


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sing visuotactile (VT) synchrony rather than visuomotor.
2                                              Visuomotor ability is quite crucial for everyday functio
3 ondary outcomes included tests of memory and visuomotor ability.
4 e IGL may be part of the circuitry governing visuomotor activity and further indicate that circadian
5 on derived from this analysis is tested in a visuomotor adaptation experiment, and the resultant lear
6  via a combination of simulations and a dual visuomotor adaptation experimental paradigm.
7  Previous studies of cortical changes during visuomotor adaptation focused on preparatory and perimov
8                                              Visuomotor adaptation has been thought to be an implicit
9                                  We compared visuomotor adaptation in 10 patients with focal, unilate
10 ine condition, sleep SWA was increased after visuomotor adaptation in a cluster of eight electrodes o
11 motor cortex (M1) have been found to improve visuomotor adaptation in healthy young and older adults.
12 cit processes during motor learning, and for visuomotor adaptation in particular, is poorly understoo
13                                              Visuomotor adaptation involves interplay between explici
14 h working memory capacity (WMC) and enhanced visuomotor adaptation is unknown.
15                     Participants performed a visuomotor adaptation joystick task where they adapted m
16 posure to this error-clamp following initial visuomotor adaptation led to a rapid reversion to baseli
17     Specifically, recent work has shown that visuomotor adaptation may occur via both an implicit, er
18  an unanticipated effect of the direction of visuomotor adaptation on baseline oscillatory power in b
19 esults further demonstrate a novel effect of visuomotor adaptation on motor cortex oscillatory activi
20  in two behavioral phases of a ramp-and-hold visuomotor adaptation paradigm.
21                    For example, performing a visuomotor adaptation task in adults increased SWA durin
22                            We used a classic visuomotor adaptation task in which subjects execute rea
23 her HMD-VR or CT and trained on an identical visuomotor adaptation task that measured both implicit a
24                                              Visuomotor adaptation tasks have revealed neural correla
25 n appear to be the sole source of savings in visuomotor adaptation tasks.
26 mbine a delayed-movement pre-cuing task with visuomotor adaptation to address this question in human
27                             In recent years, visuomotor adaptation to rightward-shifting prisms has b
28 els of hierarchical figures before and after visuomotor adaptation to rightward-shifting prisms.
29 movement vector by examining the transfer of visuomotor adaptation to untrained movements and movemen
30 ttern in subjects learning novel kinematics (visuomotor adaptation) and dynamics (force-field adaptat
31                             We conclude that visuomotor adaptation, even in the absence of instructio
32 visuomotor mapping, which was learned during visuomotor adaptation, is stored in PPC.
33 l and motor coordinates of two targets using visuomotor adaptation, the task was designed to evaluate
34 ults demonstrate that TDCS of M1 can enhance visuomotor adaptation, via mechanisms that remain availa
35 tal cortex, which is known to be involved in visuomotor adaptation.
36 such explicit processes could be used during visuomotor adaptation.
37 nmental state, as is thought to occur during visuomotor adaptation.
38  not right parietal regions are critical for visuomotor adaptation.
39 are impaired compared to the young adults in visuomotor adaptation.
40  overall adaptation, the mechanisms by which visuomotor adaption occurs in HMD-VR appear to be more r
41 lective and sustained attention tests and in visuomotor and bimanual coordination tests.
42 nd hypothalamic pathways serving subcortical visuomotor and circadian functions.
43 trate MVe connections with regions mediating visuomotor and postural control, as previously observed
44 ssociation of the attentional enhancement of visuomotor and visual neurons, respectively.
45 VF) and gaze behavior (GB) to performance in visuomotor and visual reasoning tasks in two cohorts wit
46 vely participate in the same proprioceptive, visuomotor, and bilateral movement control processes see
47 is primarily proprioceptive, while sPOS is a visuomotor area that receives visual feedback during rea
48 s of the SC received direct projections from visuomotor areas including the posterior parietal cortex
49 PC zone has major connections with motor and visuomotor areas of frontal cortex as well as with somat
50 ral half connected with motor, premotor, and visuomotor areas of frontal cortex.
