


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt sorting property in earlier stages of the visual system.
2 nd functional roles of the avian centrifugal visual system.
3 ated specialization within the human ventral visual system.
4 mizing background signal (dark noise) of the visual system.
5 ration or axonal regrowth within the injured visual system.
6 axonal guidance is required for a functional visual system.
7 g the regeneration of a functional brain and visual system.
8 onality for the virus to infect cells of the visual system.
9  opsins and the associated dark noise in the visual system.
10  a proto-organization for the entire primate visual system.
11 standing of the role these cells play in the visual system.
12 ay contribute to axon guidance in the lizard visual system.
13 cluding two classes of synapses in the mouse visual system.
14  elaboration and refinement in the mammalian visual system.
15 at defined steps during the formation of the visual system.
16 ectrical signals for propagation through the visual system.
17 que visual ecology and the chlorophyll-based visual system.
18 ) channels, which feature prominently in the visual system.
19 op-down modulation of neural activity in the visual system.
20 interaction of underlying mechanism with the visual system.
21  role in the light adaptive processes of the visual system.
22 ins and shapes neural representations in the visual system.
23  be attributed to a common source within the visual system.
24 odels are similar to those used by the human visual system.
25 ndrites of lamina neurons, L1 and L2, in the visual system.
26 the topographically ordered circuitry of the visual system.
27 nderstanding sensory processing in the early visual system.
28  OS computation at the earliest stage of the visual system.
29 irection, given the constraints of the early visual system.
30 rstanding signal transformation in the early visual system.
31 at are relevant to the encoding tasks of the visual system.
32  necessary for the normal development of the visual system.
33  a critical period in the development of the visual system.
34 ve research examining the development of the visual system.
35 , long-range signal propagation in the human visual system.
36 utation starts at the earliest stages of the visual system.
37 oviposition depression, mediated through the visual system.
38 ulticolumnar local interneurons in the adult visual system.
39 hat Jimpy mice had, in general, a functional visual system.
40  differ only slightly is a challenge for the visual system.
41 g regions found at the V1 layer of the human visual system.
42  as early as the second synapse of the mouse visual system.
43 , the first optic neuropil in the stomatopod visual system.
44 late, and primary visual cortex of the mouse visual system.
45 rding to early rudimentary properties of the visual system.
46  judgments and neural responses in the human visual system.
47 ntations of objects and faces in the primate visual system.
48 allel color opponent pathways to the central visual system.
49 n the monocular, subcortical portions of the visual system.
50 c signature was observed most clearly in the visual system.
51 category-related organization of the ventral visual system.
52 l for future investigations of the circadian visual system.
53  spatial discriminations made by the primate visual system.
54 n of developing axon branches in the tadpole visual system.
55 ed to establish retinotopy, a feature of all visual systems.
56 se in some sensory cells of the auditory and visual systems.
57 early evolution of eyes and their underlying visual systems.
58 duct of plasticity common to many vertebrate visual systems.
59 the cone-, but not rod-, photoreceptor based visual systems.
60 hich seems also to be relevant to vertebrate visual systems.
61 principles with the adult fly and vertebrate visual systems.
62 f points in the world within a space-variant visual system?
63 cy information is available to the amblyopic visual system?
64              How is space represented in the visual system?
65 acquired through damage to components of the visual system [4,5], and support proposals that these si
66 riation in the anatomy and physiology of the visual system [4,7,8] suggests that individual variation
67                                       In the visual system, a particularly relevant stimulus feature
68 ies, whereby neural signals in the mammalian visual system actively encode and update predictions abo
69                                       In the visual system, afferents from retina to the lateral geni
70 cant consequences for the functioning of the visual system after sight restoration, particularly if t
71                            In the vertebrate visual system, all output of the retina is carried by re
72                                          Our visual system allows us to rapidly identify and intercep
73                           We report that the visual system alone can recruit lateralized, rapid escap
74            Conclusion The findings show that visual system alterations can be detected in early stage
75 eurons and neural connections in the eye and visual system." An AGI Town Hall held at the Association
76 ield of neural regeneration, focusing on the visual system and highlighting studies using other model
77 eals unexpected plasticity within the insect visual system and highlights its remarkable ability to e
78 uclei receive light input from the circadian visual system and indirect input from the biological clo
79  idiosyncrasies are established early in the visual system and inherited throughout later stages to a
80 ew about binocular processing in the primate visual system and raises questions about the role of dor
81 a quantitative image quality budget for this visual system and show how chromatic blurring dominates
82 ng was associated with a deactivation of the visual system and the dorsal attention network indicatin
83 work) as well as reduced deactivation of the visual system and the dorsal attention network.
