


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 fee-for-service beneficiaries hospitalized during 2009-2014 was used to compare quality and costs of hospital care delive
2 regression with 2 linear splines and a knot at January 2015 was used to compare the slope of the change in EVT use before
3                    A whole-brain cluster-corrected analysis was used to compare BOLD activation for main effects of the P
4                                        Cox hazards analysis was used to compare rates between groups at discrete time poi
5                                       Multivariate analysis was used to compare pathological outcomes.
6                                Multiple regression analysis was used to compare changes over time in rescue symptomatic A
7                                           Survival analysis was used to compare risk of disease in individuals with and w
8         To pursue these experiments, a mechanistic approach was used to compare the pre-steady-state kinetics of KIF3AC t
9                                 Here, life cycle assessment was used to compare 10 environmental impacts from the product
10  categorical data with adjustments for multiple comparisons was used to compare adverse event rates among the products.
11                                      Intraclass correlation was used to compare diameters and volumes.
12 or within groups, and Pearson and Spearman rank correlation was used to compare fibrosis measured in vivo and ex vivo.
13                                   Spearman rank correlation was used to compare handling of MR imaging guidewires and sta
14                            The Akaike information criterion was used to compare 2 univariate models.
15               A difference-in-differences regression design was used to compare admission rates in populations with and w
16                                   Chemical RNA footprinting was used to compare the secondary structures of protein-free
17                                          An asymmetry index was used to compare R2* within the thalamus ipsilateral versu
18 ference in metabolic capacity, a spectrofluorometric method was used to compare general cytochrome P450 enzyme activity b
19                                A linear mixed-effects model was used to compare changes in anterior chamber and angle var
20                                        A linear mixed model was used to compare breast-milk VDA between the 3 study group
21                   Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to compare overall survival (OS) between RT dose gro
22                    A linear mixed-effects statistical model was used to compare detection accuracy between FBP and SAFIRE
23 l variables and a penalised Cox proportional-hazards model, was used to compare method performance.
24       Longitudinal mixed-effects repeated-measures modeling was used to compare ECT plus medication and medication alone
25 rray detector (HPLC-DAD) and a mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS), was used to compare the direct injection of the samples with
26                                            Quantitative PCR was used to compare bacterial load and Illumina MiSeq sequenc
27  of TT, adenoidectomy, and number of ear drop prescriptions was used to compare the rate of perforation between quinolone
28  For both approaches the same type of statistical procedure was used to compare samples: principal component analysis (PC
29 ates were ascertained and propensity-matched Cox regression was used to compare event rates according to beta-blocker usa
30                  Simple and multivariable linear regression was used to compare body mass index groups.
31                                Stepwise logistic regression was used to compare factors associated with one or more acute
32                           Multivariable logistic regression was used to compare hospital mortality across both groups, ad
33                            Hierarchical logistic regression was used to compare in-hospital outcomes and health care reso
34                                         Logistic regression was used to compare resistance patterns, serotypes, and patie
35                                         Logistic regression was used to compare the 2 groups.
36                                          Poisson regression was used to compare rates between diagnosis groups while adju
37 ounting for the competing risk of death; Poisson regression was used to compare rates of NCD occurrence by demographic su
38                          The root-mean-squared error (RMSE) was used to compare the MR-based attenuation correction with
39                                 GM-based spatial statistics was used to compare neurite orientation dispersion and densit
40                            The Fisher exact test (2-tailed) was used to compare proportions, Student t test and Wilcoxon
41                                           Fisher exact test was used to compare the proportion of CMV viremia and CMV ret
42                                                McNemar test was used to compare diagnostic accuracies.
43                               The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare baseline and hyperoxic parameters.
44                                   Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare changes in drug prices and number of manu
45                                  A stratified log-rank test was used to compare overall survival between treatment groups
46 -sum test were used to compare means, and the log-rank test was used to compare time-to-outcome events.
47                                               Log-rank test was used to compare time-to-parasitemia between interventions
48                                     The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the distribution of grades at each statio
49                                        Analysis of variance was used to compare readmission penalties in hospitals with c
50 a technique for targeting the extracellular proteome, which was used to compare the metasecretome and meta-surface-proteo

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