


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1  Vps34 loss, whereas the stimulation-dependent pool of PI3P was significantly decreased.
2 s, whereas degradation of internalized [(3)H]dipalmitoyl-PC was significantly decreased.
3                    The liver-to-plasma ratio of doxorubicin was significantly decreased (2.3-fold) in Slco1a/1b2(-/-) mic
4                          However, H2O2-inducible DNA damage was significantly decreased after consumption of the suppleme
5  phosphatase-positive cells along the alveolar bone surface was significantly decreased after gingival injection of CD40L
6 ortion of the phylum Firmicutes and Proteobacteria in stool was significantly decreased and Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacter
7 taneously, electroencephalographic slow-wave activity (SWA) was significantly decreased and body temperature was increase
8                                       Periodontal bone loss was significantly decreased and the gingival expression of IL
9 PA treatment in ischaemic mice, haemorrhagic transformation was significantly decreased, and this was associated with imp
10  lacking both Tgifs, the number of cells with primary cilia was significantly decreased, and we observed a reduction in t
11                                          The incidence rate was significantly decreased by 14% during lithium treatment (
12                                     The central macular CVV was significantly decreased by 19% in eyes with PDR (0.020 +/
13                             Retinal efflux rate constant k2 was significantly decreased by 2.8 +/- 1.0-fold.
14 te hyperglycemia, later proliferation of neural progenitors was significantly decreased by chronic hyperglycemia in the i
15  ER and PM, showed PI4P-dependent membrane association that was significantly decreased by expression of PSS1 mutant enzy
16 e H2AX phosphorylation in FLO-1 EA cells, an increase which was significantly decreased by knockdown of TGR5.
17 volume flow in patients with a duration of 7 years or above was significantly decreased compared to control group (p<0.05
18 protein diet, the plasma concentration of newly formed urea was significantly decreased compared with controls.
19  SOD1(A4V) survival probability (median survival 1.2 years) was significantly decreased compared with SOD1(non-A4V) (medi
20 GABA-positive neurons to total cortical neurons in old rats was significantly decreased compared with that in young rats.
21                   Serum exosomal expression of these miRNAs was significantly decreased during relapse in RRMS.
22                    In the fully adjusted analyses, the risk was significantly decreased for all causes of death (non-acci
23       Expression of the complement inhibitors Cd55 and Cd59 was significantly decreased in blood vessels isolated from hy
24                               Expression of all three genes was significantly decreased in calcifying human bone osteosar
25 2-week mortality in the CPAP group versus the control group was significantly decreased in children 1 year of age and you
26                    Expression of both PN-1 mRNA and protein was significantly decreased in degenerated IVD, and the expre
27                                               NVC coherence was significantly decreased in encephalopathic newborns who w
28 erminal differentiation, the ets transcription factor PU.1, was significantly decreased in Hbb(th3/+) neutrophils.
29                                      Notably, oxidised DJ-1 was significantly decreased in idiopathic PD brain, suggestin
30                        At all-time points, RTEL1 expression was significantly decreased in lung tissue of the silica-expo
31                           In the DLPFC, cortical inhibition was significantly decreased in patients with SCZ compared to
32 ansrepression of COX-2 and IL-8 Notably, GATAD2B expression was significantly decreased in pregnant mouse and human myome
33 ber of ChAT(+) dendritic profiles per unit area of striatum was significantly decreased in Q140 striata, as was the abund
34 ession of the genes encoding for matrix degradation enzymes was significantly decreased in Runx2 (Agc1CreER) KO mice.
35         Further analysis revealed that adipogenesis in eWAT was significantly decreased in salidroside treated mice.
36 es by ELISA; the percentage of migratory CD1a(+) dermal DCs was significantly decreased in the DSS patients, and skin CD8
37                                The high-frequency component was significantly decreased in the e-cigarette users compared
38 ngement severity for both ITI (p = 0.01) and BTB (p = 0.05) was significantly decreased in the navigation group compared
39                                         Vascular reactivity was significantly decreased in the occipital lobe in both pre
40                   Furthermore, the expression of miR-192-5p was significantly decreased in the p53-KO kidney tissues.
41 induced expression of these and other proinflammatory genes was significantly decreased in the presence of minocycline, w
42 rminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling, was significantly decreased in the prostatic epithelium of tr
43 oncentrations of collagen type 1 cross-linked C-telopeptide was significantly decreased in the RCE group (P < 0.05) compa
44 at the expression of mature miRs from the miR-17-92 cluster was significantly decreased in the transgenic embryos.
45                                              Water activity was significantly decreased only by the addition of potato fi
46 T-bet(high)Foxp3(+) M. tuberculosis-specific CD4(+) T cells was significantly decreased (p = 0.002) compared with HIV-uni
47 embrane tension of approximately 54 pN/mum, and the tension was significantly decreased to approximately 29 pN/mum by cyt
48                                                Tumor growth was significantly decreased when nude BALB/c mice were inject
49                                       Expression of miR-494 was significantly decreased, whereas expression of the bindin
50                          The frequency of CD14(+) monocytes was significantly decreased, while the CD14(+)CD16(+) monocyt

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