


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ciated with the recovery from the El Chichon volcanic eruption.
2 e spark flask, simulating a water vapor-rich volcanic eruption.
3 no event occurring in the winter following a volcanic eruption.
4 in reproducing the observed drying after the volcanic eruption.
5 polymer foams, in glass furnaces, and during volcanic eruptions.
6 ), which has impacts analogous to those from volcanic eruptions.
7 , reduced solar activity and strong tropical volcanic eruptions.
8  magma chamber dynamics and the triggers for volcanic eruptions.
9 arried out in the aftermath of invasions and volcanic eruptions.
10 ds subsurface reservoirs that are drained by volcanic eruptions.
11  accumulation in the upper crust before many volcanic eruptions.
12 spheric SO2 emitted from biomass burning and volcanic eruptions.
13 gth and the effusive-explosive transition in volcanic eruptions.
14 w-density pumice clasts generated by silicic volcanic eruptions.
15  Precambrian atmosphere and to document past volcanic eruptions.
16 tions in subjects and populations exposed to volcanic eruptions.
17 ttrition is likely to occur in all explosive volcanic eruptions.
18  than constant, even in the absence of major volcanic eruptions.
19 ne concentrations, as is evident from recent volcanic eruptions.
20 riggering and mitigating the consequences of volcanic eruptions.
21 deposition of ash sourced from high-latitude volcanic eruptions.
22 trumentation and by including the effects of volcanic eruptions.
23 ing sulfur dioxide associated with the Nabro volcanic eruption (13 June 2011) from the upper troposph
24               After the Campanian Ignimbrite volcanic eruption (40,000 cal BP) and the beginning of H
25 f this finding is that barring another major volcanic eruption, a detectable acceleration is likely t
26 apparatus) that could represent a water-rich volcanic eruption accompanied by lightning.
27                  Release of reduced gases in volcanic eruptions accompanied by lightning could have b
28                               It was a hydro-volcanic eruption and new magmatic material was not dete
29        Tephra deposits result from explosive volcanic eruption and serve as indirect probes into frag
30 confirm that the combined effects of a major volcanic eruption and severe climatic cooling failed to
31 c transition have been attributed to massive volcanic eruption and/or severe climatic deterioration.
32 aerosols, stratospheric ozone depletion, and volcanic eruptions and a second suite of simulations for
33 rock record-can therefore shed light on past volcanic eruptions and atmospheric conditions.
34 omparison with approaches to criticality for volcanic eruptions and creep failure.
35 limate sensitivity involving the response to volcanic eruptions and Eocene climate change are also de
36 orecast failure scenarios both in the field (volcanic eruptions and landslides) and in the laboratory
37 ressures and gas concentrations in explosive volcanic eruptions and provide estimates of eruption mag
38  atmospheric gravity oscillations induced by volcanic eruptions and recorded by pressure sensors can
39 d a statistical connection between explosive volcanic eruptions and subsequent El Nino climate events
40           Understanding interactions between volcanic eruptions and the cryosphere (a.k.a. glaciovolc
41            Ground deformation often precedes volcanic eruptions, and results from complex interaction
42  hydrocarbon reserves, magma build-up before volcanic eruptions, and subterranean tunnels.
43                                    Explosive volcanic eruptions are driven by exsolution of H2O-rich
44                                              Volcanic eruptions are episodic despite being supplied b
45                      Magmatic intrusions and volcanic eruptions are intimately related phenomena.
46                          In addition, the NH volcanic eruptions are more efficient in reducing the NH
47                                  Terrestrial volcanic eruptions are the consequence of magmas ascendi
48                   Limitations in using major volcanic eruptions as a constraint on cloud feedbacks ar
49 Our revised timescale more firmly implicates volcanic eruptions as catalysts in the major sixth-centu
50 heric aerosols from large tropical explosive volcanic eruptions backscatter shortwave radiation and r
51             It is difficult to predict hydro-volcanic eruptions because they are local phenomena that
52 l eruption models have provided insight into volcanic eruption behaviour, but most address plinian-ty
53 sponse.El Nino tends to follow 2 years after volcanic eruptions, but the physical mechanism behind th
54 noes, thus improving our ability to forecast volcanic eruptions by using petrology.
