


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nctional enrichment analysis through network visualization.
2 equiring development of novel tools for data visualization.
3  may decrease this risk by improving glottis visualization.
4 omprehensive framework for metabolic pathway visualization.
5 ing online data acquisition, processing, and visualization.
6 at can be shared and loaded to reproduce the visualization.
7 potential platforms for remote macromolecule visualization.
8 ser via customized workflows and interactive visualization.
9  perform dimension reduction, clustering and visualization.
10 quence types, and structural and mechanistic visualization.
11 a and (iii) bacterial regulon prediction and visualization.
12 y web server for data query, exploration and visualization.
13 s from targeted spine heads under two-photon visualization.
14 nal information into their analysis and data visualization.
15 estigated in this research using exploratory visualization.
16 are routinely featured in molecular graphics visualizations.
17 vide the versatility often required for such visualizations.
18 products and generating easily interpretable visualizations.
19 he space of TCRs that permits clustering and visualization, a robust repertoire diversity metric that
20              Ortholog prediction and synteny visualization across whole genomes are valuable methods
21  reduce the offset between working space and visualization allowing for improved spatial-visual appro
22 (95% CI = 91.9%-98.7%) regarding anastomosis visualization among reviewers with wide-ranging experien
23 atisfies all three characteristics, but MOST-Visualization, an extension of the software package MOST
24 be SlicerDMRI, a software suite that enables visualization and analysis of dMRI for neuroscientific s
25 ns is developed to allow high spatiotemporal visualization and analysis of gene and protein expressio
26 databases couple preconfigured searches with visualization and analysis tools for comprehensive data
27 a flexible design has made true many-channel visualization and analysis unavailable.
28 ue strategies in zebrafish, a model allowing visualization and assessment of heart function, even in
29                           Here we report the visualization and characterization of the Salmonella typ
30  a combination of 2-D slice analysis and 3-D visualization and counting.
31     We have created an interactive web-based visualization and data access tool for exploring the res
32  the Pathview Web server, as to make pathway visualization and data integration accessible to all sci
33 d to dyes and functionalized beads to enable visualization and enrichment of newly synthesized protei
34 sed by using standard histologic methods for visualization and examined by fluorescent, brightfield,
35 ing tool was successfully developed for data visualization and filtering data by several linked crite
36  signal intensity in each vessel region, and visualization and handling ratings were measured for the
37 rnative analytical approaches (i.e., in vivo visualization and in vitro assay), HRMAS NMR identified
38 fy other neuronal cell types and would allow visualization and in-depth characterization of these neu
39 estigated as a real-time diagnostic tool for visualization and in-situ measurements of "blind" proces
40 he MinePath web-server concerns its advanced visualization and interactive capabilities.
41 s clustering performance while improving the visualization and interpretability of single-cell sequen
42 livered 5(6)-carboxy-DCFH2 enabled real-time visualization and measurement of hepatocellular oxidant
43 of projection artifacts resulted in improved visualization and measurements of the neovascular lesion
44 s enabling technology to in vivo single-cell visualization and mechanistic analysis of macromolecular
45  have been developed for biological molecule visualization and modern drug discovery.
46 Forge, a novel web application for haplotype visualization and pedigree drawing.
47 esolution imaging flow cytometry allowed the visualization and quantification of all individual trans
48 ugh the type three secretion system, allowed visualization and quantification of caspase-3 activation
49 as enabled accurate three-dimensional signal visualization and quantification of complex biological s
50                               We demonstrate visualization and quantification of fine details in cell
51 ed from RNA-Seq data and provides users with visualization and quantification of gene isoforms associ
52  the phenotyping of COPD by allowing for the visualization and quantification of non-emphysematous ai
53 nted herein offer an automated framework for visualization and quantification of pore structures in a
54 ire-matrix pressure sensor (ZPS), a pressure visualization and recording (PVR) system with a spatial
55                            PopFly allows the visualization and retrieval of functional annotations, e
56         We provide an R script for graphical visualization and statistical analysis.
57 hniques, encompassing both real-time dynamic visualization and super-resolution imaging for frozen sy
58                             However, whisker visualization and tracking is challenging for multiple r
59                                              Visualization and tracking of the facial whiskers is req
60 and has a graphical user interface (GUI) for visualization and user interaction.
61 omes, respectively) in responsive, web-based visualization and virtual reality environments.
62 e remediation of such errors via interactive visualizations and reports comparing the stated sex, rel
63 new application simplifies data exploration, visualization, and integration for a better comprehensio
64 ata, to extend the scope of data content and visualizations, and to provide infrastructure and user s
65  components: navigation anxiety and rotation/visualization anxiety.