84  conditions attests to the robustness of the visual system and warrants further investigation.
85 input is one of the great challenges for the visual system and yet, this type of representation is cr
86 geous nature of receptive field structure in visual systems and suggests several future research area
87  direction-selective cells in the Drosophila visual system, and define the algorithm used to compute
88 el of sensitive period regulation within the visual system, and present burgeoning evidence suggestin
89 ceptual distortion metric based on the human visual system, and the modulation transfer function (MTF
90                              Remarkably, the visual system appears to preferentially weight motion si
91                 Lessons learned from the fly visual system apply to other neural systems, including t
92 s of visual feedback, while fMRI patterns in visual system areas faithfully represent target location
93                           Within the primate visual system, areas at lower levels of the cortical hie
94 pact on critical period plasticity using the visual system as a model (3-6 mice/group).
95                                    Using the visual system as a model, we recently showed that the ef
96              We found that in the Drosophila visual system, astrocyte-like medulla neuropil glia (mng
97 topic organization is present throughout the visual system at birth, so selective early viewing behav
98 tina, compelling evidence indicates that the visual system at least partially compensates for self-mo
99 ntially impacts the visual code in the early visual system at synaptic and single-neuron levels, but
100 m may not only play an important role in the visual system but may be generalizable across the L-type
101 l neural networks are the best models of the visual system, but most emphasize input transformations
102 he earliest steps in image processing in the visual system, but the genetic pathways that regulate th
103 diates dynamic spectral tuning of the entire visual system by controlling the balance of vitamin A1 a
104 he structure, metabolism and function of the visual system by optical coherence tomography and multi-
105 s organizationally distinct from the primate visual system can also be exapted or recycled to process
106 erties of neurons in the early stages of the visual system can be described using the rectified respo
107                                    The human visual system can be divided into over two-dozen distinc
108 son disease and that the entire intracranial visual system can be involved.
109 an alternative possibility: namely, that the visual system can infer eye rotations from global patter
110                                    The human visual system can only represent a small subset of the m
111  Whether the mouse, which has a much simpler visual system, can use such second-order information to
112 field and may bias heading perception if the visual system cannot dissociate object motion from self-
113                                 In the early visual system, cells of the same type perform the same c
114               Purpose To assess intracranial visual system changes of newly diagnosed Parkinson disea
115                      We investigated how the visual system codes object locations in spatiotopic (i.e
116              This provides evidence that the visual system combines inputs over time in a statistical
117 igned to find out how faces are processed in visual system compared to other objects.
118                            The adult primate visual system comprises a series of hierarchically organ
119                                  The primate visual system consists of a ventral stream, specialized
120                                          The visual system consists of two major subsystems, image-fo
121              In flies and other insects, the visual system contains an array of specialized neurons t
122 ppears that most, if not all, of the macaque visual system contains organized representations of visu
123 between imagery and perception in the entire visual system correlates with experienced imagery vividn
124  retina and early visual pathways, the human visual system creates a structured representation of the
125                                       In the visual system, critical period plasticity drives the est
126  processing of stimuli by neurons within the visual system, current knowledge of their causal basis,
127 mechanism in which 10 Hz oscillations in the visual system define the time window for integrating aud
128                While the question of how the visual system detects and senses motion energies at diff
129                         The way in which the visual system determines the size of objects remains unc
130                              Here we ask how visual system development and function changes in mice t
131  However, its role in controlling vertebrate visual system development, maintenance and function so f
132  essential for multiple aspects of postnatal visual system development.
