


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                               In this paper, we summarize 3 GAW19 contributions applying novel statis
2                              In this review, we summarize a group of strategies currently used for gl
3  understand the nature of anti-PEG immunity, we summarize a number of clinical reports and some criti
4                              In this review, we summarize advances from about the last 10 years in un
5  and gray literature and systematic reviews, we summarize advances in access to cardiovascular medici
6                                        Here, we summarize and discuss important advancements in our u
7                              In this review, we summarize and discuss recent methods and findings for
8                                         Here we summarize and extract key issues and developments, to
9                                        Here, we summarize and integrate expert consensus recommendati
10                               In this review we summarize and integrate these unexpected findings and
11                                       Herein we summarize and review evolving concepts and provide a
12                                              We summarized and quantified the effects of dietary puls
13                               In this review we summarize ataxia-related changes in PN neurophysiolog
14                       Hence, in this Review, we summarize available data and evidence for the binding
15                              In this review, we summarize available evidence on herbal medications mo
16                   In this systematic review, we summarize available evidence relevant to the inclusio
17                                              We summarize biomarkers in four major groups: genomics,
18                           In this commentary we summarize challenges and problems in current practice
19                                              We summarized characteristics of the included studies an
20                              In this review, we summarize common and cancer type-specific pathways of
21                              In this Review, we summarize CRISPR-based technologies that enable mamma
22                       In the present review, we summarize current available data on the relationships
23                                     Finally, we summarize current challenges in sample acquisition, e
24 nstraints, and limitations in our knowledge, we summarize current information and conclude by present
25                              In this review, we summarize current knowledge about catabolic reductive
26                              In this review, we summarize current knowledge about macroautophagy main
27                         In this mini-review, we summarize current knowledge and experimental evidence
28                                        Here, we summarize current knowledge and recent advances in un
29                                        Here, we summarize current knowledge from animal research and
30                          In this perspective we summarize current knowledge of the effect of monosial
31                              In this review, we summarize current knowledge on disease aetiopathogene
32                                              We summarize current knowledge on the cellular and molec
33                              In this review, we summarize current knowledge on the formation of inter
34                                         Here we summarize current knowledge regarding drought respons
35                              In this review, we summarize current knowledge regarding the molecular m
36                                        Here, we summarize current literature that suggests what their
37                                        Here, we summarize current progress on HBV epigenetics researc
38                              In this review, we summarize current research on floral mimicry of fruit
39                              In this review, we summarize current understanding of the mechanisms und
40                              In this review, we summarize current understanding of the significance o
41                                              We summarized current evidence from human studies regard
42                              In this review, we summarize data from a diverse array of human and anim
43                              In this review, we summarize data from the last 4 decades that have desc
44                                              We summarized descriptive characteristics and analyzed d
45                                              We summarize developments in four key areas: enrichment
46                              In this review, we summarize different classes of nitroimidazoles that h
47                                              We summarize effects of the microbiota on host neurophys
48                                        Here, we summarize elaborate regulatory pathways involving thi
49                                              We summarize evidence that input to the apical tufts of
50                                              We summarize experimental evidence for the importance of
51                                              We summarize findings from independent US Food and Drug
52                                        Here, we summarize findings from the past decade of genetic an
53                              In this review, we summarize findings supporting the existence of multip
54                    In this selective review, we summarize findings that show that statistical learnin
55                                         Here we summarize four studies elucidating the time course of
56                                              We summarize functional roles of enhancer transcription
57                                              We summarized genes from key functional categories with
58                                              We summarize genetic variation in these populations, qua
59                                 Furthermore, we summarize genotype-phenotype studies based first on s
60                              In this review, we summarize hallmark discoveries that have expanded our
61                                              We summarize here how NPD1 elicits neuroprotection by up
62                                              We summarize here recent advances in our understanding o
63                                              We summarize here recent advances in our understanding o
64                                              We summarize here the exciting progress in understanding
65                                              We summarize here the recent data on these experimental
66                                              We summarize here the status of cell-based therapies to
67                                         Here we summarize how isotype dictates mAb activity and discu
68                               In this review we summarize how platelets drive such pleiotropic action
69                              In this review, we summarize how the new information obtained in functio
70                              In this review, we summarize how the wingless (Wnt), transforming growth
71                                        Here, we summarize how work over the past century generated th
72 of fruit-insect ecological interactions, and we summarize important considerations and questions for
73                              In this review, we summarize important insights that cryo-EM, in combina
74                                         Here we summarize its role in extending antibody protection i
75                              In this review, we summarize key evidence for the clinical impact of DRM
