


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                       The effect of cAMP on Fe(II) and 5hmC was confirmed by adenylate cyclase activators, phosphodiester
2                                        The mechanism of AAC was confirmed by ultrasound biomicroscopy.
3                           The presence of native acrylamide was confirmed by mass analysis at m/z=71 ([C3H5NO](+)) and m/
4  for both reduced-dose and partial-breast radiotherapy, and was confirmed by the test against the critical HR being more
5 pase-3, indicating the onset of apoptosis of LX-2 cells, as was confirmed by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-me
6 moting the localization of excitons in the shell domain, as was confirmed by ultrafast transient absorption and emission
7  association of lipid rafts with HCV-induced autophagosomes was confirmed by Western blotting, immunofluorescence microsc
8 eaved transcripts of miRNA-targeted ARFs in C. roseus cells was confirmed by Poly(A) Polymerase-Mediated Rapid Amplificat
9                              Coincident virologic clearance was confirmed by in situ hybridization and a failure of disea
10 geted uptake in mouse xenograft models using (124)I-CLR1404 was confirmed by imaging.
11                   Formation of metal-chlorophylls complexes was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy.
12  ortho or para position of the phenol structure of THC-COOH was confirmed by detection of monochlorinated byproduct fragm
13                  Efficient lineage-specific differentiation was confirmed by uniform NCAM1 and myosin heavy chain express
14                                               This estimate was confirmed by the G-PhoCS estimates of divergence times.
15                                              OPN expression was confirmed by Western blot and ELISA, and OPN was purified
16 presence of both AgNPs and dissolved silver in the extracts was confirmed by single particle (SP)-ICPMS analysis.
17    Correct processing of human renin in dense core granules was confirmed by immunogold labeling.
18                  The basophil-targeting effect of ibrutinib was confirmed by demonstrating that IgE-dependent histamine r
19 esting that ETS1 is involved in regulating CDKN2A This idea was confirmed by RNAi-mediated suppression or genetic deletio
20                                       Recent ZIKV infection was confirmed by urine reverse-transcription polymerase chain
21                                  The eVP40-WWP1 interaction was confirmed by both peptide pulldown and coimmunoprecipitat
22                                            Diagnosis of MCC was confirmed by staining positive for cytokeratin 20 (CK20)
23 ence of mixing between isotopically distinct Cd end-members was confirmed by a Bayesian modeling approach.
24                                       The validation method was confirmed by analysis of rice flour certified reference m
25                        The predictive ability of the models was confirmed by an external validation procedure with an ind
26                                     HBc particle morphology was confirmed by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
27                    Binding of PHR1 and PHL1 factors to P1BS was confirmed by Y1H, electrophoretic mobility assay and chro
28 A activity, and expression of LSA3 in blood-stage parasites was confirmed by western blotting.
29                                                 The pathway was confirmed by using cultured neurons treated with recombin
30                                             This prediction was confirmed by expression in cell models, which showed that
31                                               The reduction was confirmed by chemical studies that enabled the complete c
32                                                 This result was confirmed by confocal microscopy experiments.
33 T was considered true-positive if the positive primary site was confirmed by histology or follow-up imaging.
34 rmore, the exact biological function of these binding sites was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis.
35        The release of these nanoparticles into the solution was confirmed by monitoring their catalytically amplified col
36                                        LRRK2 carrier status was confirmed by bidirectional Sanger sequencing.
37                                        At week 6, PH status was confirmed by echocardiography, and rats were randomly ass
38 t significant target expression in tumor, lung, and stomach was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.
39 EXLB8 expression in response to the aforementioned stresses was confirmed by qRT-PCR analysis in distinct Arachis genotyp
40                            The identity of seven substances was confirmed by authentic reference standards, all of which
41                                                        This was confirmed by in vitro measurement of IFN-gamma production
42                                                        This was confirmed by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR in in
43                                                        This was confirmed by silencing STAT3 in macrophages.
44                                                        This was confirmed by specific LCK gene silencing and ex vivo comb
45                            The expression of KCa3.1 in vivo was confirmed by immunofluorescence staining on multinucleate
46   The model fits the observed GPP well (R(2) = 0.79), which was confirmed by other model performance checks that compared
47  5 of gestation, implicating early pregnancy factors, which was confirmed by reduced expression of BAT markers in progest
48 ting to the interaction between ATP5alpha and FANCD2, which was confirmed by protein docking analysis.
49 of substantial amount of lycopene in soluble fraction which was confirmed by the appearance of lycopene crystals when obs
50  suggested an interaction with the endocytic pathway, which was confirmed by direct measurement of fluid-phase endocytosi

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