


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                      Mortality at 24 months was also higher in group 1.
2                                      Delayed graft function was also higher in uDCD than in cDCD, but not significantly (
3                                           Rodent prevalence was generally higher in rented (compared to owner-occupied) d
4                                   The degree of acetylation was generally higher in the soluble complexes than in the ins
5      The increase in cytokines/chemokines of hepatic injury was much higher in ConA-treated control mice than in HSC-depl
6           A Cox-regression analysis revealed that mortality was much higher in patients receiving ART from the DDFs than
7 ult, the effect of diversity on measured plant productivity was much higher in the absence of fungi and arthropods.
8              Moreover, baseline expression of the VASP mRNA was significantly higher in 25 good responders to hydrochloro
9                            The pooled proportion of relapse was significantly higher in arms with thrice weekly therapy t
10            In both cohorts, the median concentration of EVs was significantly higher in bile samples from patients with m
11                                             Results MTRasym was significantly higher in C3H and C57BL/6J mice in grafts o
12 egal status of abortion, the proportion of unsafe abortions was significantly higher in countries with highly restrictive
13                               Lumbar spinal cord PET signal was significantly higher in EAE mice than in controls at all
14                             Furthermore, L-ACY-1 expression was significantly higher in H. assulta than in H. armigera fo
15                                             MRSA prevalence was significantly higher in intermediate-term (29.9%) and lon
16 ed control and medical home practices, medication adherence was significantly higher in medical homes (2.2% [95% CI, 1.5%
17     We showed that the extent of tumor penetration by SN-38 was significantly higher in mice receiving the targeted nano-
18                The total cholate to chenodeoxycholate ratio was significantly higher in NAFLD without (P = 0.005) and wit
19                                  Furthermore, pain severity was significantly higher in participants having COMT rs4680 "
20                            The prevalence of F. necrophorum was significantly higher in patients between the ages of 14 a
21                                                         CDR was significantly higher in patients screened with DBT plus s
22                                        Thirty-day mortality was significantly higher in patients who developed CVEs compa
23                                    HCC surveillance receipt was significantly higher in patients who knew cirrhosis is a
24 wever, the reduction of implant sites with PD >4 mm and BOP was significantly higher in patients with AM than in those wi
25 ever, the reduction of implant sites with PD > 4 mm and BOP was significantly higher in patients with AM than in those wi
26  incidence of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms at 10 years was significantly higher in patients with clonal haemopoiesis
27                                                  Mean DMF-T was significantly higher in patients with RA (19.3 +/- 4.8) t
28          Methylation at the promoter of microRNA-200 family was significantly higher in prostate CTCs.
29 , adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (APR, EC, was significantly higher in Salicornia than in Sarcocornia Th
30                                               This activity was significantly higher in Sarcocornia than in Salicornia, e
31  in the PVN, but not in the hippocampus and frontal cortex, was significantly higher in SHRs than in WKY rats.
32                                             Lactate content was significantly higher in sputum supernatants from asthmati
33                                            The strain ratio was significantly higher in T1DM patients than in the control
34 TV5, were significantly higher than in testis, whereas GLI1 was significantly higher in testis than ovaries.
35 ophytes trended up with age, while the bone volume fraction was significantly higher in the 19 M+ group.
36 alculated from 4 genes of gp130, SH2D1B, TNFalpha, and CCL4 was significantly higher in the AMR than the CMR (P < 0.0001)
37                     The frequency of the FCGR3A-VV genotype was significantly higher in the CAV(+) group (odds ratio, 3.9
38                         Corneal light backscatter reduction was significantly higher in the center (0-2 mm) than in the p
39                           The TNF-alpha-only TEFF signature was significantly higher in the group with recently acquired
40                                              Serum ferritin was significantly higher in the iron-supplement group (73 mug
41 l-animal SPECT/CT and ex vivo planar images, the MMP signal was significantly higher in the lungs of CC10-IL-13 Tg mice t
42                         The 1-year all-cause mortality rate was significantly higher in the patients with post-procedural
43 R was categorized as present or absent, all-cause mortality was significantly higher in the patients with SMR (17 studies
44              The magnitude of this increase in permeability was significantly higher in the presence of metastatic breast
45                         The 1-year all-cause mortality rate was significantly higher in the ViR group compared with the V
46                  Furthermore, the expression level of c-Jun was significantly higher in TNBC tumors than in non-TNBC tumo
47 ed by system xC(-) inhibitors or substrates, whereas uptake was significantly higher in transduced cells and tumors expre
48                                     The risk of miscarriage was significantly higher in women with a history of exposure
49                                           Although the PASP was slightly higher in patients with HF-PH with right ventric
50 s receiving added winter rain relative to controls, and VWC was slightly higher in warmed (14.5%) compared with control (

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