133                  Understanding how the human visual system develops is crucial to understanding the n
134             In the medulla of the Drosophila visual system, different neurons form synaptic connectio
135                                 How does the visual system differentiate self-generated motion from m
136                                   In the fly visual system, directionally selective small-field neuro
137     Our results provide insight into how the visual system distinguishes opaque surfaces and light-pe
138                            We found that the visual system does not appear to use all available motio
139 ct boundaries in natural scenes, the primate visual system does not only rely on differences in local
140                                          The visual system does this by adapting to luminance and con
141  visual input, spoken language colonizes the visual system during brain development.
142 eption-action coupling by revealing that the visual system dynamically reshapes feature selectivity c
143 iological basis for feature detection in the visual system, elucidate the synaptic mechanisms that ge
144 study for the first time shows how the human visual system encodes visual aspects of architecture, on
145         As raw sensory data are partial, our visual system extensively fills in missing details, crea
146 and how neural circuits at each stage of the visual system extract and encode features from the visua
147 face processing is a priority of the primate visual system, face detection is not infallible.
148 ar EPSP characteristics, showing that in the visual system, feedforward excitation and inhibition are
149            This revealed that in the primate visual system, feedforward influences are carried by the
150 nhanced peripheral vision by sensitizing the visual system for motion processing relying on feedback
151                                       In the visual system, for example, some neurons respond to moti
152  to progress in promoting the restoration of visual system function.
153 the mechanisms underlying the development of visual system function.
154 elopment of optic devices for improvement of visual system functions in patients who suffer from phot
155 photoreceptor cells, and thereby improve the visual system functions.
156  light to visible light - for improvement of visual system functions.
157                           As such, the mouse visual system has become a platform for multilevel analy
158                               The Drosophila visual system has become a premier model for probing how
159                                 Although the visual system has been extensively investigated, an inte
160                                The mammalian visual system has been extensively studied since Hubel a
161 ed, the highly organized connectivity of the visual system has greatly facilitated the discovery of n
162                                    The human visual system has specialised mechanisms for encoding mi
163 f analyzing all the elements in a scene, our visual system has the ability to compress an enormous am
164                                          The visual system has the remarkable ability to integrate fr
165           Motion tracking is a challenge the visual system has to solve by reading out the retinal po
166     Species that are highly reliant on their visual system have a specialized retinal area subserving
167         Most systematic studies of the avian visual system have focused on Neognathous species, leavi
168                   Across the animal kingdom, visual systems have evolved to be uniquely suited to the
169 ellite meeting, "Reconnecting Neurons in the Visual System," held in October 2015 sponsored by the Na
170 between the foveated properties of the human visual system (high foveal acuity and low peripheral acu
171 RI are primarily confined to a subset of the visual system (high-level vision: faces, scenes) and rel
172 s in the auditory (i.e., Heschl's gyrus) and visual systems (i.e., the calcarine cortex) in UHL patie
173 form, but we know little about how the human visual system identifies them.
174                        Here we tested in the visual system if correlated variability in mid-level are
175     This brief review examines damage to the visual system in both humans and animal models of blast
176 atural scenes are not random, and peripheral visual systems in vertebrates and insects have evolved t
177  of visual field maps throughout the primate visual system, including late stages in the ventral visu
178  optic nerve crush (ONC) in rodent models of visual system injury.
179  link between the neural architecture of the visual system inputs-cone photoreceptors-and visual perc
180 n fairly well studied, it is unclear how the visual system integrates this information to form cohere
181                                              Visual system involvement was evident by changes in opti
182 A characteristic of the developing mammalian visual system is a brief interval of plasticity, termed
183 bject's pattern of motion on the retina, the visual system is able to factor out the influence of sel
184                                    The fly's visual system is an influential model system for studyin
185     For animals active in very dim light the visual system is challenged by several sources of visual
186                              The centrifugal visual system is composed of a considerable number of mu
187 her, these findings establish that the human visual system is highly efficient in learning temporal r
