


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                    To test this hypothesis, we compared 3 CAR T-cell termination strategies: (1) transien
2 ely capture the force of infection (FOI) between districts, we compared 6 models of population movement (adjacency, gravi
3                                                             We compared a cohort of patients enrolled on a trial of reduc
4                                                             We compared a number of different mono- and dinuclear geometr
5 weight (<2,500 g) and preterm birth (<37 weeks' gestation), we compared between-family models (children born to different
6                                                             We compared changes in outcomes during the 2 years after impl
7                                                             We compared changes over time in the use of assisted ventilat
8 health disparities between AAs and European Americans (EAs).We compared concentrations of 25(OH)D and vitamin D-binding p
9                            Using consistent survey methods, we compared contemporary population sizes to historical data
10 activity specifically associated with contextual retrieval, we compared correct recalls, intrusions (incorrect recall of
11                                                             We compared data on disease prevalence in the population with
12                                                             We compared different proposed methods of estimating M. tuber
13                                                             We compared estimates for each location with simulations base
14                                                             We compared fatal and nonfatal CHD incidence and CHD case-fat
15                                                             We compared health-care outcomes in people who sought medical
16                                                             We compared metacognitive self-monitoring ability of a group
17                                                             We compared modern fallow deer putative populations across a
18                                                             We compared our dataset to a library of nirS sequences obtain
19                                                             We compared our measurements to hydrodynamical simulations, w
20                                                             We compared our results to the national United Network of Org
21                                               Additionally, we compared PD values of groups with longer and shorter dista
22                                                             We compared postoperative mortality rates after inpatient sur
23                                                             We compared pretransplant DAA treatment versus deferred DAA t
24                By employing a single parameter, DeltaC1/2%, we compared relative changes of denaturation between peptides
25                                                  Thus, here we compared simple spike-complex spike interactions both with
26                                                             We compared steatosis estimates by PDFF vs histology.
27                   Using Cox and binomial regression models, we compared the 2 randomization groups.
28                                                             We compared the biomechanical behavior and vascular healing p
29                                              In this study, we compared the dissolution of test plates and spines as well
30                                                             We compared the early clinical outcomes in patients undergoin
31                                                             We compared the effectiveness of pelvic physiotherapy (PPT) v
32 w these mutations contribute to epileptic encephalopathies, we compared the effects of the mutations on the properties of
33                                                             We compared the European Society of Cardiology rule-out pathw
34                               To investigate this question, we compared the fate of IgE-ICs in human B cells and in CD23-
35 ational age mean 32 weeks (early) and mean 37 weeks (late), we compared the fetal cerebral T2* in 28 fetuses without hear
36                                                             We compared the foveated object detector against a non-foveat
37     To further characterize genes identified by our screen, we compared the functional contributions of P. simiae genes t
38                                                       Here, we compared the interaction of conidia from both fungal speci
39 iffer in proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory macrophages, we compared the macropinocytic ability of two extreme polariz
40                                                             We compared the median age at cancer diagnosis between PLWH i
41                                                             We compared the method of elastic net regularization, which u
42                                                             We compared the rates of stroke/systemic embolism at 1 year a
43                                                             We compared the relative efficacy of statin therapy in those
44                                                        Here we compared the temporal and spatial compositions of lipids a
45                                              In this study, we compared the transcriptomes and proteomes of primary mouse
46 generated by chronic infection upon reexposure to parasite, we compared their responses to known features of classical Tm
47          In this retrospective, observational cohort study, we compared time to any adverse event (primary outcome); seri
48                                                             We compared transplants performed with robotic technique (RKT
49 form more ecologically based landscape nutrient management, we compared watershed inputs, outputs, and retention for nitr
50                                         To test the method, we compared well and poorly healing cardiac ventricles using

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