


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             We provide evidence that 6mA occurs mostly in the AT motif of
2                                                             We provide evidence that differences in the function of CpG-A
3                                                             We provide evidence that Dnd1 protein, expression of which is
4                                                             We provide evidence that hydrogen(s) present at C10 of AA pla
5                                                             We provide evidence that increased AD risk may be at least pa
6                                                             We provide evidence that maternal immune activation hits a ke
7                                                             We provide evidence that miR-29a and miR-29c are increased in
8                                                             We provide evidence that once technological macaques reach a
9                                                             We provide evidence that our method can identify conformation
10                                                             We provide evidence that PrMPK9-1 has a cell type-specific fu
11                                                             We provide evidence that RIM1alpha and RIM1beta are highly li
12                                                             We provide evidence that salivary exosomes from mice with PDA
13                                                             We provide evidence that the HAstV capsid spike is a receptor
14                                                             We provide evidence that the risk-associated SNPs are associa
15                                                             We provide evidence that these anomalies are primarily due to
16                                                             We provide evidence that this is associated with the suppress
17                                                             We provide evidence that TMEM18 has four, not three, transmem
18 irement maps to IL-4Ralpha expression by stromal cells, and we provide evidence that it regulates thymic exit via a proce
19               Here, using luciferase-based reporter assays, we provide evidence that NRP1 regulates HH signaling specific
20 cylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT)-dependent LD biogenesis, we provide evidence that LDs are dispensable for ERAD in mamm
21 g our results with expression quantitative trait loci data, we provide evidence that variation at these regulatory region
22                                                    Finally, we provide evidence that Cos2 is also sumoylated, which count
23                                                    Finally, we provide evidence that group 2 innate lymphoid cells are a
24                                                    Finally, we provide evidence that overexpression of miR-183, the human
25                                                    Finally, we provide evidence that TET2 colocalizes with EBNA2-EBF1-RBP
26                                                    Finally, we provide evidence that this can be explained by differences
27                                                    Further, we provide evidence that genes facilitating fetal development
28                                                Furthermore, we provide evidence that the disordered interdomain linker mo
29                                                Furthermore, we provide evidence that the L1 protein interacts directly wi
30                                                        Here we provide evidence that cells from hepatocellular carcinoma
31                                                        Here we provide evidence that tenascin-C (TNC), an extracellular m
32                                                        Here we provide evidence that VE-cadherin is cleaved by calpain up
33                                                       Here, we provide evidence that glycosphingolipids play an important
34                                                       Here, we provide evidence that hypoxia causes economic impacts on a
35                                                       Here, we provide evidence that intraflagellar transport protein 20
36                                                       Here, we provide evidence that Mlh1-Mlh3 does not behave like a str
37                                                       Here, we provide evidence that not all evolutionary lineages of ECM
38                                                       Here, we provide evidence that proteolytic cleavage of the macropha
39                                                       Here, we provide evidence that rod length is limited by the width o
40                                                       Here, we provide evidence that the right temporoparietal junction (
41                                                       Here, we provide evidence that, contrary to the time-dependent pore
42 and mouse transcriptome analyses in syngeneic mouse models, we provide evidence that tumour-infiltrated mMDSCs facilitate
43                                                   Moreover, we provide evidence that a nuclear pore complex associates wi
44                                               In this paper we provide evidence that a general model in the network scien
45                                    In the late study phase, we provide evidence that MARV can be horizontally transmitted
46                                             In this report, we provide evidence that antibody binding to a PorB epitope c
47                                       In the current study, we provide evidence that infection of mice with either lympho
48                                              In this study, we provide evidence that efficacious responses to this drug c
49                                         In support of this, we provide evidence that the treatment is safe and effective
50                                                   Together, we provide evidence that senescence and a stem cell-associate

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