatiotemporal aspects of early visual processing.
58 d restricts their access to higher stages of visual processing.
59  which could drive disturbed attentional and visual processing.
60 n of preterm infants may improve outcomes in visual processing.
61 er thalamic regions contribute to aspects of visual processing.
62 hat ON and OFF selectivity, a key feature of visual processing across species, emerges through the tr
63 rt versus nonalert awake brain states affect visual processing across the spectrum of CG conduction t
64  findings and provide evidence for a general visual processing advantage in deaf observers rather tha
65 gnals that influence the highest echelons of visual processing after the onset of selective responses
66                                              Visual processing along the primate ventral stream takes
67 hibition modulates the spatial resolution of visual processing and add further evidence demonstrating
68 siological, and imaging data reveal impaired visual processing and altered retinal morphology in Park
69 eral visual and anterior cingulate cortices (visual processing and attention), frontal operculum (pri
70  visual stimuli, resulting in a dampening of visual processing and concomitant positive time-order er
71 wer-level areas responsible for auditory and visual processing and core executive functions.
72 d at different perceptual levels, facilitate visual processing and enable prompt and appropriate reac
73 view-selective mechanisms at early stages of visual processing and gradually becomes view invariant i
74 ental ON-OFF segregation scheme for parallel visual processing and high spatial resolution for small
75 ovide an anatomical connection between early visual processing and higher brain regions.
76 vity between regions involved in lower-order visual processing and higher-order visual and emotional
77 es a function for a behavioral modulation of visual processing and illustrates how the brain can remo
78             Feature-based attention enhances visual processing and improves perception, even for visu
79 m is driven by an atypical response early in visual processing and may reflect a fundamental perturba
80 also be constrained by general principles of visual processing and object recognition.
81 he ways it is enhancing our understanding of visual processing and other sensory systems.
82 s signify a greater role for the thalamus in visual processing and provide a functional perspective o
83 te that spatial processing co-localizes with visual processing and that temporal processing co-locali
84 the fiddler crab compound eye in relation to visual processing and visual ecology.
85 d that these study subjects had decreases in visual processing and visual motor speed compared with i
86  the performance on cognitive assessments of visual processing and visual motor speed.
87 uted regardless of task demands during early visual processing, and (3) spontaneous vision is dominat
88 orientation selectivity at an early stage of visual processing, and illustrate a novel role for NMDA
89 and oscillations toward an optimal phase for visual processing, and may thus serve as a mechanism for
90 : Attention directly affects core aspects of visual processing, and multisensory modulations of visio
91  which are important for spatially organized visual processing, and others which seem important for s
92 nsion for distinguishing the early stages of visual processing, and suggest a previously unrecognized
93  Implications for olfactory, cerebellar, and visual processing are discussed.
94                     Binocular mechanisms for visual processing are thought to enhance spatial acuity
95 e lamina monopolar cells (LMCs) of the first visual processing area of the insect brain (the lamina).
96                          Topographic maps in visual processing areas maintain the spatial order of th
97 ed reduced activation in bilateral amygdala, visual processing areas, anterior cingulate cortex, dors
98      To test this prediction, we use central visual processing as a model: we show that visual sensit
99 s: task-independent, eye-specific changes in visual processing, as well as an enhanced ability of att
100                     An influential theory of visual processing asserts that retinal center-surround r
101 t appear to confer any long-term benefit for visual processing at school age.
102 ate that during the preparation of saccades, visual processing at the target location is facilitated
103 potopy), we set out to identify the stage in visual processing at which this transformation occurs in
104  physiological and behavioral information on visual processing available for this crab.
105 ate that retrograde signals likely influence visual processing because elimination of axon collateral
106 ere that a difference in the early stages of visual processing between mammals and insects leads this
107 ults demonstrate a fundamental difference in visual processing between ON and OFF channels and reveal
108 nd transient temporal channels contribute to visual processing beyond V1.
109 ce that SCx activation is not a byproduct of visual processing but is independently shaped by face em
110 volved is not only relevant to understanding visual processing but the function of neocortex in gener
111 volved is not only relevant to understanding visual processing but the function of neocortex in gener
112 -band power does not always predict improved visual processing, but rather enhanced excitability.
113 down guidance at the very earliest stages of visual processing by acting as powerful categorical cues
114 e and show that upcoming eye movements alter visual processing by increasing the signal strength.
