


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We detected 14 paths with potential causal effects by MR, fol
2                                                             We detected 31 pathogens comprising nine pathogen taxa in 28
3                                                             We detected a 100-fold increase in LC50 for larvae on optimal
4                                       By using this method, we detected a decrease in FFA accumulation in the liver after
5 ) T cells for age and CD4(+) T cells and monocytes for sex, we detected a direct effect of these intrinsic factors for th
6 to the data from the environmental chemical exposure study, we detected a few important miRNAs that regulated a large num
7                                                             We detected a Francisella endosymbiont in 174 ticks (70%), an
8                                  Through waveform modeling, we detected a large ultralow-velocity zone and constrained it
9                                                             We detected a significant decrease in diversity within 1 h of
10                                                             We detected a significant inverse relationship for serum fola
11        Using plate-bound cell membrane proteins as targets, we detected a significantly higher level of antibodies reacti
12 s with T1D and mice of the non-obese diabetic (NOD) strain, we detected alterations in MAIT cells, including increased pr
13                                                Furthermore, we detected an altered glomerular endothelium with disrupted
14                                                    In TUEF, we detected an interaction effect between fasting glucose and
15                                               Additionally, we detected and characterized ligand-induced conformational c
16                                                             We detected both Wnt5a and sFRP5 mRNA in human gingiva, with
17                                                             We detected CagA expression in 20 of 42 DLBCL (MALT) cases (4
18                                                             We detected clonal haemopoiesis in 17 (31%) of the 54 control
19                                               Within soils, we detected Cr(VI) in the same horizons where Cr(III)-mineral
20                                           At a finer scale, we detected distinct folding patterns at the developmentally
21                                                             We detected diverse patterns of MEI stratification across the
22                                                             We detected E. coli in source water (25%), stored water (77%)
23                             Using enzymatic histochemistry, we detected ecto-AMPase activity in dental pulp, trigeminal g
24                                                             We detected escherichelin during clinical E. coli urinary tra
25                                                Furthermore, we detected EVE-derived piRNAs consistent with a targeted pro
26  developed novel glycylation-specific antibodies with which we detected glycylation in many primary cilia.
27                          In the medulla oblongata and pons, we detected Hoxa5 expression in many precerebellar neurons an
28                                  In PTPN23-depleted tumors, we detected hyperphosphorylation of the autophosphorylation s
29                                                    Notably, we detected hypomethylation and overexpression of several pro
30 re, soluble TLR2 (sTLR2), a negative modulator of TLRs that we detected in PDE, inhibited PDE-induced, TLR2- or TLR4-medi
31                                                             We detected increased reporting of asthma symptoms in regions
32                                                             We detected long periods of stability in population structure
33                                            Using LC/qTOF-MS we detected lumisterol, 20-hydroxylumisterol, 22-hydroxylumis
34 automation-assisted screening of numerous sediment samples, we detected Neandertal DNA in eight archaeological layers fro
35                                                             We detected no effect of treatment on body condition, immune
36                                                             We detected no significant association between TIL values and
37                                                             We detected no significant differences in local or systemic a
38                                                             We detected nuclear invagination channels at late prophase an
39                                                             We detected organisms from 24 known bacterial phyla and one a
40                                                             We detected pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in 26 ca
41                                                             We detected prominent binding of intravenously injected F-Dap
42                                                             We detected relaxation of imprinting (ROI) and LOI of H19 in
43                                                             We detected significant changes in cerebral glucose metabolis
44                                                             We detected significantly diverged populations (FST > 0.130)
45                                                             We detected SNPs at USP25 with associations of genome-wide si
46                                                     Indeed, we detected stark differences in methylation levels within pr
47                                                             We detected the alterations in protein phosphorylation and si
48                                                In addition, we detected the existence of CD73 and ecto-AMPase activity in
49                                                             We detected the expected phosphorylation of MAP kinases, tran
50                                                             We detected Thr790Met in nine (50%) of 18 samples, Cys797Ser

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