


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              We hypothesize that a drone network designed with the ai
2                                              We hypothesize that a similar OCP assembly can occur in
3                  According to these results, we hypothesize that a tetraploidization event in A. lyra
4                                Specifically, we hypothesize that a wider variety and larger number of
5                                              We hypothesized that a bile acid-induced ductular reacti
6                                              We hypothesized that a blood-based transcriptional signa
7                                              We hypothesized that a booster dose might increase it.
8                                              We hypothesized that a high-FODMAP (HFM) diet increases
9                                              We hypothesized that a negative family history and no sa
10                                              We hypothesized that a nested structure of cognitive fun
11                                              We hypothesized that a novel family-reporting mechanism
12                                In this work, we hypothesized that a similar coding scheme is implemen
13                                              We hypothesized that a single drug molecule-a novel Toll
14                                   Therefore, We hypothesized that a Spag6 knockout would affect the d
15                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that accumulation of succinate due to th
16  actions are recognized as disproportionate, we hypothesized that action and confidence might be inde
17 ts protein occlusion inside enamel crystals, we hypothesized that addition of MMP-20 to CS-AMEL hydro
18                                              We hypothesized that additional vaccinations might augme
19                                              We hypothesized that agonism on alpha7 nicotinic acetylc
20                                              We hypothesize that although H2O2 serves as an early rec
21                                              We hypothesize that an alteration of gene expression in
22                                              We hypothesized that an assessment of the adaptive immun
23                                              We hypothesized that an elevated mutation load in combin
24                                         Here we hypothesized that an oncolytic poxvirus would attract
25                                              We hypothesize that ASO-T3 conjugates may knock down tar
26                                              We hypothesized that augmenting synaptic signaling durin
27                                        Thus, we hypothesized that autophagy-dependent secretion of tu
28                                              We hypothesized that basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) MIST1
29                                              We hypothesized that bile acids regulate colonic HbetaD
30                                              We hypothesized that biosynthesis of the selenium (Se) t
31                                              We hypothesized that BMP-2 regulation of Dspp transcript
32                                              We hypothesized that BPD cases with an early age of onse
33                                     However, we hypothesized that Brg1 activity might be regulated by
34                                              We hypothesize that capnography could detect hypoventila
35                                        Thus, we hypothesized that Cav-1 may be critical for albumin u
36                                              We hypothesized that CD16a-inducible NK cell-selective t
37                                              We hypothesized that CD8(+) T cells modulate calcificati
38                                              We hypothesized that cell-specific actions of Smad3 regu
39 trongly influences transcriptional activity, we hypothesized that cell-type-specific open chromatin r
40                                              We hypothesized that cells within the ependymal layer of
41                                              We hypothesized that cerebral A1AR availability after an
42                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that certain PCSK9 genetic variants may
43 ress calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), we hypothesized that CGRP may provide a molecular identi
44                                              We hypothesize that changes to the fungal ER represent a
45                                              We hypothesized that chronic inflammation is a major dri
46                                              We hypothesized that, compared to E3 mice, E4 mice would
47                                              We hypothesized that compensatory mechanisms accounted f
48 mune responses, including antitumor effects, we hypothesized that components of the intestinal flora
49                                              We hypothesized that constitutive BCR activation preclud
50                                              We hypothesized that coordination of HSC specification w
51 for initiation of messenger RNA translation, we hypothesized that cotargeting the PI3K and proteasome
52                                              We hypothesized that CS exposure modulates expression of
53                                              We hypothesized that de novo donor-specific antibody (DS
54                                              We hypothesize that decellularized tooth buds (dTBs) cre
55                                              We hypothesize that decomposition of surface vanadium ox
56                                Consequently, we hypothesize that deguelin is exerting its toxic effec
57                                              We hypothesized that delivery of rapamycin from nanopart
58  Given its physical and chemical properties, we hypothesized that dermal uptake from clothing could c
59                                              We hypothesized that detailed body fat distribution meas
60                                        Thus, we hypothesized that dexmedetomidine-induced altered aro