115 hought to contribute to important aspects of visual processing by integrating information from primar
116 ubcortical route plays a generalized role in visual processing by rapidly transmitting raw, unfiltere
117 ts, but saccades also present a challenge to visual processing by shifting externally stable objects
118 xplore how motivational state interacts with visual processing, by examining hunger modulation of foo
119 g prior knowledge into perceptual decisions, visual processing can also result in perceptions that do
120 ests adaptive changes that might enhance the visual processing capacity whereas the connectivity patt
121 oral light changes already within this first visual processing center.
122 timulus, suggesting that modulation of early visual processing centers precedes eventual behavioral c
123                 Previous work suggested that visual processing could be modulated with such stimulati
124 he present study, walking-induced changes in visual processing depended on the nutritional state-they
125                                              Visual processing depends on specific computations imple
126                    We discuss the roles that visual processing, development, and bilingualism play in
127 ic moving flowers, we showed that the moth's visual processing does slow in dim light.
128 ures in natural scenes have greatly affected visual processing, driving a common computational strate
129 ons performed by neural ensembles underlying visual processing during behavior.
130         Thus, the IFJ may direct the flow of visual processing during object-based attention, at leas
131      These results implicate cholinergic and visual processing dysfunction in the pathophysiology of
132 CE STATEMENT The neuronal responses in early visual processing [e.g., primary visual cortex (V1)] ref
133 anifests as a misperception, it is adaptive: visual processing echoes the stability of objects in the
134                      The traditional view on visual processing emphasizes a hierarchy: local line seg
135 unique retinal disorder with dual anomaly in visual processing expands our knowledge about retinal si
136 cortex on attentional modulation of cortical visual processing extends to the subcortical circuit tha
137  respects the connectivity underlying normal visual processing.Focal cortical seizures result from lo
138                  The improvement in abnormal visual processing following training and its generalizat
139 ital cortex is damaged or inhibited, and the visual processing for emotional faces is mainly dependen
140  changes in visual function at each stage of visual processing from retinal deficits, including contr
141 ified these contributions at a late stage of visual processing [frontal eye field (FEF)] and as a com
142 e as a mechanism for the top-down control of visual processing guided by temporal predictions.
143  in the brain and thus their contribution to visual processing has remained unclear.
144  of predictive coding at different stages of visual processing have still remained unclear.
145 se models propose that each region along the visual processing hierarchy entails one set of processin
146 , visual area V2 is the earliest site in the visual processing hierarchy for which neurons selective
147 g to occur in visual cortex higher up in the visual processing hierarchy than discrimination matching
148 e encoded by cortical regions throughout the visual processing hierarchy, and that representations in
149 ctivity to face signals emerges early in the visual processing hierarchy, shortly after typical face-
150 mulus competition at different levels of the visual processing hierarchy.
151 e implemented across different levels of the visual processing hierarchy.
152 hromatic mechanisms implemented early in the visual-processing hierarchy.
153  textbooks and reviews, diagrams of cortical visual processing highlight two distinct neural-processi
154 nts (ON and OFF channels) in early stages of visual processing; however, less is known about how thes
155         Children born preterm are at risk of visual-processing impairments.
156 ain to affect perceptual and EEG measures of visual processing in a cyclical manner, consistent with
157  enhances perception rapidly, altering early visual processing in a manner akin to increasing the phy
158 -down signals that can modulate extrastriate visual processing in accordance with behavioral goals, y
159  impaired gamma-band activity toward complex visual processing in ASD, suggesting atypical modulation
160 ed that the DNN captured the stages of human visual processing in both time and space from early visu
161 , we review the genes and neurons regulating visual processing in Drosophila larvae and discuss the i
162 nce a function for behavioral modulations of visual processing in Drosophila.
163 tion and reveals a striking parallel between visual processing in flies and vertebrate cortex, sugges
164 tinal ganglion cell types that contribute to visual processing in G. australis.
165 g within the retina and has implications for visual processing in higher brain areas.
166  the neural mechanisms underlying high-level visual processing in humans.
167  behavioral research suggests enhanced local visual processing in individuals with autism spectrum di
168         As in vertebrates, the first step in visual processing in insects is through a series of reti
169 tatistics of natural scenes and higher order visual processing in insects.
170  prominent and well studied feature of early visual processing in mammals, but recent work has highli
171        Multiple cortical areas contribute to visual processing in mice.
172 erse set of computations likely relevant for visual processing in natural visual contexts.
173  basic neurophysiology underlying attentive, visual processing in older HIV-infected adults and a mat
174  OFF bipolar cell initiates diverse temporal visual processing in parallel.
175 se dLGN, which may potentially contribute to visual processing in the cortex.
176 se is rapidly advancing our understanding of visual processing in the mammalian brain [1, 2].
