


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 le is unique in structure and function among voltage-gated K channels.
2 e crystallographic images of side windows in voltage-gated K channels.
3 K+ channel and the tetramerisation domain of voltage-gated K+ channel.
4  by which Hanatoxin (HaTx) inhibits the drk1 voltage-gated K+ channel.
5 naptic cells, most likely via alterations of voltage-gated K+ channels.
6 similarities and differences between HCN and voltage-gated K+ channels.
7 ulation alters the properties of endothelial voltage-gated K+ channels.
8  Shaker, Shab, Shaw, and Shal subfamilies of voltage-gated K+ channels.
9 nhibition have been limited to the family of voltage-gated K+ channels.
10 ting cone snail Conus striatus that inhibits voltage-gated K+ channels.
11 appears to belong to the Shaker subfamily of voltage-gated K+ channels.
12 imary structure and functional modulation of voltage-gated K+ channels.
13 from the central pore axis on the surface of voltage-gated K+ channels.
14 s also known to bind and cluster Shaker-type voltage-gated K+ channels.
15 jections of 4-aminopyridine, an inhibitor of voltage-gated K+ channels.
16 ith the crystal structure of ChTx bound to a voltage-gated K(+) channel.
17  motif common to the S6 domain of most other voltage-gated K(+) channels.
18 assemble with and modulate the properties of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
19 a(2+)](i) were not caused by the blockade of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
20  distinct classes of structurally unrelated, voltage-gated K(+) channels.
21  transmembrane domain that closely resembles voltage-gated K(+) channels.
22 ntiates outward K(+) current through several voltage-gated K(+) channels.
23 rocessing and cell surface expression of Kv1 voltage-gated K(+) channels.
24 assemble with and modulate the properties of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
25 t is analogous to hanatoxin, an inhibitor of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
26  of that accompanying C-type inactivation of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
27 on process similar to C-type inactivation of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
28 e S6 domain in electromechanical coupling of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
29 nhibitors of ATP-sensitive K(+) channels and voltage-gated K(+) channels.
30 nd ion conducting properties of a variety of voltage-gated K(+) channels.
31 ied by Shaker cognate L (Shal; also known as voltage-gated K(+) channel 4, Kv4) channels.
32                    KCNB1 (formerly Kv2.1), a voltage-gated K(+) channel abundantly expressed in the c
33                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels activating close to resting me
34            These results suggest that, among voltage-gated K(+) channels, activation in Kv1.5 is uniq
35 utant line showed an almost complete loss of voltage gated K(+) channel activity and Vm depolarizatio
36 transmembrane potential (Vm) depolarization, voltage gated K(+) channel activity, cytosolic calcium [
37 transmembrane potential (Vm) depolarization, voltage gated K(+) channel activity, cytosolic calcium [
38 active oxygen species-mediated inhibition of voltage-gated K+ channel activity and leads to prolongat
39 le of p90RSK activation in the modulation of voltage-gated K+ channel activity determining cardiac re
40  ether-a-go-go-related gene, which encodes a voltage-gated K(+) channel alpha subunit.
41                             hERG encodes the voltage-gated K(+) channel alpha-subunits that form the
42  (E1) beta-subunits assemble with KCNQ1 (Q1) voltage-gated K(+) channel alpha-subunits to form IKslow
43                       The Kvbeta subunits of voltage-gated K+ channels alter the functional expressio
44 e architecture of the functional core of the voltage-gated (K+) channels and their relatives.
45  to eliminate the contribution of a class of voltage-gated K(+) channels and assessed its effects on
46 to interpret KCNE beta-subunit modulation of voltage-gated K(+) channels and the inherited mutations
47                                           In voltage-gated K(+) channels and the prokaryotic KcsA cha
48                   We also review the role of voltage-gated K(+) channels and transient receptor poten
49 to multiple sites on the surface of the drk1 voltage-gated K+ channel and modifies channel gating.
50 on at more depolarized potentials than other voltage-gated K+ channels and fast kinetics.
