


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We focus on: (1) attempts to formulate design principles to t
2                                       For further analysis, we focus on 12 therapeutically relevant genes and consider ho
3                                                       Here, we focus on a imidazolium based IL and use particle-probe rhe
4                                              In this study, we focus on a widely dispersed migration mode characterized b
5                                                        Here we focus on an Arabidopsis gene OXT6 (Oxidative Tolerant-6) t
6                                                        Here we focus on applications of magnetic resonance metabolomics f
7                                              In this review we focus on 'controlled droplet microfluidics' - a portfolio
8                                                             We focus on cortical interneurons that are derived from the m
9                                                             We focus on Dugesia japonica fission and show that it proceed
10                                                       Here, we focus on Exserohilum rostratum, a dematiaceous mold that c
11                                                             We focus on fallow deer to better understand the relative inf
12                                              In this study, we focus on finding gene-gene network modules which are funct
13                                                             We focus on fragments from fish epithelial keratocytes, which
14                                                       Here, we focus on genome-wide methylation patterns in the microcrus
15                                                        Here we focus on homesign, gestures developed by deaf individuals
16                                             In this review, we focus on how intracellular bacterial pathogens target inna
17                                               In this work, we focus on improving identification of textual uncertainty f
18                                                       Here, we focus on methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2) restoration
19                                                             We focus on mutant U2AF1 and utilize sudemycin compounds that
20                                             In this review, we focus on new genomic tools for human gene variant analysis
21                                                             We focus on new methods for physics-based, knowledge-based, a
22 lter the sequence of the 3'UTR of targeted transcripts, and we focus on one cell type (monocytes) and on a small set of h
23                                                             We focus on PARP3 as it is dispensable for murine viability a
24                                                       Here, we focus on recent findings and propose directions for future
25                                                             We focus on roles for CARMILs in signaling in addition to the
26                                                             We focus on Rtt103, a protein that binds phospho-Ser2 and pho
27                                              In this study, we focus on the [4 + 2] cycloaddition step in the biosynthesi
28                                             In this review, we focus on the ability of RhoGEFs and RhoGAPs to form comple
29                                                       Here, we focus on the actin regulator Cortactin, a major organizer
30                                                             We focus on the amount of atmospheric loss and on the possibl
31                                             In this review, we focus on the biological processes identified by studying u
32 estimating equations (GEEs) for longitudinal data analysis, we focus on the concordant components and assume that the pro
33                                                       Here, we focus on the conserved sex-determination gene doublesex (d
34 also found widespread application as (multistate) switches, we focus on the control of directional movement, both at the
35                     We approach SRM from another direction: we focus on the current practical limitations and compromises
36                                                        Here we focus on the estimation of visual speed, a critical source
37                                              In this paper, we focus on the evolution of baculoviruses, a group of insect
38                                                             We focus on the formation of hindbrain segments (rhombomeres)
39                                      Throughout the review, we focus on the generic physical principles of the establishm
40                                                             We focus on the hippocampus neuronal cell death, as well as t
41            Inspired by the concept of hydrogen bond, herein we focus on the Li bond chemistry in Li-S batteries through s
42                                             In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanisms underpinning histone bin
43                                                       Here, we focus on the process of cellularization in the anterior po
44                                                        Here we focus on the record of a transient interval of severe clim
45                                               In this paper we focus on the removal of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB, a p
46                                             In this review, we focus on the role of eCB signaling on the regulation of st
47                                                             We focus on the search duration and the statistics of the tra
48                                                             We focus on the spiking statistics of the central node, which
49                                              In this paper, we focus on two common classes of integration algorithms, gra
50                                              In this study, we focus on understanding the role of seed dispersal by anima

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