


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s an easy and sensitive method to detect Arg visually.
2 richia coli) on the UME surface, as observed visually.
3 ackground, search, fixate, and track objects visually.
4 ttenuation-corrected SPECT and CT images was visually (5-point Likert scale, 2 interpreters) and quan
5  (22%) and 3 control participants (7%) had a visually abnormal PiB scan showing high cortical uptake
6                             The mean time to visually acquire the targets immediately after landing w
7                                    Like many visually active animals, including humans, flies generat
8 coloring food products not only to make them visually aesthetic but also to reinstate the original ap
9                                   These were visually analyzed by 2 scorers and scored by rank agains
10                              PET images were visually analyzed for visible tumor uptake of (68)Ga-NOT
11                              Phase maps were visually analyzed to study phase singularity points and
12                  Tracer uptake was evaluated visually and analyzed voxel by voxel over the entire bra
13 n between bone lesion quantity as determined visually and automatically was found (SUVmax, r(2) = 0.9
14 nasia at day 60, the esophagus was evaluated visually and histologically.
15 licited in response to psycholinguistically, visually and phonologically matched groups of familiar w
16                        Images were evaluated visually and quantitatively by regional and voxel-based
17 udy, phantom and patient scans were analyzed visually and quantitatively to measure the effect on PET
18  in excellent agreement with histology, both visually and quantitatively, and allowed for validation
19                 (15)O-water PET was analyzed visually and quantitatively.
20 f inhibition of cultures (ZOI) were measured visually and using an in-vivo imaging system (IVIS).
21 tive reconstruction appeared sufficient both visually and with regard to pixel noise.
22  patients with Parkinson's disease displayed visually apparent decreased (18)F-AV-1451 signal in the
23 thyroid gland devascularization before it is visually apparent to the surgeon.
24 king concentrations accessible that were not visually apparent.
25 o the magnetosome forming a continuous layer visually appearing as a corona.
26                                              Visually appreciable enhancement in the DN was observed
27                                              Visually appreciable signal enhancement was observed in
28 ered three-dimensional T1-weighted images to visually assess regions of heterotopia.
29                                           We visually assessed images collected during six transects
30 ted a strong linear relationship between the visually assessed mean ARs and the predictive ARs.
31    In addition, the (18)F-FDG PET scans were visually assessed to determine whether the cingulate isl
32  found that when the social partner (parent) visually attended to the object to which infant attentio
33 stimulus in working memory (WM), rather than visually attending the stimulus in the external environm
34  simulation strategy, gaining access to, and visually attracting, a novel resource: large pollinating
35                              Films engage us visually, aurally, viscerally, and emotionally.
36  motion direction of a stimulus that remains visually available, or memorize the direction if the sti
37 ks of their adult life before they switch to visually based long-distance navigation to forage.
38                 Lung segments were evaluated visually before PEA for parenchymal hypoperfused segment
39 mon human malignancy, is primarily diagnosed visually, beginning with an initial clinical screening a
40 rom the beta' to beta form over storage, and visually broader peaks in the melting endotherms indicat
41 n of pheomelanin in cells and tissues can be visually characterized non-destructively and noninvasive
42                               Each image was visually classified as either normal or abnormal by 3 in
43                          Baseline scans were visually classified as high (Abeta+) or low (Abeta-) amy
44      Electroencephalographic recordings were visually classified based on PD frequency and spatial di
45 By clicking on a search result, the user can visually compare her/his data with the found datasets an
46 ctions of behavioral and neural responses in visually complex real-world contexts.SIGNIFICANCE STATEM
47 xisting SC models cannot predict saccades to visually complex real-world stimuli.
48 eturn large, high dimensional data sets with visually complex structures, such as multi-modal peaks e
49  1) were influenced solely by the ability to visually confirm eradication of varices.
50 cial beings, other people's hands are highly visually conspicuous.