61                                              We hypothesize that differences in intestinal microbiome
62                      Based on these results, we hypothesized that direct interactions occur between t
63                                              We hypothesized that direct intraoperative valve sizing
64                                              We hypothesized that disclosing genetic risk for CHD to
65 pective and prospective spatial information, we hypothesized that disrupting neuronal activity during
66                               In this study, we hypothesized that distal regulatory elements (DREs) a
67                                              We hypothesized that dLAN has transgenerational influenc
68                                              We hypothesize that DNA methylation might play an import
69                                        Here, we hypothesized that DNA methylation patterns would help
70                                              We hypothesized that downstream effectors of TGFbeta1 in
71                                              We hypothesized that Dysf-deficient muscle promotes recr
72                                              We hypothesize that E2 facilitates the effect of BMP2 on
73 mplicated in blood pressure (BP) regulation, we hypothesized that E2's effects on MAP are mediated th
74                                              We hypothesized that early exposure to painful stimuli d
75  is particularly vulnerable to perturbation, we hypothesized that early-life circadian disruption wou
76                                              We hypothesized that entrainment would align ongoing osc
77                                              We hypothesized that Env engagement of the CD4 receptor
78                                              We hypothesize that ER stress is the aetiological factor
79                                        Here, we hypothesized that excessive leukocyte invasion leads
80 amically changing biomechanical environment, we hypothesized that exogenous forces can be applied for
81                                              We hypothesized that exploring the interplay between co-
82 AD dementia with respect to Abeta pathology, we hypothesized that factors present in the CNS may phys
83                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that females lacking ERalpha would be mo
84                                              We hypothesized that FLT3/internal tandem duplication (I
85                                              We hypothesized that for any membrane protein, it may be
86                                        Here, we hypothesized that formate might affect both energy me
87                                        Thus, we hypothesized that freely or wrapped FKRP might circul
88 ll-length TFPI associates with FV in plasma, we hypothesized that FV may influence TFPI inhibitory fu
89                                              We hypothesized that gastric bypass surgery leads to a l
90                                              We hypothesized that genetic differences might explain t
91                                              We hypothesize that geometry may be an especially salien
92                                              We hypothesized that germ cells express negative regulat
93                                        Here, we hypothesized that Glycoprotein 120 (gp120), methamphe
94 s have more severe coronary artery stenosis, we hypothesized that graft patency is worse in patients
95                                              We hypothesize that H2O2-elicited dilation involves diff
96                                              We hypothesized that H3K9ac may function downstream of t
97                                              We hypothesized that heritability of MR exists across di
98                                              We hypothesize that Herpud1 acts as a negative regulator
99                                              We hypothesized that HF is associated with worse long-te
100                                              We hypothesized that higher circulating glucose or trigl
101                                              We hypothesized that HIV-specific Ab responses regulate
102                                              We hypothesized that HLA class II de novo donor-specific
103                                              We hypothesized that homeostasis in healthy carriers is
104                                              We hypothesized that human galectin-3, a beta-galactosid
105                                              We hypothesized that human genes and disease-associated
106 quires a protein degradation function; thus, we hypothesized that identification of cellular substrat
107                                              We hypothesize that if tropical forest caterpillars are
108                                       Hence, we hypothesized that if RES is used in combination with
109 IL-33 receptor (ST2) on CD4(+) T cells, thus we hypothesized that IL-2 and IL-33 cooperate to enhance
110 nts with pulmonary nodules as a study model, we hypothesized that IMI with a folate receptor targeted
111                                              We hypothesize that, in part, such inconsistencies might
112                                              We hypothesized that increasing cellular glutathione (GS
113                                              We hypothesized that individuals with more diabetes gene
114 cellularly by nerve and other tissue injury, we hypothesize that injection of ATP into a peripheral n
115                                              We hypothesized that intestinal bacteria impact the path
116                                              We hypothesized that intrauterine growth restriction (IU
117                                     As such, we hypothesized that Irf6 is important for proper develo
118                                              We hypothesize that IRI is avoidable if the blood supply
119                                              We hypothesize that it is the consequence of the disrupt
120 eating the inflammation associated with DED, we hypothesized that it was possible to enrich the body'
121                                              We hypothesized that IVIG will attenuate the ICH-induced
