


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                        Here, we take advantage of a combination of large environmenta
2                                        Here, we take advantage of a cross between house mouse subspec
3 and central processing regions in the brain, we take advantage of a dramatic within-species shift of
4                                        Here, we take advantage of a faithful primary neuronal model o
5                                         Here we take advantage of a large set of RNA-seq data origina
6 nous betagamma in a spatial-temporal manner, we take advantage of a lipid association mutant of the w
7                                        Here, we take advantage of a long-term data set on mute swans
8                                              We take advantage of a mouse model with genetic knockout
9  from the paradigm of adiabatic computation, we take advantage of a noisy evolution of the device to
10                                              We take advantage of a process that occurs in dynamic SI
11                                              We take advantage of a recent breakthrough in the synthe
12                                        Here, we take advantage of a recently developed technique to i
13                               In this study, we take advantage of a recently identified chimera of th
14                                        Here, we take advantage of a region-specific heterogeneity in
15                               In this study, we take advantage of a sample of twins to measure the re
16                                         Here we take advantage of a situation in which a highly invas
17                               In this study, we take advantage of a unique opportunity to investigate
18                                        Here, we take advantage of a well-characterized population coh
19            To address this critical question we took advantage of a "natural" experiment near Kilifi,
20                                              We took advantage of a allergic asthma model in mice ind
21                                         Here we took advantage of a canonical example of a precisely
22 pulmonary ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI), we took advantage of a clinically relevant mouse model o
23                                              We took advantage of a critical methodological improveme
24 tivation with very high temporal resolution, we took advantage of a fluorophore-containing alpha(2A)-
25                                        Here, we took advantage of a gamma2(R43Q) subunit mutation lin
26                                         Here we took advantage of a general characteristic of solid t
27                               In this study, we took advantage of a genetic model in which LyC6(-) ci
28 te the link between metabolism and seizures, we took advantage of a group of Drosophila mutants, the
29 in breast tumor development and progression, we took advantage of a knock-in mouse model harboring a
30                                              We took advantage of a known missense mutation (G321S) t
31 ata with data from Paquette and Helz (1997), we took advantage of a large data set (n = 65) covering
32                                              We took advantage of a large set of tree cores collected
33                               In this study, we took advantage of a molecularly validated mouse model
34 neurofibromin in the development of the CNS, we took advantage of a mouse conditional allele.
35 e of neutrophils during mucosal candidiasis, we took advantage of a new, transparent zebrafish swim b
36      To further investigate Treml4 function, we took advantage of a newly generated mAb against Treml
37                    To address our questions, we took advantage of a population of Magnificent frigate
38 uts from Shh signaling in neural patterning, we took advantage of a protein that uncouples the regula
39                                        Here, we took advantage of a recently described method that en
40 ualization of the non-peptidergic afferents, we took advantage of a recently generated knock-in mouse
41                                              We took advantage of a recently identified SIRT6 inhibit
42                                              We took advantage of a single nuclear-spin memory in ord
43                                              We took advantage of a spatial alignment effect paradigm
44 tethering activity independent of targeting, we took advantage of a tethering assay carried out on th
45                                         Here we took advantage of a transgenic mouse line expressing
46 ify the molecular mechanism of this disease, we took advantage of a unique allelic series of mice in
47 T neurons in breathing and thermoregulation, we took advantage of a unique conditional knock-out mous
48              To identify the linker protein, we took advantage of a unique finding in human keratinoc
49                                              We took advantage of a unique lipid that spontaneously f
50                               In this study, we took advantage of a unique response of HKs to transfo
51                                         Here we took advantage of a well-characterized rat model that
52                                              We take advantage of ACV and ACVI knockout mouse models
53 tes to regulating adaptive immune responses, we took advantage of ADAM17 hypomorphic (ADAM17(ex/ex))
54                                              We took advantage of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated
55                                      Herein, we take advantage of all of these structural manipulatio
56          To overcome these limitations, here we take advantage of an allelic series of mice in which
57                                              We take advantage of an experimental system that, to our
58                                        Here, we take advantage of an inducible dominant-negative expr
59                                        Here, we took advantage of an animal model that shows deficien
60                                              We took advantage of an anti-IGF-IR antibody (h10H5) tha