51 pulling) depicted in two visual formats: (1) visually controlled videos of two interacting actors and
52 omal patch-clamp technique, this method is a visually controlled, direct patch-clamp technique simila
53  individuals where participants are asked to visually coordinate an oscillatory hand motion.
54 e, multiplicity, and location of tumors were visually counted.
55 enerally and the role of V1 in the timing of visually cued behaviors specifically.SIGNIFICANCE STATEM
56 pairments in allocentric navigation, but not visually cued navigation, when compared with PBS-treated
57 type rats can even relate to the timing of a visually cued reward-seeking behavior.
58 using subdural electrocorticography during a visually cued, incentivized handgrip task in subjects wi
59                   In contrast with the three visually definable phenotypes, our framework reproducibl
60 eld whereas optical maps define waves with a visually defined field.
61 l Q-Q and fold enrichment plots were used to visually demonstrate the strength of pleiotropic enrichm
62         Supplementary videos are included to visually demonstrate these steps.
63 ance of developing treatments targeting more visually destructive pathologies.
64 n solution detection method was evaluated to visually detect denatured glutathione peptides, utilizin
65       Twenty of 32 evaluated metastases were visually detectable (mean SUVmax, 4.5 [range, 3.2-13.8];
66 e to its UV-responsive capabilities that are visually detectable has been engineered.
67 ith 39-59 linear GBCA administrations showed visually detectable T1 shortening in the dentate nucleus
68 l, for example, may be adaptive for enhanced visually-directed use of tools.
69 type of MTP disorder continue to demonstrate visually disabling chorioretinopathy.
70 their spatial distances, and can be used for visually discerning population structure as well as accu
71 hat, by 7 months, infants from both cultures visually discriminate facial expressions of emotion by r
72 and patterns of product mobility values when visually displayed yield information on lipid classes an
73 ow retinal blood flow velocity reflects in a visually distinct contrast reduction of the intraluminal
74 s chosen to match the parameters of a set of visually distinct natural texture images.
75         It is unknown whether the ability to visually distinguish between faces and nonfaces is subje
76 grate retinal input and memory [1]: they are visually driven [2, 3] but also densely interconnected w
77 esent study, we investigated how ongoing and visually driven activity in magnocellular (M), parvocell
78                                We found that visually driven activity was well correlated among highe
79 ng spiders (Salticidae) are famous for their visually driven behaviors [1].
80             The neuronal substrate mediating visually driven behaviors, however, is not very well inv
81 s in MeCP2 mutant mice in vivo, we show that visually driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances a
82 ide constraints on neural circuits mediating visually driven eye acceleration and its adaptation.
83  hemispheric activations in both auditory or visually driven language tasks, with complete AgCC parti
84 ase-immunopositive cells (TH cells) modulate visually driven signals as they flow through retinal pho
85                                      We used visually driven smooth eye movements to find the 3D spac
86 -down 7a-to-V1 beta-band influences enhanced visually driven V1-to-V4 gamma-band influences.
87 ory cues related to one's own voice to these visually-driven effects.
88                           FA can be assessed visually during routine GES with moderate agreement and
89 ], the circuits that control spontaneous and visually elicited saccades are not well known.
90 vity is correlated with both spontaneous and visually elicited turns during tethered flight.
91       We found that both the spontaneous and visually-elicited LFP power was increased after eye-open
92      Our results emphasize the importance of visually entrained and attention-modulated rhythmic brai
93     The time intervals between automated and visually estimated activation onsets were correlated wit
94 s located in a native coronary artery with a visually estimated reference vessel diameter of 2.25-3.5
95                      Two independent readers visually evaluated all vertebral bodies (n = 163) for th
96 ot and limb-girdle muscle abnormalities were visually evaluated by two experienced observers.