51                           Hanatoxin inhibits voltage-gated K+ channels and grammotoxin inhibits volta
52 e formation of the ion selectivity filter in voltage-gated K+ channels and is thought to interact wit
53 t domain, homologous to the S1-S6 regions of voltage-gated K+ channels, and a carboxy-terminal 120 am
54 ange of alpha subunits, the beta subunits of voltage-gated K channels are likely to have a much broad
55                                          Kv3 voltage-gated K(+) channels are important in shaping neu
56                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels are multimeric proteins, con
57                                       KV11.1 voltage-gated K(+) channels are noted for unusually slow
58 els are inhibited by alcohol, and most other voltage-gated K(+) channels are refractory to drug actio
59                                    Mammalian voltage-gated K+ channels are assemblies of pore-forming
60                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels are complexes of membrane-boun
61                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels are dynamic macromolecular mac
62                                      Diverse voltage-gated K+ channels are produced by tetramerizatio
63                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels are protein complexes composed
64                                 In addition, voltage-gated K+ channels are required for G1/S-phase tr
65                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels are tetrameric, but how the fo
66 to adult-onset neurodegeneration and suggest voltage-gated K+ channels as candidates for additional n
67 ive for rapid N-type inactivating domains of voltage-gated K(+) channels, associated with negatively
68 ovary cells, which do not express endogenous voltage-gated K+ channels, became substantially more sen
69  body (MNTB) as a model system for examining voltage-gated K(+) channels, because of their known func
70     HCN channels have a structure similar to voltage-gated K(+) channels but have a much larger putat
71  Charybdotoxin (CTX), blocks homotetrameric, voltage-gated K(+) channels by binding near the outer en
72 beta subunits form complexes with Kv1 family voltage-gated K(+) channels by binding to a part of the
73 -1) cells was the vigorous activation of the voltage-gated K+ channel by UV irradiation.
74                       Mutations in the Kv3.3 voltage-gated K(+) channel cause spinocerebellar ataxia
75  to the discovery of a new class of neuronal voltage-gated K(+) channels characterized by positively
76 rst report of the functional expression of a voltage-gated K channel clone expressed in kidney.
77                               In contrast to voltage-gated K+ channels, complete deletion of the S3-S
78 nthetic maturation and surface expression of voltage-gated K+ channel complexes.
79                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels composed of Kv7.2 and Kv7.3
80                                        I(Ks) voltage-gated K(+) channels contain four pore-forming KC
81                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels contain a central pore domain
82                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels containing Kv3 subunits play s
83 is issue of Neuron, Harnett et al. show that voltage-gated K+ channels control multiple layers of den
84         KNIR-1 treatment of cells expressing voltage-gated K(+) channels enabled the visualization of
85                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels exhibit a slow inactivation pr
86 tand the physiological significance of these voltage-gated K(+) channel expansions, we analyzed the f
87 ed the mechanism of the maurotoxin action on voltage-gated K(+) channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes
88 ode voltage clamp experiments on human Kv1.4 voltage-gated K+ channels expressed heterologously in Xe
89 physical profile to help identify the common voltage-gated K(+) channel families in a neuron.
90   We previously cloned a novel member of the voltage-gated K channel family from mouse brain (mBCNG-1
91                                        KCNQ (voltage-gated K(+) channel family 7 (Kv7)) channels cont
92 n addition to the molecular diversity of the voltage-gated K+ channel family.
93 activation kinetics when compared with other voltage-gated K+ channels, features that confer on Kv3 c
94                                    KvLm, the voltage-gated K(+) channel from Listeria monocytogenes,
95 rom the symposium on the structural basis of voltage-gated K(+) channel function, as well as the mech
96                                           In voltage-gated K(+) channels, gating is the result of the
97                                    The mouse voltage-gated K+ channel gene, Kv1.4, is expressed in br
98                       Genetic mapping of the voltage-gated K channel genes has shown that similar mul
99                                    Mammalian voltage-gated K channel genes have been divided into fou
100 oning studies have found several families of voltage-gated K(+) channel genes expressed in the mammal
101  revealed the existence of a large family of voltage-gated K+ channel genes expressed in mammalian br
102 p that contains the KCNA1 gene and two other voltage-gated K+ channel genes, KCNA5 and KCNA6; 6) the
103 the delayed rectifiers Kv7.1 and Kv11.1, two voltage-gated K(+) channels, has been suggested, but the
104 or ensuring that KCNE peptides assemble with voltage-gated K(+) channels have yet to be elucidated.
