


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We knocked down 17 overexpressed phosphatases in four triple-
2                                                     Second, we knocked down activation-induced FOXP3 in Tconv cells from
3                                                        When we knocked down Ago1, the expression of the Ago1-specific sRN
4 o identify the diacylglycerol kinase mediating this effect, we knocked down all four DGK isoforms expressed in the brain
5                                                             We knocked down ANLN with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in
6 omous mechanisms by which Arg regulates neuronal stability, we knocked down Arg in mouse hippocampal neuronal cultures.
7                                                             We knocked down ARID1B expression in mouse pyramidal neurons
8  beta-catenin/TCF-4 leads to inhibition of HIV replication, we knocked down beta-catenin or TCF/LEF members in primary as
9                                              In particular, we knocked down brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) bila
10                                    To confirm our findings, we knocked down CideB in primary hepatocytes and isolated ER
11 e the importance of VTA Clock expression in ethanol intake, we knocked down Clock expression in the VTA of WT mice via RN
12                                To test these possibilities, we knocked down Col XVII expression in keratinocytes expressi
13                       Using small interference RNA (siRNA), we knocked down each liver-specific ACSL and FATP isoform in
14            To investigate this apparent genetic redundancy, we knocked down each of the three subunit c isoform by RNA in
15                      To evaluate its function in zebrafish, we knocked down eef1a2 expression using translation blocking
16                                                        When we knocked down either of these two proteins, we found Golgi
17                                                             We knocked down expression of alpha subunits (ATPalpha and al
18                Using in vivo viral-mediated gene silencing, we knocked down Gabra1 in the orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex
19 he role of GRP78 in adipogenesis and metabolic homeostasis, we knocked down GRP78 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and 3T3-
20                                                             We knocked down HNRNPA2B1 using small hairpin RNAs and measur
21                In order to define the molecular mechanisms, we knocked down Irs2 gene expression in mouse MIN6 insulinoma
22              To elucidate the biological function of PRMT7, we knocked down its expression in NIH 3T3 cells and analyzed
23  afadin, which connects nectin-4 to the actin cytoskeleton, we knocked down its mRNA.
24                                                  Therefore, we knocked down (KD) CTGF expression in human BM-derived MSCs
25                        To define its role in hematopoiesis, we knocked down L3MBTL1 expression in primary hematopoietic s
26                                   To address this question, we knocked down MCV T-antigen (TA) expression in MCV-positive
27                                                             We knocked down MHC I in FT7.10 human T cells, and studied pr
28                                                        Here we knocked down miR160 (sly-miR160) using a short tandem targ
29                                                        When we knocked down MYC in the pDC cell line, production of IFN-s
30                                                             We knocked down neuropeptide processing using sbt-1 mutants a
31 termine whether NOS1AP plays a role in cortical patterning, we knocked down or co-overexpressed NOS1AP and a green fluore
32                                               In this study we knocked down or knocked out CPSF6 in parallel or in tandem
33 determine whether Dab2ip plays a role in brain development, we knocked down or over expressed it in neuronal progenitor c
34  To better understand the effects of OSM in adipose tissue, we knocked down Osmr expression in adipocytes in vitro using
35                                   To address this question, we knocked down proteins potentially important for ciliary me
36          To investigate the function of cytoplasmic Rbfox1, we knocked down Rbfox proteins in mouse neurons and rescued w
37 rated superoxide can cause cell-autonomous death signaling, we knocked down SOD2 in a pure population of RGC-5 cells, a n
38                                    Using short hairpin RNA, we knocked down spartin in RAW264.7 cells and found that DALI
39 g exon-specific short hairpin RNAs expressing lentiviruses, we knocked down the expression of all IG20 splice variants or
40  the features of ineffective hematopoiesis observed in MDS, we knocked down the expression of HSPA9 in primary human hema
41  further elucidate the functional roles of KMT2D and KDM6A, we knocked down the expression of their orthologs in zebrafis
42    To determine the relative roles of NFAT2, NFAT4, or Sp1, we knocked down the expression of these transcription factors
43 BAergic interneurons in behavioral and molecular processes, we knocked down the Gad1 transcript using a microRNA engineer
44 xamine how nitrogen stress triggers the remodeling process, we knocked down the gene encoding for nitrate reductase, a ke
45  in particular translational control by microRNAs (miRNAs), we knocked down the miRNA biogenesis pathway in Drosophila ci
46         To investigate their role in breast carcinogenesis, we knocked down these genes in human mammary cells and in non
47                         To study the roles of CLP and FLAP, we knocked down these proteins in the human monocytic cell li
48 e role of cyclin levels from the influences of cyclin type, we knocked down two cyclins and reduced the gene dose of the
49                                                       Here, we knocked down U2AF35 and each isoform and characterized tra
50      To investigate whether other mechanisms were involved, we knocked down upstream receptors GP130 or IL-2Rgamma.

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