55 quently precede large explosive and effusive volcanic eruptions-by as much as weeks to months in the
56                                        Large volcanic eruptions can have major impacts on global clim
57                                              Volcanic eruptions can impact the mass balance of ice sh
58 dence has been accumulating for decades that volcanic eruptions can perturb climate and possibly affe
59                                              Volcanic eruptions contribute to climate variability, bu
60                    This suggests that future volcanic eruptions could substantially affect global wat
61 being trapped within olivine crystals before volcanic eruption, did not experience posteruptive degas
62 whose onset coincides with clusters of large volcanic eruptions during the nineteenth and twentieth c
63 , approximately 192-y series of halogen-rich volcanic eruptions exactly at the start of accelerated d
64 mplex systems such as the Earth's climate to volcanic eruptions, extreme events or geoengineering.
65 cently suggested that a succession of strong volcanic eruptions forced an abrupt onset of the Little
66                                    Explosive volcanic eruptions generate pressure disturbances in the
67               Our understanding of submarine volcanic eruptions has improved substantially in the pas
68                                              Volcanic eruptions have episodically interfered with hea
69 ale, we showed that over the last 110 years, volcanic eruptions have influenced ASM variations on an
70 ption before that at Chaiten was the largest volcanic eruption in the twentieth century, at Novarupta
71 he world which cover between two and 6 major volcanic eruptions in the 20(th) and late 19(th) century
72  Netherlands and then by using the number of volcanic eruptions in the world.
73                                         Many volcanic eruptions, including some of the largest, resul
74                 Observations following major volcanic eruptions indicate that aerosol enhancements co
75 t of aeolian dust and of ash from occasional volcanic eruptions, indicating that metallurgic producti
76  if unavoidable natural events such as major volcanic eruptions interact with anthropogenic warming u
77 fore material failure and broadly applied to volcanic eruptions, landslides and other phenomena.
78  been proposed that a decreasing pressure of volcanic eruptions led to the oxygenation of the atmosph
79  cloudiness) and natural disturbances (e.g., volcanic eruptions) may induce transient reductions in t
80 thquakes (magnitudes greater than 3.9) and a volcanic eruption occurred within the approximately 60-k
81 nts follow in the two springs after the 1991 volcanic eruption of Mt.Pinatubo.
82                 Suggestions have ranged from volcanic eruptions of liquid water or solid ice to tecto
83 magnitude to Pinatubo and Agung, the largest volcanic eruptions of the 20th century.
84 ycles were excited following five Agung-like volcanic eruptions of the last millennium.
85                   Ptolemaic vulnerability to volcanic eruptions offers a caution for all monsoon-depe
86                                        Large volcanic eruptions on Earth commonly occur with a collap
87  ice cores and can be strongly influenced by volcanic eruptions or anthropogenic emissions.
88 an 3sigma variability coinciding with either volcanic eruptions or possible wild fire activity.
89 ity across two distinct phenomena: explosive volcanic eruptions (P<0.01) and the recent epoch of glob
90 erved compared with that during the inactive volcanic eruption period (1936-1962).
91                            During the active volcanic eruption periods (1901-1935 and 1963-1993), sig
92                  We found that during active volcanic eruption periods, which correspond to a negativ
93                                      Silicic volcanic eruptions pose considerable hazards, yet the pr
94                    Following large explosive volcanic eruptions precipitation decreases over much of
95  in order to remove the residual signal from volcanic eruptions present in the OMI data.
96                                        Large volcanic eruptions produce sulfur dioxide, which in turn
97                                              Volcanic eruptions provide tests of human and natural sy
98                                              Volcanic eruptions release a large amount of sulphur dio
99 famine (half of all disaster victims) and by volcanic eruptions show significant associations with th
100 th's mantle affects the dynamics of melting, volcanic eruption style and the evolution of Earth's atm
101  Polar ice core records attest to a colossal volcanic eruption that took place ca. A.D. 1257 or 1258,
102 ithosphere developed as a result of frequent volcanic eruptions that advected surface materials downw
103 ocks represents times and regions of violent volcanic eruptions that ejected large volumes of sulphur
104                                              Volcanic eruptions transfer huge amounts of gas to the a
105                                        After volcanic eruptions triggered population displacements in
106       Silicic calderas form during explosive volcanic eruptions when magma withdrawal triggers collap
107    These arose in the aftermath of two major volcanic eruptions, with each cooling transition being f
108            In terms of air pollution, such a volcanic eruption would therefore be a severe health haz

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