76                              In this review, we summarize key findings, and highlight open challenges
77                                              We summarize key technical features of the Oxford Nanopo
78                          In this minireview, we summarize known sources of variability and their impa
79                                              We summarized laboratory-confirmed campylobacteriosis da
80                                              We summarize lessons learned from these disorders, we ra
81                               In this review we summarize major findings of how microbial metabolites
82                                         Here we summarize major recent advances and integrate the gen
83                              In this review, we summarize mechanisms by which a wide array of pathoge
84                              In this review, we summarize new evidence and discuss how future studies
85                                        Here, we summarize new quantitative paradigms for assessing th
86                Based on a literature review, we summarize observed changes and then describe modeling
87               In this Special Communication, we summarize opportunities of the cardiovascular communi
88                                       Hence, we summarized optical and electrochemical kanamycin apta
89                                              We summarize our approach to utilizing available RNA-Seq
90                                         Here we summarize our current knowledge about the development
91                                        Here, we summarize our current understanding of astrocytes and
92                                         Here we summarize our current understanding of the factors re
93                             In this article, we summarize our current understanding of what the Psp s
94                                         Here we summarize our efforts to further validate ChoKalpha a
95                                              We summarize our findings and provide clinical managemen
96                              In this review, we summarize our knowledge about transgenerational epige
97                                              We summarize our methods for searches, meta-analyses, an
98                                              We summarized our work in a model for initial transcript
99                                              We summarized patient characteristics, diagnoses, and co
100                                         Here we summarize progress on lepidopteran phylogeny since 19
101                                              We summarize reasons for mandating independent monitorin
102                              In this review, we summarize recent advances in knowledge of how Treg ce
103                                         Here we summarize recent advances in our understanding of how
104                                         Here we summarize recent advances in our understanding of how
105  invited by the Editors of Gastroenterology, we summarize recent advances in the field of gastrointes
106                              In this review, we summarize recent advances in the role of ROS in stoma
107                              In this review, we summarize recent advances in the understanding of tis
108                                        Here, we summarize recent advances in therapy by omega-3, omeg
109                                              We summarize recent advances in understanding bacterial
110                              In this review, we summarize recent advances in understanding the intera
111                              In this review, we summarize recent advances of nucleic acid-functionali
112 involved in successful image reconstruction, we summarize recent biological applications, and we prov
113                              In this review, we summarize recent discoveries of AKAP79/150-mediated m
114                                     Finally, we summarize recent efforts toward the development of ta
115                                        Here, we summarize recent evidence of the molecular mechanisms
116                                        Here, we summarize recent findings and place in context with p
117                              In this review, we summarize recent findings from human structural neuro
118                              In this review, we summarize recent findings made on the gliding mechani
119                              In this review, we summarize recent findings on biological characteristi
120                              In this review, we summarize recent findings on the dynamics and biologi
121                              In this Review, we summarize recent findings on the reactivity of these
122                              In this review, we summarize recent findings related to aspects of the i
123                                        Here, we summarize recent findings that uncover key molecular
124                                      Herein, we summarize recent knowledge in this area and propose a
125                                     Finally, we summarize recent progress in GLP biology, highlightin
126                                              We summarize recent progress in RNAi-mediated insect pes
127                              In this Review, we summarize recent progress in the field and discuss ho
128                                        Here, we summarize recent progress in the field, focusing on r
129                               In this review we summarize recent reports describing the prevalence of
130                               In this review we summarize recent reports incriminating these mucosal
131                              In this review, we summarize recent strategies for the integration of re
132                             In this article, we summarize recent studies about CD56(bright) NK cells
133                In electrochemical reactions, we summarize recent studies in the hydrogen evolution re
134                              In this review, we summarize recent studies that demonstrate that differ
135                        In this brief review, we summarize recent studies that demonstrate the ability
136                              In this review, we summarize research progress on colloidal NR heterostr
137                                        Here, we summarize resulting data demonstrating that although
138 mini-review that introduces our SFN session, we summarize results from our laboratories on behavioral
139                                         Here we summarize results from these studies and illustrate p
140                             In this article, we summarize several statistical approaches that can be
141                              In this review, we summarize some of the broad insights into S. aureus b
142                                        Here, we summarize some of the foundational work on Hsp90 that
143                                        Here, we summarize some of the immunological implications of H
144                                        Here, we summarize some of the key characteristics of appetite
145                                        Here, we summarize some of the recent advances in both experim
146                               In this Review we summarize some of the recent literature regarding eff
147                              In this review, we summarize some of the seminal findings that yield imp
148                             In this article, we summarize some of the unique challenges in exposure a
149                                 Furthermore, we summarized some strategies employed in nanomedicine t
150                                              We summarize strategies for managing these concerns and
151                                       First, we summarize structural materials that accommodate mecha