66 e lifetime or spectral data through a common visualization approach.
67                                  Integrative visualization approaches such as provided by ProtVista a
68                Sophisticated and interactive visualizations are essential for making sense of the int
69                                          All visualizations are interactive and interconnected, such
70                              However, static visualizations are limiting in the information that can
71                             Three scientific visualizations are shown, spanning macroscopic to nanosc
72 neric framework for statistical analysis and visualization, as well as specialized data classes for a
73                                       Direct visualization at 1873 K of 0% to 8% molten FeAl droplets
74              PET images showed optimal tumor visualization at 5-8 d after injection.
75 ive, moderate, or hyperreflective, and their visualization at the level of SCP and deep capillary ple
76 n microscopy (cryo-EM) has made possible the visualization, at increasingly better resolution, of lar
77 the many other types of network analysis and visualization available through Cytoscape.
78                            This i3 is a data visualization based on the Cell Stem Cell tenth annivers
79 and homology modeling within the interactive visualization capabilities of PyMOL.
80 ase Model Reports, protein domain search and visualization, concise gene summaries, a portal for exte
81 n score optimization, and (vi) network graph visualizations, data curation, and sharing are made poss
82                        The tool incorporates visualization design principles such as focus+context an
83  of brain research results through effective visualization designs.
84 VE (Tumor Heterogeneity Research Interactive Visualization Environment), an open-source tool develope
85 tools with user-friendly user interfaces and visualization features can enhance CNV studies for a bro
86                                     The rich visualization features implemented allow end users to in
87 nd provides integrated search, analysis, and visualization features through a single portal.
88  analysis of BCs through two new interactive visualization features, a BC function heatmap and a BC s
89            Its flexibility allows a suitable visualization for both small and large datasets.
90 tform that automates genotype comparison and visualization for projects with up to hundreds of genomi
91 archy and enable efficient reuse of Reactome visualizations for users' own research presentations and
92 teomics data and an accompanying interactive visualization framework.
93              Equipped with real-time process visualization functionality, the system enables on-chip
94                                      From 3D visualization, gap progress could be seen on both enamel
95                                          The visualization graphs illustrate discriminated biobricks
96 showed high tumor uptake and excellent tumor visualization, highlighting the utility of this strategy
97 -speed NGL Viewer that provides 3D molecular visualization in any web browser, improved support for d
98 ith network and annotation files created for visualization in Cytoscape.
99 The first evidence of prostate cancer lesion visualization in men using (68)Ga-NeoBOMB1 and PET/CT is
100 eb application focusing on protein structure visualization in modern web browsers.
101                                         Data visualization in reduced-parameter frameworks (e.g., oxi
102  are also available in a Track Hub, allowing visualization in the context of public genomic annotatio
103  genes in one module propagates instantly to visualizations in other modules.
104                             Our multichannel visualization includes a multilevel streaming pipeline p
105 ng GI predictions and improving its flexible visualization interface.
106           Pathway-based data integration and visualization is a critical component of the analysis.
107                                              Visualization is a crucial component in their analysis.
108 biofluids and liver targeted in vivo albumin visualization is demonstrated.
109                                       Direct visualization is obtained for the intermolecular attract
110         Sequence logos have become a crucial visualization method for studying underlying sequence pa
111                        Finally, we present a visualization method to inspect the individual contribut
112            We used novel subpopulation-based visualization methods to interpret the morphological cha
113                     The application features visualization modules that include time course expressio
114           TCPA provides various analytic and visualization modules to help cancer researchers explore
115 r features: electron density and contact map visualizations, multiple sequence alignment tools for te
116 a suite of RNA analysis functions, including visualization, mutation analysis and multiple RNAs struc
117  for exon-only, gene-only and custom regions visualization; new genome browsers for three species (br
118 report a three dimensional (3D) quantitative visualization of a mammalian mitochondrion by coherent x
119                                              Visualization of a phase reaction of composite nanomater
120 lographic cytometry (DHC) permits label-free visualization of adherent cells.
