


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  a non-significant association was noted for visuospatial abilities (-0.07 [0.03], p=0.052).
2  0.037-0.050 vs 0.048; 95% CI, 0.041-0.054), visuospatial abilities (0.107; 95% CI, 0.097-0.117 vs 0.
3 erceptual speed -0.14 [0.04], p=0.00080; and visuospatial abilities -0.13 [0.04], p=0.0080), but not
4 d performance on social perception tasks and visuospatial abilities at 5 y of age.
5 occipital, networks and enhanced reliance on visuospatial abilities for visual and verbal reasoning i
6           A neuropsychological assessment of visuospatial abilities revealed that aspects of detail p
7 n and neuropsychological assessment of their visuospatial abilities using the Rey-Osterrieth Complex
8                                           On visuospatial abilities, there were significant genotype
9 rom factor analysis were used: executive and visuospatial abilities, verbal abilities, attention and
10 s on nonmotor tasks that depend on visual or visuospatial abilities.
11 rved cognitive deficits in verbal ability or visuospatial ability (all P >/= .51).
12 han patients treated without chemotherapy in visuospatial ability (both P < .01).
13 s of verbal ability (g = -0.19; P < .01) and visuospatial ability (g = -0.27; P < .01).
14 d no between-group differences in changes in visuospatial ability (mean difference: Complex Figure Te
15 s of memory (p=0.006), praxis (p=0.010), and visuospatial ability (p=0.002), and for the MDS-ADL subi
16 were associated with greater decline in both visuospatial ability (regression coefficient [b] = -0.50
17  in global cognition, memory, attention, and visuospatial ability over a median follow-up of 3.0 year
18                                              Visuospatial ability was negatively correlated with syst
19 ssociated with greater impairment in memory, visuospatial ability, and executive function; in contras
20  predicted behavioral measures of verbal and visuospatial ability, providing direct evidence that lat
21 l ability, verbal memory, visual memory, and visuospatial ability.
22 limited to the domains of verbal ability and visuospatial ability.
23 nguage and verbal memory and positively with visuospatial ability.
24 attention, language, executive function, and visuospatial ability.
25 ssociated with decline in semantic memory or visuospatial ability.
26 n neural activation patterns associated with visuospatial analysis of scenes and contextual mnemonic
27 ctions of this area with regions involved in visuospatial analysis, suggests that the AF face patch m
28 control manipulation before they performed a visuospatial and a verbal working memory task.
29 ight-hemisphere cortical regions involved in visuospatial and attentional processing interact in a mo
30  These mice displayed intact spatial memory, visuospatial and discriminatory learning.
31 d frontal regions may contribute to atypical visuospatial and executive functioning in TS.
32 non-associative memory, attention, language, visuospatial and executive functions.
33 in memory, attention/executive function, and visuospatial and language domains.
34 me of the neurological underpinnings for his visuospatial and mathematical skills, as others have hyp
35 ing Tasks) were designed to probe executive, visuospatial and memory encoding domains, respectively.
36 ave important implications for understanding visuospatial and memory-retrieval deficits in patients w
37            Activation maxima associated with visuospatial and mnemonic processes were spatially segre
38 rtex has been ascribed central roles in both visuospatial and mnemonic processes.
39 pathway have demonstrated the development of visuospatial and motivational deficits following lesions
40 terations in prefrontal cortex important for visuospatial and motivational processes following bilate
41 s reviewed with regard to the integration of visuospatial and olfactory sensory information (the exte
42 est that increased activation in the brain's visuospatial and reward circuitry underlies abstinence-i
43 ctional connectivity of networks involved in visuospatial and somatosensory processing in AN.
44 een nutrient pattern 6 and memory, language, visuospatial and speed/executive function, and mean cogn
45 oted in depressive and anxiety symptoms, and visuospatial and verbal memory.
46 d third person perspective taking using both visuospatial and verbal tasks in right-hemisphere stroke
47  to its aftereffect impacting on a number of visuospatial and visuomotor functions.