105                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels have been shown to be required
106                 While mutagenesis studies on voltage-gated K+ channels have begun to shed light on th
107 sis that KCNA genes (which encode K(V)alpha1 voltage-gated K(+) channels) have enhanced functional ex
108 ated channels and for modulation of the HERG voltage-gated K+ channel--important for visual and olfac
109                        Kv1.5 is an important voltage-gated K(+) channel in the cardiovascular system
110                        SMase C also inhibits voltage-gated K(+) channels in lymphocytes; inhibition o
111 a pivotal role for ROS-mediated oxidation of voltage-gated K(+) channels in sensorial decline during
112  and function of the K(V)alpha1 subfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channels in terminal arterioles from
113 .1) is a unique member of the superfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channels in that it displays a remark
114 nd calsenilin) act as auxiliary subunits for voltage-gated K(+) channels in the Kv4 family.
115 ha) subunits in the generation of functional voltage-gated K(+) channels in the mammalian heart.
116  due, in part, to the presence of endogenous voltage-gated K(+) channels in these cells.
117 antly to the complexity and heterogeneity of voltage-gated K+ channels in excitable cells.
118                                Expression of voltage-gated K+ channels in these neurons was character
119 n extensive investigation of native Kv1.3, a voltage-gated K(+) channel, including transmembrane and
120                                    The Kv2.1 voltage-gated K(+) channel is found both freely diffusin
121 . elegans uses sensory thresholds and that a voltage-gated K(+) channel is specifically required for
122        One feature shared by all Shaker-type voltage-gated K(+) channels is a highly conserved domain
123  the various neuronal functions performed by voltage-gated K(+) channels is lacking.
124 membrane potentials, the conductance of some voltage-gated K(+) channels is reduced by C-type inactiv
125 of human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) 1 voltage-gated K(+) channels is responsible for portions
126                                    The Kv2.1 voltage-gated K+ channel is widely expressed throughout
127             An array of rapidly inactivating voltage-gated K+ channels is distributed throughout the
128                 The inner end of the pore in voltage-gated K+ channels is the site of conformational
129                                     Kv1.3, a voltage-gated K(+) channel, is a functional marker and a
130          The sigma receptor, which modulates voltage-gated K+ channels, is a novel protein with no ho
131 sign, which combines a transmembrane 6 (TM6) voltage-gated K(+) channel (K(V)) core with CTDs that em
132                                    Gating of voltage-gated K(+) channels (K(v) channels) depends on t
133 ells stably transfected with the Shaker-type voltage-gated K+ channel, K(V)1.3, has been used to inve
134                                          The voltage-gated K+ channel, K(V)2.1, is expressed in beta-
135 rehensive mutagenesis of the YG sites of the voltage-gated K+ channel, Kat1, is combined with phenoty
136 is an auxiliary subunit of the Kv4 family of voltage-gated K(+) channels known to enhance channel sur
137                                              Voltage gated K(+) channels (Kv) are a highly diverse gr
138                                              Voltage gated K+ channels (Kv) are a diverse group of ch
139                          A delayed rectifier voltage-gated K(+) channel (Kv) represents the largest i
140 gene is homologous to genes of the family of voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv type).
141                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv) are responsible for rep
142                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv) are tetramers whose ass
143                 We now address this issue in voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv) for the T1 domain, an N
144 ain (S3) on channel biogenesis and gating of voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv) has been well establish
145                                           In voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv), an intracellular gate
146                                   RT-PCR for voltage-gated K+ channel (KV) subunits revealed the expr
147                                  Activity of voltage-gated K+ channels (KV) in pulmonary arterial smo
148 nary vasoconstriction, in part by inhibiting voltage-gated K+ channels (Kv) in pulmonary artery smoot
149                                          For voltage-gated K+ channels (Kv), it is not clear at which
150 n in KCNA2 (c.881G>A, p.R294H), encoding the voltage-gated K(+) -channel, KV 1.2, in two unrelated fa
151 ors correlated with functional expression of voltage-gated K channels Kv1.1/1.2: Relatively higher ex
152 expressed significantly higher levels of the voltage-gated K(+) channel Kv1.3 and lower levels of the
153 f the GluR6 subunit of the kainate receptor, voltage-gated K(+) channel Kv1.4, and microtubule-associ
154 oss-of-function or a gain-of-function of the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv1.2, were described to cause
155                    Sigma receptors modulated voltage-gated K+ channels (Kv1.4 or Kv1.5) in different
156 ng molecular model of the pore region of the voltage-gated K+ channel, Kv1.3.
