


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 appears to be previously unknown as a floral volatile.
2 ylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone, and volatiles.
3 nd, in some cases, through uncovering frozen volatiles.
4 s-beta-ocimene corresponded to 50.90% of the volatiles.
5  were surveyed for the presence of microbial volatiles.
6 major casein and whey proteins, and milk fat volatiles.
7 suring concentrations of mango fruit and sap volatiles.
8 avioral responses of honey bees to microbial volatiles.
9 investigate chemical signatures of black tea volatiles.
10 (GC-MS) is commonly used in analyzing insect volatiles.
11 avor chemicals, including sugars, acids, and volatiles.
12 , as well as reservoirs within the Moon with volatile abundances like Earth's depleted upper mantle.
13 giant impact, whereas a Moon with Earth-like volatile abundances suggests preservation of these volat
14 d was used to determine the total, fixed and volatile acidities of vinegars.
15 ter, PhABCG1, we demonstrate that passage of volatiles across the plasma membrane relies on active tr
16 or identification and quantification of semi-volatile additives (propylene glycol, sorbic and benzoic
17                              We analysed the volatile alarm pheromone produced by attacked workers of
18  aerosol size by 30%, while producing mainly volatile aldehyde products, increases potential respirat
19  for encapsulation and controlled release of volatile allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) molecules.
20  Waterwash systems have been used to control volatile and aerosol emissions, including nitrosamines,
21    The impacts of fruit zone leaf removal on volatile and anthocyanin compositions of Pinot noir wine
22 hallow, sulfide-saturated, and exceptionally volatile and Cl-rich SLIP lavas, permitted a massive rel
23 end of the acetification cycle to assess the volatile and fixed compounds by GC-MS and UHPLC-QTOF-MS.
24                                              Volatile and ionic PFASs and unknown precursors accounte
25 pectrometry (LC-MS/MS) were used to quantify volatile and ionic PFASs, respectively, and the total ox
26    Still, CsMPs provide a mechanism by which volatile and low-volatility radionuclides such as U can
27 have been shown to affect their host plants' volatile and non-volatile metabolites, which results in
28 ation (CC) model describing the transport of volatile and semivolatile contaminants for DCMD systems
29 ter reuse may be limited by low rejection of volatile and semivolatile contaminants.
30              Many soil bacteria produce both volatile and soluble compounds.
31  Furthermore, sesame oil containing aromatic volatiles and compounds with different polarities is use
32 s study first reports the dynamic changes of volatiles and phenols that occur during skin fermentatio
33 olatiles were identified where lipid-derived volatiles and phenylpropanoid derivatives were the major
34 egrees C, and FMQ approximately -0.5 for the volatiles and solute contents of graphite-saturated flui
35 hat presents as a hypermetabolic response to volatile anesthetic gases, where susceptible persons may
36 proximal interactions via aqueous diffusion, volatile antimicrobials are able to act at a distance an
37                                              Volatile aroma compounds of three varieties of red kidne
38                                              Volatile, aroma-active, and phenolic compounds of pistac
39 acco plants control the temporal emission of volatile attractants from flowers and leaves, enabling a
40 nexpectedly high levels of the sesquiterpene volatile beta-selinene and the corresponding nonvolatile
41        Despite progress in deciphering plant volatile biosynthesis, their release from the cell has b
42 trolled atmosphere gave higher levels of key volatiles (butyl acetate, 2-methylbutyl acetate and hexy
43 ionts also attenuate the systemic release of volatiles by plants after aphid attack, reducing parasit
44 uorinated materials with easy removal of the volatile catalyst and TMSF byproducts.Fluorinated poly(a
45 ct is considered edible and the pigments and volatile changes are not as drastic as observed at 75 an
46 chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify volatile chemical cues that may relay information about
47 ture over time we achieve uniform release of volatile chemical species over many hours for the first
48 pond to insect attack by releasing blends of volatile chemicals that attract their herbivores' specif
49 n overview of the most important soluble and volatile classes of secondary metabolites produced by so
50               Diethyl succinate was the only volatile clearly influenced by ageing temperature, with
51 epresentative of various atmosphere-impactor volatile combinations.