48                        Some domains, such as visuospatial and working memory, are unaffected by the 1
49 se (PD) and involves attentional, executive, visuospatial, and memory dysfunctions.
50 rd 12 h:12 h light/dark (LD) cycles, object, visuospatial, and olfactory recognition performance in C
51  with midlife visual and episodic memory and visuospatial associative learning (-0.140 standard devia
52 ponses (experiment 1) or covert orienting of visuospatial attention (experiment 2).
53                                              Visuospatial attention allows us to select and act upon
54 otopic IPS are influenced by stimulus-guided visuospatial attention and by LTM-guided visuospatial at
55 rietal research has focused on mechanisms of visuospatial attention and control-related processes, mo
56 ms devoted to shifting or maintaining covert visuospatial attention and indicate that these mechanism
57 vHC) and ventral prefrontal cortex (vPFC) in visuospatial attention and inhibitory control using a di
58 ur understanding of the relationship between visuospatial attention and perception and reveal the neu
59  relationship of retinal foveal deficits and visuospatial attention and postural control impairment i
60 s provide support for concurrent encoding of visuospatial attention and saccade preparation during vi
61                            The deployment of visuospatial attention and the programming of saccades a
62 of the neural mechanisms underpinning normal visuospatial attention bias, but may also in the future
63                        Whether allocation of visuospatial attention can be divorced from saccade prep
64 balance may be used clinically to ameliorate visuospatial attention deficits in neglect patients.
65 e detailed measurements of the topography of visuospatial attention from single-voxel, fMRI time cour
66 central structure in the midbrain network-in visuospatial attention has been shown by four seminal, p
67 f transcranial direct current stimulation on visuospatial attention in both healthy controls and stro
68 card sort task and were impaired in shifting visuospatial attention in the visual cued reaction time
69               Right hemisphere dominance for visuospatial attention is characteristic of most humans,
70                                              Visuospatial attention is contingent upon large networks
71 n contrast, it remains poorly understood how visuospatial attention is shifted in depth.
72 nkeys established that foveal processing and visuospatial attention may be linked through saccadic ey
73 ed how human fronto-parietal regions control visuospatial attention on a fine spatiotemporal scale by
74                           Covertly directing visuospatial attention produces a frequency-specific mod
75                                       Covert visuospatial attention shifts to either a left or right
76  First, bilateral premotor cortex reoriented visuospatial attention specifically along the third dime
77 O mice were impaired in the acquisition of a visuospatial attention task as assessed in the 5-choice
78 sponse task of spatial working memory, (2) a visuospatial attention task that measured spatially and
79 s also performed significantly better in the visuospatial attention task, particularly in the most ch
80 uman MEG recordings in subjects performing a visuospatial attention task, we show that fluctuations i
81         We measured how IFC and DFC during a visuospatial attention task, which requires dynamic sele
82 ately 10 Hz) oscillations during a selective visuospatial attention task.
83 ceptors impact dopamine homeostasis during a visuospatial attention task.
84 rol subjects (n = 18) while they performed a visuospatial attention task.
85 nected network sites in monkeys performing a visuospatial attention task.
86  spatial-cuing task, in which they allocated visuospatial attention to either the right or left visua
87 top-down spatiotopic signals act to redirect visuospatial attention to new retinotopic locations afte
88 ments), or perceptual (covert reorienting of visuospatial attention) responses supported generalisati
89 the 7 to 10 years thereafter, especially for visuospatial attention, F(12,96) 1.70; P=0.04 and select
90 cross a variety of tasks, including shifting visuospatial attention, switching categorization rules,
91 ontrol regions to visual occipital cortex in visuospatial attention, the goal motivating the present
92 use in modeling the psychological effects of visuospatial attention.
93 ded visuospatial attention and by LTM-guided visuospatial attention.
94 derlying the context-sensitive deployment of visuospatial attention.
95 atial neglect suggest a role of this area in visuospatial attention.
96 mong the brain areas usually associated with visuospatial attention.
97 of the visual field during the deployment of visuospatial attention.
98 itical feature of many theoretical models of visuospatial attention.
