


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                       Intracellular calcium was higher after blue/green, and could be inhibited by the io
2 ble, had sparser vegetation, where human population density was higher, and that were located in wealthier countries, had
3 f importance, the risk of TLF and TLR for patients with BVS was higher between 1 and 2 years, whereas there was no differ
4                                 Patient doses in this study was higher compared to previous research, suggesting that pat
5    Even with inhibition constant, when inhibitory synchrony was higher, excitation increased CbN cell firing rates more e
6 z), whereas for higher frequencies, reconstruction accuracy was higher for faster temporal modulations.
7  for males and females and the intensity of the correlation was higher for females.
8  increased risk (HR = 1.17, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.34), while risk was higher for high fat intake during both adolescence and mi
9                                         All-cause mortality was higher for nonadherent patients (hazard ratio [HR], 1.57;
10                                          Overall, treatment was higher in adults (86%) than in children (72%); only 56% o
11 ess-like behaviors increased, the transcription of IL-1beta was higher in both sexes, and TNFalpha was elevated in female
12  pseudoreference VT or SUV, excepting whole-brain VT, which was higher in cLBP patients than controls.
13                                                   Fecal LPS was higher in IBS patients than in healthy subjects (HS), and
14                                        The signal intensity was higher in in-line than in angled LS DESI MS.
15                                                        Load was higher in MCPP cases than controls (median, 4.0 x 103 vs
16   The rate of better than very good partial response (VGPR) was higher in more recent periods (66% vs 58% vs 51%; P = .00
17                                     Conversely, worm burden was higher in Nmur1(-/-) mice than in control mice.
18                                     The LS-IVCM sensitivity was higher in patients with fungal infections who had positiv
19                                             STDR prevalence was higher in patients with OSA than in those without OSA (42
20                     Percentage of p-STAT3(+) CD11c(+) cells was higher in Per a 10-administered mice and was reduced upon
21 lasma oxidative stress (advanced oxidative protein product) was higher in SAH versus alcoholic cirrhosis patients and hea
22 nads of teneral and 15-day old insects, Spiroplasma density was higher in testes than ovaries, and was significantly high
23                             The proportion of hyperglycemia was higher in the 33 degrees C group compared with the 36 deg
24 001), and caudate (-10.6%; P = .04), while the Cho:Cr ratio was higher in the bilateral superior temporal cortex (left: +
25 ron bioavailability from FeFum+NaFeEDTA compared with FeSO4 was higher in the Fe+GOS group than in the Fe group (88% comp
26 s. 0 of 37 [0%]), and the likelihood of event-free survival was higher in the nusinersen group than in the control group
27 ave activity (SWA, spectral power density between 0.5-4 Hz) was higher in the older mice, as compared to the young contro
28 associated with overall CRC, but proximal colon cancer risk was higher in the proinflammatory-change DII group than in th
29                                   On Day 2, PaO2/FiO2 ratio was higher in the sevoflurane group than in the midazolam gro
30 arrow) absorbed dose ratio, that is, the therapeutic index, was higher in the THW-aided than rhTSH-aided administrations.
31                          The proportion of persons who died was higher in the untreated group compared with either treatm
32                    Overall inpatient mortality was 2.9% and was higher in those with bacterial (8.2%), fungal (8.2%), or
33                        Median M-score for complicated cases was higher (P = .022).
34 l-window entropy imaging to classify tumors was 0.89, which was higher than 0.79 obtained using statistical parametric im
35 women did, the percentage of FFM in the men in the CR group was higher than at baseline.
36  that the amount of urethanes generated at high temperature was higher than at room temperature.
37 1.5%) and Deauville criteria (91.4%) for predicting relapse was higher than CECT (40.3%) (P = 0.03 and P < 0.0001, respec
38 revalence of CHIP in all patients (23 [33%] of 69 patients) was higher than has previously been reported in elderly indiv
39                            The EOD case fatality rate (71%) was higher than in LOD (32%) or controls (15%) (P = .0001).
40 r limit of the two-sided 95% CI for the difference in rates was higher than or equal to -10%.
41                         While the cost of the interventions was higher than previously published, there is potential for
42 city of 293T/SL-alphaPEG cells for PEGylated macromolecules was higher than that of 293T/S-alphaPEG or 293T/L-alphaPEG ce
43 d that the degradation rate of delphinidin 3-O-sambubioside was higher than that of cyanidin 3-O-sambubioside with k valu
44 atients (0.9%) hospitalized for deliberate self-harm, which was higher than the general population [incidence rate ratio
45 sulin release on an intravenous glucose tolerance test that was higher than the threshold.
46  sensitivity in late pregnancy; hepatic insulin sensitivity was higher, whereas sensitivity of the skeletal muscle and wh
47 ng rate and the excitability of LHb neurons in brain slices was higher, whereas the amplitude of medium afterhyperpolariz
48                   We found that the expression of AP-2alpha was higher, whereas the expression and activity of TACE were
49 of achieving excellent outcomes with lower recurrence rates was higher with LMR than with FS.
50  three fertilizers, but the calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) was higher with ORG and 2xORG.

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