188                 A major challenge facing the visual system is how to map such a large dynamic input r
189                                          The visual system is influenced by action.
190                             We find that the visual system is most sensitive to motion falling at app
191                            Individuating the visual system is one thing; the question of encapsulatio
192 er understand how this IOC-based centrifugal visual system is organized, we have studied its major co
193 ure of the representation for objects in the visual system is partially constitutive of the decision
194                                          The visual system is particularly well suited for characteri
195                           Although the human visual system is remarkable at perceiving and interpreti
196 e ability of MD to modify neurons within the visual system is restricted to a so-called critical peri
197                              One role of the visual system is to combine the two retinal images into
198                    A fundamental task of the visual system is to extract figure-ground boundaries bet
199                We found that the adult human visual system is tuned to these contingencies.
200 formation encoded at different levels of the visual system (local details in low-level areas vs globa
201                                       In the visual system, many connections are organized topographi
202  those operating in the ODC formation of the visual system may act on vestibular projection refinemen
203 t depth perception could affect VWM, and the visual system may have an advantage in maintaining close
204       This suggests the possibility that the visual system may use the covariation of local surface o
205                     We hypothesized that the visual system might resolve this challenge by aligning i
206                                 In the mouse visual system, normal visual experience during a critica
207 e detected in all mice, and infection of CNS visual system nuclei in the brain was common.
208 s and connections of all the neurons- of the visual system of a Drosophila larva, providing a structu
209               Here, in the corticogeniculate visual system of awake rabbits, we investigate the funct
210 mple, we constructed a computer model of the visual system of cephalopods (octopus, squid, and cuttle
211  we describe the circuit architecture of the visual system of Drosophila larvae by mapping the synapt
212  generate direction selectivity in the early visual system of mammals and flies.
213 of color and luminance pathways early in the visual system of many species, and despite the tradition
214 circuits amplify spontaneous activity in the visual system of neonatal rats.
215                       Recent findings in the visual system of nonhuman primates have demonstrated an
216 ior-something rare to find in studies of the visual system of other species.
217 tudies of the thalamocortical circuit in the visual system of the cat have been central to our unders
218 nt below saturating levels in the developing visual system of the Xenopus tadpole.
219 the similarities and differences between the visual system of this and other model species.
220 heir level of camouflage as perceived by the visual systems of their main predators.
221                                          The visual systems of vertebrates and many other bilaterian
222 mporarily enhances the effective gain of the visual system on the timescale of seconds.
223 ant neurophysiological insights into how our visual system operates in complex environments.
224 lobe cortex, category-selective areas of the visual system, or elsewhere in the brain.
225 ortance of mice as a model for understanding visual system organisation, at present we know very litt
226                Our findings demonstrate that visual systems organizationally distinct from the primat
227 : The major afferent cortical pathway in the visual system passes through the dorsal lateral genicula
228                  At the first synapse in the visual system, presynaptic metabotropic glutamate recept
229                 Here we demonstrate that the visual system prioritizes real-world objects presented i
230                                          The visual system processes objects embedded in complex scen
231                            In the Drosophila visual system, R8 photoreceptor growth cones were shown
232 s a summary of our existing understanding of visual system regeneration and provides a blueprint for
233 er model systems that can inform analysis of visual system regeneration.
234                        Here we show that the visual system represents face features better when they
235  simple computational model of the zebrafish visual system reproduced these results.
236              An inherent limitation of human visual system research stems from its reliance on highly
237     Here we asked to what extent the newborn visual system resembles the adult organization.
238                                       In the visual system, retinal circuits are thought to mature fi
239  natural view, melanopsin augments the early visual system's ability to encode patterns over moderate
240            Ensemble perception refers to the visual system's ability to extract summary statistical i
241 ptic complex with glutamate receptors at the visual system's first synapse.
242  Earth and exhibit considerable variation in visual system sensitivities.
243               We show that in the Drosophila visual system, sequential segregation of photoreceptor a
244  evidence that the organization of the mouse visual system shares important similarities to that of p
245 ty may engage distinct circuits in the mouse visual system.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Seeing through two
246 f salience dominates at higher levels of the visual system.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The neuronal respon
247 l constraints to computational models of the visual system.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT To understand how t
248                                          The visual system simultaneously segregates between several
249 al muscles, it is logical to assume that our visual system solves this inverse problem.
