


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d within interstitial microfluids until they vitrify.
2                                              Vitrified Affinity Grid specimens could be used to calcu
3 e monolayer-purified Tf-TfR samples could be vitrified and used to calculate a 3D reconstruction of t
4 ed in 1), freeze-dried, 2), frozen-hydrated (vitrified), and 3), initially alive states.
5 e behavior and internal structure of liquid, vitrified, and crystallized water-salt ultrafine aerosol
6                                       Sugars vitrifying around fluid phase lipids lowered T(m) below
7                                       Sugars vitrifying around gel phase lipids raised T(m) during th
8 in, and 68.6% taurocholate (all mole %) were vitrified at 2 min to 20 days after fourfold dilution to
9 l TEM can only be used to image air-dried or vitrified bacteria removed from their natural environmen
10       The cells are then screened by fLM and vitrified before acquisition of cryo-fLM and cryo-ET ima
11 n cell-containing droplets which may then be vitrified before being exposed to high temperatures for
12                   Imaging of fully hydrated, vitrified biological samples by electron tomography yiel
13   Taken together, HHP promotes competence of vitrified bovine blastocysts through modest transcriptio
14 nsional crystals of aquaporin-1 preserved in vitrified buffer in the absence of any additive.
15  Dextran and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) also vitrified but did not depress T(m) during drying.
16 bon-coated electron microscopy grids and are vitrified by plunging them into liquid ethane.
17 eparation of thin (200-500 nm) lamellae from vitrified cells grown on electron microscopy (EM) grids.
18 ntly developed methods for cryosectioning of vitrified cells.
19                    One way to avoid it is to vitrify cells; that is, to convert cell water to a glass
20 employed to guide the FIB milling process of vitrified cellular samples and to capture specific struc
21 the native structure of the COPI coat within vitrified Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells.
22                             We find that the vitrifying diluent does not adversely affect device perf
23  to the preservation of glassy walls called 'vitrified forts'.
24                                           In vitrified frozen-hydrated mammalian cells overexpressing
25         Preliminary morphologic results with vitrified human cornea also showed retention of endothel
26                                              Vitrified-hydrated virions were found to be spherical, w
27 nfluenced the degree to which buildings were vitrified in the Iron Age.
28  conjectured that any metallic liquid can be vitrified into a glassy state provided that the cooling
29 n a cryo-electron microscopy study of intact vitrified mouse embryonic cells, and in an ultrastructur
30 trification could improve the development of vitrified mouse oocyte.
31 ous solutions of anhydrobiotic trehalose are vitrified on arbitrary substrates, producing glassy coat
32 plunge-freezing device (the FEI Vitrobot) to vitrify our samples, we discuss its operation and parame
33 etermined in three dimensions from images of vitrified samples.
34              Cryo-electron tomography of the vitrified sections revealed the prion assemblies as alig
35 omposition and the form of the pyrolyzed and vitrified sludge were analyzed by scanning electron micr
36 cooling, the phase transition from liquid to vitrified solid (i.e., vitrification) and the levitation
37 ow-density amorphous ice in coexistence with vitrified solute rich aqueous glass.
38        Angular reconstitution from images of vitrified specimens does not reliably converge on the co
39             Alignment of class averages from vitrified specimens to a 3D negative stain reference mod
40  solids (vitrify) upon desiccation, and this vitrified state mirrors their protective capabilities.
41 matically as a function of conversion in the vitrified state, and the utilization of soft-start or pu
42 d, namely S2 = r(eff)o/rTo, where rTo is the vitrified steady-state excitation anisotropy, we recover
43 vidence supports that LEA proteins stabilize vitrified sugar glasses thought to be important in the d
44 d by thermal plasma, a process which aims to vitrify the galvanic sludge and render metals (iron, zin
45 , amorphous solids always become softer when vitrifying the melts under higher cooling rates.
46 quid tantalum and vanadium, are successfully vitrified to form metallic glasses suitable for property
47  TDPs form non-crystalline amorphous solids (vitrify) upon desiccation, and this vitrified state mirr
48                           In vivo studies of vitrified vessel segments in an autologous transplant mo
49 erved in the elastic properties of fresh and vitrified vessels (P>0.05 for each of DC, Ep, and beta).
50 tion in the wall viscosity between fresh and vitrified vessels appeared to be nonsignificant (theta=1
51         The maximum contractions achieved in vitrified vessels were >80% of fresh matched controls wi
52 action of amyloid fibrils in a thin layer of vitrified water at cryogenic temperatures, we were able
53 (BMG) formers are multicomponent alloys that vitrify with remarkable ease during solidification.

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