


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              We conclude that 1,3-DAG-rich oil is a low calorie fat a
2                                              We conclude that 3-D cell shape information, transduced
3                                        Thus, we conclude that 5-InsP7 regulates p53 expression, where
4                                              We conclude that a carefully performed survey with LORRI
5                                              We conclude that a concentrated region of negative charg
6                                              We conclude that a patient-centered, individualized, and
7                                              We conclude that a prerequisite for membrane integration
8                                              We conclude that a state of haploinsufficiency for the I
9                                              We conclude that a transmembrane embedded lysine residue
10                                              We conclude that ACh is not only a facilitator but also
11                                              We conclude that activated microglia release Gal-3 and a
12                                              We conclude that activated platelets release ADAMDEC1, w
13                                              We conclude that active and passive modes of control wor
14                                              We concluded that ADC values of the thyroid gland can be
15                                        Thus, we conclude that additional contacts with protein substr
16                                              We conclude that adipose tissue eosinophils play a key r
17                                              We conclude that AFM pulling can be used to activate EGL
18                                              We conclude that alkaloids in Aconitum spp. nectar affec
19                                              We conclude that alterations of KDM family members repre
20                                        Thus, we conclude that alternatively activated macrophages do
21                                              We conclude that although genetic variation in the HLA r
22                                              We conclude that although Munc13-2 plays a minor role, M
23                                              We conclude that Ambra1 is a core component of an intrac
24                                              We conclude that an engineered opsin monomer can scrambl
25                                              We conclude that an entire fusion cascade can be control
26                                              We conclude that an intact Mcm10 coiled-coil interaction
27                                              We conclude that an interdependent oxidative stress resp
28                                              We conclude that associations between body size and MM o
29                                   Therefore, we conclude that astrocyte activity determines fear resp
30                                              We conclude that AT-induced IL-1beta promotes local gran
31                                              We conclude that, at concentrations relevant to human ex
32                                              We conclude that ATM activity is essential for p21-depen
33                                              We conclude that Aurora A and Plk4 are rate-limiting fac
34                                              We conclude that autophagy and polyploidy increase the i
35                              Taken together, we conclude that autophagy plays a critical role in grow
36                                              We conclude that BCL6 is a new therapeutic target in NSC
37                                              We concluded that BeauIII binds to a putative active sit
38                                              We conclude that beside a role in sugar deprivation of t
39                          From these results, we conclude that Bim expression is a major susceptibilit
40                                              We concluded that BNNPT is an efficient computational ap
41                                              We conclude that botanic gardens play a fundamental role
42                                              We conclude that by biochemical grouping of metabolites
43                                              We conclude that by promoting the expression of arginine
44                                              We conclude that CD146/MCAM interactions with circulatin
45                                              We conclude that cell-to-cell and consequent lineage-to-
46                                              We conclude that centriole splitting reduces the local d
47                                              We conclude that changes in temperature variability and
48                      Based on this argument, we concluded that CHARMM36 force field with standard TIP
49                                              We conclude that chemokine-binding evasin proteins are w
50                                              We conclude that chondrogenesis and osteogenesis are one
51                                              We conclude that chronic cutaneous injury can lead to in
52                                              We conclude that chronic vagal stimulation improves insu
53                                              We conclude that ciliary Hh signaling by FAPs orchestrat
54                                              We conclude that Claudin-2 expression is significantly a
55                                              We conclude that COI is a potential molecular barcode fo
56                                Collectively, we conclude that collagen IV and its variant, spongin, a
57                                              We conclude that collagen type-II and CS can be used to
58  nodes of the pathway such as Raf and SphK1, we conclude that combination therapy should be much more
59                                              We conclude that combining data from independent studies
60                                              We concluded that computed tomography is a reliable and
61                                              We conclude that conditions that destabilize HMW oligome
62                                              We conclude that conflict might be one among many driver
63                                              We conclude that congenital Zika syndrome is a recogniza
64 ed CBP21 inactivation at higher H2O2 levels, we conclude that controlled generation of H2O2in situ se
65                                              We concluded that corneal endothelial wound healing in r
66                                              We conclude that covalent binding state alone, in genera
67                                              We conclude that CpaA is, to the best of our knowledge,
68 th acetyl-CoA synthetase genes ACS1 and ACS2 We conclude that CR maximizes Snf1 activity throughout a
69                                              We conclude that Cre-expression is limited to a specific
70                                              We conclude that CREB and STAT3 are the key transcriptio