122                                              We hypothesized that Klotho in bone cells is part of an
123                                              We hypothesized that KSHV miRNAs target human GADD45B to
124                                              We hypothesize that laminins are required for proper tra
125 e similarity of their activation phenotypes, we hypothesized that LC16 neurons induce backward walkin
126                       From this correlation, we hypothesize that lipids play a so far unrecognized ro
127                                              We hypothesized that litter quality would increase with
128  a fluid-phase complement source; therefore, we hypothesized that loading C3 from plasma was a route
129              Based on clinical observations, we hypothesized that low condylar bone quality is signif
130                                              We hypothesized that low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
131                                              We hypothesize that machine learning methods based on wo
132                        In the present study, we hypothesized that macrophages and their M1/M2 activat
133                                         Here we hypothesize that manipulating glucagon-like peptide-1
134                                              We hypothesize that MC159 inhibits NEMO polyubiquitinati
135 lyx is also reduced in diabetic nephropathy, we hypothesized that MCP-1 inhibition restores glomerula
136                                              We hypothesized that measures of regional longitudinal d
137                                              We hypothesize that mechanical load and the resulting fo
138                                              We hypothesized that mechanical activation of AT1 Ra inc
139                                              We hypothesized that mechanical feedback among the actin
140                                              We hypothesized that mechanical forces in bacterial adhe
141                                       Hence, we hypothesized that monosynaptic projections between th
142                               In this study, we hypothesized that MP cells, naive to TCR stimulation,
143                                              We hypothesized that MTORC1 may specifically regulate au
144                                              We hypothesized that MUC4 modulates corticosteroid effic
145 n altered phospholipid and receptor binding, we hypothesize that mutations destabilizing the ApoE4 in
146                                              We hypothesized that natural subsurface scCO2 reservoirs
147 Given their co-localization within the DCT2, we hypothesized that NCC and ENaC interactions might be
148                                              We hypothesized that neurological function, which also d
149                                              We hypothesized that night warming and heavy cloudiness
150 expression of bacterial transporter systems, we hypothesize that nine diatom metabolites supported th
151  resistant to infection with S. stercoralis, we hypothesized that NSG mice, which have a reduced inna
152 t for incorporation into the biofilm matrix, we hypothesized that NTHI additionally used a mechanism
153                                              We hypothesized that NTPDase1 polymorphisms exist and th
154                                              We hypothesize that NUCB1 binds to the common cross-beta
155                                              We hypothesized that onset time of the RHI would be high
156 adverse effects on bone and cardiac tissues, we hypothesized that OPG-Fc, a bone and skeletal muscle
157                                              We hypothesized that orally ingested UFP promoted athero
158                                              We hypothesized that outcomes of patients followed in th
159                                              We hypothesized that oxytocin would reduce the blood oxy
160 aneous cardiac fibrosis in multiple species, we hypothesized that PAI-1 also regulates fibrosis durin
161                                              We hypothesized that participants in D:A:D at high (>5%)
162                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that patients with elevated pro- and ant
163                                              We hypothesized that pembrolizumab, PD-1-antibody, can e
164                                              We hypothesized that perfect coupling between reversal a
165                                         Here we hypothesized that performing genome-wide association
166 -described plasticity of perivascular cells, we hypothesized that perivascular cells similarly regula
167                                              We hypothesized that pharmacologic modulation of macroph
168                                              We hypothesized that pharmacologically promoting glutama
169                                              We hypothesized that photodegradation after discharge fr
170                                              We hypothesized that polarized T helper lymphocyte respo
171                                              We hypothesize that positive selection of novel phosphor
172                                              We hypothesized that protein, essential amino acid, bran
173                                              We hypothesized that purinergic signaling is responsible
174                                              We hypothesized that quantification of such QRS peaks (Q
175                                              We hypothesize that quantitative computed tomography (CT
176 s an important determinant of cell adhesion, we hypothesized that radiation could alter the glycosyla
177                                              We hypothesize that RaxX mimics the growth-stimulating a
178                                              We hypothesize that recombination-based DNA-repair mecha
179                                              We hypothesized that recruiting the thioredoxin (Trx) an
180 mal protection to respiratory pathogens, and we hypothesized that reduced protection in infancy could
