


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y identify older individuals at high risk of vitamin D deficiency.
2 he ApaI genotype was associated with reduced vitamin D deficiency.
3 ical practice to identify persons at risk of vitamin D deficiency.
4 has not been considered in the assessment of vitamin D deficiency.
5 he treatment of persons with osteoporosis or vitamin D deficiency.
6 creen use and melanoma, systemic toxicity or vitamin D deficiency.
7 I are expected to decrease the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.
8 tion of which may contribute to drug-induced vitamin D deficiency.
9 erived from patients with a known history of vitamin D deficiency.
10 induced osteomalacia, which is attributed to vitamin D deficiency.
11 droxyvitamin D [25-(OH)D] are used to define vitamin D deficiency.
12  and the M2-predominant phenotype induced by vitamin D deficiency.
13 can Americans also have much higher rates of vitamin D deficiency.
14 droxyvitamin D l <20 ng/ml are diagnostic of vitamin D deficiency.
15 was partially attenuated after adjusting for vitamin D deficiency.
16 ations for understanding the consequences of vitamin D deficiency.
17 -ray absorptiometry, and supplementation for vitamin D deficiency.
18 ted that 31% of the elderly in Taiwan have a vitamin D deficiency.
19  recently issued guidelines on screening for vitamin D deficiency.
20 t study was to identify the determinants for vitamin D deficiency.
21  vitamin D production and to its reversal of vitamin D deficiency.
22 is C (HCV) infection have high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.
23  prehypertension or stage I hypertension and vitamin D deficiency.
24  69 (34%), 95 (47%), and 39 (19%) had severe vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D3 <10 ng/mL), vitamin D ins
25                            The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxy vitamin D <10 ng/mL) wa
26                                              Vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] <50
27  for routine clinical care, 40 children with vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25-OHD] level
28                                     Maternal vitamin D deficiency (25[OH]D levels <12.02 ng/mL) durin
29                               In particular, vitamin D deficiency [25(OH)D concentration <30 nmol/L]
30 all mortality [HR (95% CI)] of subjects with vitamin D deficiency [25(OH)D concentrations <30 nmol/L]
31                        Thus, we suggest that vitamin D deficiency activates both the renin angiotensi
32 0.32 (95% CI, 0.15-0.65], respectively), and vitamin D deficiency (adjusted OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.23-4.
33           Among critically ill patients with vitamin D deficiency, administration of high-dose vitami
34                                   Peri-natal vitamin D deficiency alone has immunomodulatory effects
35                         We hypothesized that vitamin D deficiency alters TRAIL protein levels in huma
36                 The prevalence and degree of vitamin D deficiency amongst individuals living in north
37                                              Vitamin D deficiency and asthma are common conditions th
38 d the association between 25-hydroxy (25-OH) vitamin D deficiency and asthma prevalence in two Peruvi
39               The relationship between 25-OH vitamin D deficiency and asthma was similar in both site
40 ovide an overview of the association between vitamin D deficiency and atherosclerosis.
41 eters, thus suggesting that the link between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disease may be a
42 Muscle weakness and myopathy are observed in vitamin D deficiency and chronic renal failure, where co
43 Town, South Africa, and associations between vitamin D deficiency and CM were examined.
44               The association between severe vitamin D deficiency and elevated proinflammatory cytoki
45 lts were seen for participants with baseline vitamin D deficiency and for secondary outcomes.
46           Despite clear associations between vitamin D deficiency and obesity and/or type 2 diabetes,
47  hypothesized a positive association between vitamin D deficiency and OC, and that this effect was pa
48                                              Vitamin D deficiency and oral diseases (periodontitis, c
49 rs recommendations on screening and treating vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis.
50                                              Vitamin D deficiency and PTH excess are common in older
51 es mellitus at 12 months postpartum had both vitamin D deficiency and PTH in the highest tertile at 3
52                                         Both vitamin D deficiency and silent CAD are prevalent in HIV
53                     The relationship between vitamin D deficiency and subclinical CAD in HIV-infected
54 studies suggest that there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of cardiometabolic dis
55 solution to tackle the worldwide epidemic of vitamin D deficiency and to better fit with omega 3 (DHA
56 sepsis and severe sepsis are associated with vitamin D deficiency and to determine whether vitamin D
57 onstrated an independent association between vitamin D deficiency and various manifestations of degen
58                   Obesity is associated with vitamin D deficiency, and both are areas of active publi
59 lant and posttransplant hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, and fracture risk after KT.
