


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We next determined FAT1 expression levels in 64 muscles isola
2                                                             We next determined if activation by phosphorylation caused th
3 EF-2 kinase is chaperoned by heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), we next determined if disruption of the Hsp90-eEF-2 kinase co
4 alterations in the expression of bcl-2, or metal chelation, we next determined if the poorly metabolized ketohexoses, tag
5                                                             We next determined if these cytokines directly promote CD8(+)
6                                                             We next determined that (1) GTN treatment of primary aortic s
7                                                             We next determined that APC directly increases Rac1 activity,
8                                                             We next determined that bridge axons could regenerate caudal
9                                                             We next determined that E2F activity directly regulates and i
10                                                             We next determined that intravascular administration of donor
11                                                             We next determined that TNF-alpha secretion from both donor a
12                                                             We next determined that within this region is also a potentia
13                                                             We next determined the ability of orally vaccinated animals t
14  loss of apicobasal polarity are early hallmarks of cancer, we next determined the cellular mechanism of oncogenic strati
15                                                             We next determined the effect of 5-HT on mouse and human MC d
16                                                             We next determined the effect of LH reversible inactivation b
17  inositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling in tumor promotion, we next determined the effect of topical application of Lupeo
18                                                             We next determined the effect on smooth muscle contractility
19                                                             We next determined the partial human SULT1C1 gene sequence fo
20                To examine the kinetics of rapamycin action, we next determined the rapamycin sensitivity of rhabdomyosarc
21  tissue that revealed a prominent induction of murine CD73, we next determined the role of CD73 in protection against int
22                                                             We next determined, using a series of luciferase reporters, t
23 tin receptors (MCR) are involved in some actions of agouti, we next determined whether agouti's antilipolytic effect is e
24                                                             We next determined whether Ascl1 prevented RGC development.
25 ltiple myeloma cell adhesion to both fibronectin and BMSCs, we next determined whether CHIR-12.12 inhibits this process.
26                                                             We next determined whether cholesterol release leads to chang
27                                                             We next determined whether GM1 induces the release of neurotr
28                                                             We next determined whether ipsilateral responses evoked in on
29                                                             We next determined whether matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9)
30                                                             We next determined whether MbetaCD treatment induced tyrosine
31 ieties can be attached to glycolipids (i.e., gangliosides), we next determined whether MNV-1 uses gangliosides during inf
32                                                             We next determined whether PKC activation abbreviates the tim
33                                                             We next determined whether prospectively computed expression
34                                                             We next determined whether SCD1 deficiency could prevent diab
35                                                             We next determined whether the effect of systemic PPF on rein
36                                                             We next determined whether the results obtained using culture
37                                                             We next determined whether VacA physically associates with li
38 FKHR/FOXO1a, BAD, and AFX/FOXO4) to regulate cell survival, we next determined which downstream effector(s) is activated
39                                                             We next determined which phase of PKD activation is responsib

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