250 d fMRI to test the hypothesis that the human visual system solves this problem by automatically ident
251 is for comparative studies of the vertebrate visual system, stressing the conserved character of the
252                     Here we review the mouse visual system structure, function, and development liter
253 onal modulation targets higher levels of the visual system (such as V4 or MT) rather than input areas
254 ted known structural properties of the early visual system, such as lateral connectivity, or imposing
255                            In the vertebrate visual system, such topography is seen clearly in the op
256 te coarse spatial scale information when the visual system synthesizes form signals.
257 information is now available about the mouse visual system than any other sensory system, in any spec
258                    This ability depends on a visual system that has fascinated scientists for decades
259 ual within birds, has favored an exceptional visual system that is highly tuned for hunting at night,
260 and does not shed light on mechanisms in the visual system that recover object motion during self-mot
261 eds light on plausible mechanisms within the visual system that transform retinal motion into a world
262 racan crustaceans famous for their elaborate visual system, the most complex of which possesses 12 ty
263  to inverted) face processing emerges in the visual system, the present study aimed to systematically
264                                       In the visual system, the response to a stimulus in a neuron's
265 vide a modern description of the Chiropteran visual system, the subcortical retinal projections were
266  from neurons in two early gateways into the visual system: the primary visual cortex (V1) and the ev
267 scene perception is actively achieved by the visual system through global serial dependencies: the ap
268 e role of rod coupling in the ability of the visual system to anticipate, assimilate, and respond to
269 ed to the target representation, causing the visual system to become sensitized for similar objects i
270               Motion anticipation allows the visual system to compensate for the slow speed of photot
271 ing a coordinated protective response in the visual system to defects of a component tissue.
272 these 'dynamic perspective' cues allowed the visual system to generate selectivity for depth sign fro
273 nism may reflect the natural tendency of the visual system to integrate complex inputs into one coher
274                       We used the Drosophila visual system to investigate how development is coordina
275    This attentional modulation may allow the visual system to modify incoming feature-specific signal
276                      Training can modify the visual system to produce a substantial improvement on pe
277                                              Visual systems transduce, process and transmit light-dep
278                            In the Drosophila visual system, two neuroepithelia, the outer (OPC) and i
279 inally, we show that for space and time, the visual system uses a similar strategy to achieve increas
280                                 Although the visual system uses both velocity- and disparity-based bi
281  minimal recognizable images, that the human visual system uses features and processes that are not u
282                This finding reveals that the visual system uses oculomotor-induced temporal modulatio
283 ous investigations of the development of the visual system using fMRI are primarily confined to a sub
284 We investigated these phenomena in the human visual system using fMRI.
285               Specifically, we show that the visual system utilizes both local motion parallax cues a
286 primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in human visual system, varies substantially across individuals.
287                            In the developing visual system, visual deprivation early in life can resu
288 wn physiology of callosal connections in the visual system, we developed a simple model of lateral in
289                 Inspired by natural scotopic visual systems, we adopt an all-optical method to signif
290 he initial majority of infected cells in the visual system were glial cells along the optic tract.
291 tion to accommodate an increased load on the visual system when mice are moving.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMEN
292 isons have been those made to the Drosophila visual system, where a deeper understanding of molecular
293 ganized sensory systems, such as the primate visual system, where neurons in the retina and dorsal la
294 nticipatory alpha power in the contralateral visual system, whereas a right-hemispheric dominance see
295  eliminated virtually all microglia from the visual system, whereas macrophages were spared.
296 uiding vision preservation strategies in the visual system, which may help reduce the burden of this
297                        The avian centrifugal visual system, which projects from the brain to the reti
298            The retina is the entrance to the visual system, which receives various kinds of image sig
299 ry stimulus-evoked signals in the Drosophila visual system with subcellular resolution.
300 might help explain the evolution of foveated visual systems with eye movements as a solution that pre

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