51  tectum (superior colliculus in mammals) are visuomotor areas that process sensory information and sh
52 the organization of the number of visual and visuomotor areas, patterns of corticotectal projections
53  when movement selection relied on arbitrary visuomotor associations but not during freely selected m
54 ta from an experiment in which monkeys learn visuomotor associations that are reversed unpredictably
55                           The performance of visuomotor associations was characterized by an increase
56 were trained to perform different rotational visuomotor associations, depending on the stimulus color
57 e the need for existing connectivity to form visuomotor associations, processing to reduce the space
58 tta) were trained to learn novel conditional visuomotor associations, to perform this task with famil
59 H23390 in the lateral PFC as monkeys learned visuomotor associations.
60 is that genetic variants might interact with visuomotor associative learning to configure the system
61 uring action observation, as well as reduced visuomotor associative learning, compared to Val homozyg
62  this polymorphism on motor facilitation and visuomotor associative learning.
63 implicit components of hippocampal-dependent visuomotor associative memories after variable retention
64 extinguished the ownership illusion by using visuomotor asynchrony, with all else equal.
65 ural functions not typically associated with visuomotor, balance, or equilibrium, and that the MVe is
66  has been suggested that during naturalistic visuomotor behavior gaze deployment is coordinated with
67                      A fundamental aspect of visuomotor behavior is deciding where to look or move ne
68 at this structure may play a central role in visuomotor behavior.
69 erimental groups, suggesting that postlesion visuomotor behavioral competencies in pretreated animals
70 vity might be required to organize orienting visuomotor behaviors and coordinate the specific optic f
71 ) or optomotor responses (OMR), two distinct visuomotor behaviors that compensate for self-motion.
72 nectivity analyses, we provide evidence that visuomotor behaviors, a hallmark of executive functions,
73  pathways that prevents them from supporting visuomotor behaviors.
74                                              Visuomotor behaviour of the zebrafish larvae also showed
75 erefore suggest the existence of a dedicated visuomotor binding mechanism that links the hand represe
76 or perceptual tasks while retaining 'normal' visuomotor capacity.
77  of the saccade; and (2) the activity in FEF visuomotor cells display an inverse relationship between
78                                              Visuomotor circuits filter visual information and determ
79 functional breadth of phylogenetically older visuomotor circuits that can express visual capabilities
80 l and temporonasal OKRs, indicating distinct visuomotor circuits underlying the two.
81 suggest that both streams play a role in the visuomotor coding essential for grasping.
82 ppearance of a manipulable object triggers a visuomotor coding in the action representation system in
83 ideal candidate for objective measurement of visuomotor cognitive load.
84 onance imaging during both rest and during a visuomotor cognitive task.
85                                              Visuomotor comorbidities (eg, amblyopia, nystagmus, fove
86 -modal (auditory-visual) training reinstates visuomotor competencies in animals rendered haemianopic
87 d PD while the VMT is a control test for the visuomotor component of the SWT.
88 ndex (8.1 vs 7.2, P = .34), 4-year change in visuomotor composite (3.8 vs 3.7, P = .93), or year 5 ur
89  object-location paired-associates learning, visuomotor conditional learning and autoshaping.
90 ain circuits involved in adaptation to novel visuomotor conditions are lateralized.
91 ation of multisensory integration by motoric visuomotor congruence alone.
92 nvestigate whether motoric, but not spatial, visuomotor congruence is sufficient for inducing multise
93 djust motor patterns for novel mechanical or visuomotor contexts.
94 c decisions can be made independently of the visuomotor contingencies of the choice task (space of go
95 urons can be organized along a bidirectional visuomotor continuum based on task-related firing rates.
96 tivity helps overcome a notorious problem in visuomotor control - the ambiguity of local sensor signa
97 creased attentional effort and alertness for visuomotor control and is an ideal candidate for objecti
98 paired memory for stimulus sequence, or poor visuomotor control of manual responding, rather than red
99 y emphasized its role in spatial perception, visuomotor control or directing attention.