61                                        Here, we took advantage of an engineered L1 retrotransposition
62                                              We took advantage of an extraordinary clinical opportuni
63                                        Here, we took advantage of an historical record to examine the
64                                        Here, we took advantage of an in vitro histone methyltransfera
65                    To address this question, we took advantage of an in vitro model of sequentially t
66                                              We took advantage of an internal genetic isolate in Finl
67                                              We took advantage of atrial-specific sodium-calcium exch
68                                Additionally, we took advantage of available organelle-specific fluore
69         In a prospective longitudinal study, we took advantage of BCG instillations, which increase l
70                                              We took advantage of California's unique population-base
71                                              We took advantage of diverse biological data including d
72                               In this paper, we take advantage of DNA molecular engineering to improv
73                                In the study, we took advantage of doxycycline-inducible and astrocyte
74                                      Herein, we took advantage of existing, non-light-up aptamers aga
75                               In this study, we took advantage of four compounds with potencies varyi
76                                              We took advantage of Foxc1 mutant mice with defects in f
77                                              We took advantage of Gal-3 knockout mice and immunized t
78  To distinguish between these possibilities, we take advantage of genetically engineered mice that we
79 ion of a target sequence affects DSB repair, we took advantage of genome-wide Hi-C analysis of yeast
80                                         Here we take advantage of heteroaryldihydropyrimidines (HAPs)
81                                 In addition, we take advantage of hydrophobic interactions of transme
82                                         Here we take advantage of hyperspectral imaging (HSI), which
83                               In this report we take advantage of improvements in 35 GHz pulsed ENDOR
84 t animal models and patient brain specimens, we took advantage of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC
85 YEL) to examine modulators of Epac activity, we took advantage of its intramolecular movement that oc
86                                        Here, we took advantage of its specific expression pattern in
87                       To address this issue, we took advantage of lines of transgenic mice in which e
88 iated regional gene regulation in the heart, we took advantage of MEF2A knock-out (KO) mice, a model
89 ntify cells supporting primary MV infection, we took advantage of mice expressing the MV receptor hum
90 hat TRs could function as tumor suppressors, we took advantage of mice with deletion of all functiona
91                                        Here, we take advantage of mouse embryonic fibroblasts transfo
92                                              We took advantage of mouse models of diet-induced metabo
93                    To address this question, we took advantage of mutant viruses whose viral entry in
94 ing targets for increased ethanol tolerance, we took advantage of natural diversity in wild Saccharom
95                                         Here we took advantage of naturally occurring contrasts in ab
96                                        Here, we take advantage of newer stem cell-based technologies
97                                              We took advantage of newly discovered PAR antagonists to
98                                              We took advantage of non-human primates reconstituted wi
99                                              We took advantage of nonoccurrence of tryptophan in alph
100                                        Here, we took advantage of normal variation in human gene expr
101                       As a proof of concept, we took advantage of NZB/BALB heteroplasmic mice, which
102  Synaptotagmin required for vesicle cycling, we took advantage of observations that mutations in the
103 ion to stress, and in particular to hypoxia, we took advantage of one of nature's experiments at high
104                                              We took advantage of one of these highly purified vaccin
105                                              We took advantage of ongoing invasions by a suite of exo
106                                        Here, we take advantage of our increasing understanding of the
107                                              We take advantage of our knowledge of the neural circuit
108                                              We took advantage of our ability to highly purify retina
109 ML1-ETO is involved in leukemia development, we took advantage of our AE9a leukemia model and sought
110                                         Here we took advantage of pharmacological inhibitors, knockdo
111                    To examine this question, we took advantage of PITx3-deficient mice (aphakia mice)
112                        In the present study, we took advantage of powerful high throughput sequencing
113 ponses and impending perceptions or actions, we took advantage of prior observations that specific fr
114                                              We took advantage of proteomic pathway analysis to funct
115                               In this study, we took advantage of quantitative PET to evaluate (124)I
116                                        Here, we took advantage of rare RyR2 mutations that were ident
117                                        Here, we take advantage of recently developed near-infrared vo
118                                              We took advantage of recently released transcriptome inf
119 sms of methoctramine binding and selectivity we took advantage of reciprocal mutations of the M(2) an
120  biological significance of Tf1 integration, we took advantage of saturated maps of insertion activit
121  biological relevance to the query phenotype.We take advantage of several ontologies in order to brid