97                      Two independent readers visually evaluated standard CT and color-coded VNCa imag
98 estigated the extent and basic properties of visually evoked activity across the mouse lateral poster
99                                              Visually evoked activity is necessary for the normal dev
100                        Results show that the visually evoked BOLD response was solely predicted by th
101  was normal, and showed the expected loss of visually evoked bursting at the same age as wild-type, t
102 lapse imaging of tectal neuron structure and visually evoked Ca(2+) responses in tadpoles, we found t
103                        At the circuit level, visually evoked excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input
104          Concurrently, adaptive increases in visually evoked eye movements rapidly restore oculomotor
105 amics of PVs and PYRs during spontaneous and visually evoked gamma activity in layers 2/3 of V1 of aw
106           However, PYRs only phase locked to visually evoked gamma bouts.
107 s combine to produce stronger attenuation of visually evoked postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) than to a
108 between 100-140 ms, coinciding with the P100 visually evoked potential, followed by a driving effect
109 layer (RNFL), and monocular pattern reversal visually evoked potentials (prVEP).
110  and MEF2 in the visual cortex, and measured visually evoked potentials in awake male and female mice
111  and increased the amplitude of the earliest visually evoked potentials in lockstep with the behavior
112 ired resolution and reduced the amplitude of visually evoked potentials.
113                Enhancing CG feedback reduced visually evoked response latencies, increased spike-timi
114 V1 neurons exhibited significantly increased visually evoked responses and spontaneous activity, a de
115                                     Although visually evoked smooth eye movements, known as the optok
116 l cortex of awake behaving animals, we found visually evoked stereotyped 3-5 Hz Vm oscillations that
117 study provides the first characterization of visually evoked synaptic potentials between the visual t
118            These included an increase in the visually-evoked firing of regular spiking, presumptive e
119 ndividual neurons, ensembles of neurons, and visually-evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to task li
120       Furthermore, no tools are available to visually explore relationships and networks among functi
121 e takeoff ensure flights begin with the prey visually fixated and directly overhead-the key parameter
122       In total, 90 MR-AC maps were evaluated visually for quality and the occurrence of categorized a
123                    In contrast to chicken, a visually foraging bird, the majority of duck trigeminal
124 o a lesser degree for haptic recognition and visually guided actions.
125 show that PMd neurons are active during both visually guided and internally generated sequential move
126 e capable of exhibiting dynamic and accurate visually guided approach behaviors and provide a means t
127 d visual cues and simplified analysis of the visually guided approach.
128 ed between a visually guided saccade task, a visually guided arm movement task, and a fixation-only t
129 e and have important drawbacks deriving from visually guided assessment of relative changes in brain
130                                              Visually guided behavior can depend critically on detect
131  clear, even as the use of mice for studying visually guided behavior grows.
132 ent sensory inputs at timescales relevant to visually guided behaviors and raise the possibility that
133  movement of edges in a scene is critical to visually guided behaviors of many animals.
134        The impressive repertoire of honeybee visually guided behaviors, and their ability to learn ha
135  the SC and to thalamic nuclei that modulate visually guided behaviors.
136 ual inputs, a critical step in comprehending visually guided behaviors.
137 ction of neuropil compartments important for visually guided behaviors.
138 ic nuclei have been implicated in aspects of visually guided behaviour and reflex responses to light,
139 tions including determining visual saliency, visually guided behaviours and, alongside dorsal portion
140  animals, crystal larvae are able to perform visually guided behaviours, such as the optomotor respon
141 is same guidance law could find use in small visually guided drones designed to remove other drones f
142 ss tears) to groups that underwent standard, visually guided endoscopic hemostasis (control, n = 76),
143 ed subsystems to generate different types of visually guided eye movements (e.g., saccades/smooth pur
144 us (STS) for BOLD modulation associated with visually guided eye movements.
145                                              Visually guided flight control in the rainforest is argu
146 s study was to evaluate the performance of a visually guided hearing aid (VGHA) under conditions desi
147  rates of rebleeding compared with standard, visually guided hemostasis.
148 be used to correct some of the challenges of visually guided locomotion.
149 l cortex (PPC) contributes to the control of visually guided locomotor gait modifications by construc
150  movement, and predict that the execution of visually guided movements relies on this network.