100 k, a spatial working memory task (SWT) and a visuomotor control task (VMT).
101 ral and ipsilateral CS tract connections and visuomotor control.
102 uctures related to optic flow operations and visuomotor control.
103 , whereas DS led to a relative impairment in visuomotor control.
104 niche rooted in a shared primate heritage of visuomotor coordination and dexterous manipulation.
105 e subjected to a bridge test as a measure of visuomotor coordination and were trained on the Morris w
106  involved in goal-directed arm movements and visuomotor coordination but has not been implicated in n
107               It leads to a recalibration of visuomotor coordination during pointing as well as to af
108 ate and delayed recall, verbal learning, and visuomotor coordination were variably associated with HV
109 impaired in visuospatial processing, but not visuomotor coordination, relative to sham rats.
110  examined in detail the resulting changes in visuomotor coordination.
111 controls, using functional MRI during simple visuomotor coordination.
112 verbal learning, perceptual organization and visuomotor coordination.
113 ile deeper layers receive direct inputs from visuomotor cortical areas within the posterior parietal
114 ly selected reach plans, suggesting a serial visuomotor cortical circuitry for nonspatial effector de
115 he similarity of multivoxel fMRI patterns in visuomotor cortical regions during unilateral reaching m
116 We found consistent activation in the target visuomotor cortices, both with and without perceptual aw
117 he dynamics of such strategy adjustment in a visuomotor decision task in which subjects reach toward
118           One component of processing speed (visuomotor) declined more after subthalamic stimulation
119 in a spatial neglect syndrome accompanied by visuomotor deficits including optic ataxia during visual
120 x response to two different distributions of visuomotor discrepancies, both of which have zero mean a
121 n during trial-by-trial adaptation to random visuomotor displacements or during reaches without pertu
122                       This demonstrates that visuomotor encoding occurs independently of conscious ob
123                    The results indicate that visuomotor experience during adult MD leads to enduring
124                          Whereas we expected visuomotor experience during MD to augment these effects
125    We previously reported in adult mice that visuomotor experience during monocular deprivation (MD)
126 ld substantially constrain the efficiency of visuomotor feedback control.
127                             We conclude that visuomotor feedback gain shows a temporal evolution rela
128                         Here we measured the visuomotor feedback gain throughout the course of moveme
129 gulate other systems, particularly those for visuomotor function and sleep/arousal.
130 ifferences in measures of memory, attention, visuomotor function, or nerve conduction velocities (ave
131  afferents contribute to circuitry governing visuomotor function.
132 and may contribute to both sleep/arousal and visuomotor function.
133  nuclei most of which are known to influence visuomotor function.
134 es further evidence for bodily influences on visuomotor functioning.
135 ests that a major contribution of the FEF to visuomotor functions of SC emerged with the evolution of
136                                          The visuomotor functions of the superior colliculus depend n
137 ormation to cortex and is highly involved in visuomotor functions.
138 of the pretectum for sensory integration and visuomotor functions.
139  intact hemisphere to compensate for altered visuomotor functions.
140 ct impacting on a number of visuospatial and visuomotor functions.
141                                 However, the visuomotor gain 100 ms later showed an appropriate modul
142 ere, we describe motor cortical changes in a visuomotor gain change task even before a specific movem
143                              We measured the visuomotor gain either simultaneously with the jump or 1
144  correlates of an adapting internal model of visuomotor gain in motor cortex while two macaques perfo
145                                          The visuomotor gain nonspecifically reduced for all target j
146 rtex reflects the monkey's internal model of visuomotor gain on single trials and can potentially be
147                                          The visuomotor gain showed a systematic modulation over the
148                                 The cortical visuomotor grasping circuit, comprising the anterior int
149  ventral premotor area F5 hosts two types of visuomotor grasping neurons: "canonical" neurons, which
150 nputs to human primary motor cortex (M1) for visuomotor guidance of hand shape.