60                   MS risk is associated with vitamin D deficiency, and its bioactive form, 1,25-dihyd
61                                     Men with vitamin D deficiencies are twice as likely to have preva
62                In CKD, elevated hepcidin and vitamin D deficiency are associated with anemia.
63                                   Anemia and vitamin D deficiency are conditions that both result in
64 iated with MS risk supports a causal role of vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for MS.
65 3) per pack-year of smoking in subjects with vitamin D deficiency as compared with subjects who were
66                                              Vitamin D deficiency associated with pulmonary function
67                                              Vitamin D deficiency associates with mortality in patien
68                  In participants with severe vitamin D deficiency at baseline, supplementation may re
69                                     Although vitamin D deficiency at either baseline or 2 weeks was n
70                                              Vitamin D deficiency at the time of periodontal surgery
71 ified subgroup analysis in participants with vitamin D deficiency (baseline deseasonalized 25-hydroxy
72       Breastfed babies are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because normally little vitamin D o
73 audi Arabian women may be at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency because of a darker skin type and a
74   Obese adolescents are at a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency because vitamin D is thought to be
75 igh-dose vitamin D3 regimen safely corrected vitamin D deficiency but did not improve the rate of spu
76              It has recently been shown that vitamin D deficiency can increase asthma development and
77                 These findings indicate that vitamin D deficiency can lead to selective alterations i
78                                              Vitamin D deficiency can present as atypical muscular pa
79 ts (179 men) with chronic HF due to LVSD and vitamin D deficiency (cholecalciferol <50 nmol/l [<20 ng
80                                              Vitamin D deficiency (circulating levels of 25[OH]D </=2
81      Endocrine changes, such as oestrogen or vitamin D deficiency, contribute to a fertile bone micro
82                                              Vitamin D deficiency contributes to secondary hyperparat
83               After multivariate adjustment, vitamin D deficiency (defined as a concentration of <20
84                                              Vitamin D deficiency, defined as a serum 25-hydroxyvitam
85 mozygous p.Ser267Phe in SLC10A1 are prone to vitamin D deficiency, deviated sex hormones and blood li
86 urrence of the high prevalence of asthma and vitamin D deficiency documented globally in recent decad
87                                              Vitamin D deficiency does not predispose to the developm
88                                              Vitamin D deficiency dropped from 64% to 20%.
89 ults from recent animal studies suggest that vitamin D deficiency during adulthood may exacerbate und
90                                     Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy may affect fetal o
91 en in northern latitudes are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency during winter because of negligible
92 ic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have vitamin D deficiency, effects of vitamin D supplementati
93 ands; weak or uncertain risk factors include vitamin D deficiency, Epstein-Barr virus infection, smok
94 ectomy hypocalcemia include hyperthyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, female sex, substernal thyroid dis
95  lower lung function in current smokers with vitamin D deficiency (FEV(1), FVC, and FEV(1)/FVC; P </=
96 making guidelines for screening and treating vitamin D deficiency for the prevention of CVD events.
97  not mount a parathyroid hormone response to vitamin D deficiency had a higher mortality (35% vs 12%;
98 onatal mice that had in utero and early-life vitamin D deficiency had significantly increased pulmona
99                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with adverse he
100                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with hypertensi
101                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased
102                                        While vitamin D deficiency has been associated with periodonti
103                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with several co
104                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with susceptibi
105                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with the develo
106                    In epidemiologic studies, vitamin D deficiency has been consistently associated wi
107                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been described as being pandemi
108                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated as a pathogenic
109                                     Maternal vitamin D deficiency has been linked to fetal growth res
110                                           As vitamin D deficiency has been linked to numerous disease
111                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to various inflamma
112                                              Vitamin D deficiency has been reported in different chro
113 d wheezing begin early in life, and prenatal vitamin D deficiency has been variably associated with t
114 perimental studies highlight the impact that vitamin D deficiency has on brain function in health and
115       Her medical history was remarkable for vitamin D deficiency, hypertension, and rehabilitation f
116                                              Vitamin D deficiency (hypovitaminosis D) causes osteomal
117                                              Vitamin D deficiency impairs fertility in animal models,
118 inologists debate the issue of screening for vitamin D deficiency in a 55-year-old, asymptomatic, pos
119   New USPSTF recommendation on screening for vitamin D deficiency in adults.
120 and improved survival, but the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in advanced colorectal cancer and i
121                       The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in African Americans (AAs) may be a
122 sess the benefits and harms of screening for vitamin D deficiency in asymptomatic adults.