121 the transgenic rats and allowed a convenient visualization of all lymphatic vessels, including those
122                           Here, we created a visualization of an 8-minute symphony as a silent movie
123 ality (MR) headmounted display (HMD) for the visualization of anatomical structures in complex viscer
124 er expanding, biclusters comparison, heatmap visualization of any identified biclusters and co-expres
125                                 This allowed visualization of areas where the intestinal epithelium h
126 ific selection criteria, allows for a direct visualization of arrhythmic spiral re-entry and represen
127 ing of fungal pathogens, including real-time visualization of Aspergillus fumigatus (5 d for culturin
128 gonist, [(11)C]AZ12204657, was evaluated for visualization of beta-cells in pigs and nonhuman primate
129 oded self-labeling tags or antibodies allows visualization of both exocytosis and endocytosis, consti
130 ly diagnosed, untreated glioblastoma enabled visualization of brain glucose physiology and pathophysi
131                                              Visualization of cancer-associated alterations of molecu
132                   The quantitative study and visualization of cell-to-cell propagation using tagged-p
133                   Our results offer a direct visualization of cellular response to a noncanonical acr
134                                     Finally, visualization of changes in protein abundance associated
135 ticus) were evaluated by immunohistochemical visualization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and th
136                                              Visualization of chromosome dynamics allows the investig
137 ck first and identify later" for multiplexed visualization of chromosome dynamics by combining two te
138                                      Further visualization of collective effect of 1181 microRNAs-mRN
139 ine for the discovery, characterization, and visualization of complex genomic rearrangements, such as
140                                      Network visualization of correlated lipids demonstrated overall
141 oped tool Metscape that enables building and visualization of correlation networks.
142  second near-infrared window (NIR-II) allows visualization of deep anatomical features with an unprec
143                                 Using direct visualization of deltaR trafficking and localization, we
144  toolkit to allow evolutionary placement and visualization of diverse DNA sequences representing unkn
145 y-ion mass spectrometry to provide the first visualization of DMSP at sub-cellular levels, tracking t
146                                              Visualization of dynamic functional and molecular events
147                             Moreover, direct visualization of dynamic heterogeneities naturally appea
148                                    Real-time visualization of EV71 infection in mice identified areas
149                DESI-MS imaging enabled clear visualization of fine papillary branches in serous BOT a
150 features include live interaction, immediate visualization of functional sub-paths per phenotype and
151 tagged entities would allow localization and visualization of ghrelin receptor expressing carcinomas
152                           Here we show rapid visualization of grain boundaries in chemical vapour dep
153 ive data analysis, allowing the simultaneous visualization of groups of genes at a cell/tissue level
154 al conditions, this new method allows direct visualization of heterogeneous ion transport of biologic
155 ionality reduction, pattern recognition, and visualization of high dimensional data.
156 e organism offers the potential for in-depth visualization of host-pathogen interactions.
157                             We report direct visualization of hot-carrier migration in methylammonium
158 lular pH-sensitive pHluorin tag allow direct visualization of integrin exocytosis in live cells and r
159         More importantly, we demonstrate the visualization of intraperitoneal ovarian cancer micromet
160 herence tomography angiography (OCTA) allows visualization of iris racemose hemangioma course and its
161 e, LIQUID, for semi-automated processing and visualization of LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics data.
162  Electrochemical analysis and direct optical visualization of Li and Na deposition in symmetric Li/Li
163     Notably, this is the first time-resolved visualization of lithium-ion transport within and betwee
164 We suggest future research should amalgamate visualization of localized cellular interactions with do
165 tion of organic dye fluorescence and permits visualization of low-abundance tissue markers such as Bc
166 er, a software platform for the analysis and visualization of medical images, overcoming limitations
167                                              Visualization of metabolites, reactions and pathways in
168                We present here the direct 3D visualization of mitochondrial calcium in intact mammali
169 ps are the most frequently used graphics for visualization of molecular profiling data in biology.
170 on in the post Java-applet era for web-based visualization of molecular structures.
171 ge-scale brain activity patterns, volumetric visualization of moving organs and contrast agent kineti
172        The graphical user interface provides visualization of multiple lines of spectral evidence for
173 tomography (muOCT) that enables 4D (x,y,z,t) visualization of neutrophils in the co-culture environme
174 genes for biological validation and enhanced visualization of NMF results.
175 re needed to fill the void for detection and visualization of NPs in complex biological and environme
176     It provides three functional modules: 1) visualization of numerical representation of RNA seconda
177 strate a fluorescent dye method suitable for visualization of one or more rat whiskers.
178 velop optical enhancers which can aid in the visualization of ovarian cancer micrometastasis.
179  describe a method that allows the localized visualization of oxidized intermediates of PTPs inside c
180 based logo tool for integrated detection and visualization of position-specific ultra-short motifs fr
181 potential to maintain sensitive and accurate visualization of PpIX contrast over the course of surger
182 application that enables the computation and visualization of probability map generation results in n
183 cts were further supported by the successful visualization of prostate cancer lesions in men using (6
184 ed scRNA-seq datasets ready for analysis and visualization of reads at the single-cell level.