151  populations in ipsilateral areas across the visuomotor hierarchy are active during unilateral moveme
152 ons implicated in emotion, memory retrieval, visuomotor imagery, and social cognition contribute to t
153 importance of a brain region for integrating visuomotor information between frontal and parietal cort
154 lesional parietofrontal pathways involved in visuomotor information processing.
155 orrelations between performance on a test of visuomotor integration and FA in bilateral splenium, but
156 ispheric white matter fiber pathways mediate visuomotor integration asymmetrically and that subtle wh
157                    We thus demonstrated that visuomotor integration resides in the dynamic reconfigur
158 bers in this group is associated with poorer visuomotor integration.
159        This suggests that it plays a role in visuomotor integration.
160 me light on its neural basis, we studied the visuomotor interaction using paired transcranial magneti
161 g that this effect most likely resulted from visuomotor interactions during distractor observation, r
162  In contrast, evidence to date suggests that visuomotor learning does not consolidate.
163         Furthermore, neuroimaging studies of visuomotor learning in humans have suggested that struct
164 wo conditions (baseline and adaptation) of a visuomotor learning task.
165             Here we hypothesize that, during visuomotor learning, the target location and movement ve
166 ietal lobule that responded to both types of visuomotor load and its activity was associated with lar
167  activity patterns that are a consequence of visuomotor maldevelopment.
168 load was manipulated by either reversing the visuomotor mapping or increasing the speed of the moving
169 ispheric and mesial motor regions to sustain visuomotor mapping performed with the left nondominant h
170 press or responded according to a prelearned visuomotor mapping rule.
171 own about the brain regions that accommodate visuomotor mapping under different cognitive demands.
172                                              Visuomotor mapping was found to arise from the dynamic i
173 a key executing function, known as arbitrary visuomotor mapping, using brain connectivity analyses of
174  learning, thereby suggesting that the novel visuomotor mapping, which was learned during visuomotor
175 gions that was only present during arbitrary visuomotor mapping.
176  functional connectivity mediating arbitrary visuomotor mapping.
177 pport the local nature of learned changes in visuomotor mapping.
178 ink community analysis further revealed that visuomotor mappings reflect the coordination of multiple
179 atal circuits are known to mediate arbitrary visuomotor mappings, the underlying corticocortico dynam
180 cocortical functional connectivity mediating visuomotor mappings.
181  levels and visual gains to assess motor and visuomotor mechanisms, respectively.
182 gnificant consequences for understanding how visuomotor memory is generated, stored and subsequently
183                                       In the visuomotor mental rotation (VMR) task, participants poin
184  neglect of the contralesional visual field, visuomotor neglect of the contralesional field, and low
185 d that the brain activation patterns in this visuomotor network enabled the decoding of manipulable v
186  functional connectivity graph of a cortical visuomotor network revealed that the functional integrat
187 ing up, our arm is directed to the target by visuomotor networks in the cortical dorsal stream.
188 eurons present in the superficial layers and visuomotor neurons in the intermediate layers.
189  human participants (13 females) whether the visuomotor object-directed action representation system
190 lable object stimuli specifically engage the visuomotor object-directed action representation system,
191  brain regions along the early stages of the visuomotor pathway, representations of prior uncertainty
192 al objects are impaired, suggesting separate visuomotor pathways for the two effectors.
193 t PRR is causally involved in reach-specific visuomotor pathways, and reach goal disruption in PRR ca
194  at assessing changes in impulse control and visuomotor performance, respectively.
195 the generalization of priors over stochastic visuomotor perturbations in reaching experiments.
196 corrective arm movements made in response to visuomotor perturbations that, importantly, do not direc
197 ance test (maximum voluntary contraction and visuomotor pinch/release testing) and tactile discrimina
198 sing of visual information, the emergence of visuomotor plans, and the processing of somatosensory re
199 h on sensorimotor integration has emphasized visuomotor processes in the context of simplified orient
200 isual cues and leads to strategic changes in visuomotor processing by way of altered safety margins.
