


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                    For this we introduced a buried Cys at the identical location in each
2  the axon plasma membrane determines its overall stiffness, we introduced a coarse-grain molecular dynamics model of the
3               Using a network-based formalism of allostery, we introduced a community-hopping model of allosteric communi
4                                              In this study, we introduced a constant delay (of 100 ms) between actions an
5                                   To address this question, we introduced a kit(lf) mutation into a strain of Tg(mitfa:BR
6                                                 Previously, we introduced a liability threshold-based mixed model associa
7                                                       Here, we introduced a microscale collection device, the Micro-funne
8                                                             We introduced a new measure, called ratio of node degree vari
9                  To further improve the stability of N297G, we introduced a novel engineered disulfide bond at a solvent
10                                                     Herein, we introduced a novel strategy for conformationally restricte
11                                                             We introduced a numerical model simulating the whole ecosyste
12                                                       Here, we introduced a patient mutation into a human DLBCL cell line
13                                          By gene targeting, we introduced a point mutation (W1206R) into murine FH that i
14                                              In this study, we introduced a relatively frequently reported but mildly pat
15 EEG assessment, along with linear frequency-based features, we introduced a set of time-frequency (Hjorth Parameters) and
16                                                             We introduced a systematic procedure for checking the biomass
17                                                       Here, we introduced additional mutations to further stabilize BG505
18                                                             We introduced an approach for comparing the chemical composit
19                                                        Here we introduced an Entropy-based Consensus Clustering (ECC) met
20 t of loss of nuclease activity or another function of UL12, we introduced an exonuclease-inactivating mutation into the v
21                                                   Recently, we introduced an improved probability (DP4+) that includes th
22                                              In this study, we introduced an integrative method, LogicTRN, to decode TF-T
23                                                  Therefore, we introduced an on top array of immersive counter electrodes
24                                                             We introduced and characterized in-frame and out-of-frame ins
25                                                        Here we introduced 'capture and single-molecule real-time sequenci
26                                                    Recently we introduced cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (CERS) with
27                                              In this study, we introduced CBS as a technology that can be arranged to per
28                                                       Here, we introduced CPVT inducing mutations into the pharynx of Cae
29                                       In this contribution, we introduced cucurbit[6]uril as a supramolecular capsule for
30                                                        Here we introduced double-stranded DNA breaks into the nuclear gen
31                                              In this study, we introduced (gold triangular nanoprism core)/(polyaniline s
32                                             To assess this, we introduced increasing passenger loads into human cell line
33                                                             We introduced individuals from three genetic backgrounds (inb
34                                        To test these ideas, we introduced kinase-activating mutations after Lox-P sites i
35                                               In this work, we introduced missing linker defects into a homochiral metal-
36                                                             We introduced mutations in noncanonical and in conserved resi
37                                                   Recently, we introduced rule-based modeling into the Virtual Cell (VCel
38                                                             We introduced seven additional humanizing mutations in the ve
39                                                       Here, we introduced systematically designed RNA hairpins into the N
40                                                             We introduced the biotinylated knottin-RGD peptide instead of
41                                                     Earlier we introduced the concept of 'nanochemoprevention' i.e. the u
42                                                       Thus, we introduced the enantiopure (R)-2-methyl-2-isocyano-3-(trit
43                                                  Therefore, we introduced the HCM mutation E56G into a single-cysteine (C
44                                                             We introduced the head-turn-on-trunk paradigm during OVAR to
45                                  To address this challenge, we introduced the LxL cycle into Arabidopsis thaliana and fun
46                                                             We introduced the orthologous mutation into a mouse strain by
47                                                    Finally, we introduced the S148C mutation into a polyketide synthase m
48 l consequences of these FN1 mutations on the protein level, we introduced three disease-associated missense variants (p.C
49                                                             We introduced three new corpora suggesting named-entity recog
50                                                   Recently, we introduced, to our knowledge, a novel carotenoid carrier p

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