


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                    To test this hypothesis, we exploited a mouse model of beta-thalassemia intermedia, Th
2 Patients and Methods Using 2004 to 2009 SEER-Medicare data, we exploited a natural experiment to examine the effects of E
3                                                             We exploited a Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) method to mo
4                                                             We exploited a new method, differential viral accessibility (
5                                                             We exploited a nonhuman primate (NHP) model of bipedal locomo
6                                   To address this question, we exploited a prion conversion in vitro assay, protein misfo
7 s study, to examine whether tPs contribute to pathogenesis, we exploited a reverse genetics approach to generate CE(NiP)D
8                                                             We exploited a two-step multienzymatic stereoselective cascad
9                                                             We exploited a variety of mouse models to assess the roles of
10 f castration-resistant prostate cancer bone metastasis that we exploited as a model of AVPC.
11                                                        Here we exploited ATAC-seq and transcriptional profiling strategie
12                                 Inspired by this mechanism, we exploited beta-lactones as putative mycolic acid mimics to
13                                              In this study, we exploited co-expression of an artificial fusion protein, b
14                                                             We exploited differences in the timing of the deployment of U
15                                              In this study, we exploited in-source reduction (ISR) of disulfide bonds dur
16                                                       Here, we exploited label-free quantitative tandem mass-spectrometry
17                                               In this study we exploited laser capture microdissection to specifically co
18                                             In this report, we exploited one key difference, bacterial cell wall biosynth
19                                                       Here, we exploited superresolution approaches combined with cluster
20                                                       Here, we exploited superresolution techniques combined with proximi
21                                                             We exploited the bioactive hydrogel as a growth-factor-free s
22                                                             We exploited the biosynthetic machinery from the opportunisti
23                                                             We exploited the brief vocalizations of echolocating bats to
24                                                             We exploited the capacity of single-molecule real-time sequen
25                                                       Here, we exploited the finding that striatal dopamine release is as
26                                           For confirmation, we exploited the flexibility of our system, enabling tamoxife
27                                                             We exploited the high surface area provided by nanostructures
28                                              In this study, we exploited the knowledge that owners have of their dogs to
29                                                             We exploited the natural experiment offered by the Hungarian
30                                                             We exploited the non-universality of Sec to build a proper be
31                         To understand substrate inhibition, we exploited the PatchDock algorithm to model in silico UbcH7
32                                                 Previously, we exploited the plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) autotransporter
33                                                     Herein, we exploited the potential targeting of TF for positron emiss
34                                              In this study, we exploited the power of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to identify
35 the mechanisms underlying ESCRT-mediated formation of ILVs, we exploited the rapid, de novo biogenesis of MVEs during the
36                                                             We exploited the reactivity of novel unsaturated electrophili
37 n insight into the mechanisms driving centrosome migration, we exploited the reproducibility of cell architecture on adhe
38                                                             We exploited the safety record of the oral, attenuated S.
39                                                        Here we exploited the virtual lesion methodology offered by transc
40                                                             We exploited the visual word form area (VWFA) as a test case,
41                                                             We exploited this approach to deduce the structures of solubl
42 ecific depolymerase enzyme missing in S enterica Typhi, and we exploited this enzyme to isolate acylated Vi antigen termi
43                                                             We exploited this feature to develop a simple electrochemical
44                                                             We exploited this feature to improve the cytosolic delivery e
45                                                             We exploited this in vitro Wnt acylation assay to provide dir
46                                                             We exploited this natural experiment to better understand the
47                                                             We exploited this observation to determine the regions requir
48                                                        Here we exploited this property to sequence and catalog more than
49  used maintained the endogenous native state of tumours and we exploited this to investigate the molecular characteristic
50                                                             We exploited three of these data sets-human primary Mvarphis

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