123 lance of benefits and harms of screening for vitamin D deficiency in asymptomatic adults.
124                                 Treatment of vitamin D deficiency in asymptomatic persons might reduc
125                  However, the exact cause of vitamin D deficiency in EAE/MS is not clear.
126                                              Vitamin D deficiency in early life does not affect AHR,
127 tprint, to better quantify the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Europe.
128  high-dose oral cholecalciferol treatment of vitamin D deficiency in hemodialysis patients appears to
129                                              Vitamin D deficiency in humans is frequent and has been
130                                              Vitamin D deficiency in murine sepsis was associated wit
131      Our findings suggest that correction of vitamin D deficiency in patients with COPD reduces the r
132 vant murine models and approaches to correct vitamin D deficiency in patients with sepsis should be d
133 allenges and controversies, of screening for vitamin D deficiency in primary care practice.
134       We reported the striking prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Scotland.
135 /chemokine profiles, corticosteroid use, and vitamin D deficiency in TB-IRIS patients.
136 e strategies for screening and management of vitamin D deficiency in the clinic and at the population
137 e of intramuscular cholecalciferol corrected vitamin D deficiency in the majority of critically ill p
138 itamin D intakes that are protective against vitamin D deficiency in the majority of the European pop
139 ndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and vitamin D deficiency in the Saudi Arabian population.
140 o, we generated mouse models of diet-induced vitamin D deficiency in two backgrounds (LDL receptor- a
141 k, indicating a genetic etiological role for vitamin D deficiency in type 1 diabetes.
142 ms will develop postnatally from exposure to vitamin D deficiency in utero.
143 golian children, a population likely to have vitamin D deficiency in winter.
144                       To clarify the role of vitamin D-deficiency in CVD in vivo, we generated mouse
145 umption in population groups most at risk of vitamin D deficiency including children aged 18-36 mo, f
146 ety with emphasis on treating and preventing vitamin D deficiency, including patients with inflammato
147 e evidence on screening for and treatment of vitamin D deficiency, including the benefits and harms o
148 le observational studies have suggested that vitamin D deficiency increases risk of depression, few c
149 lung injury resolution, we hypothesized that vitamin D deficiency increases the severity of injury an
150                                         This vitamin D deficiency-induced reduction in iNKT cells is
151 itamin D deficiency and to determine whether vitamin D deficiency influences the severity of sepsis.
152                          In conclusion, only vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency with increased PTH is
153                                 In contrast, vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency with lower PTH did no
154 ultiple-adjusted linear regression analyses, vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency with PTH in the highe
155          Although the best known sequelae of vitamin D deficiency involve the musculoskeletal system,
156                                              Vitamin D deficiency is a clinical entity that can affec
157                                     Although vitamin D deficiency is a common cause of rickets, other
158                                              Vitamin D deficiency is a major risk factor for central
159                                              Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for inflammatory b
160                        It is unknown whether vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for the developmen
161                                              Vitamin D deficiency is an important health issue, parti
162                                              Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for d
163 ber of epidemiological studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a wide range of
164                                      Because vitamin D deficiency is associated with advanced liver d
165                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with adverse outcome
166                                     Although vitamin D deficiency is associated with an unfavorable l
167                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with cardiovascular d
168               Growing evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency Is associated with clinical coronar
169                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with earlier menarche
170                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with impaired immune
171                  We review the evidence that vitamin D deficiency is associated with incident CV dise
172                       It has been shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased OX40L
173                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk o
174 rldwide, and growing evidence indicates that vitamin D deficiency is associated with many extraskelet
175                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with negative health
176                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with obesity; whether
177 asthma treated with inhaled corticosteroids, vitamin D deficiency is associated with poorer lung func
178                         These data show that vitamin D deficiency is associated with specific subtype
179                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with susceptibility t
180                                              Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the development