181  the mitochondrial electron transport chain, we hypothesized that reduced riboflavin transport would
182                         Based on these data, we hypothesized that reduced Zhx2 levels are responsible
183                                              We hypothesized that renal expression of podocyte-specif
184                    Based on this similarity, we hypothesized that resveratrol may antagonize topo II
185                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that retrieving associations should also
186 t-term prediction through internal modeling, we hypothesize that right cerebellar Crus I/II supports
187                                              We hypothesize that rising atmospheric [CO2] and/or chan
188                                              We hypothesized that rituximab consolidation might be su
189                                 As a result, we hypothesized that RRV might induce changes in the cyt
190                                              We hypothesized that SAED would reduce the time to first
191                                      Herein, we hypothesized that scar-associated fibroblasts may be
192                                              We hypothesized that searching for proteins that bind 3'
193 nto axons becomes selective with maturation; we hypothesized that selective exclusion of molecules ne
194 n the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus, we hypothesized that selective expression of dominant-ne
195                                              We hypothesized that sensitization develops as specific
196 ciated with the same pathologies; therefore, we hypothesized that sleep restriction may perturb the g
197                                              We hypothesize that slincR is regulated by AHR2 and tran
198                                              We hypothesize that SmCalp1 and/or SmCalp2 perform this
199                                              We hypothesized that soil Po would initially increase wi
200                                              We hypothesized that some trans-eQTLs regulate expressio
201  proliferation of cancer cells; accordingly, we hypothesize that specific targeting of the tumor micr
202 nce injury induces loss of this interaction, we hypothesized that strengthening this interaction may
203                                              We hypothesized that subjects with CKD have increased ar
204 enced laboratory strain of B. bronchiseptica We hypothesized that swine isolates would also have the
205                                              We hypothesized that systemic proinflammatory states and
206                               In this study, we hypothesized that TAAR1 may have a role in compulsive
207                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that targeting extrafollicular B cell re
208                                              We hypothesized that targeting PGC-1alpha acetylation in
209  antiretroviral therapy and activates NF-kB, we hypothesized that Tat could prime the NLRP3 inflammas
210                                              We hypothesize that Teevra neurons coordinate oscillator
211                                              We hypothesized that TGFbeta signalling controls express
212                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that TGR5 might contribute to disease pr
213                                              We hypothesize that the cellular toxicity and vasoconstr
214                                              We hypothesize that the charge transport may be induced
215 ssible roles in active social signaling, and we hypothesize that the close coupling between frontal c
216                                        Thus, we hypothesize that the coding principle of facial featu
217                                              We hypothesize that the fusion inhibitors could interfer
218                                              We hypothesize that the high translucency and strength o
219                                              We hypothesize that the increase in reported Legionnaire
220                                              We hypothesize that the iron curtain serves as an inorga
221                                              We hypothesize that the local DNA density during differe
222                                              We hypothesize that the local release of drug into the t
223                                              We hypothesize that the reductase and phosphatase activi
224                                              We hypothesize that the robustness of the LUR from these
225 lmonary arteries as a paramount sign of PAH, we hypothesized that the ascending aorta will present si
226                                              We hypothesized that the attenuation of the GIRK current
227  cancer (mCRPC) and are receiving (223)RaCl2 We hypothesized that the BSI can serve as a prognostic b
228                                              We hypothesized that the bulky residues should destabili
229                                        Then, we hypothesized that the CB-mediated chemoreflex drive w
230                                              We hypothesized that the clinical glucocorticoid sensiti
231                                              We hypothesized that the combined activation of both inn
232                                              We hypothesized that the conserved motif could be a nece
233                                              We hypothesized that the consumption of >/=0.5 servings
234                                              We hypothesized that the disruptive ecological changes t
235           In this in vitro and in vivo study we hypothesized that the hepatokine fetuin-A may impair
236                                              We hypothesized that the human distal tip epithelium is
237                                              We hypothesized that the increased cardiovascular risk o
238                                        Thus, we hypothesized that the JNK/c-Jun signaling pathway con
239                                              We hypothesized that the mechanical activity associated
240                                              We hypothesized that the MV would affect sway variabilit
