


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                 Based on this relationship, we alter the ability of the bacteria to access an autoinducer
2                          To test predictions of this model, we assay the ability of nucleic acid processing enzymes, incl
3                                                        Here we assess the ability of over 180 diverse compounds to accumu
4                                                             We assess the ability of seven histone acetyltransferases (HA
5                                                             We assessed the ability of immunoFISH to simultaneous quantif
6                                                  Therefore, we assessed the ability of Salmonella to disseminate to the c
7                                                             We assessed the ability of treated viruses to initiate influe
8                                                  In ARIEL2, we assessed the ability of tumour genomic LOH, quantified wit
9                                                        Here we characterized the ability of RVX-297, a novel orally activ
10 r the course of stable and declining population trends, and we compare the ability of two methods of analysis to accurate
11                                                       Next, we confirmed the ability of Plg/Pla to both promote efferocyt
12                                                             We confirmed the ability of the polymer coated silicon microa
13                                                        Here we demonstrate the ability of a small number of peripherally
14                   Using these high surface area electrodes, we demonstrate the ability of E-AB sensors to measure complet
15                                                             We demonstrate the ability of GM-strains of Bacteroides to su
16                                         In this manuscript, we demonstrate the ability of nonlinear light-atom interactio
17                                                             We demonstrate the ability of the H-TENG networks to operate
18                                              In this study, we demonstrated the ability of the biomarker to classify 45 t
19                    Furthermore, in the present contribution we describe the ability of 30c to significantly improve the o
20                                                        Here we describe the ability of paclitaxel (PTX), a frontline chem
21                                                             We determined the ability of plasma GPBB to discriminate betw
22                                                      First, we determined the ability of platelets to kill S. aureus dire
23  clinical sample of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients, we estimated the ability of PRSs to discriminate case-control
24                                              In this study, we evaluate the ability of a high-fidelity DNA polymerase to
25                                                             We evaluate the ability of both methods to predict protein fu
26                                                       Here, we evaluated the ability of H3N8 CIV NS1 to inhibit host inna
27                                            In the subcohort we evaluated the ability of inverse probability weighting (IP
28 s formation but its extracellular substrates are not known, we evaluated the ability of these bidirectional trapping PDI
29                                       In the present study, we evaluated the ability of these NP adjuvants to promote rob
30                                                             We examined the ability of Lactococcus lactis G121 to prevent
31                                              In this study, we examined the ability of MLN7243, a recently described ubiq
32                                                             We examined the ability of RSV IN dimers to assemble two vira
33                                                             We examined the ability of the surface protein SdrF to adhere
34  nominally the same reduced mobility values as a test case, we illustrate the ability of the drift-gas doping approach to
35                                                       Here, we investigate the ability of cells to sense and respond to f
36                                                             We investigated the ability of biomass burning to produce N2O
37 tter understand the epidemiology of this emerging pathogen, we investigated the ability of C. auris to persist on plastic
38                                               Specifically, we investigated the ability of CD8 T cells to initiate brain
39                                              In this study, we investigated the ability of components of the wound enviro
40                                                             We investigated the ability of the AIPL1 variants to mediate
41                                                             We investigated the ability of the Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9
42                                              In this study, we investigated the ability of three benzothiadiazine-based m
43                                 To address this hypothesis, we measured the ability of human sera collected between 1979
44 o test the clinical readiness of this tableting technology, we show the ability of tableted diagnostics for screening hep
45                                                        Now, we test the ability of 1.688(X) DNA to attract compensation t
46                                                        Here we test the ability of 200 type III and type IV effector pro
47                                              In this study, we tested the ability of cGMP and type 2 cGMP-dependent prote
48                                                             We tested the ability of cKL to regulate pathways and phenoty
49                                                       Here, we tested the ability of patients with Parkinson's disease (P
50                                                             We tested the ability of the tag to measure vibration in exci

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