122                                       Herein we take advantage of silicon nanopillars that exhibit op
123 he mechanistic role of Slc26a6 in the heart, we took advantage of Slc26a6 knockout (Slc26a6(-/)(-) )
124                                              We took advantage of Stat3 null ES cells to confirm that
125 iven the lack of HTLV-3-infected cell lines, we took advantage of STLV-3-infected cells and of an STL
126                                              We take advantage of such patterns of selection and show
127                                      Herein, we took advantage of such defective phenotypes to furthe
128                                              We took advantage of SynaptopHluorin and high-speed opti
129                                              We take advantage of the "campanile tip", a plasmonic ne
130                        In the present study, we take advantage of the aptamer conformational changes
131                                              We take advantage of the availability of transgenic Hydr
132                                        Here, we take advantage of the cell-type specificity of a tran
133                                              We take advantage of the characterized defects in the sr
134                          In transgenic fish, we take advantage of the combinatorial biotin transfer s
135                                         Here we take advantage of the compactness of the visual syste
136                                         Here we take advantage of the complementary high spatial and
137                                        Here, we take advantage of the completed genomic sequences, ex
138                                              We take advantage of the computational efficiency and th
139           To avoid such undesirable outcome, we take advantage of the early agglomeration phenomenon
140                                         Here we take advantage of the extensive diversity of Heliconi
141                                         Here we take advantage of the extensive interaction and expre
142    In an effort to overcome these divisions, we take advantage of the extraordinary morphological div
143                                              We take advantage of the fact that all the proposed algo
144                               In this study, we take advantage of the gradual acquisition of the ABCB
145                                        Here, we take advantage of the high compliance and large elast
146                                              We take advantage of the high resolution of TEM to demon
147                                              We take advantage of the hydrodynamic interaction with a
148 s concentration above the noise level, where we take advantage of the improved sensitivity to detect
149                                        Here, we take advantage of the isolation of West Indian land-b
150                                        Here, we take advantage of the large and slowly developing SP
151                                         Here we take advantage of the leaky tetracycline promoter sys
152                                        Here, we take advantage of the molecular identification of the
153                               In this study, we take advantage of the natural fluorescence of the 1,N
154                                         Here we take advantage of the novel electronic phenomena emer
155                                         Here we take advantage of the orderly mapping of direction se
156                                         Here we take advantage of the properties of solutions of enca
157                                         Here we take advantage of the reactive acylphosphate group in
158                                         Here we take advantage of the recently published Daphnia pule
159                                        Here, we take advantage of the recently published structure of
160                                    Moreover, we take advantage of the system to provide evidence that
161                                In this study we take advantage of the translucency and genetic tracta
162                                     Finally, we take advantage of the unique perspective of this vari
163                                         Here we take advantage of the water solubility of pradimicin
164                                         Here we take advantage of the well-studied gene regulatory ne
165                             In this article, we take advantage of the whole-cell perspective of the s
166                                        Here, we take advantage of the yeast prion, [PSI (+)], to unco
167                                              We took advantage of the 1918 virus sequencing and the r
168                               In this study, we took advantage of the ability of 2'-O-ribose modifica
169                                    Moreover, we took advantage of the ability of the ATPase Thorase t
170                                              We took advantage of the ability to easily induce metamo
171                                              We took advantage of the age-dependent formation of iBAL
172                                        Here, we took advantage of the availability of a high-quality
173                     To accomplish this goal, we took advantage of the bioorthogonal chemical reporter
174                          In the first route, we took advantage of the C2 symmetry of (3R,4R)-3,4-dihy
175                                        Here, we took advantage of the cell-associated nature of RSV p
176 versity, organization, and function of EVEs, we took advantage of the contiguity associated with long
177                                              We took advantage of the disrupted chemosensory behavior
178                                              We took advantage of the divergent actions of PPARbeta/d
179                                        Here, we took advantage of the Drosophila heart model to exami
180 lular environment that these changes create, we took advantage of the Drosophila model system and use
181                                         Here we took advantage of the efficiency and high throughput