152                              In this review, we summarize studies and synthesize ideas on several top
153                      In this review article, we summarize studies indicating that (i) Fn14 gene expre
154                                 In addition, we summarized surgical and pharmacological interventions
155                                              We summarize technologies used to isolate CTCs from bloo
156                                   Therefore, we summarize that chondrocytes actively mitigate local j
157                                              We summarize that the distinction between basic and tran
158                              In this review, we summarize the 2013 ACC/AHA cholesterol guideline reco
159                                      Herein, we summarize the advances in drug discovery and developm
160                              In this review, we summarize the algorithms behind, and practical applic
161                              In this review, we summarize the available data on the epidemiology of D
162                               In this review we summarize the available data regarding drug-drug inte
163                                              We summarize the available evidence for the most commonl
164                                        Here, we summarize the available evidence of the burden of per
165                              In this review, we summarize the available published data on gene therap
166                              In this Review, we summarize the biochemical activities, host cell inter
167                              In this review, we summarize the biochemical characterization of these 8
168                               In this review we summarize the cellular and molecular mechanisms invol
169                                              We summarize the conceptual foundations of genetic group
170                                         Here we summarize the consensus as well as different views em
171                              In this Review, we summarize the current abilities of DNA/RNA nanotechno
172                               In this review we summarize the current available LDH exfoliation metho
173                                 In addition, we summarize the current evidence base in epigenetic epi
174                                        Here, we summarize the current evidence for the localization o
175                       In the present review, we summarize the current evidence on the relationship of
176                              In this review, we summarize the current insights into macrodomain evolu
177                              In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about extracellular v
178                                        Here, we summarize the current knowledge about their role in t
179                                         Here we summarize the current knowledge about these mechanism
180                              In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of secretion systems
181                             In this article, we summarize the current knowledge on how plant miRNAs a
182                      In this position paper, we summarize the current knowledge on immediate-type foo
183                   In this consensus document we summarize the current knowledge on major asthma, rhin
184                                      Herein, we summarize the current knowledge on the nature of enha
185                              In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the use of beta-bl
186                                 In addition, we summarize the current limitations of bioresorbable sc
187                              In this review, we summarize the current molecular data available for RL
188                              In this review, we summarize the current progress in structure-function
189                                              We summarize the current state of knowledge of the brain
190                                         Here we summarize the current state of knowledge regarding th
191                              In this review, we summarize the current strategies for designing and pu
192                              In this review, we summarize the current understanding of PARP functions
193                              In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the epidemiolo
194                              In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the mechanisms
195                                              We summarize the current understanding of the molecular
196                              In this review, we summarize the current understanding of these signalin
197                                        Here, we summarize the detrimental effects that current employ
198                                 In addition, we summarize the development of current RSK inhibitors a
199                                        Here, we summarize the development of modern gene editing tech
200                                         Here we summarize the developments in PRIDE resources and rel
201                              In this review, we summarize the effect of type I IFNs on specific bacte
202                             In this article, we summarize the epidemiology, barriers to diagnosis, an
203 king poverty to negative childhood outcomes, we summarize the evidence for income's effects on childr
204                                              We summarize the evidence for mortality from prostate ca
205  this EAACI Lifestyle and asthma Task Force, we summarize the evidence from existing systematic revie
206                                         Here we summarize the existing approaches and focus on the ap
207                              In this review, we summarize the existing CPP-based delivery system, eme
208                                        Here, we summarize the experimental data on periodic lateral r
209                              In this review, we summarize the extant preclinical and clinical evidenc
210                              In this review, we summarize the features and functions of secretory org
211                                              We summarize the findings into the major categories of t
212                                              We summarize the findings of the CSB's investigation rel
213                                        Here, we summarize the first-in-human experience in 3 heavily
214                              In this review, we summarize the functional roles of TFF1, 2, and 3 and
215                             In this article, we summarize the fundamental roles of microRNAs (miRNAs)
216                       In the current review, we summarize the general trends in the reactions of wate
217                                 In addition, we summarize the genetic factors that have provided insi
218                              In this review, we summarize the hitherto proposed mechanisms involved i
219                          In this minireview, we summarize the identification and analysis of the KAT6
220                                              We summarize the impact of rotavirus vaccination on hosp
221                                         Here we summarize the important epidemiologic and clinical fe
222                                         Here we summarize the improvements in libraries, target quali
223                              In this review, we summarize the information relevant to each of the six
224                              In this review, we summarize the key aspects of conjugated polymer nanop
225                              In this review, we summarize the key discoveries in the area of flavivir