52 dictates the spatial segregation of the more volatile component as it is depleted.
53  mass spectrometry (MS) for determination of volatile components of olive oil, enhancing its potentia
54                                              Volatile components of raw, dry roasted and oil roasted
55 lting quality of the wine itself in terms of volatile composition and phenolic profile.
56 s the amino acid profile of musts and wines, volatile composition and sensory profile of wines from V
57 analytical tools, highlight the potential of volatile composition for organic orange discrimination.
58 e relationship between wine flavour and wine volatile composition is well recognised, however with th
59        The effect of dehydration rate on the volatile composition of dehydrated grapes and fortified
60 The impact of postharvest dehydration on the volatile composition of Malvasia moscata grapes and fort
61 e two processing variables also affected the volatile composition of the autolysates produced: higher
62 te pollen profile of honey samples and their volatile composition was evaluated by multivariate stati
63 aim of this study was to discover the unique volatile compositional traits of retail milk from differ
64 esent a clickable extension that facilitates volatile compound communication between microbial popula
65 icochemical parameter values, 86.5% using 15 volatile compound data and 83.8% using 13 minerals.
66 nine-gamma-lyase (BlMGL) produced the sulfur volatile compound dimethyl sulfide (DMS).
67                                     The main volatile compound in vinegar is acetic acid, which gives
68                CpomOR3 responds to the plant volatile compound pear ester ethyl-(E,Z)-2,4-decadienoat
69 ability, which resulted in lower off-flavour volatile compound production and alpha-tocopherol and po
70                GC-IMS was used to detect the volatile compound profile of dry-cured Iberian ham from
71 o-inoculation and sequential) has impacts on volatile compound profiles during moromi fermentation.
72 g bacterial and plant responses to bacterial volatile compounds (BVCs).
73 we found significant covariation between the volatile compounds and bacterial assemblages in meerkat
74                                 Fatty acids, volatile compounds and sensory attributes of beef from b
75 ion in CSP with lesser destructive effect on volatile compounds and texture compared to thermal treat
76 e results offer compelling evidence that the volatile compounds are useful for the classification of
77                                              Volatile compounds are, for example, characteristics of
78 ts analysis, which was carried out using the volatile compounds as classifying variables.
79 ed colour together with a reduced content of volatile compounds associated to off-flavours of meat sa
80                                The impact on volatile compounds concentration depends on tested wine,
81 were closest to the control wine in terms of volatile compounds concentration.
82 mathematical model describing the decline in volatile compounds during heating of simple liquid foods
83 amin C and E, carotenoids, polyphenolics and volatile compounds during two successive years.
84 haw method clearly improved the detection of volatile compounds for all six tested insect species, in
85 ted to examine the evolution of 31 principal volatile compounds from the beginning of fermentation to
86 7.7%), and linalool (1.9-6.1%) were the main volatile compounds identified.
87  demonstrate the importance of lipid-derived volatile compounds in raw almond aroma.
88 ialized metabolites that occur as mostly non-volatile compounds in root exudates or are emitted as vo
89          This method helped identify various volatile compounds in the tested insects which have neve
90 near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to quantify volatile compounds in Vinho Verde wines, commonly determ
91  seen as a promising rapid tool to determine volatile compounds in Vinho Verde wines.
