


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             We demonstrate that clemizole binds to serotonin receptors an
2                                                             We demonstrate that deregulated necroptosis results in system
3                                                             We demonstrate that double heterojunctions designed into coll
4                                                             We demonstrate that elevated Ctnnd1 expression contributes to
5                                                             We demonstrate that Env-specific HLA-B*14-restricted activity
6                                                             We demonstrate that even though the direction of force might
7                                                             We demonstrate that Hoxb8 mutants contain corticostriatal cir
8                                                             We demonstrate that long-range electrostatic fields emanating
9                                                             We demonstrate that loss of Wnt5a results in cerebellar hypop
10                                                             We demonstrate that optical spatial solitons with non-rectili
11                                                             We demonstrate that ovarian cancer exhibits a targetable alte
12                                                             We demonstrate that partial loss of p85alpha increases the am
13                                                             We demonstrate that particle morphology and evaporation is de
14                                                             We demonstrate that Si(OH)4 cycling through the Holocene alte
15                                                             We demonstrate that targeted next-generation DNA sequencing r
16                                                             We demonstrate that the Co(III)2(IV)2 cubane may be electroch
17                                                             We demonstrate that the polo-like kinase PLK-1 mediates the r
18                                                             We demonstrate that this unusual cyclic behaviour is governed
19                                                             We demonstrate that YonO is a bona fide RNAP of the SPbeta ba
20 t rats while recording single unit and population activity, we demonstrate that PNN removal alters the balance between in
21                                                In addition, we demonstrate that Nbeal2 is primarily localized in the cyto
22                                            In this article, we demonstrate that a human ornithine transcarbamylase gene c
23 ansport measurements and electronic structure calculations, we demonstrate that the intercalation is driven by the exchan
24 Following gene inactivation and replacement in human cells, we demonstrate that CENP-A mutants that cannot be phosphoryla
25 s, hRETNTg(+)Tlr4(-/-) mice, and human immune cell culture, we demonstrate that hRetn binds the LPS receptor Toll-like re
26                                                    Finally, we demonstrate that MAPPIN outperforms CADD and Eigen in pred
27                                                Furthermore, we demonstrate that the transcriptional regulation by the psy
28                                                        Here we demonstrate that key RQC activities-Ltn1p-dependent ubiqui
29                                                        Here we demonstrate that mate choice in the fruit fly Drosophila m
30                                                        Here we demonstrate that sub-nanosecond spin-orbit torque pulses c
31                                                        Here we demonstrate that the expression of an endogenous Braf(D631
32                                                       Here, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Shewan
33                                                       Here, we demonstrate that comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromat
34                                                       Here, we demonstrate that CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing of promoters g
35                                                       Here, we demonstrate that interplay of p300-HDAC2-Sin3A in the chro
36                                                       Here, we demonstrate that Ssp1 activates a second ARK, Ssp2/AMPKalp
37                                                       Here, we demonstrate that the antidepressant-like efficacy of three
38                                                       Here, we demonstrate that the FX/SR-AI-complex comprises a third pr
39                                                     Herein, we demonstrate that cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7]) can catalyse Diel
40               Here, using human in vivo deuterium labeling, we demonstrate that classical monocytes emerge first from mar
41                                                     Lastly, we demonstrate that SHF ventricular and OFT progenitors exhib
42 tion between carbon networks and polymerized ionic liquids, we demonstrate that carbon-based porous nanoarchitectures can
43                          Using a malaria transmission model we demonstrate that in such regions dominated by zoophilic ve
44 sing the regenerating mouse digit tip as a mammalian model, we demonstrate that macrophages are essential for the regener
45                                 Using a glioma mouse model, we demonstrate that doxorubicin-loaded (D)CDX-RBCNPs have sup
46                                          Through simulation we demonstrate that the gene tree probabilities computed by S
47 rphic effects of morphine in the rat.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We demonstrate that periaqueductal gray (PAG) microglia contr
48                                              In this study, we demonstrate that binding domains from autolysins and lysin
49                                              In this study, we demonstrate that culturing cells in different physical env
50                                                In this work we demonstrate that such a photosensitiser, chlorin e6, can b

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