151 ns secreted by the choroid and sclera during visually guided ocular growth.
152 ge about sensorimotor integration comes from visually guided reaching and oculomotor integration, in
153 ons in PMd/M1 as macaque monkeys performed a visually guided reaching task and show that tuning curve
154                                         In a visually guided reaching task, we forced human participa
155 ode in the cortical networks responsible for visually guided reaching.
156 ngle fMRI runs, monkeys alternated between a visually guided saccade task, a visually guided arm move
157          We analysed horizontal and vertical visually guided saccades and horizontal antisaccades of
158 the PMd may participate in the generation of visually guided sequences, it is more important for the
159 ssed in the brain regions that might mediate visually guided social behaviors in males.
160                            When engaged in a visually guided task, contrast adaptation re-occurred fo
161              This robot automates blind (non-visually guided) single-cell electroporation (SCE) and e
162 nd" patching in vivo, but full automation of visually guided, targeted in vivo patching has not been
163 choice effects were largely congruent in the visually-guided task, but stimulation during memory-guid
164 p to hold tools securely, and (iii) enhanced visually-guided tool use.
165 hase mapping computes singularity points and visually highlights rotors.
166 ne in forest canopy, which is physically and visually highly dynamic.
167 the angular disambiguation by place cells of visually identical compartments.
168 hese cells repeat their firing fields across visually identical maze compartments [1, 2].
169        Volumes of interest were drawn around visually identifiable source organs to generate time-act
170 ding is a powerful method for characterizing visually identified cells in intact neural circuits, but
171 e towed hydrophone arrays in the presence of visually identified delphinid species.
172      Combining the use of transgenic mice to visually identify PV and SOM interneurons and the intact
173  are presented simultaneously and when AM is visually imagined.
174  investigation of simulated moral actions in visually immersive environments.
175 -) normal vision (>20/50) were compared with visually impaired (</=20/50) and blind (</=5/50, or a vi
176 sing the Home Environment Assessment for the Visually Impaired (HEAVI).
177  fewer >/=80-year-old subjects with CNV were visually impaired (P = 0.016).
178 years vs. 36.5 years; P < 0.001), and became visually impaired 13 years earlier (median age, 41 years
179 nization criteria, and 8.8% (38 of 434) were visually impaired according to the study criteria.
180 (9 of 434) were blind, 4.8% (21 of 434) were visually impaired according to the World Health Organiza
181  offered immense hope to individuals who are visually impaired because of RPE65 mutations.
182          The inclusion for rehabilitation of visually impaired children is partly based on the measur
183                                              Visually impaired individuals often seem to underutilize
184 ed audiovisual (AV) processing in normal and visually impaired individuals who exhibit partial loss o
185 rease in the number of blind individuals and visually impaired individuals.
186      Twenty patients (9%) became permanently visually impaired or blind in at least 1 eye because of
187 rom 17 (11.8%) blind patients and 55 (38.2%) visually impaired patients at presentation to 2 (1.4%) a
188 r refreshable full-page Braille displays for visually impaired people in terms of light weight, minia
189 pheral perception might be under-utilized by visually impaired youth and that this underutilization c
190 aining in improving peripheral perception of visually impaired youth.
191  aged 3 to 5 years in the United States were visually impaired.
192 ldren were reviewed, of whom 249 (1.1%) were visually impaired.
193 , 2 masked interpreters evaluated the images visually, in both the routine and the experimental datas
194 deaf and hearing subjects performed the task visually, in the central visual field.
195                            The four pairs of visually indistinguishable fibers consisted of nylon 361
196 enign and pathologic phenotypes which may be visually indistinguishable on routine anatomic imaging.
197            IVIg, 0.5 g/kg of body weight, or visually indistinguishable placebo of 0.1% albumin in sa
198  broad frequency range and further precludes visually induced changes in beta and gamma oscillations.