71                                              We conclude that CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing is
72                                              We conclude that CRISPRc and CRISPRi have different off-
73                                              We conclude that CST5, AXIN1 and TRAIL are worthy of fur
74 ON: Based on our evaluation of the evidence, we conclude that current regulations are insufficient fo
75        Through analysis of multiple mutants, we conclude that curvature sensitivity is intrinsic to c
76 pearance of an absorbance maximum at 440 nm, we conclude that CYP101[FeOOH](2+) (compound 0) accumula
77                                              We conclude that, despite being short-lived, transplante
78                                              We conclude that direct transfer from source into dust s
79                                              We conclude that distinct input pathways to PIT relay si
80                                              We conclude that dKDM4A, in addition to its previously c
81                                              We conclude that Dpb11 functions with DDK and Mcm4 in a
82                                              We conclude that, due to permafrost thaw, hydrocarbon-ri
83                                              We conclude that dysferlin prevents injury-induced SR Ca
84                                              We conclude that each scenario poses substantial threats
85                                              We conclude that ecosystems with self-organized spatial
86                                              We conclude that EEFs can play a significant role in sus
87                                              We conclude that efficient PMO delivery into muscle requ
88                                              We conclude that eIF5A functions broadly in elongation a
89       From the analysis of residue contacts, we conclude that electrostatic interactions play an impo
90                                              We conclude that ELT is a powerful iron chelator that de
91                                              We conclude that enhanced collateral vessel growth is co
92                                              We conclude that environmental protection goals relying
93                                              We conclude that Epac-mediated STOC activity (i) occurs
94                                              We conclude that Epac2A controls secretory granule relea
95                                              We conclude that ESAT-6 stimulates macrophage IL-6 produ
96                                              We conclude that EstA specifically unlocks the nutritive
97 nd taking into consideration doping effects, we conclude that exposure to strong electron-donors coul
98                                              We conclude that expression of an APOL1 transgene initia
99                                              We conclude that fast skeletal muscle troponin sensitize
100                                              We conclude that FATP2 is a major apical proximal tubule
101                                              We conclude that fatty acids enhance both glucagon and i
102 m this result and other additional analyses, we conclude that FEP can be a useful approach to guide t
103                                              We conclude that Flow-FISH is a rapid, sensitive, and co
104                                              We conclude that for effective collective migration, the
105                                              We conclude that for sample/target combinations with low
106                                              We conclude that future studies need to analyze activity
107                                              We conclude that gammadeltaT cells transition from early
108                                              We conclude that GCG neurons likely stimulate separate p
109 ochemical properties, and cellular features, we conclude that GIMAP6 plays a role in modulating immun
110                                              We conclude that gliding locomotion was probably common
111                                              We concluded that GPC3 is inferior to AFP as a serum mar
112                                              We conclude that H2O2 is a biological modifier of the st
113                      Based on these results, we conclude that Hop is a critical component of the piRN
114                                              We conclude that hybridization between divergent lineage
115                                              We concluded that I2 is required for virion morphogenesi
116                                              We conclude that ICAM-1 augments myoblast adhesion and f
117                                              We conclude that IFIH1 deficiency causes a primary immun
118                                              We conclude that IL-6 acts as a Th2 cytokine in obesity
119                                              We conclude that in deaf humans the high-level auditory
120                                              We conclude that in patients with acute stroke receiving
121                                              We conclude that in the telomerase holoenzyme, instead o
122                                              We conclude that, in contrast to neurite self-avoidance,
123                                              We conclude that increased abundance of saturated C16-C2
124                                              We conclude that increased effectiveness of MC4R agonist
125                                              We conclude that increased phrenic motoneuron expression
126                                              We conclude that increased temporal self-similarity (alp
127                                              We conclude that increasing ocean temperature is an impo
128                                              We conclude that infectious disease could lead to increa
129                                              We conclude that interdependency of CCS52A-controlled AP
130                                              We conclude that involvement of the peptide backbone's c
131             On the basis of our simulations, we concluded that IR improved the survival of children w
132                                              We conclude that IsaR1 is a critically important riboreg
133 Hsp90-Aha1-dependent client proteins in vivo We conclude that it is possible to abrogate a specific c
134 een and within individual wetlands; however, we conclude that it is possible to use standardized valu
135                                              We conclude that Kaps constitute integral constituents o
136                                              We conclude that lactational transfer of immunity can cr
137                                              We conclude that land plants inherited two Pi uptake mec
138                                              We conclude that LC16 and MDNs are critical components o
139                                              We concluded that LDL-C level is low in patients with PA
140 fic frontal, striatal and parietal networks; we conclude that manual tracking utilises such slow seri