99 y modulated by the audiospatial, but not the visuospatial, attention task.
100 milar although weaker effects on measures of visuospatial awareness and general mental status.
101 understanding of the mechanisms underpinning visuospatial bias have remained elusive.
102             Results indicated that rightward visuospatial bias in our LPD sample arose not from abnor
103 nted for unique between-subject variation in visuospatial bias: hemispheric asymmetry in posterior al
104  is typically associated with impairments in visuospatial, but not verbal, information processing.
105 nitive benefit, in particular, to nonmusical visuospatial cognition in professional orchestral musici
106 nson's disease, a movement disorder in which visuospatial cognition is affected by the degeneration o
107 rmining individual differences in aspects of visuospatial cognition.
108 findings link side of motor symptom onset to visuospatial cognitive abilities that depend upon the co
109 ter cognitive decline after 36 months in the visuospatial cognitive domain in APOE varepsilon4 allele
110                                              Visuospatial competencies are related to performance in
111 odulated the VOR but only if they involved a visuospatial component (e.g., binocular motion rivalry b
112  and across modalities: training on a silent visuospatial computer game improved thresholds on the au
113 s a significant association with deficits in visuospatial construction and higher FA in WS individual
114  notion that neural abnormalities underlying visuospatial construction arise at later stages in the v
115  a specific role of right SLF abnormality in visuospatial construction deficits in WS.
116 23, is characterized by severe impairment in visuospatial construction.
117 acterized by progressive visuoperceptual and visuospatial deficits and commonly considered to be an a
118 atomical substrates of sub-acute and chronic visuospatial deficits associated with different aspects
119 e deficits), and posterior cortical atrophy (visuospatial deficits).
120 acterized by progressive visuoperceptual and visuospatial deficits, most often due to atypical Alzhei
121 rvention involving a computer game with high visuospatial demands (Tetris), via disrupting consolidat
122 ity, which shows a specific association with visuospatial difficulties and may explain the failure of
123                                              Visuospatial difficulties are more prominent in those wh
124 n in the lateral intraparietal area during a visuospatial discrimination task.
125 ng was collected during the performance of a visuospatial distance judgment task with three parametri
126                    Questions specific to the visuospatial domain were associated with the most brain
127 s possible, with the attention/executive and visuospatial domains most frequently impaired.
128 riant may have a specific role in conferring visuospatial dysfunction in schizophrenia.
129                                The source of visuospatial dysfunction is unclear, as in addition to s
130                                              Visuospatial dysfunction may play a crucial role in gait
131 and those receiving usual care (P=0.19), and visuospatial dysfunction occurred in 4% and 3% (P=0.80).
132  frontoparietal circuitry recruitment during visuospatial executive processing in Turner syndrome, su
133 vs -2.02; P = .02), worse scores on tests of visuospatial function (adjusted t scores, 68.55 vs 79.57
134 mplicated in memory (medial temporal lobes), visuospatial function (occipital, right temporoparietal
135 ple logistic regression analysis showed that visuospatial function and delayed memory recognition wer
136               The present study examined how visuospatial function relates to navigational veering in
137   The pure DLB patients showed more impaired visuospatial function than pure AD or DLB+AD patients wh
138 isease (PD) is characterized by disorders of visuospatial function that can impact everyday functioni
139                                              Visuospatial function was more affected in pure DLB than
140 on and concentration, fluency, language, and visuospatial function), and between PD and CBD for the A
141  in memory/learning, motor/processing speed, visuospatial function, attention, executive function, la
142 ychological tests of executive, language and visuospatial function, less disinhibition, agitation/agg
143 rofile characterized by relative deficits in visuospatial function, relative strengths in face and la
144                                  On tests of visuospatial function, the perceived midline was shifted
145 us abnormalities contributing to deficits in visuospatial function.
146 l domains of executive, language, memory and visuospatial function.
147 ated cognitive, attention and executive, and visuospatial function; neurologic outcomes; and physical
148                       Executive function and visuospatial functioning appear to be particularly susce
149 ere attention and executive functioning, and visuospatial functioning.