182                                    For that, we took advantage of the electroactivity of certain clin
183                         In the present study we took advantage of the evolutionary conservation in th
184  SC neuron physiology might impact behavior, we took advantage of the fact that in deep layers of the
185 plasma membrane targeting and VLP formation, we took advantage of the fact that M1 can interact with
186                                         Here we took advantage of the fact that the LINC (linker of n
187 itative contributions of stromal adipocytes, we took advantage of the FAT-ATTAC mice (apoptosis throu
188                                        Here, we took advantage of the gamma-retroviral life cycle and
189                                              We took advantage of the GlyT2-Cre mouse line (both male
190                               In this study, we took advantage of the high degree of polyclonality in
191                      In the second approach, we took advantage of the high immunogenicity of the V1 l
192                                In this work, we took advantage of the high intrinsic oxygen reduction
193                                In this study we took advantage of the high number of CD8(+)NK1.1(+) T
194                        In the present study, we took advantage of the high spatial resolution of a re
195 eral mechanisms may limit maximal responses, we took advantage of the high-conductance form of the mo
196                  To investigate this effect, we took advantage of the hybrid vigor and genetic unifor
197                                              We took advantage of the improved size resolution of the
198                                              We took advantage of the increased nanotunnel frequency
199                                              We took advantage of the inherent feature of the polycis
200                                              We took advantage of the intrinsic genomic instability a
201                                              We took advantage of the iron-dependent catalytic activi
202                        In the present study, we took advantage of the known changes in olfactory cort
203                              In this report, we took advantage of the large size of a rat auditory gl
204                    To address this question, we took advantage of the large size of giant reticulospi
205                     To address these issues, we took advantage of the link between hemizygous deletio
206                                        Here, we took advantage of the local synchrony of the differen
207                               In this study, we took advantage of the low-inflammation model of dendr
208                                In this study we took advantage of the major differences in hepcidin e
209                                              We took advantage of the many tools for probing alloster
210 d phosphatase domain are retained in Mm-VSP, we took advantage of the modular nature of these domains
211                                        Then, we took advantage of the multi-array feature of SPRi to
212 nature of UL with t(12;14)(q14-q15;q23-q24), we took advantage of the multiple UL arising as independ
213 tide biological actions required the IGF-IR, we took advantage of the murine C2C12 cell line as a pla
214                                              We took advantage of the natural competition between the
215                                         Here we took advantage of the natural tropism of Nipah virus
216                                              We took advantage of the nitrogen (N)-limitation-induced
217                               In this study, we took advantage of the observation that the external l
218                          To accomplish this, we took advantage of the optical reporter construct, whi
219 gate the factors that lead to aging defects, we took advantage of the OT-II TCR-transgenic (Tg) mouse
220                                              We took advantage of the pandemic 2009 A(H1N1) influenza
221                                     To do so we took advantage of the pH dependence of parallel Hoogs
222                  To circumvent this problem, we took advantage of the phagocytic property of trabecul
223                                              We took advantage of the phenomenon of heterofertilizati
224  apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii In doing so, we took advantage of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor zap
225                                In this work, we took advantage of the photoinduced decarbonylative re
226                    To address this question, we took advantage of the plant model system Arabidopsis
227                                              We took advantage of the plant-pollinator relationship b
228                       To address this issue, we took advantage of the power of molecular genetics of
229                                              We took advantage of the recent description of signal tr
230                                              We took advantage of the recent discovery of a novel spe
231                                        Here, we took advantage of the recent discovery that DNA methy
232                               In this study, we took advantage of the recent identification of Retro-
233                               In this study, we took advantage of the reported role of EphA4 in deter
234                                Specifically, we took advantage of the segregational properties of com
235  the in vivo role of codon usage in animals, we took advantage of the sensitivity and robustness of t
236       To search for small PvSUB1 inhibitors, we took advantage of the similarity of SUB1 with bacteri
237 ng cognitive control across frontal regions, we took advantage of the spatiotemporal resolution of in
238                                     Finally, we took advantage of the spectrum of known fluorescent p
239                                        Here, we took advantage of the spontaneous enhanced endocytic
240                                              We took advantage of the stereotyped and well-characteri
