


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We combined 3 y of highly detailed visual observations of Bor
2                                              In this study, we combined (57)Fe Mossbauer and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption s
3                                                       Here, we combined a comprehensive dataset (28 ecosystem functions m
4                                                 METHODS AND We combined a model of specific antibody deficiency, B cell-s
5                                                       Here, we combined a nanoscale imaging approach with advanced image
6                                                             We combined a phylostratigraphic approach with gene expressio
7                Taking advantage of this evolutionary study, we combined bioinformatics, molecular, cellular and microscop
8    To identify sources and provide insight into this cycle, we combined carbon (delta(13)C), nitrogen amino acid (delta(1
9                                                             We combined chromosome conformation capture, circularized chr
10                                                             We combined computational and experimental approaches to comp
11                                           To fill this gap, we combined computational modeling with functional neuroimagi
12                                                       Here, we combined computational simulations with analysis of in viv
13                                                             We combined data from the Veterans Affairs Cancer Registry wi
14                                                To this end, we combined double-blind, placebo-controlled pharmacology [D2
15                                                             We combined ecological niche models (ENMs) with population ge
16                                                             We combined forward and reverse genetic approaches with chrom
17                                                             We combined gene expression studies with protein behaviour ch
18                                                             We combined graphene oxide (GO) sheets with a specific peptid
19                                                             We combined human encephalographic seizure data with data of
20                                                       Here, we combined human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI
21 tral nTS correlate with patterns of taste-induced activity, we combined immunohistochemistry for markers of various visce
22                                                             We combined loading of the lipophilic dye FM1-43 with photoco
23                            For stage 3, epidemic potential, we combined local and international scale connectivity assess
24                                                             We combined mathematical modelling with experiments in heart
25                                                             We combined metabolomics, proteomics, and gene expression ana
26 Because the number of molecules modulating RGGT is limited, we combined molecular modeling with biological assays to asce
27                                                             We combined molecular networking and three-dimensional modeli
28                                                       Here, we combined mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and extraembryo
29                                                In primates, we combined neuronal tracer injections into various arms of t
30                                                             We combined optogenetics with calcium imaging and pharmacolog
31                                                             We combined projections from a dynamic global vegetation mode
32                                                        Here we combined resting-state and task-driven functional magnetic
33                                                             We combined RNA-seq data from gingival tissues with quantitat
34                                                       Here, we combined several global data sets describing these drivers
35                                                        Here we combined single-cell FRET measurements with analysis based
36                                                             We combined single-cell laser axotomy with time-lapse imaging
37 t into the receptor(s) responding to FGF4 within ICM cells, we combined single-cell-resolution quantitative imaging with
38  To limit degeneracy and increase experimental sensitivity, we combined specific and segmental isotopic labeling schemes
39                                                Furthermore, we combined Staudinger ligation and copper catalyzed azide al
40                                              In this study, we combined targeted transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses
41                                                     Herein, we combined the stringent linear geometric interaction constr
42                                                             We combined them with the temporally resolved transcriptome o
43                                                             We combined these experimental results with anatomical data t
44                                                             We combined these two non-invasive imaging modalities in orde
45                                                             We combined this equation with concepts drawn from disturbanc
46                                                             We combined this motion-cancellation system with differential
47                                     In the discovery stage, we combined three GWAS datasets (EU-RLS GENE, INTERVAL, and 2
48                                              In this study, we combined tree-ring width and basal area increment series f
49                                              In this study, we combined two 1 km actual evapotranspiration datasets (ET),
50                                                       Here, we combined whole-exome sequencing, array-based genotyping, a

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