201   Women with PTSD performed worse on complex visuomotor processing speed (Digit Symbol Test) and exec
202  with lower PTSD symptom severity and better visuomotor processing speed and executive functioning.
203 FC and amygdala activation related to slower visuomotor processing speed.
204 mate that the loud sound reduced the central visuomotor processing time by at least 30%.
205 vision may be particularly important for the visuomotor processing within the posterior parietal cort
206 s from 0-1 Hz can be influenced by aging and visuomotor processing, these studies have averaged power
207 pensate for prey movement that occurs during visuomotor processing.
208 simultaneously overcoming inherent delays in visuomotor processing.
209 fields, the hemifields that are dominant for visuomotor processing.
210    Mirror neurons in premotor cortex exhibit visuomotor properties that allow them to respond to self
211 We recorded 464 neurons, of which 243 showed visuomotor properties.
212      We conclude that changes to intentional visuomotor, rather than attentional visuospatial, proces
213 bellum contribute to either process during a visuomotor reach adaptation.
214 ur at much shorter latency than conventional visuomotor reaction tasks and are thought to involve sub
215  that structure learning changes involuntary visuomotor reflexes and therefore is not exclusively a h
216  head and body move in space, vestibular and visuomotor reflexes are critical to maintain visual acui
217 e connecting premotor and posterior parietal visuomotor regions known to be crucially involved in nor
218 he superficial layers of the SC, with higher visuomotor regions projecting to deeper layers, the resu
219                       These subnetworks span visuomotor-related areas, the cortico-cortical and corti
220                                 In addition, visuomotor-related FC is characterized by sparse connect
221               More generally, we showed that visuomotor-related FC is nonstationary and displays swit
222                                              Visuomotor-related functional connectivity dynamics are
223  TMS did not influence adaptation to the new visuomotor relationship in either condition.
224 network models to study how context-specific visuomotor remapping may depend on the functional connec
225 ines a spatial reference center that affects visuomotor response as indicated by the stimulus-respons
226 ic light levels, gave a approximately 230 ms visuomotor response delay during which prey typically mo
227                         Subjects performed a visuomotor response task that required an interaction be
228 head-fixed walking and flying flies to probe visuomotor responses of ring neurons--a class of central
229 gravito-inertial information is used to tune visuomotor responses to match the target's most likely a
230 nnot substitute for implicit adaptation to a visuomotor rotation and are in fact overridden by the mo
231 of adaptation when a gradual increase in the visuomotor rotation caused movements to be changing, or
232 erebellar excitability when we presented the visuomotor rotation gradually during learning.
233 t directions and workspaces after training a visuomotor rotation in a single movement direction in on
234 nd adaptation, we demonstrate, with modified visuomotor rotation paradigms, that these distinct model
235     Young and older participants performed a visuomotor rotation task and concurrently received TDCS
236 ere, we investigated whether adaptation on a visuomotor rotation task in HMD-VR yields similar adapta
237                     We found that learning a visuomotor rotation task with the right hand changed CBI
238 e time course of decay after adaptation to a visuomotor rotation through a visual error-clamp conditi
239 ocesses by instructing subjects to counter a visuomotor rotation using a cognitive strategy in a poin
240                                       When a visuomotor rotation was introduced abruptly, cerebellar
241 d of perturbation, be it external, such as a visuomotor rotation, or internal, such as muscle fatigue
242 iming direction while participants learned a visuomotor rotation.
243 reverted after transient exposure to another visuomotor rotation.
244 vements (approximately 150 ms duration) to a visuomotor rotation.
245  before and after adaptation to a 45 degrees visuomotor rotation.
246 To test this idea, we examined adaptation to visuomotor rotations in the ipsilesional arms of hemipar
247                    Perturbations were either visuomotor rotations of varying angle or velocity-depend
248          These results indicate that learned visuomotor rotations remap the representations of moveme
249                        When exposed to novel visuomotor rotations, subjects readily adapt reaching mo
250 nt in which subjects adapted to two opposing visuomotor rotations.