181                                   In humans, vitamin D deficiency is associated with the following: v
182                                              Vitamin D deficiency is common in severe sepsis.
183                                              Vitamin D deficiency is common worldwide.
184                                              Vitamin D deficiency is evident throughout the European
185                                              Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among black Afr
186                                              Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among hemodialy
187                                              Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among patients
188                                              Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent and is associat
189                                              Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in a range of common
190                                              Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in autoimmune disease
191 s in pregnancy are widespread worldwide, and vitamin D deficiency is implicated in immune cell regula
192                                              Vitamin D deficiency is increasing in incidence around t
193                                              Vitamin D deficiency is one of the possible environmenta
194    These vGWAS results together suggest that vitamin D deficiency is potentially causal of sero-negat
195                                              Vitamin D deficiency is present in 47% of our lung trans
196                                              Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent throughout the world,
197                                              Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent worldwide and may part
198                                              Vitamin D deficiency is typically caused by inadequate c
199                                              Vitamin D deficiency is widely prevalent in the United S
200                                              Vitamin D deficiency is widespread and on the increase.
201                          Prevalence of 25-OH vitamin D deficiency (&lt; 20 ng/mL) was 47% in Lima vs. 7%
202                          A predefined severe vitamin D deficiency (&lt;/=12 ng/mL) subgroup analysis was
203 h an approximate 20% increase in the odds of vitamin D deficiency (&lt;/=20 ng/mL) [odds ratio (95% CI):
204 492 critically ill adult white patients with vitamin D deficiency (&lt;/=20 ng/mL) assigned to receive e
205 D deficient (<20 ng/ml); and 8.4% had severe vitamin D deficiency (&lt;10 ng/ml).
206 dividuals with clinical categories of severe vitamin D deficiency (&lt;25.0 nmol/l [<10.0 ng/ml]) to ind
207                                              Vitamin D deficiency (&lt;30 ng/mL) occurred in 62 of 131 p
208 ding to an alternate suggested definition of vitamin D deficiency (&lt;50 nmol/L), the prevalence was 40
209 e in maintaining cognitive function and that vitamin D deficiency may accelerate age-related cognitiv
210              There is emerging evidence that vitamin D deficiency may be a risk factor for hypertensi
211                                              Vitamin D deficiency may be a risk factor for increased
212                                              Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with an increased
213 lthough the etiology is not well understood, vitamin D deficiency may be involved.
214 with proinflammatory cytokines, suggest that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to UC inflammation b
215                                              Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in periodontal dise
216                      These data suggest that vitamin D deficiency may promote autoimmunity by favorin
217 ical and experimental evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency may promote hypertension.
218                        Mechanisms underlying vitamin D deficiency-mediated increased risk of cardiova
219                                Patients with vitamin D deficiency, mild renal dysfunction, and urinar
220                                              Vitamin D deficiency modestly impairs neutrophil chemota
221 nical and clinical findings and suggest that vitamin D deficiency not only promotes bone diseases but
222                     The impact of correcting vitamin D deficiency on blood lipids, strong cardiovascu
223  vivo, we examined the effect of nutritional vitamin D deficiency on costimulatory molecules in CD11c
224       This study investigates the effects of vitamin D deficiency on infection-induced changes in int
225 l cohort, there was no significant effect of vitamin D deficiency on lung function or on lung functio
226     We investigated the effect of early-life vitamin D deficiency on the development of murine neonat
227 d are not known to have signs or symptoms of vitamin D deficiency or conditions for which vitamin D t
228 nt weak associations have been noted between vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency and lower testoste
229 mellitus, atypical mycobacterial infections, vitamin D deficiency or metabolic bone disorders, anxiet
230 edication use (OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.08-1.26), vitamin D deficiency (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.05-1.22), diur
231 ough sunlight, there was a midwinter peak in vitamin D deficiency (P < .02).
232 e of vitamin D insufficiency (P = 0.002) and vitamin D deficiency (P = 0.012) compared with controls.
233                                              Vitamin D deficiency (plasma 25[OH]D </=50 nmol/L) was p
234                                              Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to more-severe intestin
235                 In infants and toddlers with vitamin D deficiency, rachitic changes and definite demi
236                            To investigate if vitamin D deficiency regulated OX40L and Th2 responses i
237 tment, and tobacco and heroin/methadone use, vitamin D deficiency remained a significant predictor of
238                                              Vitamin D deficiency resulted in an altered composition
239 ich is refractory to conventional therapy of vitamin D deficiency rickets even without evidence of al
240 and history were thought possibly to suggest vitamin D deficiency rickets: calcium 5.1mg/dL, (8.8-10.
