


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                    However, we did not find a correlation between frequency tuning mismat
2             During an extended-follow-up of up to 15 years, we did not find a difference in survival between an initial s
3                                                    However, we did not find a latent effect, rather a threshold survival
4          Although H3K36ac is associated with gene activity, we did not find a linear relationship between H3K36ac and tra
5                                                 Conversely, we did not find a link between c-Jun elevation and tumorigene
6  Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, we did not find a significant association between PPI use and
7                                 Over 10 years of follow-up, we did not find a significant difference between patients who
8 at genetic admixture increases with wildfire frequency, but we did not find a significant effect of other sources of huma
9             Differently from previous studies using the AB, we did not find a significant impairment in deployment of att
10 er, in mice bearing orthotopic 22Rv1 human prostate tumors, we did not find a statistically significant difference in tum
11                                                In addition, we did not find a statistically significant difference in TUN
12                                                    However, we did not find an association with 28-day mortality.
13                                                    Although we did not find an indication of unmeasured associations betw
14                  In patients with STEMI and concurrent CTO, we did not find an overall benefit for CTO PCI in terms of LV
15                                                     However we did not find and statistically significant change in compa
16                                                In contrast, we did not find any algae in the Yungay pinnacles, suggesting
17                                                    However, we did not find any association of oseltamivir treatment with
18 with improved weight gain during the interstage period, but we did not find any benefits in other clinical outcomes for e
19          Although age impacted all neurobehavioural traits, we did not find any evidence of accelerated cognitive decline
20                                                In addition, we did not find any overt positive or negative effect of dTau
21                            In our review spanning 10 years, we did not find any particular concern about the use of radio
22 g phrases have consistent individual-specific features, but we did not find any potential for advertising group membershi
23  a lenient contrast of hand brushing versus brushing alone, we did not find any selective activation for observed touch i
24                                                In addition, we did not find any significant transcriptome signatures rela
25                                                    Although we did not find any SNP that was private in any population, 2
26                                                    Finally, we did not find any variation in HRs across breast carcinomas
27 ere seen in single domains with statin or ACEI/ARB therapy, we did not find consistent evidence that statins or ACEI/ARB
28 ; and is associated with body mass index and depression but we did not find evidence for a causal relationship in our Men
29 Overall, given the null alleles and phenotypic assays used, we did not find evidence for genetic interaction between Ret
30                                             In this cohort, we did not find evidence of an obesogenic effect of prenatal
31                                                    Although we did not find evidence of improved outcomes at the dose of
32                                                    Overall, we did not find evidence that aPLs increase the odds of patho
33 roteins can be blocked by LRRK2 kinase inhibitors, although we did not find evidence that LRRK2 phosphorylated these inte
34 al and temporal frequency tuning onto single dLGN cells and we did not find evidence that Ntsr1 cells sharpen spatiotempo
35                               In contrast to human studies, we did not find evidence that somatic markers were activated
36                                                    However, we did not find evidence that the major structural gene gag d
37 f 230 infants with genetic risk factors for celiac disease, we did not find evidence that weaning to a diet of extensivel
38     Even if we assumed that interactions in fact did exist, we did not find evidence to support the claim that supplement
39 n network in humans as elicited by this visual search task, we did not find functional evidence of a temporoparietal junc
40                                                       While we did not find major differences in avidity and maturation b
41                                                    However, we did not find obvious differences between det1-1 and wild-t
42                                                    However, we did not find sex differences in astrocyte complexity or ov
43        Despite transmission via the founding male germline, we did not find significant changes in the F0 intra-testicula
44                                                 In summary, we did not find significant interactions that were associated
45 arital status, level of education, and severity of illness, we did not find significant predictors of employment status a
46               With only one possible exception (m10342T>C), we did not find specific mutations characterizing mtDNA in hu
47 trary to the predictions of the histone shuttle hypothesis, we did not find that histone H1 accumulated on poly(ADP-ribos
48                                                    However, we did not find the fecundity cost previously shown to be ass
49  the lack of spread of these reassortants in the community, we did not find them to be attenuated in several model system
50 , essential for the mcm(5) tRNA modification step, although we did not find XDH1 activity or tRNA thiolation to be marked

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