92      This work reports the identification of volatile compounds involved in the particular and atypic
93  the physical traits, pasting properties and volatile compounds of Cambodian rice cultivars, includin
94       The ripeness effect of fresh grapes on volatile compounds of dehydrated grapes was evaluated fo
95 hysico-chemical and sensorial properties and volatile compounds of sliced bread during 90days of stor
96 y-mass spectrometry, we first identified the volatile compounds present in 'pure' versus 'mixed' anal
97                                        Other volatile compounds present in vinegars are mainly alcoho
98             Previous studies have shown that volatile compounds present within a vineyard during the
99     The results showed the importance of the volatile compounds produced from amino acids, including
100                                              Volatile compounds showed little variation with the diff
101                      Untargeted profiling of volatile compounds shows that high quality fragrant vari
102 cted the concentration of many grape-derived volatile compounds such as terpene alcohols and C13-nori
103 rray was able to clearly discriminate the 13 volatile compounds tested based on their hydrophobicity
104 olives after fermentation and the changes in volatile compounds that occurred as a result of the post
105 rameters, thermal analysis and organic acids/volatile compounds were also evaluated.
106                                      Odorous volatile compounds were analysed by solid-phase microext
107                    The CIELAB parameters and volatile compounds were analysed using spectrophotometry
108         Changes in capsaicinoid contents and volatile compounds were analyzed using HPLC and GC-MS.
109                                          The volatile compounds were analyzed using solid-phase micro
110                                A total of 38 volatile compounds were detected with this HS-Trap GC-MS
111                               A total of 110 volatile compounds were found and semiquantified in hone
112                              Indeed, several volatile compounds were identified that can influence mo
113                               A total of 132 volatile compounds were identified, including 10 phenols
114  anthocyanin, DPPH and ACE activity) and the volatile compounds were performed.
115 ng the dealcoholization, while the losses of volatile compounds were relevant.
116                           Fifty-six detected volatile compounds were similar among beverages.
117 ters, colour, olfacto-gustatory profile, and volatile compounds were tested.
118 s pollen types presented some characteristic volatile compounds which could be used as floral markers
119 ions in other organisms, as well as numerous volatile compounds with undefined biological roles, were
120            They were amongst the major mango volatile compounds, 10 of which were already reported as
121 nventional physicochemical parameter values, volatile compounds, and mineral content ii) to investiga
122                                  Regards the volatile compounds, it was noted few differences except
123        L. casei 01 addition produced several volatile compounds, such as carboxylic acids, alcohols,
124 ization included analysis of major and minor volatile compounds, volatile sulphur compounds, mercapta
125                Moreover, low odour threshold volatile compounds, which can be derived from the oxidat
126     Nectar-inhabiting microorganisms produce volatile compounds, which can differentially affect hone
127 rom 24 compounds, irradiated CSP retained 23 volatile compounds, while thermally treated CSP has only
128 and RQ 2.0 also showed higher amounts of key volatile compounds, with increment in ethanol and ethyl
129  independent biosynthetic pathways of floral volatile compounds.
130 ced higher concentration of esters and total volatile compounds.
131 temperatures led to a lower concentration of volatile compounds.
132 dehydes, and alcohols were the most abundant volatile compounds.
133 mples in terms of descriptive attributes and volatile compounds.
134 mum(2) devices), displays >500 distinct, non-volatile conductance states within a approximately 1 V r
135                                              Volatile constituents from 13 date varieties grown in Eg
136 ts after their crystallization, confirming a volatile-depleted lunar interior source with homogeneous
137                                              Volatile depletion is consistent with catastrophic forma
138               This was 93.9% of the total of volatiles detected in raw cherry juice.
139                              We analyzed the volatile dietary phytochemicals (terpenes) present in ma
140 n creates a population of pyroclasts through volatile-driven decompression during conduit ascent.
141  pore-forming agent since it decomposed with volatile during preparation.
142 illa de Sevilla' oils exhibited higher total volatiles during fruit cold storage, regardless of the h
143 reezing was effective to prevent the loss of volatiles during the first week.
144  well-characterized defensive compounds, the volatile (E)-alpha-bergamotene and trypsin proteinase in
145                                              Volatile element delivery and retention played a fundame
146 ate Earth is strongly depleted in moderately volatile elements (such as lead, zinc, indium and alkali
147 r interior must be significantly depleted in volatile elements and compounds and that volatile-rich r
148                             The abundance of volatile elements and compounds, such as zinc, potassium
149 ishing the observed abundances of moderately volatile elements in Earth.