241 uidelines were based on randomized trials of vitamin D deficiency screening and treatment, as well as
242                                              Vitamin D deficiency seems to predict the unsuccessful a
243  hoc analysis in 30 participants with severe vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-[OH]D levels <10 ng/mL) a
244 70 years, with nondiabetic CKD stage 3-4 and vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D </=20 ng
245                                              Vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D
246 e concentration from 7.8 to 11.1 mmol/L) and vitamin D deficiency (serum 25[OH]D concentration <50 nm
247               Placebo patients with baseline vitamin D deficiency [serum 25(OH)D, 16-19 ng/mL] had si
248 tional CAD risk factors and substance abuse, vitamin D deficiency should be evaluated in HIV-infected
249                       Mice with diet-induced vitamin D deficiency showed increased systolic and diast
250 s of vitamin D, variability in participants' vitamin D-deficiency status, and the use of surrogate me
251                               For the severe vitamin D deficiency subgroup analysis (n = 200), length
252 ospital mortality was observed in the severe vitamin D deficiency subgroup, but this finding should b
253                    However, among those with vitamin D deficiency, the odds of having an exacerbation
254 ufficient levels of 25(OH)D, and in men with vitamin D deficiency, there was a tendency toward an inc
255                 Although studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk of cardiovascu
256 ly, there has been mounting evidence linking vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease and ather
257        Multiple epidemiological studies link vitamin D deficiency to increased cardiovascular disease
258                                       Severe vitamin D deficiency (total 25(OH)D <25 nmol/L) was asso
259                                              Vitamin D deficiency (total 25(OH)D <75 nmol/L) was high
260 g and trough sunlight to sequential peaks in vitamin D deficiency, tuberculosis infection, symptom on
261                      Prevalence estimates of vitamin D deficiency [using various serum 25(OH)D thresh
262 e been seen to alter the association between vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and the risk of food sensitiz
263                     Iron deficiency (ID) and vitamin D deficiency (VDD) are common among young Europe
264            HIV cases had greater odds of for vitamin D deficiency (VDD) compared with controls (demog
265 ions of vitamin D has grown, the presence of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) has become more evident in We
266 cent studies have found associations between vitamin D deficiency (VDD), insulin resistance (IR), and
267  nondiabetic patients with stage 3-4 CKD and vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D supplementation may impr
268                            The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 33.3% in the nonanemic populati
269                      In utero and early-life vitamin D deficiency was achieved using a vitamin D-defi
270                                              Vitamin D deficiency was also associated with increased
271    By multivariable Cox regression analysis, vitamin D deficiency was an independent risk factor for
272                                              Vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increased ri
273                                              Vitamin D deficiency was associated with anemia prevalen
274                                              Vitamin D deficiency was associated with higher AHR in O
275                                              Vitamin D deficiency was associated with higher total Ig
276                                              Vitamin D deficiency was associated with lower lung func
277 a cross-sectional study to determine whether vitamin D deficiency was associated with susceptibility
278                                              Vitamin D deficiency was defined as 25(OH)D lower than 2
279                                              Vitamin D deficiency was defined as serum level </= 20 n
280                                              Vitamin D deficiency was defined as serum levels < 20 ng
281                                         Peak vitamin D deficiency was followed 6 weeks later by a lat
282                            The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was lower in subjects with the AC g
283                                              Vitamin D deficiency was more frequent in female recipie
284                                              Vitamin D deficiency was not associated with CM (adjuste
285                                              Vitamin D deficiency was not associated with CMV disease
286                                              Vitamin D deficiency was not more common among HIV- infe
287                                              Vitamin D deficiency was observed in the majority of sub
288                                              Vitamin D deficiency was positively associated with OC (
289    At the turn of the last century, rickets (vitamin D deficiency) was one of the most common musculo
290                        Both asthma and 25-OH vitamin D deficiency were common among children living i
291                                       OC and vitamin D deficiency were diagnosed in, respectively, 14
292 tructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have vitamin D deficiency, which is associated with increased
293                                              Vitamin D deficiency, which is present in 42% of the US
294 s with tuberculosis disease commonly exhibit vitamin D deficiency, which may adversely affect immunit
295 enotypic scenario puts residents at risk for vitamin D deficiency, which may potentiate HIV-1 disease
296 ng disease flare, only 21.3% of patients had vitamin D deficiency, which was severe in 12.8%.
297 ination Survey to examine the association of vitamin D deficiency with anemia subtypes in persons age
298 gnificant downregulation with UVB.Correcting vitamin D deficiency with either oral vitamin D3 or UVB
299 espite substantial clinical evidence linking vitamin D deficiency with increased cardiovascular risk,
300 ice on a vitamin D-deficient diet manifested vitamin D deficiency, with mineral abnormalities, second

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