141                                              We conclude that many old novae become dwarf novae for p
142                                              We conclude that mechanical load and force on chondrocyt
143                                              We conclude that metabolic network analysis confirmed th
144                                              We conclude that metaphase spindles in epithelia engage
145                                              We conclude that microbiome depletion as a result of bro
146                                              We concluded that Micu2(-/-) mice recapitulate features
147                                              We conclude that MMP9 and 2 are robust new players invol
148                                              We conclude that molecular and functional characteristic
149                                              We conclude that more research is needed for better scre
150                                              We conclude that morning fasting up-regulates lipid turn
151 mechanistic hypotheses for disease risk, but we conclude that most risk mechanisms are not likely to
152                                              We conclude that motoneurons provide feedback to the cen
153                                              We conclude that mTORC1 actively suppresses autophagy an
154                                              We conclude that MV internalization occurs via a pathway
155                                              We conclude that NET2A-PRK interactions mediate discreet
156                                              We conclude that neuropsychological findings are valuabl
157                                              We conclude that Nogo-A and NgR are expressed in a mamma
158                                              We conclude that nuclear localization of MS is a unique
159                                              We conclude that nucleoporins play an unanticipated regu
160                                Collectively, we conclude that nucleotides activate P2Y6 receptors to
161                                              We conclude that older KT recipients have a high risk of
162  the Kd for linoleic acid substrate binding, we conclude that OS binding brings about an increase in
163                                              We conclude that our in vitro based approach for establi
164                                              We conclude that p,p'-DDE does not merely accumulate in
165                                              We conclude that Par3 is the long-sought exocyst recepto
166                                              We conclude that pb10 may function to reinforce the caps
167                                              We conclude that pesticides from agricultural land use a
168                              Taken together, we conclude that Pfr acquisition and stability are impac
169                                              We conclude that phasic arousal suppresses decision bias
170                                              We conclude that phosphorylation can disrupt the binding
171                                              We conclude that PI3Kgamma inhibition in obese patients
172                                              We conclude that planar-polarized dynamic actomyosin net
173                                              We conclude that plant breeders may be able to exploit t
174                                              We conclude that plants encode proteins that appear to f
175                                              We conclude that plasma profiling after STEMI may help i
176                                              We conclude that Plasmodium growth in vitro is associate
177                                              We conclude that platelets and Meg-01 cells express the
178                                              We conclude that PMNs mediate mostly trogocytosis rather
179                                              We conclude that pneumococcal phase variation is a compl
180                                              We conclude that post-translational modifications, speci
181                                              We conclude that PPARalpha and FXR function coordinately
182                                              We conclude that preconditioning reprograms macrophages
183                                              We conclude that prior convertase cleavage of protein C
184 e, are not excluded by the present findings, we conclude that PS is sufficient to account for the per
185                     Based on these findings, we conclude that PS remains a plausible neurophysiologic
186                                              We conclude that Psd1p, the key enzyme required for the
187                                              We conclude that PtdIns3P-dependent lysosome translocati
188                                              We conclude that PV system performance in northern and e
189                                              We conclude that REAF is a major component of the previo
190                                              We concluded that reduced PNKD long isoform levels are d
191                                              We conclude that rescue of PB1 genetic material via intr
192                      Based on these results, we conclude that RH50 is a plastid rRNA maturation facto
193                                              We conclude that root tropic responses to gravity and wa
194                                              We conclude that ROS contribute to TLD by converting sin
195                                              We conclude that Sec22b-dependent cross-presentation in
196                                              We conclude that seed coat suberin is essential for seed
197                                              We conclude that selection for high rate of biosynthesis
198                                              We conclude that self-rated preferences may not provide
199                                              We conclude that self-repair plasticity could lead to hi
200                     Based on these findings, we conclude that selinexor in combination with dexametha
201                                              We conclude that serine proteases derived from commensal
202                                              We conclude that Snail is an essential driver of EndMT u
203                                              We conclude that Sox11 can reprogram adult RGCs to a gro
204                                              We concluded that SSGA and MSGA, which performed more sy
205                                              We conclude that StPP2Ac2b acts in stolons as a positive
206                                              We conclude that studies of pyrethroid efficacy should n
207                                              We conclude that succinate can improve glial oxidative m
208                                              We conclude that suppression of hepcidin expression invo
209                                              We conclude that synaptic proteins have evolved to limit
210 plete eradication of solid tumor xenografts, we conclude that targeted alpha-therapy regimens may str
