


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             We noted that 25% of patients had hemoglobin levels below tar
2                                                             We noted that acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC, a cofactor of cPT1 and
3                                                             We noted that although Cd46(-/-) mice have normal systemic al
4                                                             We noted that both cycling and noncycling Sox2(+) radial glia
5                                                             We noted that DCGs significantly differ from PCGs in every an
6                                                             We noted that decreases in AWP were often effective.
7                                                             We noted that DNA methylation variation was highly heritable
8                                                             We noted that exceptions exist to the idea that a higher magn
9                                                             We noted that GCs increase the transcription of several key r
10                                                             We noted that inhibitory residues tethered within the NAD(+)-
11                                                             We noted that MCLs have a distinct mutational profile compare
12                                                             We noted that MGUS diagnosis often coincided with diagnoses o
13                                                             We noted that our Native American patients were less likely t
14                                                             We noted that patients with S2377X (odds ratio [OR], 0.44; 95
15                                                             We noted that PllA specifically recognizes this epitope on th
16                                                             We noted that predictions based on models fitted using a samp
17                                                             We noted that several connectivity abnormalities were predict
18                                                             We noted that the ATP/inhibitor-binding sites of the TAM memb
19                                                             We noted that the cause of certain well-studied human metabol
20                                                             We noted that the closely linked E26 transformation-specific
21                                                             We noted that the content of MUC5AC mucin in mucus from indiv
22                                                             We noted that the hyperplasic phenotype of Wnt7a(cre+)Mig-6(f
23                                                             We noted that the movement and mixing, in hospitals at the ea
24                                                             We noted that the oxidized catalytic center contains a Cu(II)
25                                                             We noted that the tumor bearing rats had significantly greate
26                                                             We noted that these ICB antibodies rescued the levels of IFNg
27                                                             We noted that tick gut transcriptomes are subject to substant
28                                                             We noted that total ventricular protein is hypoacetylated whi
29                                                             We noted that vertebrate H19 harbors both canonical and nonca
30 tween paired primary and recurrent NPC from 95 patients and we noted that there was significant increase in the expressio
31                                                    In fact, we noted that low-level antigen exposure promotes the formati
32                Controlling for various confounding factors, we noted that annual mortality among oldest-old individuals w
33                                                    Further, we noted that synthetic CpG-ODN requires backbone phosphoroth
34                                                Furthermore, we noted that apical type II neurons, identified by antiperip
35 29G>A] p.[Ala22Glu; Arg110His]; c.[370C>T] p.[Gln124( *)]), we noted that their survival was much longer than the previou
36                                                       Here, we noted that uromodulin isolated from human urine aggregates
37                                                     Herein, we noted that a single knockdown with p120-Kaiso siRNAs at Da
38                                                    However, we noted that voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel genes are
39 cus-specific Treg cells combined with genetic fate-mapping, we noted that a majority of the Treg cells found in the lungs
40                                            Mechanistically, we noted that expression of genes proximal to SMILR was also
41                                             In a Cox model, we noted that districts with higher population densities also
42                            In a colonic inflammation model, we noted that the expression of the phagocytic receptor Bai1
43                                                   Moreover, we noted that Optn phosphorylation at Ser-177 was required fo
44                                   Using single cell RT-PCR, we noted that the vast majority of nodose neurons retrogradel
45                                                 Previously, we noted that the expression of two genes in the region, fork
46                               Indeed, from the EIS results, we noted that the capacitance increased significantly with th
47 g for significant predictors in the spatial scan statistic, we noted that spatial clusters of PTSS persisted and addition
48           During the course of these wound-healing studies, we noted that tumors developed at a higher frequency in Col3(
49                                       In the current study, we noted that all bronchoalveolar lavage-derived T cell lines
50 ClpB-C promoter and upstream genomic regions in this study, we noted that AtClpB-C and AtCK2 genes are head-to-head orien

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