


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             We note that almost all biological fluids (e.g. mucus and blo
2                                                             We note that an EcoKI nuclease mutant still produces cell dea
3                                                             We note that biases are accrued as part of the recording proc
4                                                             We note that corresponding molecular commonalities between pu
5                                                             We note that directed evolution differs in a number of ways f
6                                                             We note that failure to control for penumbral cone stimulatio
7                                                             We note that false-discovery rates can be estimated at differ
8                                                             We note that human CD4(+)CD39(+)CD161(+) T cells can be induc
9                                                             We note that insulin therapy and an additional hour of exerci
10                                                             We note that KDM4D depletion impairs the DNA damage-induced a
11                                                             We note that other exceptionally preserved communities in the
12                                                             We note that overexpression of the proteins is toxic to M. sm
13                                                             We note that Rv2633c is the first example of a non-heme di-ir
14                                                             We note that some facultative symbionts directly alter host t
15                                                             We note that such types of complexes may not be rare since su
16                                                             We note that the brain functions at multiple scales and that
17                                                             We note that the explicit inclusion of sodium carbonate, mesi
18                                                             We note that the former claim is not well supported by publis
19                                                             We note that the material's ferroelectric nature, can, but ne
20                                                             We note that the pathways identified show overlap with CHD ca
21                                                             We note that the removal of low spatial frequency content is
22                                                             We note that the tandem diboration/cross-coupling reaction ge
23                                                             We note that the TCGA thyroid cancer dataset is enriched with
24                                                             We note that these findings are correlational and therefore d
25                                                             We note that this amount of strain can be induced in epitaxia
26                                                             We note that though the role of disgust in moral judgment has
27                                                             We note that while the human population has increased by 23%
28                                                             We note that while values for volumetric uptake are based on
29                                                             We note that, despite a lack of objective agreement on what s
30                                                             We note that, until direct evidence of the inherence heuristi
31                                                In addition, we note that agricultural, socioeconomic, and demographic fac
32                                                In addition, we note that in model peptides, when Yaa is unmodified prolin
33 ind near-universal agreement with our first two claims, and we note that few challenged our fourth claim.
34 ure remains at a nascent stage of development, however, and we note that considerable work on boundary conditions, modera
35                                              For each case, we note that the main transition is actually a vertical displ
36                                                    Finally, we note that anticancer therapies based on the inhibition of
37                                                    Finally, we note that influenza virions share an underlying protein co
38                                                    Finally, we note that such breaks may explain the puzzling 'self-infli
39                                                    Finally, we note that the donor and acceptor of our cytosine FRET-pair
40                                                       First we note that instantaneous action at a distance should not be
41                                                Furthermore, we note that, in vivo silencing of TTK, by systemically deliv
42                                                    However, we note that diverting limited resources from other key measu
43                                              Interestingly, we note that most mapped R-loops are each linked to a nearby
44                                                    That is, we note that attractiveness is correlated among mated nodes.
45                                                     Lastly, we note that all suggested strategies rely on existing clinic
46                In a vimentin knockout (Vim KO) mouse model, we note that Vim KO mice challenged with intraperitoneal Esch
47                                Consistent with this notion, we note that EPB41 expression is significantly decreased in H
48                                              In particular, we note that many loci of large effect appear to be multialle
49                     While significant uncertainties remain, we note that estimated import into seven non-OECD countries a
50                                                 Remarkably, we note that a gene expression module corresponding to M2-act

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