


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             We suggest that administration of B. subtilis EPS can be used
2                                                             We suggest that AhR may serve to adjust liver repair and to b
3                                                             We suggest that C1-Ten contributes to the pathogenesis of DKD
4                                                             We suggest that cell-specific control of MT glutamylation may
5                                                             We suggest that changes in the characteristic size-frequency
6                                                             We suggest that DELC can serve as a useful supportive sign, n
7                                                             We suggest that genetic group methods should no longer be ove
8                                                             We suggest that HCS be classified as a moonlighting protein,
9                                                             We suggest that human islets in T2D display changes reminisce
10                                                             We suggest that introduction of the pdm2009 H1 virus, to whic
11                                                             We suggest that policies in Malaysia and Indonesia are often
12                                                             We suggest that previously marginal species can achieve a deg
13                                                             We suggest that prolonged and aberrant hormone-evoked Ca(2+)
14                                                             We suggest that protection against predators conferred by the
15                                                             We suggest that similar effects of genetic mixture may be a c
16                                                             We suggest that source entropy changes must be considered whe
17                                                             We suggest that spatial locations of white matter modules ove
18                                                             We suggest that statistical learning not only provides a fram
19                                                             We suggest that targeting PAR4 represents an attractive alter
20                                                             We suggest that the complex polymorphisms in these animals ar
21                                                             We suggest that the conformational change of the syntaxin-1 l
22                                                             We suggest that the difficulty of the spatial tasks rests on
23                                                             We suggest that the increased FIN219 activity resulting from
24                                                             We suggest that the origin of the abnormal composition change
25                                                             We suggest that the present pattern of a seismically active c
26                                                             We suggest that these data provide a clear example of paralle
27                                                             We suggest that these interneurons represent the main targets
28                                                             We suggest that these STS measures enable a new way to assess
29                                                             We suggest that this insertion determines the topology of the
30                                                             We suggest that this sensitive sense of smell allowed the tur
31                                                             We suggest that upregulation and release of miR-21 contribute
32                                                 Accordingly we suggest that for each nucleus the embryonic volume arises
33 roteins that are most susceptible to autoimmune attack, and we suggest that this link could be exploited as a generalizab
34 n laboratory strain of EBV that impairs virus function, and we suggest that tumor-associated viruses may be more likely t
35 t is difficult to tell where sign stops and gesture begins, we suggest that sign should not be compared with speech alone
36 d on the engineering and characterization of a minimal CPC, we suggest that spindle association is important for active I
37 K National Health Service drug prescription and sales data, we suggest that characterizing GPCR variants could increase p
38 owledge of the molecular pathogenesis of S. aureus disease, we suggest that the application of molecular pathological epi
39  already been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, we suggest that pathogenic de novo variants in GRIA4 lead to
40                   Based on these and previous observations, we suggest that CENP-F might act as a transporter of mitochon
41 ocomotor activity and daytime sleep profiles, respectively, we suggest that their luciferase profiles reflect their neuro
42                                With our collective results, we suggest that weight variability and its brain correlates s
43                                       Based on our results, we suggest that HDAC1-specific inhibition prevents progenitor
44                                     Based on these results, we suggest that productive acquisition of Ag may be one of th
45  in oligogalactolipid biosynthesis between the two species, we suggest that excess monogalactosyldiacylglycerol derived f
46 imers in solution and modeling based on crystal structures, we suggest that Ang1 binding may cross-link Tie2 dimers into
47 g increased representation in the missing hand's territory, we suggest that the typical hand territory may not necessaril
48                                                  Therefore, we suggest that SHANK3 has a critical role in neuronal morpho
49                                                  Therefore, we suggest that the directed movements are a response to the
50                                                       Thus, we suggest that changes in the abundance of C4 grass and graz

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