150 cer for investigating the origin and fate of volatile elements on Earth.
151 show that the observed low concentrations of volatile elements sulfur (S), selenium (Se), tellurium (
152 ntly, evidence exists for a Moon depleted in volatile elements, as well as reservoirs within the Moon
153 age and release of carbon (C) and associated volatile elements.
154 roof of a biologically mediated mechanism of volatile emission.
155 Rusty Rock" impact melt breccia, 66095, that volatile enrichment on the lunar surface occurred throug
156                     However, the contents of volatile esters, associated to fruity flavor, were alway
157 -containing compounds, phenyls, phenols, and volatile fatty acids.
158                                          The volatile fingerprints of South African lamb meat and fat
159         Nootkatone (NO) is a sesquiterpenoid volatile flavor, used in foods, cosmetics and pharmaceut
160                               The release of volatiles followed mostly the van't Hoff principle and w
161 ed in sodium caseinate and the inhibition of volatile formation after UHT processing.
162 ) were studied for their color, pigments and volatile fraction changes.
163 ain an informative chemical signature of the volatile fraction of black tea samples from Ceylon by ap
164                                          The volatile fraction of murici, bacuri and sapodilla are he
165 ring colder temperatures (<0 degrees C), the volatile fraction of particles was 94%, but decreased to
166 elate the chemical composition of the coffee volatile fraction to its sensory properties with the end
167 res and various enzymatic reactions inducing volatile generation.
168 hat plants produce and respond to green leaf volatiles (GLVs), but the molecular components involved
169 ontainers which elongate the storage time of volatile halides under ambient conditions.
170                                Several other volatiles having biological functions in other organisms
171                                        Seven volatiles, hexanal, 3-carene, alpha-terpinene, p-cymene,
172                 Some herbivore-induced-plant volatiles (HIPVs) compounds are vital for the functionin
173                        GC/MS analysis of the volatiles identified common constituents in each plant,
174 ccessfully applied for the quantification of volatiles in corn starch and qualitative comparison of d
175                                     The main volatiles in fresh leaves [(Z)-3-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-
176 recursors but can also contribute additional volatiles in low concentrations.
177  date from earlier if the comet had a larger volatile inventory, particularly of CO or CO2 ices, or c
178                         In contrast, several volatile (isoflurane, desflurane) and i.v. (propofol) ge
179  and Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis (AEDA): volatile isolates obtained by HS-SPME from an aqueous ex
180 tive xanthophylls, beta-carotene, and stored volatile isoprenoids.
181 nt consequences for practical, low power non-volatile magnetoelectric devices utilizing BiFeO3.
182 PLS-DA) allowed us to identify new potential volatile markers related to pre-fermentative maceration
183        Finally, we demonstrate multikingdom, volatile-mediated communication between the organotypic
184 ugh phytochemical analyses of date fruit non-volatile metabolites have been reported, much less is kn
185 o affect their host plants' volatile and non-volatile metabolites, which results in increased attract
186 gh target identification and fingerprints of volatile metabolites.
187 clopentasiloxane (D5, C10H30O5Si5), a cyclic volatile methyl siloxane (cVMS) found in consumer produc
188                                       Cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) are emitted to aquatic
189                                       Cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) are used in personal car
190                                              Volatile methylsiloxanes (VMSs) and organophosphate este
191 hyll cycle pigments and enhanced emission of volatile monoterpenes.
192           This study demonstrates the highly volatile nature of the beta cell, indicating that acquir
193 reducing the power consumption given its non-volatile nature while achieving high performance.
194 n be lost, and strong emissions of hazardous volatile nitrogen compounds such as NO are likely.
195 d questions regarding the sources of Earth's volatiles, notably the overabundance of indium in the si
196 Ray and Neutron Detector to assess potential volatile occurrence in the surface and shallow subsurfac
197 time and 5g of sample amount), a total of 72 volatiles of different functionalities were isolated and
198 ernate products in natural herbivore-induced volatiles of M. truncatula.