185 ade neuronal tracers were injected by direct visualization of regions of interest, and the location o
186         Using DNA fiber spreading and direct visualization of replication intermediates, we report th
187 nalysis with the Evanno Delta K analysis and visualization of results using STRUCTURE HARVESTER.
188 approach using split GFP for tissue-specific visualization of ribosomes in Caenorhabditis elegans.
189 a demonstrate the utility of tissue-specific visualization of ribosomes in vivo, and provide insight
190 et-up for live adult zebrafish, allowing for visualization of scar formation and heart regeneration i
191   CTC results were revealed after endoscopic visualization of sequential colonic segments, which were
192 lar yet inadequate solution for quantitative visualization of set intersections.
193 nt machines for unsupervised recognition and visualization of similarities in big data can also infer
194 e is the first to allow characterization and visualization of small fragments of DNA in processed bot
195 anced signal-to-noise ratio, thus optimizing visualization of small subcortical structures.
196 of the membrane is demonstrated using direct visualization of sodium electrodeposition.
197 ork represents advances in the detection and visualization of spatially confined surface and bulk pho
198 renderings with 50 nm voxel size enabled the visualization of spherical nanoparticle aggregates with
199                                The real-time visualization of stochastic nucleation events at electro
200 ecule localization: without this capability, visualization of structures or motions extending in the
201  have been widely used for protein labeling, visualization of subcellular protein localization, and d
202               Additional features facilitate visualization of subgroups or clusters of non-independen
203                                              Visualization of synaptic output from olfactory sensory
204                                              Visualization of t-distributed stochastic neighbor embed
205 11)C-RO6924963 are promising PET tracers for visualization of tau aggregates in AD.
206 evelopment of tau imaging agents has enabled visualization of tau lesions in tauopathy patients, but
207 Galaxy) is a Web-based tool for analyses and visualization of TCR and BCR sequencing data of 13 speci
208 can be determined at the same time, allowing visualization of the 3-dimensional structure of collagen
209                                              Visualization of the actin meshwork openings at the immu
210  are exploited in tandem to allow structural visualization of the activation process, from a eta(2)-H
211  light ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) enables direct visualization of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in the li
212 pendent breast cancer data sets, and through visualization of the data in the context of disease prog
213 2 generation by BADs in living cells enables visualization of the dyads distribution, promising new i
214                                       Direct visualization of the entire anastomosis was improved wit
215           In this study, we conducted direct visualization of the global organization and mobility of
216 , by using techniques that allowed a precise visualization of the heteromers in situ in combination w
217 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that allows visualization of the implanted cells ensuring they reach
218       Live cell imaging enabled simultaneous visualization of the interaction of control and targeted
219                      This enabled the direct visualization of the microbial and chemical makeup of a
220 rtifact removal algorithm, we found improved visualization of the MNV.
221 n response to multiple stimuli and allow for visualization of the morphological changes associated wi
222 se neutron crystallography, which allows the visualization of the positions of hydrogen atoms, and co
223                                       Direct visualization of the posterior segment is not possible w
224 ively using HTML format along with a graphic visualization of the prediction.
225                Interactive three-dimensional visualization of the results is available at www.enigma-
226              Cluster analysis, combined with visualization of the results, is one such method that ca
227 raphic regions and user-friendly interactive visualization of the results.
228                                          The visualization of the similarities is provided by means o
229 pt for free electrons via direct time-domain visualization of the sub-optical cycle energy and transv
230             Imaging studies resulted in good visualization of the tumor with both (68)Ga-NeoBOMB1 and
231 y analysis server that introduces and offers visualization of the underlying and active pathway regul
232 nts with neovascular AMD, increased need for visualization of the vasculature must be taken into acco
233 D1-expressing medium spiny neurons and allow visualization of their dendrites.
234  study bridges a major resolution gap in the visualization of this nanomachine and may serve as a par
235 low both treatment of the tumor and improved visualization of tumor margins, we developed new viral-b
236 aring intraperitoneal ovarian cancer allowed visualization of tumor-associated vasculature and its co
237 erformance computing resources, analysis and visualization of user-provided sequence data with associ
238  current approaches, as we show by comparing visualizations of 27 published models using standard gra
239                                   By linking visualizations of both statistics and structures, users
240  generating highly-accurate, low-dimensional visualizations of high-dimensional data.