177 e we examined the serotonergic modulation of visual processing in the primary visual cortex of awake
178 c brain activity exerts greater influence on visual processing in the psychedelic state, thereby defi
179                                              Visual processing in the real world differs substantiall
180                                              Visual processing in the retina depends on coordinated s
181 , we used two-photon Ca(2+) imaging to study visual processing in VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells (V
182 ngful unit of study when investigating early visual processing in visual search tasks.
183 correlated with a broad enhancement of early visual processing, including increased repetition suppre
184 ch received input from areas associated with visual processing, including the superior colliculus, zo
185                       At the early stages of visual processing, information is processed by two major
186 n is entirely relayed from earlier stages of visual processing is debated.
187 p in determining how a neuron contributes to visual processing is determining its visual receptive fi
188 erstanding of perception, according to which visual processing is encapsulated from higher-level cogn
189 dels of face perception propose that initial visual processing is followed by activation of nonvisual
190 lner (1992), there is general agreement that visual processing is largely divided between a ventral a
191  of the caudate nucleus and VCSL on cortical visual processing is not fully understood.
192                                              Visual processing is performed in superficial layers, wh
193                  Even before movement onset, visual processing is selectively enhanced at the target
194       One of the primary objectives of early visual processing is the detection of luminance variatio
195                                              Visual processing is the main brain function allowing no
196             The relevance of these waves for visual processing is unknown.
197 y is used widely as an animal model of human visual processing, it is not known whether invariant vis
198 t are based upon the capacity limitations of visual processing, it is thought that attentional blink
199  subject to their own intrinsic auditory and visual processing latencies.
200 onclude that TAE from GPs possibly relies on visual processing levels in which the global orientation
201                   These differences in early visual processing may contribute to the behavioral findi
202 hildren aged 7 y were assessed on a range of visual-processing measures, including visual acuity, con
203 gh-DHA and standard-DHA groups in any of the visual-processing measures.
204                                              Visual processing mechanisms are routinely characterized
205                      This is consistent with visual processing mechanisms making shadows difficult to
206 cortical area MT, supporting the notion that visual processing mirrors its input statistics.
207                              Early stages of visual processing must capture complex, dynamic inputs.
208         In the left hemisphere, differential visual processing occurred only at the convergence of ne
209       Parietal cortex is often implicated in visual processing of actions.
210 s showed inattention to the painful side for visual processing of body parts but not letters, tactile
211                                          The visual processing of emotional faces is subserved by bot
212 eraging between gaze and head cues to poorer visual processing of faces in the periphery.
213 deaf people experience leads to the enhanced visual processing of faces.
214 een proposed, the computational basis of the visual processing of goal-directed actions remains large
215      The results are in line with privileged visual processing of hands as highly salient body parts,
216                      We investigated whether visual processing of images of familiar animals and arti
217 in the very earliest, pre-attentive stage of visual processing of images such as emotionally expressi
218  middle temporal area, critical in the early visual processing of motion signals, as well as a region
219                                              Visual processing of moving targets, as assessed by SSVE
220 of neurons within the VTC and LPC during the visual processing of numerals and the performance of ari
221 aptic to the OFF cell, apparently to improve visual processing of positive contrasts.
222 ting cluttered environments, and while their visual processing of rotatory optic flow is understood i
223           Here, we investigate biases in the visual processing of spatial orientation to understand h
224            However, outcome commonly follows visual processing of the environment, occurring even whe
225  visual cortex activation linked to enhanced visual processing of trauma stimuli (200-300 ms).
226                           Although models of visual processing often emphasize the central role of fe
227 remains unknown whether it exerts effects on visual processing or at planning/execution stages.
228 abel advantage stemmed from changes to early visual processing or later semantic decision processes.
229 in autism reflect impairments in (i) primary visual processing; or (ii) decision-formation, using an
230             In the standard model of central visual processing, orientation tuned responses in cortex
231 and who received a high-DHA diet have better visual-processing outcomes than do infants fed a standar
232 at human parietal cortex, part of the dorsal visual processing pathway, is capable of holding abstrac
233 ed the ventral/"what" and dorsal/"where" two-visual-processing-pathway view by showing the existence
234                                      Diverse visual processing pathways, such as color or motion-code
235 ce of "what" and "where" information in both visual processing pathways, the two pathways may still d
236                          Thus, it seems that visual processing per se is unchanged, but top-down atte
237 pling between early motor planning and early visual processing, possibly instrumental in linking and
238 ements are fundamental to two goals of early visual processing: redundancy reduction and feature extr
239 m magneto-encephalographic data during early visual processing regardless of task demands.
