


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We observed a significant and massive increase of interleukin
2                                                    However, we observed a significant association between the decrease in
3                                                             We observed a significant correlation between MMP13 mRNA leve
4                                                             We observed a significant correlation between residential rad
5                                                    Although we observed a significant correlation between the dose of que
6                                                In MCD mice, we observed a significant decrease in HP DHA to VitC conversi
7                                                    On day 4 we observed a significant decrease in weight and body mass in
8                                                             We observed a significant degree of variability in Matrin 3 p
9                                                    Finally, we observed a significant delay in polarization of microglia
10                                                             We observed a significant difference in depression scores (st
11                                                       Also, we observed a significant difference in the use of n-grams as
12 fferent CSC types have overlapping culture characteristics, we observed a significant difference in their effect in post-
13                                                             We observed a significant downshift of the amide I band frequ
14                                                             We observed a significant effect of the interaction between A
15                                                             We observed a significant focus on mammalian hosts, a few wel
16                                              In this study, we observed a significant increase in C1-Ten level in diabeti
17                                                             We observed a significant increase in fatty acid synthase (FA
18                                         In adipose tissues, we observed a significant increase in RBM28 mRNA expression i
19                                                             We observed a significant increase in the CD59 expression on
20                                       On a molecular level, we observed a significant increase in the expression of HOXD1
21                                                             We observed a significant increase in the expression of the g
22                                                             We observed a significant increase in the mRNA level of the s
23 y recruited arrestin 2 and, in arrestin 2 knock-outs (KOs), we observed a significant increase in the potency of SNC80 to
24                                                             We observed a significant increase in the secretion of TGF-be
25                                                             We observed a significant increase in urinary microbial diver
26                                              In this study, we observed a significant increase of plasma levels of TRX80
27        In glycolytic cancer cells cultured in high glucose, we observed a significant increase of the conversion of MG to
28 IR)-induced replication stress T-cell lymphoma mouse model, we observed a significant inhibition of lymphomagenesis in mi
29                                                             We observed a significant interaction between baseline FeNO a
30        Two-sided P values <0.05 were considered significant.We observed a significant interaction between the PCSK9 rs112
31                                                             We observed a significant ketamine-induced reduction in mGluR
32                                                In addition, we observed a significant loss of alpha-smooth muscle actin,
33 ction between the Fx-GRS and CaD on fracture risk; however, we observed a significant multiplicative interaction between
34                                                   Moreover, we observed a significant overlap of enriched pathways betwee
35                                                   Moreover, we observed a significant positive association (r=0.24, P=0.0
36  the preponderance of cerebellar afferents within the pons, we observed a significant positive correlation between the wh
37                                                             We observed a significant reduction in AGE-associated in-hosp
38              Consistent with our cell biology measurements, we observed a significant reduction in amplitude of inhibitor
39 c presumptive treatment (PPT) to reduce vaginal infections, we observed a significant reduction in BV.
40                                 When tested at lower doses, we observed a significant reduction in DEET-elicited protecti
41 ing of bptf in zebrafish to induce a loss of gene function, we observed a significant reduction in head size of F0 mutant
42                                                             We observed a significant reduction in lifespan in PTPA(+/gt)
43                                         Among infected fish we observed a significant reduction in microbial richness (Ch
44                               In the remaining 13 patients, we observed a significant reduction in symptoms, with complet
45  mass was unchanged in single SN neurons from IPD patients, we observed a significant reduction in the abundances of CI a
46 ent of efficacy (Bayesian analysis with informative prior), we observed a significant reduction in urinary albumin-to-cre
47                                                             We observed a significant reduction of GABA levels after atDC
48                                                   Moreover, we observed a significant reduction of somatic withdrawal sig
49                                                As expected, we observed a significant three-way interaction between "pre-
50                                                             We observed a significant trend of cancer risk for smoking in

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