241                                              We hypothesized that the operon-encoded BioH might diffe
242                               In this study, we hypothesized that the presence of fibrin in tumor ext
243                                   Therefore, we hypothesized that the presence of vimentin could supp
244                                              We hypothesized that the rapid presentation would reduce
245               Based on our previous studies, we hypothesized that the relative degree of virulence of
246                                              We hypothesized that the respiratory microbiota composit
247                                              We hypothesized that the restrictive group would have le
248                                              We hypothesized that the stress associated with non-rein
249                           At the 1q24 locus, we hypothesized that the transcription factor PRRX1 coul
250                                              We hypothesized that their addition to standard protocol
251                                        Thus, we hypothesize that there has been covariation between t
252 is linked to systemic metabolic homeostasis, we hypothesized that there might be thermogenic lipokine
253                                              We hypothesized that there should be clear geographicall
254                                              We hypothesize that these discrepancies arise for metabo
255                                              We hypothesize that these genes collectively represent a
256                                              We hypothesize that these oligomers might form high-spin
257                                        Here, we hypothesized that these adverse effects may be mediat
258 nstem regions known to regulate muscle tone, we hypothesized that these cells promote emotion-trigger
259                                              We hypothesized that these costs reflect stronger invest
260                                              We hypothesized that these differences in substrate conc
261                                              We hypothesized that these docking interactions sequeste
262                                              We hypothesized that these microhabitats host distinct f
263                                              We hypothesized that these patients might possess other
264 e the effects on biodiversity are uncertain, we hypothesize that they could eventually lead to increa
265  oxidoreductase protein-disulfide isomerase, we hypothesized that thioredoxin-1 (Trx1), a cytosolic o
266                                              We hypothesize that this hierarchical structure learned
267                                              We hypothesize that this high range edge resistance to d
268 2.alpha-syn protein complex degradation, and we hypothesize that this post-translational modification
269                                              We hypothesize that this represents a route for intercou
270                     Based on these findings, we hypothesized that this BBX32-COL3 module could be an
271 germinal center and extrafollicular sources, we hypothesized that this cell subset is essential for t
272                                In this study we hypothesized that this hurdle could be due to the pre
273 an be modulated by resource availability and we hypothesized that this may alter biodiversity-invasio
274                                              We hypothesized that this reduction in new cell numbers
275                                              We hypothesized that this requires zipcode binding prote
276                                              We hypothesized that this was likely to occur as a resul
277       Building on the Accelerator-1 Project, we hypothesized that time to reperfusion could be furthe
278                                              We hypothesized that TNF exerts beneficial effects on in
279 on DNA damage and various cellular stresses, we hypothesize that together they ensure selection of th
280                                              We hypothesized that TOGs have distinct architectures an
281                                              We hypothesize that tomato consumption would protect aga
282                                              We hypothesized that transfusion of leukocytes loaded ex
283                    In view of previous work, we hypothesized that transient receptor potential canoni
284                                              We hypothesized that transplanted tissues release donor-
285 tic genomic variation driven by transposons, we hypothesize that transposons in maize may be involved
286                                        Here, we hypothesized that UGT1A_i2s function as a complex pro
287                                              We hypothesize that understory growth is driven by incre
288                                              We hypothesize that UVR has opposing effects on BCC carc
289                                              We hypothesized that vaccination with neoantigens can bo
290                                              We hypothesized that variation in the display of these b
291                                              We hypothesized that varied strengths of inhibition amon
292                                              We hypothesized that vegetative and reproductive growth
293 CFH) are also features of both ARMD and TMA, we hypothesized that VEGF and CFH interact.
294                                Consequently, we hypothesize that viral products expressed during late
295                                              We hypothesized that vision alters phonetic encoding by
296                                              We hypothesized that vitamin D deficiency alters TRAIL p
297                                              We hypothesized that VLDL can modulate and reduce atrial
298                                              We hypothesize that xylem surfactants support water tran
299                                              We hypothesized that ZIP7 and ZnT7 transport Zn(2+) in o
300                                        Here, we hypothesized that ZIP8 regulates Mn homeostasis and M

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