240       Here, we show that for the penultimate visual-processing region, ventral-temporal cortex (VTC),
241 ation transfer ratio (MTR) in WM adjacent to visual processing regions and inferior temporal cortex (
242 us complexity eliminated most differences in visual processing regions as well as most areas where sc
243  Our findings suggest that dysmyelination in visual processing regions is present in patients with sc
244  connectivity between higher and lower level visual processing regions.
245             In the human brain, a network of visual-processing regions is specialized for faces [5-7]
246                         Subsequent stages of visual processing require synapses from bipolar cells to
247                     To make up for delays in visual processing, retinal circuitry effectively predict
248                           Three higher order visual processing screening tests were administered sinc
249 drivers with impairments in any of the three visual processing screening tests.
250              Thus, the goal of understanding visual processing should include the processing of curve
251 paper and pencil test assessing higher order visual processing skills is independently associated wit
252     We conclude that a fundamental aspect of visual processing, spatial integration, is controlled by
253 ngs reveal the contribution of input pathway visual processing, specifically center-surround, tempora
254 set 2); Trails B, a paper and pencil test of visual processing speed also involving problem solving,
255                 They included an estimate of visual processing speed under divided attention conditio
256  attention and binocular rivalry at multiple visual processing stages and reveal that sustained train
257                                              Visual processing starts in the retina.
258 ixational eye movements that are part of the visual processing strategy in humans.
259 ounts suggest that neurons along the ventral visual processing stream become increasingly selective f
260 ses are seen in several areas of the ventral visual processing stream, as well as in area V3, but not
261 e highly replicable left-lateralized ventral visual processing stream.
262 al regions in a sequence consistent with the visual processing stream.
263 n processes modulate activity in the ventral visual processing stream.
264 -up saliency map that is formed early in the visual processing stream.
265 cal organization of external versus internal visual processing streams during perception in healthy h
266 t the early stages of the dorsal and ventral visual processing streams.
267  cortical areas along the ventral and dorsal visual processing streams.
268  the functional interactions between the two visual processing streams.
269  rodent visual cortex is capable of advanced visual processing, such as object recognition, is limite
270 on, the data support the hypothesis that the visual processing system develops at a different rate th
271                           With a level gaze, visual processing tasks are simplified and behaviorally
272 irth, STC showed increased activation during visual processing tasks.
273 lations might represent the temporal unit of visual processing that cyclically gates perception and t
274 ng, is often linked to interactions in early visual processing that depend primarily on the retinal p
275 rimary role in action planning as opposed to visual processing, that it exerts its strongest influenc
276           Consistent with hierarchical early visual processing, the model disclosed and quantified th
277           In addition to revealing a role in visual processing, this provides the first demonstration
278  we show an oscillatory fluctuation in early visual processing time locked with the execution of volu
279 e visual attention describes the tendency of visual processing to be confined largely to stimuli that
280 or it might reflect a causal contribution of visual processing to olfactory perception.
281 may reflect fine-tuning of category-specific visual processing to retinal input statistics.
282  perception and action, rapidly transforming visual processing to suit each stage of the task.
283            Binocular, compared to monocular, visual processing typically leads to superior performanc
284 h an un-delayed ON signal at each individual visual processing unit.
285 tigated the role of neuronal coupling during visual processing using a realistic biophysical model of
286 irst interact with brain circuits regulating visual processing, vigilance and attention.
287 ccurred without significant changes to early visual processing (visual P1 and 25-Hz steady-state visu
288 n mice, a now popular model system for early visual processing, visual perception can be guided by se
289 er literacy affects early vs. late stages of visual processing, we measured event-related potentials
290 importance of the amygdala to modulations in visual processing, we used functional magnetic resonance
291  and esthetics), cold pain, and auditory and visual processing were compared.
292 indicating that attention can modulate early visual processing when it is divided across hemifields.
293 nctional connectivity with areas involved in visual processing, whereas deafferented central and peri
294 n the rostral parts of the ventral stream of visual processing; whereas tools, being mainly based upo
295 tina is responsible for the initial steps of visual processing, which is further refined in cerebral
296  after eye opening, perhaps to regain proper visual processing within the scotopic pathway.
297 dLGN-INs) provides inhibitory control during visual processing within the thalamus.
298 porting the role of subcortical pathways for visual processing without awareness.
299                              This slowing of visual processing would increase light sensitivity but s
300 s emerged as a prominent model for binocular visual processing, yet little is known about the spatial

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