241 eractive and customizable tools for creating visualizations of the DNA-protein interface at different
242 visualize the surgical anastomosis and rated visualization on a subjective scale.
243 -one region-to-annotation mapping, a lack of visualization options to easily summarize data, or some
244 present CRISPR-DAV (CRISPR Data Analysis and Visualization) pipeline to analyze the CRISPR NGS data i
245               Existing tools built on volume visualization pipelines for single channel or red-green-
246 esigned and developed a data integration and visualization platform that provides evidence about the
247 , the most widely used program for haplotype visualization produces inconsistent recombination artefa
248 he design choices made by existing haplotype visualization programs do not scale to large numbers of
249 ensitivity and high speed for grain boundary visualization regardless of the degree of crystal axis r
250                                       PanViz visualizations require no external programs and are easi
251   NaviGO is a web-based tool for interactive visualization, retrieval, and computation of functional
252                         Data integration and visualization revealed group-specific similarities for p
253 ts: files that describe a particular map and visualization settings, and that can be shared and loade
254                                  Directional visualization showed that these differences corresponded
255 ch task, and we discuss gaps in the existing visualization space revealed by our taxonomy.
256 s of electrochemical measurements and direct visualization studies.
257       We present a three-dimensional dynamic visualization study using fast synchrotron X-ray micro-t
258 and provides a data retrieval, analysis, and visualization system of microbial resources.
259  we present new developments in the Reactome visualization system that facilitate navigation through
260 findings clearly demonstrated the utility of visualization techniques and modeling in elucidating the
261 ts, allowing us to use standard hierarchical visualization techniques as alternatives to cluster heat
262                  While there are metrics and visualization techniques that allow analysts to compare
263                     We also examine existing visualization techniques that support each task, and we
264                          We hypothesize that visualization techniques without the rigid grid constrai
265 ollowed by a description of state-of-the art visualization techniques.
266 trends, or are complicated to use and create visualizations that are difficult to interpret.
267 provides summary statistics, annotations and visualizations that are useful for understanding callers
268 h cheminformatics-based data integration and visualization to derive substance-specific signatures ba
269 package that employs a scalable matrix-based visualization to show intersections of sets, their size,
270                       Additionally, our data visualization tool enables efficient exploration of mito
271 sent ENIGMA-Viewer, an interactive web-based visualization tool for brain scientists to compare stati
272                 ProtVista is a comprehensive visualization tool for the graphical representation of p
273 es a comprehensive database and analysis and visualization tool to enable comparative analyses of rib
274 E-Vis is the first comprehensive gene fusion visualization tool to help a user infer the potential co
275       We designed an interactive spills data visualization tool to illustrate the value of having sta
276 roach to assign modalities; and bonvoyage, a visualization tool using non-negative matrix factorizati
277                                    Available visualization toolkits require large libraries with mult
278 rosoft's PivotViewer software (iii) new data visualization tools and (iv) the interrelation of FINDba
279 inding profiles intuitively with the help of visualization tools and tables provided by annoPeak.
280 mented in order to simulate their spread and visualization tools are proposed.
281                              Current synteny visualization tools either focus on small regions of seq
282                       While existing network visualization tools enable the exploration of cancer gen
283 ous sources, a growing suite of analysis and visualization tools for data mining and hypothesis gener
284 g actin networks, and (ii) adapted molecular visualization tools from structural biology to render an
285 have been increasing dramatically, while the visualization tools have not kept pace.
286 rcomes the limitations of conventional motif-visualization tools in handling positional interdependen
287                  A variety of analytical and visualization tools provide support for examining and co
288             Data are displayed with a set of visualization tools that are presented using a conceptua
289 ction models to power sequence analysis, new visualization tools, and expansion of the RGI for detect
290 nsion, we also updated the search engine and visualization tools.
291  (3) read mapping and quality filtering, (4) visualization track generation, and (5) extensive qualit
292  spectroscopy measurements as well as direct visualization using atomic force microscopy.
293 proteins and other biomolecules, yet network visualizations usually only show proteins as parts of bi
294  stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE)-based visualization (viSNE); automatic classification of cellu
295                           By means of direct visualization, we further show that the coatings enable
296   It is also now integrated with built-in 3D visualization which interacts with the formatted alignme
297 tification using MS/MS, data processing, and visualization with 3D models of the sampled environment.
298 CT/MRI of the mouse model found better tumor visualization with the antagonist.
299                                              Visualization with the guidewires was rated on a four-po
300 of data management, processing, analysis and visualization, with modern instruments capable of produc

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