211                     Based on these findings, we conclude that targeting G2A may be a promising approa
212                                              We conclude that targeting the cGAS-STING-LCD-NLRP3 path
213                                              We conclude that Tat signal peptides play roles in subst
214                                              We conclude that TCR/ITK signalling through the Ras/IRF4
215                     Based on these findings, we conclude that the action of PZA is entirely independe
216                                              We conclude that the alpha-pinene SOA shell creates no m
217                                              We conclude that the approach reported herein has attrib
218                                              We conclude that the assembly and activation of NM myosi
219                                              We conclude that the buoyancy of these structures is dom
220                                              We conclude that the C-terminus plays an important role
221                                              We conclude that the careful application of these method
222                                              We conclude that the catalytic core of MERS PLpro, i.e.
223                                              We conclude that the choice of DNA polymerase in dPCR is
224                                              We conclude that the complex nature of blood-brain barri
225                                              We conclude that the concept of the CEA is supported on
226                                Additionally, we conclude that the current framework for risk assessme
227                                              We conclude that the current model of radical-pair magne
228 e identify multiple impediments to progress, we conclude that the current status of process understan
229                                              We conclude that the disrupted hydropathy or charge of r
230                                              We conclude that the diurnal neural activation pattern m
231                                              We conclude that the Drosophila nephrocyte can be used t
232                                              We conclude that the EC cells in the human and mouse sma
233                                              We conclude that the effect of ocean acidification on al
234                                              We conclude that the febrile response is dependent on lo
235                                              We conclude that the flexibility of decision-making impl
236                                              We conclude that the GR in adipocytes exerts central but
237                                              We conclude that the hamster prion is prone to aggregati
238                                              We conclude that the heterogeneous pattern of global veg
239                                              We conclude that the hinge-spanning region of the 5J7 qu
240                                              We conclude that the human whole blood assay is an effic
241                                              We conclude that the IFT allows sensitive and specific m
242                                              We conclude that the increased specificity of AR is corr
243                                              We conclude that the inflammatory response mechanism is
244                                              We conclude that the intramolecular interaction of phosp
245                                              We conclude that the ion channel extracellular collar pl
246                                              We conclude that the last glaciation of South Georgia wa
247                                              We conclude that the minimal pathway of unlinking replic
248                                              We conclude that the mitochondrial outer membrane contai
249                                              We conclude that the most likely catalytic mechanism beg
250                                              We conclude that the NOTA-modified somatropins do not po
251                                              We conclude that the Nrf-2/HO-1 axis is a critical pathw
252                                              We conclude that the ongoing and past methane emission e
253                                              We conclude that the OPG-RANK-RANKL system and the OPN s
254                                              We conclude that the outer planets of the TRAPPIST-1 sys
255                                              We conclude that the paradigm of metabolic bioactivation
256                                              We conclude that the pathogenesis of vascular remodeling
257                                              We conclude that the PCP pathway contributes significant
258                                              We conclude that the percentage of people ever staying i
259                                              We conclude that the point mutation C64T in the TYR gene
260                                              We conclude that the role of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in
261                                              We conclude that the sugar-sensing pathways act via Pma1
262                                              We conclude that the supramodality of metacognition reli
263                                              We conclude that the TBCD.ARL2.beta-tubulin trimer repre
264                                              We conclude that the Ub-binding pocket has a chaperone f
265                                              We conclude that the uncertainty in the mean meridional
266                                              We conclude that the use of extracellular lactate measur
267                                              We conclude that the widely-used constrained projection
268 tCOI sequence identity to Aphelinidae wasps, we concluded that the 1942 Bemisia nymph was parasitized
269                                              We concluded that the effects of the anti-CCR4 antibody
270                                              We concluded that the exon 11 mutations were the most im
271                                              We concluded that the further incorporation of decision
272                                              We concluded that the material resorption and bone forma
273  the 10 articles and reports studied herein, we concluded that their results lack empirical data.
274                                              We conclude that there is a link between mfERG and SD-OC
275                                              We conclude that there is no evidence for the existence
276 a range of compositions and quenching rates, we conclude that there is no fractal atomic-level struct
277 bserved slight decrease in skeletal density, we conclude that there must be biochemical influences th
278                                              We conclude that these variables are not useful risk fac
279                                              We conclude that this behavior is best explained by a fo
280                                              We conclude that this cell-specific alpha-tubulin isotyp
281                                              We conclude that this species consists of provenances th
282                                              We conclude that this therapy may offer a powerful new a
283                                              We conclude that this viral vector and this delivery rou
284                                              We concluded that this improved mmLD method will be usef
285                                              We conclude that, through this new function, the SIN res
286                                              We conclude that to accurately predict the amount of hel
287                                              We conclude that trained individuals are able to redistr
288                                              We conclude that treatment with the FOLFIRINOX protocol
289                                              We conclude that tropical elevational generalism is rare
290                                              We conclude that TSP-1 production in endothelial cells d
291                                              We conclude that understanding the mechanisms controllin
292                                              We conclude that unique oligomerization properties of Cl
293                                              We conclude that unlike DNA or individual histone protei
294                                              We conclude that varenicline as a smoking cessation agen
295                                              We conclude that variations in TL across adults and diff
296 ven the potential dispersion of V. velutina, we conclude that vigilance is required over a large area
297                                              We conclude that VP1 is a novel streptococcal regulatory
298                                              We concluded that WBCT is a reliable and reproducible im
299                                              We conclude that ZEB1 is a major oncogenic factor requir
300                                              We conclude that zebrafish P450 17A2 is capable of lyase

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