199                                              Volatiles of papaya purees from four Costa Rican cultiva
200    In order to characterise the odour-active volatiles of the beverage, a simultaneous steam distilla
201 ioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and volatiles of the fruit were determined.
202 fective second stage juveniles (J2s) to root volatiles of three cultivars and one accession of the so
203 e effect of cold plasma on crocin esters and volatile oils of saffron was studied for the first time.
204                There are two ways to analyze volatiles: one is to use human senses and/or sensory ins
205 d and distinguished among solutions based on volatiles only.
206 , including a modified exposure protocol for volatile or less soluble compounds.
207 ntral technique used for the purification of volatile or semivolatile organic compounds for radiocarb
208 le abundances suggests preservation of these volatiles, or addition through late accretion.
209 s balance by dissolved organic carbon (DOC), volatile organic analysis by gas chromatography/mass spe
210 o the sea surface, thereby matching observed volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions to the atmosph
211                                    The whole volatile organic compound (VOC) profile can be used to d
212 ation in a polluted marine environment under volatile organic compound (VOC)-limited conditions assoc
213 y separated streptomycetes using an airborne volatile organic compound (VOC).
214                                              Volatile organic compound analysis revealed substantial
215        Isoprene dominates global non-methane volatile organic compound emissions, and impacts troposp
216 omyces and Saprochaete were investigated for volatile organic compound production using HS-SPME-GC/MS
217 measurements of NOx, CO2, CO and non methane volatile organic compound tracers in a city that might b
218  predominantly at remediation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs) and perfluoroalkyl ac
219                                              volatile organic compounds (VOC) spectra from coffee sam
220                                 More than 60 volatile organic compounds (VOCs belonging to different
221                In addition, small amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released.
222                                 Twenty-eight volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from MF were i
223 guished by the fingerprints generated by the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted.
224 und emission rates (E) for 69-89 nonbiogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for each of four surfa
225 vapor intrusion assume that the transport of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a source toward a
226 MOF coating opens the way for the sensing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in gaseous media.
227                      Vapor intrusion (VI) by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the built environme
228                           Plants emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is involved in a wide
229                                              Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of honey samples were
230 olved fingerprints (76 masses per sample) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
231 tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNAs), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
232 compounds in root exudates or are emitted as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
233  fluorescence switching properties for polar volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
234 ogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as benzene, tolue
235            In contrast to soluble compounds, volatile organic compounds can diffuse easily through ai
236 yrosequenced targeting 16S ribosomal RNA and volatile organic compounds determined by solid-phase mic
237 ficant differences in the composition of the volatile organic compounds emissions between PFI and GDI
238 vestigate how heat waves affect emissions of volatile organic compounds from urban/suburban vegetatio
239          This study investigates the role of volatile organic compounds in systemic acquired resistan
240 c alkenes, which are among the most abundant volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, are readil
241                       Here, we report on the volatile organic compounds used by the subterranean root
242                                   Of the 292 volatile organic compounds, 26 were up-regulated and 2 d
243 g and screening of MOS sensors, specific for volatile organic compounds, was performed using fuzzy lo
244 cals, including NH3, SO2, NO2, H2S, and some volatile organic compounds, with particular emphasis on
245 clei for the condensation of atmospheric low-volatile organic compounds.
246 nd arrayed ChIMES sensors against a suite of volatile organic compounds.
247 ause a significant amount of nucleation mode volatile particles were formed when the DPF outlet tempe
248         The default assumption has been that volatiles passively diffuse out of cells.
249 5 years of steady (222)Rn loss to a CO2-rich volatile phase while it traversed the crust.
250  4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol, known as volatile phenols (VPs), from cinnamic acid precursors.
