


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             We anticipate that aerobically generated hypervalent iodine r
2                                                             We anticipate that breaking reciprocity will open avenues for
3                                                             We anticipate that CLIC will be valuable both for revealing n
4                                                             We anticipate that coupling DO sequences with tumor-homing tr
5                                                             We anticipate that CyG will provide new strategies to overcom
6                                                             We anticipate that due to its high performance and low cost O
7                                                             We anticipate that examination of other clades where the rela
8                                                             We anticipate that future generations of programmable molecul
9                                                             We anticipate that glaciers in Koge Bugt will remain in stabl
10                                                             We anticipate that GWAX will prove useful in future genetic s
11                                                             We anticipate that investigation of dopamine and serotonin di
12                                                             We anticipate that ISAMBARD will find broad applications in b
13                                                             We anticipate that our approach may also be applied to other
14                                                             We anticipate that our findings will spur a new area of resea
15                                                             We anticipate that our integrated experimental and modeling s
16                                                             We anticipate that our method will have significant utility f
17                                                             We anticipate that our results will spark renewed investigati
18                                                             We anticipate that our strategy for obtaining NIR luminophore
19                                                             We anticipate that our surfaces will have a wide range of app
20                                                             We anticipate that sequence-specific programmed peptides will
21                                                             We anticipate that TGA will provide similarly comprehensive a
22                                                             We anticipate that the approach of screening quantum dots not
23                                                             We anticipate that the plasmonic imaging technique will contr
24                                                             We anticipate that the protocol could be easily adapted for u
25                                                             We anticipate that the structural insight into chemical degra
26                                                             We anticipate that the suggested pull and release approach to
27                                                             We anticipate that there could be substantial effects on chro
28                                                             We anticipate that these data will motivate discussions on DN
29                                                             We anticipate that these findings would further assist in the
30                                                             We anticipate that these unusually high activities, despite s
31                                                             We anticipate that this 'plug and play' approach will be a va
32                                                             We anticipate that this approach will be useful for studying
33                                                             We anticipate that this new model will provide a useful frame
34                                                             We anticipate that this study will demonstrate that idiopathi
35                                                             We anticipate that this type of sensor can be applied as a ra
36                                                             We anticipate that this will be a valuable resource to the fi
37                                                             We anticipate that this work will lead to the discovery of ne
38                                                             We anticipate that with further optimization of structure des
39 s, involving the activity of orthologous proteins [10, 11], we anticipate that our results will help uncover universal fe
40                                                In addition, we anticipate that the prodrug Mipsagargin, which is currentl
41 " approaches to natural products discovery further advance, we anticipate that chemical synthetic and biosynthetic studie
42  insight into the binding interactions of these ligands and we anticipate that this information could facilitate the rati
43  incorporate complementary chemical labeling strategies and we anticipate that it will be applicable to many other system
44 r kinetic schemes from experimental macroscopic traces, and we anticipate that it may be useful in the study of a wide va
45 ginning to incorporate more general environmental concerns, we anticipate that this work will provide a standardized base
46           Combined with ever more abundant sequential data, we anticipate that this study will be instrumental to allow t
47 that are readily perturbed by protein-protein interactions, we anticipate that this fundamental trafficking mechanism wil
48 city of affinity resins for capture of the Fc-tagged rE1E2, we anticipate that our method will provide a means for large-
49                                             Taken together, we anticipate that management could become weaker and less ef
50            Through its massive cost reduction and usability we anticipate that our platform will enable greater access to

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