150 and semantic memory, language, executive and visuospatial functions assessment.
151 sures of speeded attention, verbal memory or visuospatial functions, nor were significant differences
152 gically defined areas may subserve different visuospatial functions.
153 or parietal cortex primarily associated with visuospatial functions.
154 functions: bilateral frontoparietal regions; visuospatial functions: right more than left occipitotem
155  highlighting that side of onset can predict visuospatial impairments, and provide evidence that an i
156 etal cortex plays a central role in encoding visuospatial information and multiple visual maps exist
157 ork that can code complex associative serial visuospatial information and support later non-conscious
158 ry through enhanced reactivation of detailed visuospatial information at retrieval.
159 , such as real-time PCR, obliterate valuable visuospatial information in tissue samples.
160                    During the maintenance of visuospatial information, neural activity in the frontal
161 rietal cortical areas representing processed visuospatial information, translates that information in
162 ampal circuit that is involved in processing visuospatial information.
163                    Our findings suggest that visuospatial integration and scene construction processe
164 ng selectively alters perceptual measures of visuospatial interactions in human subjects.
165 ellectual functioning, attention, verbal and visuospatial learning and memory, visuospatial perceptio
166 discriminatory learning, object recognition, visuospatial learning and spatial memory.
167 control, habitual enactment of motor skills, visuospatial learning, and memory.
168 s designed to isolate distinct components of visuospatial learning: structural learning and geometric
169 ess predictive pursuit as well as a standard visuospatial measure of working memory.
170                                  In the RCT, visuospatial memory (VSM) performance significantly impr
171 mpairments in working memory, verbal memory, visuospatial memory and attention significantly correlat
172                First to fifth grade gains in visuospatial memory and in speed of numeral processing p
173   Severe depression, trait anxiety, and poor visuospatial memory are the principal risk factors for l
174 ividual differences in the rate of growth of visuospatial memory during childhood and that these diff
175  above average first-to-fifth grade gains in visuospatial memory have an advantage over other childre
176  attention, executive function, language and visuospatial memory on neuropsychological evaluation (p<
177  (odds ratio=0.94, 95% CI=0.90-0.99), poorer visuospatial memory performance (odds ratio=1.60, 95% CI
178                                   Verbal and visuospatial memory performance was assessed in all pati
179                       Developmental gains in visuospatial memory span (d = 2.4) were larger than gain
180  28 age-matched control subjects performed a visuospatial memory task while their electroencephalogra
181  Abeta40/tau ratio was associated with Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Total Recall (Z score = 1.045;
182 , Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT) and California V
183 pocampal, thalamic and cingulate regions and visuospatial memory was detected in patients, but not in
184  the cingulum was negatively associated with visuospatial memory, both immediate (beta = -0.48; p = 0
185  infants (n = 99) were tested for short-term visuospatial memory, long-term episodic memory, language
186 evelopment, language development, short-term visuospatial memory, or long-term episodic memory.
187 itive deficits, often manifested as impaired visuospatial memory.
188 gnitive domains such as attention, language, visuospatial, memory and frontal executive functions whi
189 rom a posterior cortical syndrome (affecting visuospatial, mnemonic and semantic functions related to
190 ultifaceted behavioral integrator that binds visuospatial, motor, and cognitive information into a to
191 d in 5 domains: memory, attention/executive, visuospatial, motor, and psychomotor, and adjusted to ea
192 d 37 matched comparison subjects performed a visuospatial n-back task, with a baseline condition (N0)
193 sponse inhibition, executive function during visuospatial navigation, cognitive flexibility, verbal m
194 irect current stimulation to ameliorate left visuospatial neglect (n = 10).
195 en persisting after initial problems such as visuospatial neglect have resolved.
196                   In this single case study, visuospatial neglect patient P1 demonstrated a dissociat
197 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and visuospatial neglect were ameliorated by noradrenergic d
198 ased upon studies of patients suffering from visuospatial neglect, resulting from circumscribed lesio
199 rols and stroke patients suffering from left visuospatial neglect.