157                                 We found the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv12.2 to be a potent regulator
158 e been shown to affect kinetic properties of voltage-gated K+ channel Kv1alpha subunits and increase
159                                          The voltage-gated K(+) channel Kv2.1 has been intimately lin
160                Here, we demonstrate that the voltage-gated K(+) channel Kv2.1, but not Kv4.2, targets
161                                          The voltage-gated K+ channel Kv2.1 is an abundant delayed re
162 gineered cysteines in the pore region of the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv2.1.
163 lar results were obtained in three different voltage-gated K+ channels: Kv2.1, a channel derived from
164 velopment, whereas transcript levels for the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv3.1, a delayed rectifier (KD)
165 ng a disrupted gene for the fast activating, voltage-gated K+ channel Kv3.1.
166               The permeation pathways of the voltage-gated K+ channels Kv3.1 and ShakerB delta 6-46 (
167  termini of members of the Shal subfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channel (Kv4) pore-forming (alpha) su
168                                          The voltage-gated K(+) channels Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 are located
169                                          The voltage-gated K(+) channels Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 exert strong
170 s consensus mechanism, recent studies of the voltage-gated K(+) channel KvAP suggest a strikingly dif
171 ectivity filters of the KcsA channel and the voltage-gated K(+) channel KvAP.
172 an associate with and functionally endow the voltage-gated K(+) channel KVS-1.
173 embrane domain protein that coassembles with voltage-gated K+ channel KVS-1 in the nervous system of
174                              KCNQ1 encodes a voltage-gated K(+) channel located in both cardiomyocyte
175                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels maintain salt and water bala
176 afferent fibres is mediated by inhibition of voltage-gated K+ channels (Maxi-K and M-current) and not
177 nel proteins, such as those forming selected voltage-gated K(+) channels, may also exhibit rapid turn
178 el, also bound calmodulin, whereas that of a voltage-gated K+ channel, mKv1.3, did not.
179 at share a subunit structure consisting of a voltage-gated K(+) channel motif coupled to a cytoplasmi
180 results show that a major diversification of voltage-gated K(+) channels occurred in ancestral paraho
181 subtypes indicate that BrMT inhibits certain voltage-gated K channels of the Kv1 subfamily.
182 er (P/C-type mechanism) is prevalent in many voltage-gated K(+) channels of the Kv1 subfamily.
183                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels of the Kv3 subfamily have un
184                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels of the Kv7 family underlie t
185                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels of the Shaw family (also kno
186                                          The voltage-gated K+ channel of T-lymphocytes, Kv1.3, was he
187 arent defects in the regulation of Ca2+- and voltage-gated K+ channels or delayed rectifier K+ channe
188                        Shaker-related or Kv1 voltage-gated K(+) channels play critical roles in regul
189 tructure and characterized the function of a voltage-gated K(+) channel pore in a lipid membrane.
190 intracellular domains, allowing us to dock a voltage-gated K(+) channel pore of known structure onto
191                            A large number of voltage-gated K+ channel pore-forming (alpha) and access
192 lian Ether-a-go-go related gene (Erg) family voltage-gated K(+) channels possess an unusual gating ph
193 ucture, function, and molecular movements of voltage-gated K+ channel protein complexes.
