


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                        Here we present 4 patient cases from our institution and discuss h
2                                                        Here we present a chemical crosslinking strategy that incorporates
3                                                       Here, we present a data-driven decision-theoretical model of feedin
4                                                             We present a deep neural network that prospectively predicts
5                                                       Here, we present a genome-wide analysis of single-nucleotide polymo
6                                To overcome this limitation, we present a hierarchical hidden Markov model, diHMM, to syst
7                                                        Here we present a high-resolution (100 m x 100 m) regional (10,000
8 ion protein to facilitate structural studies, through which we present a high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-E
9                                                       Here, we present a lightweight, flexible browser framework to displ
10                                                             We present a method, using an infrared laser, for reproducibl
11                                                             We present a model for RecN function that includes presynapti
12                                              In this study, we present a novel technique that combines large-scale micro-
13                                              In this paper, we present a photonic crystal device which performs both task
14                                                     Lastly, we present a preliminary mechanistic hypothesis characterized
15                                                             We present a standardized, straightforward and efficient appr
16                                                        Here we present a theoretical analysis of the Fermi surface of lit
17                                                             We present a theoretical model and a set of experiments showi
18                                                       Here, we present a transformational approach to genome engineering
19                                                             We present an all-plasmonic 116-gigabits per second electro-o
20                                                       Here, we present an approach of cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS)
21                                                        Here we present an automated method to extract labels for age, gen
22                                                             We present an automated monolithic chip with 128 multiplexed
23                                   To tackle these problems, we present an interpretable and efficient web-server, namely
24                                                       Here, we present an NMR-guided all-atom discrete molecular dynamics
25                                                       Here, we present an overview of the unique chemistry that cyanobact
26                                                             We present an update of the EBI Search engine, an easy-to-use
27                                                        Here we present boron isotope data-a proxy for seawater pH-that sh
28                                                       Here, we present direct measurements of phase transitions in single
29                                                       Here, we present evidence for glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)-media
30                                                        Here we present evolutionary evidence that minor-group viruses are
31                                                             We present here a model set of recommendations for institutio
32                                        In this Perspective, we present new approaches directed at the design of efficient
33                                                       Here, we present new developments in the Reactome visualization sys
34                                                        Here we present new hydrogen self-diffusion coefficients in natura
35 ng contributing to barrier disruption and AD, and therefore we present novel therapeutic targets for this disease.
36 are directly relevant for determining grammar architecture, we present one main objection to the conclusions that the aut
37                                                    Finally, we present outstanding questions.
38                                                        Here we present PLUMED-ISDB, an open-source, freely-available modu
39                                                             We present systematic, experimental investigations of this ef
40                                                       Here, we present the crystal structure of the SNX5-PX:IncE complex,
41                                                        Here we present the crystal structure of the trimeric, prefusion e
42                                                        Here we present the first comprehensive description and expression
43                                                             We present the first computational study that explicitly acco
44                                              In this study, we present the first quantitative human genome-wide map of DN
45                                                        Here we present the first, to our knowledge, in vivo therapeutic m
46                                                       Here, we present the results of a large-scale neuroimaging consorti
47                                                             We present the structure of FBXW7 bound to the DISC1 phosphod
48                                                        Here we present the structure of the beta2AR bound to a polyethyle
49                                                       Here, we present the structure of the Fab fragment of such an antib
50                                                     Herein, we present two additional high-resolution crystal structures

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