


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                              In our series, we attempted to analyze the morphologic changes seen in the o
2                                     To evaluate the method, we attempted to assemble up to 2271 targets ranging in length
3                                                    Thereby, we attempted to assess the potential to reduce the environmen
4                                                             We attempted to block the conversion of T-strands into double
5 ychiatric illness, neutropenia, or requiring emergent care, we attempted to collect rectal swabs and stool from all parti
6                                              In this review we attempted to combine a comprehensive list of various appli
7                                                             We attempted to confirm and extend this finding in a larger i
8 ng EEG signals are related to attention and working memory, we attempted to decode which of 16 orientations was being hel
9                                                             We attempted to determine association between carried pneumoc
10                                                             We attempted to determine the scale of the outbreak, define t
11                                                             We attempted to determine whether legal setback distances bet
12                                                             We attempted to disable this intrinsic excitatory current by
13                                              In this study, we attempted to dissect the molecular mechanisms governing RU
14                                       In the present study, we attempted to elucidate the candidate metabolic pathway(s)
15                                                       Here, we attempted to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these eff
16                                                             We attempted to establish a BAT protocol that would permit an
17 idence or a functional limitation of reverse transcription, we attempted to evolve a high-fidelity, thermostable DNA poly
18                                                       Here, we attempted to find the associations between tumor angiogene
19                                              In this study, we attempted to generate knockout mutants of the ortholog of
20                                                             We attempted to generate neutralizing antibodies to neutraliz
21   In the initial baseline sample for each child with konzo, we attempted to get consent from a comparison child without k
22                                                             We attempted to identify all case reports and case series.
23                                                             We attempted to identify clinical profiles associated with va
24 r metastasis is the main cause of death in cancer patients, we attempted to identify the driver gene involved.
25                                         In this manuscript, we attempted to improve its bioavailability by encapsulation
26                                                             We attempted to improve recovery by developing a neuroprosthe
27                                              In this study, we attempted to improve staining using anti-fluorochrome unco
28                                                  Therefore, we attempted to improve the impaired in vivo dentin regenerat
29                                                        Here we attempted to induce plastic changes in the LLSR by pairing
30                                                             We attempted to infer causality by comparing the effects of m
31                    Inspired by those features from the ECM, we attempted to integrate essential biological factors from t
32                                                       Here, we attempted to integrate these two apparently conflicting pe
33                                                  Therefore, we attempted to model contigs using relative k-tuple composit
34                                                     Herein, we attempted to optimize (CCIZN17)3, a representative disulfi
35    Armed with the knowledge of actively acquired tolerance, we attempted to prenatally abolish or diminish allergic respo
36                                                In our study we attempted to present the locations and course of posterior
37                                                        Here we attempted to produce a protein with enhanced sweetness by
38                                       In the current study, we attempted to replicate previously published associations b
39                                                        When we attempted to replicate these results, we found each constr
40                                                        Here we attempted to rescue the phenotype in STGD1 mice by increas
41                                       In the present study, we attempted to resolve these issues and examined single neur
42  progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) patients, we attempted to reveal the composition of the JC polyomavirus
43  To address the need for novel alternatives to antibiotics, we attempted to sensitize gram-negative bacilli to innate ant
44                                Following the same approach, we attempted to stabilize a naturally occurring efficiently c
45                                        In all three models, we attempted to terminate re-entrant AT (induced via rapid pa
46                                                        When we attempted to terminate the same AT episodes with targeted
47                                         In this fMRI study, we attempted to translate these findings to humans.
48                                                             We attempted to use the germline-expressed Vasa-Cre transgene
49                                              In this study, we attempted to validate a MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry-based
50                                                             We attempted to validate the association between variants in

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