251             For example, the accumulation of volatile phenols in glycoconjugate forms following grape
252                                              Volatile phenols reduction was more important for the po
253 sible for wine and cider spoilage, producing volatile phenols that result in off-odors and loss of fr
254 cs it was possible to remove efficiently the volatile phenols without impacting negatively on the win
255 se ways, yet microbial contribution to plant volatile phenotype remains poorly understood.
256 otivated an investigation of Mo(NMe2 )4 as a volatile precursor for the atomic layer deposition (ALD)
257 a of glucosinolates, flavonols and headspace volatiles previously reported) were used in Principal Co
258 goes conversion to phenanthrene as the major volatile product.
259  starter cultures is essential for desirable volatiles production during moromi stage of soy sauce fe
260 ll-in-one and split-stream processes) on the volatile profile and aroma of a mixed tomato-onion puree
261 vine management was evaluated in relation to volatile profile and sensory perception through GCxGC/TO
262                               Correlation of volatile profile data with descriptive sensory analysis
263 (SPME) method delivered a robust 'Wonderful' volatile profile in NFC juices that is likely superior q
264 iratory quotient (DCA-RQ) on the quality and volatile profile of 'Royal Gala' apple were evaluated.
265                                          The volatile profile of crushed rocket leaves (Eruca sativa
266  showed significant correlations between the volatile profile of honeys and their production region (
267                                          The volatile profile of Spanish-style green table olives aft
268                    Water stress depleted the volatile profile of these three landraces, due to a redu
269 oal of the present study was to describe the volatile profile of three different basil genotypes (Gen
270                                   Olive oils volatile profile was slightly influenced by maceration p
271 e properties: ethanol catabolism, a distinct volatile profile, and yeast population decline.
272 on practice in order to preserve loss of the volatile profile.
273                        For this purpose, the volatile profiles of wheat bread frozen for 1, 2 and 4we
274  of riper berries (20.5 degrees Brix) led to volatile profiles richer in terpenes, particularly linal
275                                        Their volatile profiles were studied by two High Concentration
276                    Here we report stable non-volatile programmable p-n junctions fabricated from the
277                             Based on the non-volatile programmable properties controlled by gate volt
278                               The changes in volatile release profiles could explain some of the sens
279            These conditions allowed removing volatiles responsible for sensory defects with low losse
280 rts this requirement, and is consistent with volatile-rich or water-rich late-stage terrestrial accre
281  in volatile elements and compounds and that volatile-rich rocks on the lunar surface formed through
282  management; of those, 110 were treated with volatile sedation using an anesthetic conserving device
283 s lure their specific male pollinators using volatile semiochemicals that mimic female sex pheromones
284 e alkaloids, aromatic compounds, flavonoids, volatiles, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenes alcohols, and su
285                                        Plant volatile signatures are often used as cues by herbivores
286 ithin the Hadza that are the most seasonally volatile similarly differentiate industrialized and trad
287 Polystyrene dissolved in a water-immiscible, volatile solvent was deposited in a humid environment on
288 ilitate the identification of insect derived volatiles such as insect semiochemicals.
289 ent risk assessment approaches consider acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) as the major binding phase for Ni
290 lysis of major and minor volatile compounds, volatile sulphur compounds, mercaptans, metals, anions a
291 eks) with a reported overall decrease of the volatile terpenic and norisoprenoids of up to 58.6%; and
292                                          The volatile terpenic and norisoprenoids profile from elderf
293           Honey bees detected most microbial volatiles tested and distinguished among solutions based
294 hod to quantify in a single analysis the key volatiles that contribute to the aroma of commercially s
295 e concentrations, or in the presence of wine volatiles, the effect was not significant.
296   Minerals were determined using ICP-OES and volatiles using SPME-GC/MS.
297                                A total of 83 volatiles was assigned in the purees, of which 19 were d
298                                              Volatiles were analysed by solid-phase extraction (SPE),
299                                A total of 89 volatiles were identified where lipid-derived volatiles
300                            Among them, eight volatiles were important to differentiate M1 from other

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