


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                            In this context, we developed a novel 384-multiwell microelectrode array (MMEA
2                                            To address this, we developed a novel adeno-associated virus (AAV-GLP-1R) that
3 of co-expression cannot cope with this level of complexity, we developed a novel algorithm called DynOmics.
4                                                       Here, we developed a novel alignment-free method, ChimeRScope that
5                                                             We developed a novel analytical framework for mapping and tes
6                                                       Here, we developed a novel and simple strategy to greatly enhance t
7     To resolve unanswered questions about these inhibitors, we developed a novel approach to map the distribution of func
8                                                             We developed a novel approach towards the identification of a
9 mbining nanoscopy with epi-mark textural image informatics, we developed a novel approach, termed EDICTS (Epi-mark Descri
10                                  To investigate this claim, we developed a novel assay that allows for parallel profiling
11                                            To address this, we developed a novel auditory feature-selective attention tas
12 n-associated effects in mice generalize to another species, we developed a novel Bace1(-/-) rat line using zinc-finger nu
13                             To address these issues, herein we developed a novel carrier-free theranostic system with nan
14                                 To examine this hypothesis, we developed a novel computational method to assess the biolo
15                                                             We developed a novel formulation and a computationally effici
16                                                             We developed a novel hand-rearing paradigm in European starli
17                                                To this end, we developed a novel hydrosoluble zwitterionic MMP inhibitor,
18                                                             We developed a novel learning algorithm, called pre-condition
19                                                             We developed a novel local alignment vector analysis method t
20                                                             We developed a novel mathematical model explicitly considerin
21                                                             We developed a novel method and ultra-fast software Findr for
22                                                             We developed a novel method for delivering anti-miRs using li
23 r to fully exploit the potential of SSRs as genetic marker, we developed a novel method for SSR genotyping, named as AmpS
24                                               In this work, we developed a novel method to achieve the multichannel optic
25                                                             We developed a novel method to compute gene-level P-values (f
26       Taking Boston as an illustrative Northeast U.S. city, we developed a novel method to estimate sub-urban, food-borne
27                                                             We developed a novel method, PyroTyping, for discrimination o
28                                                             We developed a novel methodology for burden estimation and pr
29                               To minimize the side effects, we developed a novel microneedle array (MNA) that could deliv
30                                                             We developed a novel mirror box illusion to investigate wheth
31 he importance of the raft environment on prion propagation, we developed a novel model for prion infection where cells ex
32                                                             We developed a novel model of cancer-induced BTP using female
33                                                       Here, we developed a novel model to test the hypothesis that cell-t
34                                              In conclusion, we developed a novel mouse model of PBC that may help to eluc
35                                                             We developed a novel mouse strain in which the human low-affi
36                                                     Herein, we developed a novel nitrogen-doped carbonaceous nanosphere c
37                                                       Here, we developed a novel receptor-ligand model of the adenosine s
38                                                             We developed a novel redundant-relevant learning paradigm to
39                                                             We developed a novel reporter assay that enabled identificati
40                                                             We developed a novel score to predict posttransplant outcomes
41    By taking advantage of certain features in piperidine 4, we developed a novel series of cyclohexylamine- and piperidin
42 s are less representative of community exposure; therefore, we developed a novel spatial phytosampling methodology to stu
43                                                             We developed a novel stimulus that can be adjusted parametric
44                                                             We developed a novel system for direct and online characteriz
45                                                       Here, we developed a novel task to explore how people adjust effort
46                                                             We developed a novel tetravalent dengue vaccine by using viru
47                                                             We developed a novel tool, the Curacao Long-Term Chikungunya
48                                                  Therefore, we developed a novel two-level contingency change task in whi
49                                               In this work, we developed a novel type of Beynon Gabor zone plate based on
50                                                        Here we developed a novel whole-body insertional mutagenesis scree

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