199 <30-Hz) oscillations and selectively reduces visually induced enhancement of beta oscillation.
200                                 We show that visually induced gamma-band activity in awake macaque ar
201 the psychophysiological changes accompanying visually induced motion sickness, using a motion video,
202 t AV integration in spoken language reflects visually induced weighting of phonetic representations a
203 statin (SOM) interneurons are critical for a visually induced, context-dependent gamma rhythm in visu
204 .4] years) were recruited from referrals for visually insignificant etiologies or through preschool-s
205 tructures from 3C data and provides tools to visually inspect and annotate the resulting structures,
206 any predicted genes must be time-consumingly visually inspected and manually curated.
207 ral geniculate nucleus of cone-deficient and visually intact mice, we describe stimulus and physiolog
208 ve long hypothesized that the brain needs to visually interpret these action units to understand othe
209              In these cases, HINGE outputs a visually interpretable assembly graph that encodes all p
210                                  Images were visually interpreted using a four-point assessment scale
211  the ability to correctly identify organisms visually is rarely questioned.
212 he targeted prey's neighbors we were able to visually isolate them and conclusively demonstrate how v
213   Herein we studied locomotor time series of visually isolated Japanese quails sampled every 0.5 s du
214 tis and eight healthy controls were assessed visually (logMAR, colour vision, and Sloan 1.25%, 5%, 25
215 ive peptides reported in the literature were visually mapped on the parent protein sequences, providi
216     Postbaseline change in AMFM-measured and visually measured GGR densities are modestly correlated
217 e of chemical damage, there is evidence that visually mediated behaviors are restored after regenerat
218 spider (Deinopis spinosa), where males cease visually-mediated foraging upon maturation.
219 peed of visual stimuli that are presented to visually naive ferrets can influence the parameters of s
220                                              Visually normal cells adjacent to, and extending from, t
221  macaque monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) and two visually normal controls.
222  anisometropia in early life, as well as two visually normal female controls.
223                               Results can be visually observed by the naked eye or imaged by a smartp
224 ssue damage, even when such damage cannot be visually observed.
225 n the golden color of the sensor surface was visually observed.
226 s engaged in conversational exchanges with a visually occluded virtual marmoset.
227 ial or temporal task that could be performed visually or aurally, which they practiced for five days;
228 , query, and explore cancer genomic datasets visually or programmatically.
229 zing the resulting color in the sensing area visually or using a flatbed scanner.
230 er of debate whether to analyze these images visually or using automated techniques.
231 n the left midfusiform gyrus (lmFG) reflects visually organized information about words and word part
232 Mesozoic due to the dominance of very large, visually oriented theropod dinosaurs [7].
233 g view that within squamates the Iguania are visually oriented while Scleroglossa are chemically-orie
234                                 We show that visually perceived faces were reliably reconstructed fro
235 slow movements when deciding to respond to a visually perceived threat.
236 a than for control wines (CW), demonstrating visually perceptible colour changes (DeltaE( *)ab>3 CIEL
237 ar region of interest was placed on adjacent visually PN.
238 rd reversal precedes semantic integration of visually presented backward-words, and that event-relate
239                Different pSTS regions prefer visually presented faces containing either a moving mout
240 o nonvocal sounds responded more strongly to visually presented mouths than eyes.
241 s of the pSTS were identified that preferred visually presented moving mouths (presented in isolation
242 irst time a cluster of neurons selective for visually presented numbers in healthy human adults.
243  neurologically normal control subjects name visually presented objects, but neither appeared to be i
244              We examined fetal head turns to visually presented upright and inverted face-like stimul
245                                       Humans visually process the world with varying spatial resoluti
246 zed gold nanoparticles (st-AuNPs) to produce visually recognizable color change, due to surface plasm
247 e usefulness of spatiotemporal dispersion, a visually recognizable electric footprint of AF drivers,
248 s (i.e., decoding skills) and the ability to visually recognize words (i.e., orthographic knowledge).