200 osterior parietal cortex reduced symptoms of visuospatial neglect.
201  Broca's area, in addition to the well known visuospatial network, which was activated in both musici
202 uneus, left executive control, language, and visuospatial networks compared with controls.
203 minant), non-amnestic (predominant language, visuospatial or frontal symptoms), or non-specific (diff
204  behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying visuospatial orienting/reorienting in depth.
205 f attention (P = .03), memory (P = .03), and visuospatial (P = .02) cognitive domains.
206 r pulvinar and lateral geniculate nucleus in visuospatial perception and attention [4-10] and for med
207 e consequences of cholinergic enhancement on visuospatial perception in humans are unknown.
208 rgic systems does not systematically improve visuospatial perception or alter its tuning.
209  the influence of cholinergic enhancement on visuospatial perception remains unknown.
210  to closely matched analogical reasoning and visuospatial perception tasks.
211 ve performance in selected domains, that is, visuospatial perception, attention, and inhibition.
212 e on several domains of cognition, including visuospatial perception, attention, inhibition, working
213 verbal and visuospatial learning and memory, visuospatial perception, inhibitory control, cognitive f
214                               In the case of visuospatial perception, it has been shown that the sens
215 g memory, semantic processing, language, and visuospatial perception.
216 not associated with frontal lobe function or visuospatial perception.
217 ed by distractors, consistent with sharpened visuospatial perceptual representations.
218 ance becomes desynchronized, with object and visuospatial performance better at subjective midday and
219 ssion remains rhythmic, mirroring object and visuospatial performance.
220 mental perspective taking abilities (but not visuospatial perspective taking).
221 es of response speed, inhibitory control and visuospatial problem solving.
222 entional visuomotor, rather than attentional visuospatial, processes underlie the PA aftereffect of r
223 ciated with audiovisual integration supports visuospatial processing and attentional shifting, wherea
224 processed in a dorsal stream specialized for visuospatial processing and guided action and a ventral
225 le child IQ or on selected scales related to visuospatial processing and memory.
226 rior parietal cortex can be used to modulate visuospatial processing and that this effect is exerted
227                 We varied the linguistic and visuospatial processing demands in three different tasks
228                                        These visuospatial processing impairments may be exacerbated w
229 function have evolved beyond the traditional visuospatial processing models to include more diverse c
230 torted chairs, therefore likely unrelated to visuospatial processing of the unusual distorted shapes.
231 is task, we argue, placed greater demands on visuospatial processing than the other two tasks.
232 ttention, memory, executive functioning, and visuospatial processing were assessed and compared with
233 ction representations at different stages of visuospatial processing, but the transition from contral
234  memory, executive function, working memory, visuospatial processing, motor speed, sustained attentio
235 ffected by orthogonal, cognitively demanding visuospatial processing.
236 the left STC was sensitive to the demands of visuospatial processing.
237 on is associated with an unbalanced speed of visuospatial processing.
238 e parietal cortex plays an important role in visuospatial processing.
239 g, but not in tasks that require semantic or visuospatial processing.
240 the involvement of the RC in object, but not visuospatial, processing and recognition memory, whereas
241 ering associated with the groups' dissimilar visuospatial profiles.
242 tion to visual position preferences found in visuospatial receptive fields.
243 hat the left PCN may contribute a supporting visuospatial representation via its functional connectio
244                             Furthermore, the visuospatial representation within the inferior parietal
245 d ventral streams for object recognition and visuospatial representation.
246 1.05]; controls, 11.78 [0.56], P < .001) and visuospatial (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test [ROCF],
247  after interference, r = -0.48; P = .02) and visuospatial (ROCF delayed recall, r = -0.46; P = .03) m
248 raparietal area (LIP) has been implicated in visuospatial selection for attention and rapid eye movem
249 sal adjacent subregions mark a transition to visuospatial/sensorimotor networks.
250         Here, we examined whether learning a visuospatial sequence either via manual (key presses, wi
251       Prior studies indicate that learning a visuospatial sequence via responses based on manual key
252  by the responses used to initially code the visuospatial sequence when new knowledge was applied to
253 g a non-conscious and complex (second-order) visuospatial sequence.