226                                        Here, we summarize the key new developments reported at the co
227                 Accordingly, in this review, we summarize the key pharmacodynamic effects of SGLT2 in
228                                        Here, we summarize the known effectors, their modes of action,
229                                      Hereby, we summarize the latest achievements in this area and id
230                                         Here we summarize the latest advances in the field, describin
231                              In this review, we summarize the latest findings on divisome assembly an
232                                              We summarize the latest information on therapeutic use o
233                                         Here we summarize the latest promises and challenges of targe
234                               In this review we summarize the latest understanding of compartment-spe
235                              In this review, we summarize the literature on the epidemiology of both
236                                              We summarize the literature regarding Notch regulation o
237                                         Here we summarize the main pathway clusters activated by PHEO
238                              In this review, we summarize the major discoveries in the field of Hippo
239                                         Here we summarize the major strategies for T. gondii genetic
240                              In this review, we summarize the mechanisms that alert the immune system
241                                In this note, we summarize the methods and intended use-case of CLAMMS
242                              In this review, we summarize the methods that have been developed to eng
243                                              We summarize the molecular strategies employed by the ci
244                             In this article, we summarize the most important recent developments in u
245                                         Here we summarize the most prominent autoimmune pathways and
246                                        Here, we summarize the most recent progresses in the fundament
247                                         Here we summarize the points made in these articles most rele
248                                         Here we summarize the precedent for FDA approval of imaging a
249                              In this review, we summarize the presently available data on characteriz
250                              In this review, we summarize the principles of cargo sorting by the vesi
251                              In this Primer, we summarize the processes of spermatogenesis occurring
252                                         Here we summarize the progress in this recently reported hybr
253                              In this update, we summarize the progress made in using the ionomics app
254                                        Here, we summarize the progress made over the years on the alc
255                              In this review, we summarize the progress that has been made in deliveri
256                                              We summarize the rationale historically used to support
257                              In this review, we summarize the rationale, current evidence, and future
258                                              We summarize the reasons to characterize the complete re
259                              In this Review, we summarize the recent advances and highlight key unans
260                      In this review article, we summarize the recent advances in the design of polype
261                              In this review, we summarize the recent advances in the studies on mutp5
262                                              We summarize the recent developments and current state o
263                              In this review, we summarize the recent findings on the skin microbiome,
264                              In this review, we summarize the recent literature on the biology of end
265                                              We summarize the remarkable progress that has been made
266                              In this review, we summarize the results obtained so far on experimental
267                                              We summarize the results of blinded versus open trials o
268                            In this overview, we summarize the results of the main studies on DKT.
269                                              We summarize the significant advances made in recent yea
270                              In this review, we summarize the state of our current knowledge, draw co
271                                              We summarize the state of the art by describing what we
272                                              We summarize the state of the art related to defibrillat
273                                        Here, we summarize the state of the field and point out the ga
274                                              We summarize the status of semiochemical-based managemen
275                                              We summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the three m
276                              In this Review, we summarize the structural and functional data in light
277                              In this review, we summarize the structure and function of the heme-sens
278                     In this drug annotation, we summarize the structure-activity and structure-liabil
279                                              We summarize the studies that formally identified innate
280                              In this review, we summarize the use of biodegradable NPs consisting of
281                                         Here we summarize the valuable lessons learned from analysis
282                                              We summarize the work published on the adsorption of pur
283                                              We summarized the global ranges of tropical African plan
284                                              We summarized the pesticide burden using three different
285                                              We summarize their complementary functionalities, and hi
286                                        Here, we summarize these advances and offer perspective on ong
287                                        Here, we summarize these and other recent findings suggesting
288                                              We summarize these findings and discuss their implicatio
289                                              We summarized these shifts with indices of range size an
290                                              We summarize treatment efficacy, quality of life, and ad
291                                     Finally, we summarize various database applications in research a
292                                         Here we summarize what is known about exosome biogenesis, con
293                                        Next, we summarize what is known about infants' ability to rea
294                              In this review, we summarize what is known about the defense mechanisms
295                                        Here, we summarize what is known about the epidemiology of CVD
296                                         Here we summarize what is known about the mechanistic and fun
297                                              We summarize what is known regarding PSGL-1 structure an
298                                   From this, we summarize what should be the best practices in the fi
299                                         Here we summarize where these efforts stand.
300                                        Here, we summarize work done to elucidate the function of crit

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