249                 32 hr after first sight, she visually recognized an object that she had simultaneousl
250 mission model to generate fit residuals that visually relay aberrations in the point spread function
251 the main driving input to the cross-modally (visually) reorganized higher-order auditory cortex remai
252 bolic context, and new tools are required to visually represent integrated biocurated knowledge for u
253  analyze input files with different formats, visually represent various types of data features, imple
254                                              Visually responsive and auditory-responsive neurons in t
255 atal week (postnatal days P4-P7), V1 was not visually responsive and exhibited long (>10 s) periods o
256  markedly different affiliation with distant visually responsive areas and fell coarsely into subpopu
257                                 However, for visually responsive CG neurons, increased alertness near
258 nge the response linearity (F1/F0 ratios) of visually responsive CG neurons.
259 ther our data reveal a diverse population of visually responsive neurons across the LP and dorsal Po
260  information carried in small populations of visually responsive neurons in Drosophila melanogaster.
261 e field (pRF) mapping to infer properties of visually responsive neurons in people with SZ.
262  projections of rUva terminated throughout a visually responsive region of the intermediate nidopalli
263 ed rabbits, we found 58% of CG neurons to be visually responsive, and 42% to be unresponsive.
264 omputer-assisted tools, and all results were visually reviewed to ensure their accuracy.
265 ed donation rates but only when the gift was visually salient.
266                On both scans, each groin was visually scored 0 or 1 concerning (18)F-FDG LN uptake re
267  Standardized uptake value ratio images were visually scored as positive or negative.
268 r than twice the PET spatial resolution were visually scored for nonuniformity.
269 mals are still unmatched in their ability to visually search complex scenes.
270                                       48% of visually selective neurons continued to carry image-spec
271                               However, 8% of visually selective neurons encoded previously presented
272 tances of cataract progression that were not visually significant and did not require surgical treatm
273 t included open angle glaucoma patients with visually significant cataract that had phacoemulsificati
274 Sixty nanophthalmic eyes of 60 patients with visually significant cataract were randomly assigned to
275 actic sclerostomy in nanophthalmic eyes with visually significant cataract.
276 ite CS or in case of threatening traction or visually significant epimacular membrane (28.6%).
277 d DHA may prevent or delay the occurrence of visually significant intermediate AMD.
278                               Eyes involving visually significant macular pathology, past retinal det
279 endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) in cases of visually significant stromal opacities.
280        Ten patients underwent vitrectomy for visually significant vitreous amyloidosis, which signifi
281 similar for self-generated eye rotations and visually simulated rotations, indicating that the repres
282                                              Visually stimulating sequences of individual columns in
283 ectrode arrays in turtle visual cortex while visually stimulating the retina.
284 thesize that the exploration of the vast and visually stimulating virtual environments within video g
285 in melanosome biogenesis, nor did it produce visually striking changes in mouse coat color.
286 ntal genetics because pigment phenotypes are visually striking, yet generally not required for plant
287 ng complex microstructural patterns that are visually stunning.
288  classical tools which have been utilized to visually summarize GWAS results and identify genetic var
289                                           To visually summarize results, the user interface provides
290                                  Here we use visually targeted patch-clamp recordings from basket cel
291 in which elliptical target trajectories were visually tracked on a computer screen.
292 proved both the velocity and acceleration of visually triggered movements, compared with both beta tA
293 behave more like a continuum material and be visually unobservable.
294           Increasing alertness did not cause visually unresponsive CG neurons to become responsive an
295                     (18)F-FLT iPET, analyzed visually (using a 5-point score) or semiquantitatively (
296 led videos of two interacting actors and (2) visually varied photographs selected from the internet i
297 d Bamview genome viewers, these regions were visually verified leaving 6 putative sRNAs.
298  scaffold types and all contact results were visually verified.
299 ased ability to discriminate between objects visually when vision and electrolocation provide conflic
300  of adsorbate-induced surface reconstruction visually with atom-resolved imaging by in situ TEM and q

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