194  K+ channel homologous to the pore domain of voltage-gated K+ channels, provides a starting point for
195                               In some A-type voltage-gated K channels, rapid inactivation is achieved
196                     The Kv7 (KCNQ) family of voltage-gated K(+) channels regulates cellular excitabil
197  molecular methods to determine how Kv3.4, a voltage-gated K(+) channel robustly expressed in dorsal
198                                Expression of voltage-gated K channel, shaker-related subfamily, membe
199                                              Voltage-gated K+ channels share a common voltage sensor
200                        HCN channels resemble voltage-gated K+ channels structurally, but much less is
201                         Members of different voltage-gated K+ channel subfamilies usually do not form
202 e central core, which are promiscuous across voltage-gated K+ channel subfamilies.
203 udemans andcolleagues show that mutations in voltage-gated K+ channel subtype 1.1(Kv1.1) cause autoso
204                        The expression of the voltage-gated K(+)-channel subunit Kv3.1b in the develop
205 lectrical abnormality, expression of cardiac voltage-gated K+ channel subunit genes was examined in v
206 ost-MI remodeled rat LV is distinct for each voltage-gated K+ channel subunit.
207              An immunocytochemical survey of voltage-gated K(+) channel subunits characteristic of ad
208                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channel subunits must reach the plasm
209          KCNQ2 (Kv7.2) and KCNQ3 (Kv7.3) are voltage-gated K(+) channel subunits that underlie the ne
210 KCNQ2) and Kv7.3 (KCNQ3) genes, encoding for voltage-gated K(+) channel subunits underlying the neuro
211                     Moreover, mutagenesis of voltage-gated K+ channels suggests that hanatoxin and gr
212  A domain in the cytoplasmic NH2 terminus of voltage-gated K+ channels supervises the proper assembly
213 a-go-go-related gene encodes hERG, a cardiac voltage-gated K(+) channel that is abnormally expressed
214 channels (Kv3.1-Kv3.4) represent a family of voltage-gated K(+) channels that have fast-spiking prope
215 -go (Eag) family, named Eag2, that expresses voltage-gated K(+) channels that have significant activa
216                               M-channels are voltage-gated K+ channels that regulate the excitability
217 e sharing significant sequence homology with voltage-gated K(+) channels, the gating of hyperpolariza
218  membrane topology closely resembles that of voltage-gated K(+) channels, the mechanism of their uniq
219                    Unlike previously studied voltage-gated K+ channels, the bulk of charge movement i
220                            Opposite to other voltage-gated K+ channels, the rate of HERG channel inac
221 om other venomous animals that interact with voltage-gated K(+) channels, there may be convergent fun
222                                           In voltage-gated K+ channels, this gate has been localized
223 n reaction, indicating that p90RSK regulates voltage-gated K+ channels through posttranslational modi
224 evolution of the Shaker and KCNQ families of voltage-gated K(+) channels to better understand how neu
225 nism for the subcellular sorting of specific voltage-gated K(+) channels to regions of the membrane r
226 brane shell of the pore domain in the Shaker voltage-gated K+ channel to localize potential protein-p
227     With prolonged or repetitive activation, voltage-gated K+ channels undergo a slow (C-type) inacti
228                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels underlie the electrical exci
229 bunits are the principal constituents of the voltage-gated K+ channel underlying somatodendritic subt
230                                              Voltage-gated K(+) channels vary in sensitivity to block
231 usually associated with impaired function of voltage-gated K(+) channels (VGKCs) in neuromyotonia and
232 d Kv1.2 and Shab subfamily Kv2.1 subunits of voltage-gated K+ channels were determined in the retina
233 amic GABA release can be reduced by blocking voltage-gated K(+) channels, which increases the efficac
234 en similar mutations in inward-rectifier and voltage-gated K+ channels, which suggests that the pore
235              KCNE3 (MiRP2) forms heteromeric voltage-gated K(+) channels with the skeletal muscle-exp
236 and Kv3.2 K(+) channel proteins form similar voltage-gated K(+) channels with unusual properties, inc
237 ons can also be induced by the inhibition of voltage-gated K+ channels with 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), a
238 elective interaction of the beta-subunits of voltage-gated K+ channels with alpha-subunits observed i
239 gma receptors serve as auxiliary subunits to voltage-gated K+ channels with distinct functional inter
240 smembrane topology that is highly similar to voltage-gated K(+) channels, yet HCN channels open in re

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