254 term and working memory outcomes, 1 outcome (visuospatial short-term memory) benefited the children a
255                                     However, visuospatial short-term memory, associative learning, an
256 hort-term memory, F(3,33) 3.69; P=0.038, and visuospatial short-term memory, F(6,64) 2.97; P=0.013, s
257 ory training program may temporarily improve visuospatial short-term memory.
258 sks were analyzed: (1) visual detection; (2) visuospatial short-term memory; and (3) verbal short-ter
259 cortex may be a nexus for the integration of visuospatial signals and more abstract task-dependent in
260 semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tests), visuospatial skills (Benton Judgment of Line Orientation
261 y was related to lower and faster decline in visuospatial skills (P = 0.042).
262 gned to improve reasoning, memory, planning, visuospatial skills and attention.
263 ding, with scores on language production and visuospatial skills being significantly higher in the CN
264 tion, executive function, verbal memory, and visuospatial skills were administered at baseline, 1 yea
265 otional function and preserving or enhancing visuospatial skills, and Alzheimer's disease showing the
266 gnition (k=11, g=0.26, 95% CI=0.01-0.52) and visuospatial skills, but these were driven by three tria
267 7), but not semantic memory, working memory, visuospatial skills, or a composite of all cognitive mea
268 ory, language, attention/executive function, visuospatial skills, PiB levels, hippocampal and ventric
269 rogressive impairment of visuoperceptual and visuospatial skills.
270 ociated with lower and more rapid decline in visuospatial skills.
271 E-R score in PD (p=0.001) and CBD (p=0.001); visuospatial subscore in PD (p=0.003), PSP (p=0.022) and
272 pecificity (0.87); total ACE-R score and the visuospatial subscore were less specific (0.87 and 0.84
273 ction), and between PD and CBD for the ACE-R visuospatial subscore.
274 nhance cognitive performance in a nonmusical visuospatial task in professional orchestral musicians.
275 ese potential contributors, performance on a visuospatial task--line bisection--was examined together
276 lying generator configuration as in a purely visuospatial task.
277 pants self-reported difficulty with reading, visuospatial tasks (ie, close-up work or finding things
278 n between spatially segregated inputs during visuospatial tasks is not yet established.
279  PA induces neglect-like performance on some visuospatial tasks, behavioral studies of spatial attent
280 teralization and asymmetry of performance on visuospatial tasks.
281 ociated with performance on semantic but not visuospatial tasks.
282 s with regard to demographics or scores on a visuospatial test administered at study outset.
283 matous male DBA/2NHsd or DBA/2J mice using a visuospatial testing box.
284 n cognitive testing, including executive and visuospatial testing, but the two groups did not differ
285  and 18 healthy control (HC) adults received visuospatial tests, of whom 23 Parkinson's disease patie
286 ents and control subjects in mental (but not visuospatial) third person perspective taking abilities.
287                             Our results link visuospatial tuning effects of acetylcholine at the neur
288 t is characterised by progressive decline in visuospatial, visuoperceptual, literacy, and praxic skil
289                                              Visuospatial working memory (vsWM), which is impaired in
290 ch patient group showed worse performance in visuospatial working memory compared with control subjec
291 d neuropsychological testing and performed a visuospatial working memory functional magnetic resonanc
292 ctive GABAAR PAMs, of visual recognition and visuospatial working memory in nonhuman primates; and (2
293  areas, underlies the posterior ERP index of visuospatial working memory maintenance.
294 ourne, Australia, who underwent a verbal and visuospatial working memory screening.
295 esser extent in the verbal compared with the visuospatial working memory task.
296 omologous electrophysiological signatures of visuospatial working memory to those of humans and that
297 o be critical for maintaining information in visuospatial working memory, the event-related potential
298 hich was also associated with improvement in visuospatial working memory.
299  attenuated after accounting for non-verbal (visuospatial) working memory capacity.
300 tions between regions that integrate verbal, visuospatial, working memory, and executive processes.

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