


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             We conclude that a concentrated region of negative charge, no
2                                                             We conclude that a patient-centered, individualized, and pars
3                                                             We conclude that ACh is not only a facilitator but also a pre
4                                                             We conclude that AFM pulling can be used to activate EGL-medi
5                                                             We conclude that alterations of KDM family members represent
6                                                             We conclude that an entire fusion cascade can be controlled b
7                                                             We conclude that associations between body size and MM origin
8                                                             We conclude that chronic vagal stimulation improves insulin s
9                                                             We conclude that collagen type-II and CS can be used to promo
10                                                             We conclude that dysferlin prevents injury-induced SR Ca(2+)
11                                                             We conclude that EEFs can play a significant role in sustaina
12                                                             We conclude that ESAT-6 stimulates macrophage IL-6 production
13                                                             We conclude that gliding locomotion was probably common in eu
14                                                             We conclude that increased phrenic motoneuron expression of g
15                                                             We conclude that interdependency of CCS52A-controlled APC/C a
16                                                             We conclude that involvement of the peptide backbone's carbon
17                                                             We conclude that Kaps constitute integral constituents of the
18                                                             We conclude that lactational transfer of immunity can cross M
19                                                             We conclude that motoneurons provide feedback to the central
20                                                             We conclude that neuropsychological findings are valuable for
21                                                             We conclude that nuclear localization of MS is a unique featu
22                                                             We conclude that nucleoporins play an unanticipated regulator
23                                                             We conclude that older KT recipients have a high risk of post
24                                                             We conclude that phosphorylation can disrupt the binding of a
25                                                             We conclude that plants encode proteins that appear to functi
26                                                             We conclude that plasma profiling after STEMI may help identi
27                                                             We conclude that root tropic responses to gravity and water a
28                                                             We conclude that seed coat suberin is essential for seed dorm
29                                                             We conclude that serine proteases derived from commensal bact
30                                                             We conclude that the current model of radical-pair magnetorec
31                                                             We conclude that the Drosophila nephrocyte can be used to elu
32                                                             We conclude that the effect of ocean acidification on algae (
33                                                             We conclude that the GR in adipocytes exerts central but dive
34                                                             We conclude that the heterogeneous pattern of global vegetati
35                                                             We conclude that the mitochondrial outer membrane contains a
36                                                             We conclude that the pathogenesis of vascular remodeling in h
37                                                             We conclude that the PCP pathway contributes significantly to
38                                                             We conclude that these variables are not useful risk factors
39                                                             We conclude that this behavior is best explained by a form of
40                                                             We conclude that tropical elevational generalism is rare due
41 xpression of both acetyl-CoA synthetase genes ACS1 and ACS2 We conclude that CR maximizes Snf1 activity throughout and be
42 suggest strong mechanistic hypotheses for disease risk, but we conclude that most risk mechanisms are not likely to invol
43                                               Collectively, we conclude that nucleotides activate P2Y6 receptors to suppr
44 long with the observed slight decrease in skeletal density, we conclude that there must be biochemical influences that pr
45                       Through analysis of multiple mutants, we conclude that curvature sensitivity is intrinsic to chemor
46                                     Based on these results, we conclude that Hop is a critical component of the piRNA pat
47                                                       Thus, we conclude that alternatively activated macrophages do not s
48                                             Taken together, we conclude that Pfr acquisition and stability are impacted b
49              Given the potential dispersion of V. velutina, we conclude that vigilance is required over a large area to p
50 ng observed complete eradication of solid tumor xenografts, we conclude that targeted alpha-therapy regimens may stretch

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