241                                         Here we took advantage of the temporal precision and cell-typ
242                               In this study, we took advantage of the tumor-associated expression of
243                                              We took advantage of the universal rate-accuracy trade-o
244                                              We took advantage of the unusual genomic organization of
245 e functional significance of these variants, we took advantage of the Usp9x knockout mouse we generat
246                                              We took advantage of the wall architecture of the unicel
247 targets and cofactors of the Brahma complex, we took advantage of the weak dominant nature of the snr
248                               In this study, we took advantage of the Xenopus egg extract system to a
249                                              We took advantage of the Xenopus embryo, which exhibits
250                                              We took advantage of the Xenopus laevis expression syste
251                                         Here we took advantage of the zebrafish larval infection mode
252                       To address this issue, we took advantage of the zebrafish model organism, which
253                                              We took advantage of the zebrafish sensory lateral line
254                                        Here, we take advantage of their unique electrical and rheolog
255                                              We took advantage of their resistance to primaquine to t
256                  This paper demonstrates how we take advantage of these additional related phenotypes
257                                              We take advantage of these characteristics and demonstra
258                                              We took advantage of these differences to search for a p
259                                              We took advantage of these findings to develop a longer-
260                                              We took advantage of these publicly available datasets a
261 quirement of Calpha-H...O=C mediated motifs; we took advantage of these results to develop a structur
262                                         Here we take advantage of this complete lineage sequence to e
263                                         Here we take advantage of this easily accessible source of im
264                                              We take advantage of this fact to identify the host shif
265 be a partial cation-exchange method in which we take advantage of this lability to controllably synth
266                                        Here, we take advantage of this model to study dynamics of neu
267                                              We take advantage of this natural process and harness th
268                                         Here we take advantage of this new methodology to monitor the
269                                              We take advantage of this property to delay entangled im
270                                              We take advantage of this scheme to explore backbone dyn
271                                              We take advantage of this stereotyped fragmentation to s
272                               In this study, we take advantage of this unique phenotype to analyze th
273                                              We took advantage of this 3'UTR competition to address t
274                                         Here we took advantage of this deletion mutation to understan
275                                              We took advantage of this difference to examine the dete
276                                   Therefore, we took advantage of this endogenous regulatory mechanis
277                                        Here, we took advantage of this feature of ILY and developed a
278 rs living at the same altitude in the Andes, we took advantage of this human experiment of nature and
279 phobic, fluorescent semiconducting polymers, we took advantage of this large fluorescence anisotropy
280                                              We took advantage of this phenomenon to develop an assay
281                                 In this work we took advantage of this promiscuity of the enzyme to g
282                                        Here, we took advantage of this resource to characterize the D
283                                              We took advantage of this screening capability to map th
284 tes of adult blood, spleen, and bone marrow; we took advantage of this to directly compare the traffi
285                                              We took advantage of this unique architecture to perform
286                                              We took advantage of this unique solution property of De
287                                         Here we take advantage of tractable primary human lymphoid or
288                                In this study we took advantage of transforming growth factor-beta (TG
289  To validate our interneuron classification, we took advantage of transgenic animals with fluorescent
290                     To test this hypothesis, we took advantage of transgenic mice that expressed HB-E
291                                         Here we take advantage of two novel cellular approaches to di
292        As carriers for the targeted delivery we took advantage of two aptamers that bind to, and inhi
293  the impact of Gag on microdomain behaviors, we took advantage of two assays: an antibody-mediated co
294                    To address this question, we took advantage of two induced models of lupus-like ch
295                                              We took advantage of two locally camouflaged populations
296                                              We took advantage of two unique features of M13 phage, a
297                                         Here we took advantage of Ub variants (Ubvs) that bind tightl
298                                         Here we take advantage of unique developmental features of th
299                                              We take advantage of viable, null mutations in subunits
300                              To investigate, we take advantage of yeast cells wherein the neuronal CP

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