251 ow uncertainty affects the generalization of visuomotor rotations.
252 of 40 ms reverses into facilitation during a visuomotor RT but not an audiomotor RT.
253 or view to grasp) and followed a visual or a visuomotor rule, respectively.
254 th monocular vision, consistent with altered visuomotor safety margins, maximum grip force is neverth
255 ease risk preferences and promote more rapid visuomotor scanning and physical reflexes.
256 ored lower than comparison subjects on rapid visuomotor sequencing and verbal learning/recall.
257                                   Learning a visuomotor skill involves a distributed network which in
258                        Subjects trained on a visuomotor skill-acquisition task and received performan
259 caudate nucleus (CDt) may serve to control a visuomotor skill.
260 ayed recall (P = .004), attention (P = .01), visuomotor skills (P = .02), and motor speed and dexteri
261 processing with a negligible contribution to visuomotor skills and that visuospatial deficits resulti
262 hether moderate video gaming causes improved visuomotor skills and whether excessive video gaming cau
263 e to the ventral stream, and that her spared visuomotor skills are associated with visual processing
264                         Significantly better visuomotor skills can be seen in school children playing
265                                          New visuomotor skills can guide behaviour in novel situation
266 ss of right-handed hitters, who have reduced visuomotor skills relative to left-handed hitters.
267 tal cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol with visuomotor speed in men.
268 non-HDL cholesterol are associated with slow visuomotor speed in young and middle-aged men.
269 rations and performance in immediate memory, visuomotor speed, and coding speed tests.
270              The least-squares mean (+/- SE) visuomotor speeds were 231.6 +/- 2.6, 224.0 +/- 2.2, and
271 ow do inputs from the superior colliculus, a visuomotor structure, fit into this schema?
272 ied the neural substrate of this specialized visuomotor system using high-speed video recordings of l
273 olution of spatial computations in the human visuomotor system, in which the accurate difference vect
274 sensorimotor organization, in particular the visuomotor system.
275 n the ability to dissociate the eye and limb visuomotor systems when appropriate.
276 band tACS over M1 in healthy humans during a visuomotor task and concurrent functional magnetic reson
277                     Correlations between the visuomotor task and FA within the splenium were not sign
278 , healthy young adults (N = 14) trained in a visuomotor task that required learners to make increasin
279 PRL that guides the hand in the maze-tracing visuomotor task, just as the fovea guides the fingertip
280 ovements of human observers in a high-acuity visuomotor task, the threading of a needle in a computer
281 atum of macaque monkeys performing a routine visuomotor task.
282 works are engaged during learning of similar visuomotor tasks [9-22].
283 ses, we exposed subjects to randomly varying visuomotor tasks of fixed structure.
284 s performance is preserved in perceptual and visuomotor tasks when the required spatial information i
285 ring rest periods before and after an 11 min visuomotor training session.
286 d to visually presented objects and underlie visuomotor transformation for grasping, and "mirror" neu
287 ultaneously recorded spike data to study the visuomotor transformation process.
288 ting evidence regarding neural correlates of visuomotor transformation, less is known about the brain
289               We show that under a nonlinear visuomotor transformation, one that maps straight hand m
290   The rate of change in speed matters in the visuomotor transformation.
291      Network I learned to perform the proper visuomotor transformations based on a context-modulated
292 e field (FEF) is a key brain region to study visuomotor transformations because the primary input to
293  that graspable objects may facilitate these visuomotor transformations by automatically grabbing vis
294 is distinction also applies to two different visuomotor transformations during reaching in humans: Mi
295 d suggests that FEF is capable of modulating visuomotor transformations performed at a lower level th
296      Eye position signals are pivotal in the visuomotor transformations performed by the posterior pa
297 offers a simple model to study the nature of visuomotor transformations since the second saccade vect
298  allow us to propose a model circuit for the visuomotor transformations underlying a natural behavior
299 ween brain areas is crucial for the study of visuomotor transformations.
300 ttery assessing memory, attention, language, visuomotor, verbal fluency, and executive functions was

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